Aionian Verses
But I say to you, That every one who is angry with his brother rashly, is obnoxious to judgment: and every one that saith to his brother, Raka! is obnoxious to the council: and every one that shall say, Fool is obnoxious to hell-fire. (Geenna )
Lakini nikabhajobhela j'hej'hioha j'haikan'dadila ndongomunu ibetakuj'ha mu hukumu. Na j'hej'hioha j'haibetakumbola ndongomunu kuj'ha, 'Bhebhe ndo munu j'haghwilondeka lepi!' ibetakuj'ha mu hatari j'ha baraza. Ni j'hej'hioha j'haijobha, 'Bhebhe n'jinga!' ibetakuj'ha mu hatari j'ha muoto bhwa jehanamu. (Geenna )
If therefore thy right eye make thee offend, pluck it out, and cast it from thee; because it is better for thee that thy one member perish, than that thy whole body fall into hell. (Geenna )
Na kama lihu lya bhebhe lya kulia likusababisya kwikungufula, libhosiaj'hi na ulitaghai kutali nu bhebhe. Kwa kuj'ha ndo afadhali kiungo kimonga mu m'bele bhwako kyonangikai kuliko m'bele bhuoha kutangibhwa jehanamu. (Geenna )
And if thy right hand make thee offend, cut it off, and cast it from thee; because it is better for thee that one of thy members perish, than that thy whole body fall into hell. (Geenna )
Ni kama kiubhoko kya bhebhe kya kulia kikusababishila kwikungufula, dumulayi kisha utaghai patali nabhi. Kwandabha ni afadhali kiungo kimonga mu mbele bhwaku kuliko m'bele bhuoha kusopibhwa jehanamu. (Geenna )
And be not afraid of them that kill the body, but cannot kill the soul; but be afraid rather of Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell. (Geenna )
Musibhatili bhala ambabho bhikhoma m'bhele lakini bhaj'helepi ni bhuwezo bhwa kukhoma roho. Badala j'hiakhe, mwuntilaghe j'hola ambaj'he j'haibhwesya kuj'hangamisya m'b'ele ni roho khola kuzimu. (Geenna )
And thou, Capernaum, which hast been lifted up to heaven, shalt be brought down to the grave. For if those deeds of power which were done in thee, had been done in Sodom, it would have stood to this day. (Hadēs )
Bhebhe, Kapernaum, ghwidhanila ghwibetakuj'hinulibhwa hadi kumbinguni? Lepi ghwibeta kuselesibhwa hadi pasi kuzimu. Kama kwa Sodoma ni kubhombibhwa matendo mabhaha, kama kyaghabhombiki kwa bhebhe, ngaj'hij'hele hadi lelu. (Hadēs )
And whoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it will be forgiven him: but whoever shall speak against the Holy Spirit, it will not be forgiven him; not in this world, and not in the world to come. (aiōn )
. Na j'hej'hioha j'haijobha lilobhi kinyume kya Mwana ghwa Adamu, e'lu libetakusamehebhwa. Lakini j'hej'hioha j'hola j'haijobha kinyume ni Roho Mtakatifu, oj'hu ibetalepi kusamehebhwa mu bhulimwengu obho, na bhwala bhola bhwa bhwihida. (aiōn )
And that which was sowed among thorns, is he that heareth the word; and care for this world and the deceptiveness of riches, choke the word; and he is without fruits. (aiōn )
Jhaabhyalibhu kati j'ha mabehe ghya mifwa oj'ho ndo j'hola j'haap'heliki lilobhi lakini malombosi gha bhulimwengu ni bhusiobhi bhwa bhutajiri bhukalisiobha lela lilobhi lisihidi likahogola matunda. (aiōn )
The enemy that sowed them, is Satan. The harvest is the end of the world: and the reapers are the angels. (aiōn )
Na mavuno ndo mwisu ghwa bhulimwengu, na bhavunaji ndo malaika. (aiōn )
As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so will it be in the end of the world. (aiōn )
Kama vile maghogho kyaghibhonganibhwa ni kunyanyibhwa muoto, efyo ndivyo kyaj'hibeta kuj'ha mwisu ghwa bhulimwengu. (aiōn )
