< Luke 16 >
1 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “There was a rich man whose steward was accused of squandering his possessions.
Agus a dubhairt sé fós ré na dheisciobluibh, Do bhí duine saidhbhir áirighe ann, aga raibh sdíobhard; agus do rinneadh casasoid ris air, gur dhíomháil sé a mhaóin.
2 So he called the steward in and said to him, ‘What is this I hear about yoʋ? Give an account of yoʋr stewardship, for yoʋ can no longer be steward.’
Agus ar na ghairm chuige dho, a dubhairt sé ris, Créd é so do chluinim ort?
3 The steward said to himself, ‘What should I do, now that my master is taking my stewardship away from me? I am not strong enough to dig, and I am ashamed to beg.
Agus a dubhairt an sdíobhard ris féin, Créd do dhéana mé? óir atá mo thighearna ag buáin na sdíobhardachda dhióm; ní héidiir leam roghmhar do dheanamh: agus is nair leam déirc iarruidh.
4 I know what I will do so that, when I am removed from my stewardship, people will receive me into their homes.’
Atá a fhios agam créd do dhéana mé, ionnas, an tan cuirfightear as an sdíobhardachd me, go ngéubhuidh síad chucha mé dá dtighthibh féin.
5 So he summoned each one of his master's debtors. He said to the first, ‘How much do yoʋ owe my master?’
Agus ar ngairm gach aóin leith dar dhligh a thighearna fiacha, a dubhairt sé ris an gcéd fhear, Gá mhéad a dhligheas mo thighearna dhíot?
6 The man said, ‘A hundred measures of oil.’ The steward said to him, ‘Take yoʋr bill, sit down quickly, and write fifty.’
Agus a seis ion, Céd miosúr ola. Agus a dubhairt seision ris, Gabh chugad do sgríbhina, agus suidh go lúath, agus sgríobh a deich agus dá fhithchead.
7 Then he said to another, ‘And how much do yoʋ owe?’ The man said, ‘A hundred measures of wheat.’ The steward said to him, ‘Take yoʋr bill and write eighty.’
Agus a dubhairt sé na dhiáigh sin ré duine eile, Créd dhlightear dhiotsa? Agus a dubhairt seision, Céad míosúr cruithneachda. Agus a dubhairt seision ris, Gabh chugad do sgríbhinn, agus sgriobh ceithre fithchid.
8 So the master commended the unrighteous steward because he had acted shrewdly. For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own generation than are the people of the light. (aiōn )
Agus do mhol an tighearna sdíobhard na héugcóra, do bhrigh go ndearuidh sé ní glic: oír is glíoca clann an tsáoghailsi ná clann an tsolais iona gcinél féin. (aiōn )
9 And I tell you, make friends for yourselves by means of unrighteous wealth so that when you die, those friends will receive you into eternal dwellings. (aiōnios )
Agus a deirinsi ribh, Déanuidh cáirde dhibh féin lé sáidhbhreas na héagcóra; ionnus an tráth bhías uireasbhuibh oruibh, go nglacfuidh sibh ann a lóisdinibh siorruidhe. (aiōnios )
10 “He who is faithful with very little is also faithful with much, and he who is dishonest with very little is also dishonest with much.
An tí atá ionnruic sa ní is lúgha ata sé ionnruic a móran; agus gidh bé atá éagcórach sa ní is lugha atá se éagcórach a mórán mar an gcéadna.
11 If then you have not been faithful with unrighteous wealth, who will entrust you with true riches?
Ar a nadhbharsin muna rabhabhairse fírinneacch ann sa tsaidhbhreas bhréagach, cia tháobhtas an saidhbhreas fírinneach ribh?
12 And if you have not been faithful with the property of another, who will give you property of your own?
Agus muna frioth ionnruic sibh a gcuid duine eile, cia bhearadh dhaóibh an ní is libh féin?
13 No servant can serve two masters, for either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.”
Ní héidir le searbhfoghantuidhe ar bith seirbhis do dhéanamh do dhá thighearna: óir biáiddh fúath aige do neach aca, agus grádh don dara fear; nó ceangalfuidh sé do dhuine aca, agus do bhéara sé tarcuisne ar an dara fear. Ní héidir libh seirbhís do dhéanamh do dhía agus do Mhammon.
14 Now the Pharisees, who were lovers of money, heard all these things and began ridiculing Jesus.
Agus do Chúaladar fós, na Phairisnigh sanntacha, na neithesi uile: agus do rinniodar fonomhad faóision.
15 So he said to them, “You present yourselves as righteous in the sight of men, but God knows your hearts. For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God.
