< Revelation 4 >

1 After these things, I looked and lo, a door was open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard, was as of a trumpet talking with me. It said, Come up hither; and I will show thee the things that must occur hereafter.
μετα ταυτα ειδον και ιδου θυρα ηνεωγμενη εν τω ουρανω και η φωνη η πρωτη ην ηκουσα ως σαλπιγγος λαλουσης μετ εμου λεγων αναβα ωδε και δειξω σοι α δει γενεσθαι μετα ταυτα
2 Instantly, I was in the Spirit: and lo, a throne was placed in heaven; and there was one seated on the throne.
ευθεως εγενομην εν πνευματι και ιδου θρονος εκειτο εν τω ουρανω και επι τον θρονον καθημενος
3 And he who sat, was like the appearance of a jasper-stone, and of a sardine sard, and of a rainbow of the clouds, round about the throne, in form as the appearance of emeralds.
και ο καθημενος ομοιος ορασει λιθω ιασπιδι και σαρδιω και ιρις κυκλοθεν του θρονου ομοιος ορασει σμαραγδινω
4 Around the throne were twenty and four seats; and upon those seats sat twenty and four Elders, who were clothed in white robes, and on whose heads were coronets of gold.
και κυκλοθεν του θρονου {VAR1: θρονοι } {VAR2: θρονους } εικοσι τεσσαρες και επι τους θρονους εικοσι τεσσαρας πρεσβυτερους καθημενους περιβεβλημενους {VAR2: εν } ιματιοις λευκοις και επι τας κεφαλας αυτων στεφανους χρυσους
5 And from the throne proceeded lightnings, and the sound of thunders; and seven lamps of fire were burning before his throne, which are the seven Spirits of God.
και εκ του θρονου εκπορευονται αστραπαι και φωναι και βρονται και επτα λαμπαδες πυρος καιομεναι ενωπιον του θρονου α εισιν τα επτα πνευματα του θεου
6 And before the throne, as it were a sea of glass like crystal; and in the midst of the throne, and around it, and before the throne, were four Animals, full of eyes in their front and in their rear.
και ενωπιον του θρονου ως θαλασσα υαλινη ομοια κρυσταλλω και εν μεσω του θρονου και κυκλω του θρονου τεσσαρα ζωα γεμοντα οφθαλμων εμπροσθεν και οπισθεν
7 And the first Animal resembled a lion; and the second Animal resembled a calf; and the third Animal had a face like a man; and the fourth Animal resembled an eagle when flying.
και το ζωον το πρωτον ομοιον λεοντι και το δευτερον ζωον ομοιον μοσχω και το τριτον ζωον εχων το προσωπον ως ανθρωπου και το τεταρτον ζωον ομοιον αετω πετομενω
8 And these four Animals had, each of them, six wings around it: and within they were full of eyes: and they have no cessation, day or night, from saying: Holy, Holy, Holy, the Lord God, the Omnipotent, who was, and is, and is to come.
και τα τεσσαρα ζωα εν καθ εν αυτων εχων ανα πτερυγας εξ κυκλοθεν και εσωθεν γεμουσιν οφθαλμων και αναπαυσιν ουκ εχουσιν ημερας και νυκτος λεγοντες αγιος αγιος αγιος κυριος ο θεος ο παντοκρατωρ ο ην και ο ων και ο ερχομενος
9 And when these Animals give glory and honor and praise to him that sitteth on the throne, to him who liveth for ever and ever, (aiōn g165)
και οταν δωσουσιν τα ζωα δοξαν και τιμην και ευχαριστιαν τω καθημενω επι {VAR1: του θρονου } {VAR2: τω θρονω } τω ζωντι εις τους αιωνας των αιωνων (aiōn g165)
10 the twenty and four Elders fall down before him who sitteth on the throne, and they worship him who liveth for ever and ever; and they cast their coronets before the throne, saying, (aiōn g165)
πεσουνται οι εικοσι τεσσαρες πρεσβυτεροι ενωπιον του καθημενου επι του θρονου και προσκυνησουσιν τω ζωντι εις τους αιωνας των αιωνων και βαλουσιν τους στεφανους αυτων ενωπιον του θρονου λεγοντες (aiōn g165)
11 Worthy art thou, O Lord our God, the Holy, to receive glory and honor and power; for thou hast created all things, and by thee they exist; and because of thy pleasure they had being and were created.
αξιος ει ο κυριος και ο θεος ημων λαβειν την δοξαν και την τιμην και την δυναμιν οτι συ εκτισας τα παντα και δια το θελημα σου ησαν και εκτισθησαν

< Revelation 4 >