So will it be in the end of the world. The angels will go forth, and will sever the wicked from among the just; (aiōn )
J'hibeta kuj'ha namna ej'he mu mwisu ghwa dunia. Malaika bhibetakuhida ni kubhatenga bhanu bhaovu kuh'oma miongoni mwa bhenye haki. (aiōn )
Also I say to thee, that thou art Cephas: and upon this rock, I will build my church: and the gates of death shall not triumph over it. (Hadēs )
Nani pia nikabhajobhela kuj'ha bhebhe Petro, na panani pa muamba obhu nibetakulijenga likanisa lya nene. Miliangu ghya kuzimi ghib'hetalepi kulilenda. (Hadēs )
If then thy hand or thy foot make thee stumble, cut it off and cast it from thee: for it is good for thee to enter into life lame or mutilated, and not that, with two hands or two feet, thou fall into eternal fire. (aiōnios )
kama kibhoko kya bhebhe au kigolo kikakusababishilayi kudada, uudumulayi ni kuutagha patali nabhi. Kinofu zaidi kwa bhebhe kujhingila mu bhuzima bila kibhoko au kilema, kuliko kutaghibhwa mu muoto bhwa milele akaj'helayi ni mabhoko ghoha ni magolo ghoha. (aiōnios )
And if thine eye make thee stumble, pluck it out and cast it from thee: for it is good for thee to enter into life with one eye, and not that, with two eyes, thou fall into the hell of fire. (Geenna )
Kama lihu lya j'hobhi likakudadisiayi ulibhosiayi na ulitaghai kutali nabhi. Na kinofu zaidi kwa bhebhe uj'hingilayi hosi mu bhusima ni lihu limonga, kuliko kutaghibhwa mu muoto bhwa milele ukaj'helayi ni mihu ghoha. (Geenna )
And one came, drew near, and said to him: Good Teacher, what good thing must I do, that eternal life may be mine? (aiōnios )
Langai munu mmonga akahida kwa Yesu ni kujobha, “Mwalimu, khenu gani kinofu kyanilondeka kubhomba ili nikabhai bhusima bhwa milele?” (aiōnios )
And every man that relinquisheth houses, or brothers or sisters, or father or mother, or wife or children, or lands, for my name's sake, shall receive an hundredfold, and shall inherit eternal life. (aiōnios )
Kila mmonga bhinu j'ha alekili nyumba, kaka, dada. tata, mabhu, bhana, au n'gonda kwa ndabha j'ha lihina lya nene, ibeta kupokela mara mia ni kubhurithi bhuzima bhwa milele. (aiōnios )
And he saw a fig-tree by the way, and came to it and found nothing on it, except leaves only. And he said to it: There shall no more be fruit on thee for ever. And immediately the fig-tree withered. (aiōn )
Abhubhuene libehe kandokando j'ha barabara, akabhulotela, lakini akabhilepi khenu juu jhiakhe isipokujha matondo. Akabhujobhela, “Kusijhi ni matunda mu libehe o'mo daima kabhele.” Na mara ejhu libehe lela likayoma. (aiōn )
Woe to you, Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites: for ye traverse sea and land to make one proselyte; and when he is gained, ye make him a child of hell twofold more than yourselves. (Geenna )
Mwilobhoka kwiselya jha bahari ni kufika kummbomba munu mmonga jhaiamini ghala gha mughamanyisi, na paijha kama muenga, mwibhomba mara mbili mwana ghwa jehanamu kama muenga mwebhene kyamujhele. (Geenna )
Ye serpents, ye race of vipers: how can ye escape the condemnation of hell? (Geenna )
Muenga mayoka, bhana bha vipiribao, kibhuli mkajhiyepa hukumu jha jehanamu? (Geenna )
And as Jesus sat on the mount of Olives, his disciples came, and said between themselves and him: Tell us when these things are to be; and what will be the sign of thy coming, and of the consummation of the world. (aiōn )