Agus a dubhairt seision ríu, Is sibhsi an dream sháorus sibh féin a bhfíadhnuisi na ndaoine; achd is aithnid do Dia bhur griodhethe: óir an ní atá fá mhóirchion a bhfiádhnuisi na ndaóine atá sé gráineamhnil a bhfiádhnuisi Dé.
16 “The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John; since then the good news of the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone tries to force their way into it.
Do bhí an reachd agus na faighe ann go teachd Eóin: ó shin a leith atá rioghachd Dé dhá shiosgéuluhadh, agus atá gach uile dhuine ag déanamh foiréigin air.
17 But it is easier for heaven and earth to pass away than for one stroke of a letter to be dropped from the law.
Achd as usa neamh agus talamh do dhul thort, ná áonphunc don dligheaddh do thuitim.
18 “For example, any man who divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery, and any man who marries a woman divorced from her husband commits adultery.
Gibh bé neach léigeas a bhean, agus phósus bean eile, do ní sé adhaltrannas: agus gidh bé bhéir an bheansin do leigeadh ó a do ní sé adhaltrannas.
19 “Now there was a certain rich man who would dress in purple and fine linen, enjoying himself each day as he lived lavishly.
Achd do bhí duine saidhbhir áirgighe ann, agus is é bá héadach dhó purpuir agus sioda, agus do théigheaddh sé chum bídh go roshóghamhuil gach laói:
20 There was also a poor man named Lazarus, who was laid at the rich man's gate, covered with sores.
Achd do bhí duine bochd áirgighe ann, dar Lás, do bhí na luidhe agá gheatasan, lán do chréachduibh,
21 He longed to be filled with the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table, but instead the dogs would come and lick his sores.
Agus ler mhían é féin do shásadh leis an sbruileach do thuiteadh do bhórd an duine saidbhir: agus do thigdís na madruidhe, agus do ligheas chréachda.
22 Now the poor man died and was carried away by the angels to Abraham's side, and the rich man also died and was buried.
Agus tárla, go bhfuair an duine bochd bás, agus gur iomchradar na haingil go huchd Abramham é: agus mar an gcéadna fuáir an duine saidhbhir bás, agus do hadhluiceadh é;
23 As he was in torment in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham far off, and Lazarus at his side. (Hadēs )
Agus ar mbeith dhó a nifearn a bpíanuibh do thóg sé a shúile súas, agus do chunnairc sé Abraham a bhfád Uadh, agus Lasarus ann a uchd. (Hadēs )
24 So he called out and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am in agony in these flames.’
Agus ar néimhghe dhósan an tansin a dubhairt sé, A athair Abraham, déana tócaire oram, agus cuir Lásarus do thumadh barr amheóir a nuisge, agus dfúaradh mo theangtha: óir ataim dom roiphíanadh an sa lasairsi.
25 But Abraham said, ‘Son, remember that in yoʋr lifetime yoʋ received yoʋr good things, and in the same way Lazarus received bad things, but now he is here being comforted, while yoʋ are in agony.
Achd a dubhairt Abraham, A mhic, cuimhnigh gur ghlac tusaneithe maithe le linn do bheith béo, agus Lásarus mar an gceadna droch neithe: achd atá sólas aigesion a nois dá fhágháil, agus atá tusa dod phíanadh.
26 And besides all this, a great chasm has been set in place between you and us, so that those who want to cross over to you from here cannot do so, nor can anyone cross over to us from there.’
Agus do bhárr orrtha so uile, atá fodhomhain mhór ar na cur eadruinne agus sibhsi: ionnas nach Eidir leis na daóinibh lé budh mían é dul as so chugaibhsi: na teachd as sin, chuguinne.
27 The rich man said, ‘Then I beg yoʋ, father, to send Lazarus to my father's house,
Agus a dubhairt seision, Maseadh, íarruim ort a athair, eision do chur go tigh matharsa:
28 for I have five brothers. Let him warn them, so that they will not also come to this place of torment.’
Oir atáid cúigear dearbhrathar agam; do thabhairt sgéul dóibh, ionnus nach dtiocfaidh siadsan mar an gcéadna ann sa nionadsa na péine.
29 Abraham said to him, ‘They have Moses and the Prophets; they can listen to them.’
A deir Abraham ris, Atáid Maóisi agus na fáighe aca; éisdeadh síad riusan.
30 He said, ‘No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’
Achd a dubhairt seísion, Ní hamhluidh atá, a athair Abraham: achd dá ndeachd duine ó na marbhuibh chuca, do dhéaindis aithrighe.
31 But Abraham said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, neither will they be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.’”
Agus a dubhairt sé ris, Muna néisdidh siad ré Maóisi agus ris na fáighibh, dá néirgheadh duine ó mharbhuibh féin, ni chredidís dó.