Na bhoatamili pa Kid'onda kya Mizeituni, bhanafunzi bha muene bhakandotela kwa faragha ni kujobha, “Tujobhilayi, mambo agha ghibetakuh'omela ndali? Khenu khelekhu kibetakujha dalili jha kuhida kwa bhebhe ni mwisho ghwa dunia?” (aiōn )
Then will he say also to them on his left hand: Go from me, ye accursed, into everlasting fire, which was prepared for the Calumniator and his angels, (aiōnios )
Ndipo ibetakubhajobhela abhu bhabhajhele kibhokho kya muene kya kushoto, 'Mubhokayi kwa nene, mwamulaanibhu, mulotayi mu muoto bhwa milele bhwabhujhandalibhu kwa ndabha jha lisyetani ni malaika bha muene, (aiōnios )
And these will go into everlasting torment, and the righteous into everlasting life. (aiōnios )
Abha bhibetakulota mu adhabu jha milele bali bhenye haki mu bhusima bhwa milele. (aiōnios )
And teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. And, behold, I am with you always, unto the consummation of the worlds Amen. Completion of the Holy Gospel as published by Matthew; and which he published in Hebrew, in the land of the Palestineans. (aiōn )
Mubhamanyisiajhi kughati mambo ghoha ghanibhaamuriri, Na langajhi, nene nijhele pamonga namu daima, hata mpaka mwisho ghwa dunia. (aiōn )
but whoever shall blaspheme against the Holy Spirit, to him for ever there is no forgiveness; but he is obnoxious to eternal judgment. (aiōn , aiōnios )
lakini jhejhioha jhaibeta kun'situ Roho Mtakatifu ibetalepi kusamehebhwa kamwe bali ajhele ni hatia jha dhambi jha milele”. (aiōn , aiōnios )
and the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, and the residue of other lusts enter in and choke the word, and it is without fruits. (aiōn )
lakini malombosi gha dunia, bhusiobhi bhwa mali, ni tamaa sya mambo ghangi ghakabhajhingila ni kulijhoghaniya lilobhi na lisindwa kuhogola matunda. (aiōn )
And if thy hand make thee offend, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than, having two hands, to go into hell; (Geenna )
Kama kibhoko Kya bhebhe kikukosili kidumulayi. Ni heri kujhingila mu bhusima bila kibhoko kuliko kujhingila mu hukumu ujhele ni mabhoko ghoha mu muoto “bhwabhwisimalepi”. (Geenna )
And if thy foot make thee offend, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life lamed, than, having two feet, to fall into hell; (Geenna )
Kama kigolo kya bhebhe kikukosili dumulayi. Ni kinofu kwa bhebhe kujhingila mu bhuzima ukajhiajhi kilema, kuliko kutaghibhwa mu hukumu ni magolo ghoha mabhele. (Geenna )
And if thy eye make thee offend, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter with one eye into the kingdom of God, than, having two eyes, to fall into the hell of fire; (Geenna )
Kama lihu lya bhebhe likakukoselayi, libhosiayi. Ni kinofu kwa bhebhe kujhingila mu bhufalme bhwa K'yara ni lihu limonga, kuliko kujha ni mihu ghoha mabhele ni kutaghibhwa kuzimu. (Geenna )
And as he walked in the way, one ran and fell upon his knees, and asked him, and said: Good Teacher, what must I do, to inherit eternal life? (aiōnios )
Na bho ajhandili safari jha muene munu mmonga akan'jumbilila ni kupiga magoti mbele jha muene, akan'kota, Mwalimu nnofu, niketajhi kiki ili nibhwesijhi kubhurithi bhuzima bhwa milele?” (aiōnios )
who will not receive a hundredfold, here in the present time, houses, and brothers and sisters, and mothers and children, and lands, with persecution; and in the world to come eternal life. (aiōn , aiōnios )
ambajhe ibetalepi kujhamb'elela zaidi jha mara mia zaidi jha henu apa pa duniani: nyumba, kaka, dada, mabhu, bhana, ni ndema, kwa malombosi, ni bhulimwengu bhwa bhwihida, bhuzima bhwa milele. (aiōn , aiōnios )
And he said to it: Henceforth and for ever, let no man eat fruit from thee: and the disciples heard it. And they came to Jerusalem. (aiōn )
Abhojobhili, “Ajhelepi jhejhioha jha ibeta kulya litunda kuh'omela kwa bhebhe kabhele”. Ni bhanafunzi bha muene bhakap'eleka. (aiōn )
And he will reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his reign there will be no end. (aiōn )
Ibeta kutawala panani pa lukholo lwa Yakobo milele ni ufalme bhwa muene wibetalepi kujha ni mwisho. (aiōn )
(as he spoke with the fathers, ) with Abraham and his seed, for ever. (aiōn )
(Kama kyaajobhili kwa bhadadi jhitu) kwa Abrahamu ni uzao bhwa muene milele.” (aiōn )
as he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, who were of old, (aiōn )
Kama kyaajobhili kwa kinywa kya manabii bha muene bhabhajhele kuhoma muandi. (aiōn )
And they besought him, not to command them to depart into the abyss. (Abyssos )
Bhakajhendelela kun'sihi usituamuru tulolayi mu lilende. (Abyssos )
And thou Capernaum, that art lifted up to heaven, shalt be brought down to hell. (Hadēs )
Bhebhe Karperinaumu, wifikiri wibeta kujhinulibhwa hadi kumbinguni? Lepi wibetakuselesibhwa pasi hadi kuzimu (Hadēs )
And behold, a Scribe stood up to try him, and said: Teacher, what must I do, to inherit eternal life? (aiōnios )
Langayi, mwalimu fulani ghwa sheria jha kiyahudi ajhemili ni kun'jaribu, akajobha, “Mwalimu, niketa kiki ili niurithi uzima bhwa milele?” (aiōnios )
But I will show you, of whom to be afraid: of him who, after he hath killed, hath authority to cast into hell. Yea, say I to you: be afraid of him. (Geenna )
Lakini nikabhaonya jhamwibeta kuntila. Muntilayi jhola ambajhe baada jha kuhoma, ajheni mamlaka gha kutagha jehanamu. Ena, nikabhajobhela muenga muntilayi ojho. (Geenna )
And our Lord praised the unrighteous steward, for having acted sagaciously: for the children of this world are more sagacious than the children of light, in this their generation. (aiōn )
bwana jhola akan'sifu meneja dhalimu kwa vile kyaabhombili kwa wereu. Kwa kujha bhanu bha ulimwengu obho bherevu bhingi na bhishughulika kwa ujanja ni bhanu bha lubhafu lwa bhene kuliko kya bhajhele bhana bha nuru. (aiōn )
And I also say to you: Make to yourselves friends, with this unrighteous mammon; so that when it is finished, they may receive you to their everlasting tabernacles. (aiōnios )
Nani nikabhajobhela mwikibhekayi marafiki kwa mali gha udhalimu ili pajhibeta kukosekana bhabhakaribisiajhi mu makao gha milele. (aiōnios )
And being tormented in hell, he raised his eyes from afar off, and saw Abraham, and Lazarus in his bosom. (Hadēs )
Ni khola kuzimu paajhele mu malombosi akaghajhinula mihu gha muene akambona Ibrahimu kwa patali ni Lazaro pakifua kya muene. (Hadēs )
And one of the chiefs asked him, and said to him: Good Teacher, what shall I do, that I may inherit eternal life? (aiōnios )
Mtawala mmonga akan'kota, akajobha, 'mwalimu n'nofu, niketabhuli ili niurithiajhi uzima bhwa milele?' (aiōnios )
that shall not receive manifold in the present time, and, in the coming world, eternal life. (aiōn , aiōnios )
ambajhe jhaibeta lepi kupokela ghamehele zaidi mu ulimwengu obho, ni mu ulimwengu bhwawihida uzima bhwa milele.' (aiōn , aiōnios )
Jesus said to them: The children of this world take wives, and wives are given to husbands. (aiōn )
Yesu akabhajobhela, “Bhanu bha ulimwengu obho bhigega ni kugegikibhwa. (aiōn )
But they who are worthy of that world, and of the resurrection from the dead, do not take wives, nor are wives given to husbands. (aiōn )
Lakini bhala bhabhilondeka kupokela ufufuo bhwa bhafu ni kujhingila uzima bhwa milele bhigega lepi wala kugegikibhwa. (aiōn )
that every one who believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life eternal. (aiōnios )
ili kwamba bhoha bhabhibetakumwamini bhakabhayi uzima bhwa milele. (aiōnios )
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him, should not perish, but should have life eternal. (aiōnios )
Kwa maana jinsi ejhe K'yara abhuganili bhulimwengu, kwamba akambosya mwanamunu ghwa pekee, ili kwamba munu yeyioha jhaakamwamini asijhangamili bali ajhelayi ni uzima bhwa milele. (aiōnios )
He that believeth on the Son, hath life eternal; but he who obeyeth not the Son, shall not see life. but the wrath of God will abide upon him. (aiōnios )
Muene jha akamwamini Mwana ajhenabhu uzima bhwa milele, lakini kwa muene jha abelikun'tii ibetalepi kubhubhona bhuzima, bali ghadhabu jha K'yara jhikamulana panani pa muene. (aiōnios )
but whoever shall drink of the waters which I shall give him, will not thirst for ever; but the waters, which I shall give him, will be in him a fountain of waters, springing up unto life eternal. (aiōn , aiōnios )
lakini muene jha nibetakumpela nene masi anyuayi ibetalepi kukabha kiu kabhele. Badala yiake masi gha nibetakumpela ghibetakujha chemichemi jhajhibubujika hata milele.” (aiōn , aiōnios )
And he that reapeth, receiveth wages, and gathereth fruits unto life eternal; and the sower and the reaper equally rejoice. (aiōnios )
Muene jhaivuna ipokela mishahara ni kukusanya matunda kwa ndabha jha bhusima bhwa milele, ili kwamba muene jha ipanda ni jha ivuna bhahobhelelayi pamonga. (aiōnios )
Verily, verily, I say to you, That he who heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath life eternal, and will not come into condemnation, but hath passed from death to life. (aiōnios )
Aminiajhi, aminiajhi, jhaipeleka lilobhi lyangu ni kumwamini muene jhaanitumili ajhe nabhu bhusima bhwa milele na ibetalepi kuhukumibhwa. Badala jhiake, apetili kuh'omela mautini ni kujhingila mu bhuzima. (aiōnios )
Search the scriptures; for in them, ye think, there is life eternal for you; and they testify of me. (aiōnios )
Mkaghalanga majhandiku mwikiera omu bhujhele bhusima bhwa milele, ni majhandiku agha ghishuhudila habari sya nene ni (aiōnios )
Labor not for the food that perisheth, but for the food that abideth unto life eternal, which the Son of man will give to you; for him hath God the Father sealed. (aiōnios )
Mulekayi kukibhombela mbombo kyakulya kya kijonangiki, bali mukibhombelayi mbombo kyakulya kyakisindamala hata milele khela ambakyo Mwana ghwa Adamu ibetakubhapela, kwa kujha K'yara Dadi abhekhili muhuri panani pa muene.” (aiōnios )
For this is the pleasure of my Father, that every one who seeth the Son, and believeth on him, should have life eternal; and I will raise him up at the last day. (aiōnios )
Kwa kujha aghu ndo mapenzi gha Dadi jhangu, kujha jhejhioha jha ikanganga Muana ni kun'kiera akabhayi uzima bhwa milele; nani nibetakumfufula ligono lya mwishu. (aiōnios )
Verily, verily, I say to you: That, to him who believeth in me, there is life eternal. (aiōnios )
Muaminiayi, muaminiayi muene jha ikiera ajhenabhu bhusima bhwa milele. (aiōnios )
I am the bread of life, who have come down from heaven: and if a man shall eat of this bread, he will live for ever. And the bread which I shall give, is my body, which I give for the life of the world. (aiōn )
Nene na n'kate ghwa ghwiishi ambabho uselili kuhomela kumbinguni. Kama munu jhejhioha akaliayi sehemu jha n'kate obho ibetakutama milele. Nkate ghwanibetakubhubhosya ndo mb'ele bhwangu kwa ndabha jha bhusima bhwa ulimwengu.” (aiōn )
But he that eateth of my body, and drinketh of my blood, to him is life eternal; and I will raise him up at the last day (aiōnios )
Jhejhioha jhaibetakulya mb'ele ghwangu ni kunywa damu jha nene nibetakumfufula ligono lya mwishu. (aiōnios )
This is the bread that came down from heaven: not as your fathers ate the manna, and died; whoever shall eat of this bead, will live for ever. (aiōn )
Obho ndo n'kate ghwaghuselili kuh'omela kumbinguni, sio kama kyabhalili bhadadi jhinu bhafuili. Muene jhaibetakulya n'kate obho ibetakutama milele. (aiōn )
Simon Cephas replied, and said: My Lord, to whom shall we go? The words of life eternal are with thee. (aiōnios )
Simoni Petro akan'jibu, “Bwana tulotayi kwa niani kwani bhebhe ujhe ni malobhi gha bhusima bhwa milele, (aiōnios )
And a servant abideth not for ever in the house; but the Son abideth for ever. (aiōn )
N'tumwa itamalepi kunyumba mda ghuoha; muana itamisya mda ghuoha. (aiōn )
Verily, verily, I say to you: He that keepeth my word, will never see death. (aiōn )
Aminiayi, aminiayi, nikabhajobhela, iwapo jhejhioha jhaibetakulikamula lilobhi lyangu, ibetalepi kubhona mauti kamwe.” (aiōn )
The Jews say to him: Now we know, that thou hast a demon. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; yet thou sayest: He that keepeth my word, will never taste death. (aiōn )
Bhayahudi bhakan'hobhela, “Henu tumanyili kujha ujhe ni pepo. Abrahamu ni manabii bhafuili; lakini ghwijobha, 'Ikajhiajhi munu ibetakulikamula lilobhi lyangu, ibetakubhonja lepi mauti'. (aiōn )
Never hath it been heard, that any one opened the eyes of one born blind. (aiōn )
Kuh'omela kujhanda kwa ulimwengu jhibhwayilepi kamwe kupelekibhwa kujha jhejhioha jhaifumbula mihu gha munu jha ahogoliki kipofu. (aiōn )
And I give to them life eternal: and they will never be lost: nor will any one pluck them from my hand. (aiōn , aiōnios )
Nibhapelili uzima bhwa milele; bhibetalepi kujhangamila kamwe, na ajhelepi hata mmonga jhaibetakunyakula kuhoma mumabhoko ghangu. (aiōn , aiōnios )
And every one that liveth, and believeth in me, will not die for ever. Believest thou this? (aiōn )
ni muene jha itama ni kunikiera nene ibetalepi kufwa. Ghwikiera e'le?” (aiōn )
He that loveth his life, will lose it; and he that hateth his life, in this world, will preserve it unto life everlasting. (aiōnios )
Jhaabhuganili uhai bhwa muene ibetakubhujhasya; bali jhaabhudadili uhai bhwa muene pa uloimwengu obho ibetakubhusalimisya hata uzima bhwa milele. (aiōnios )
The multitude said to him: We have heard from the law, that the Messiah abideth for ever: and how sayest thou, that the Son of man is to be lifted up? Who is this Son of man? (aiōn )
Mkutano bhukan'jibu, “Tete tup'eliki ku sheria kujha Kristu ibetakutamisya hata milele. Ni bhe ghwijobhuli, 'Mwana ghwa Adamu lazima ajhinulibhwayi kunani'? Ojho Muana ghwa Munu niani?” (aiōn )
And I know that his commandment is life eternal. Therefore, these things which I speak, as my Father hath said to me, so I speak. (aiōnios )
Nani nimanyili kujha lilaghisu lya muene ni bhusima bhwa milele; basi aghu ndo ghanijobha nene - kama Dadi kyaanijobhili, ndo kyanibeta kujobha kwa bhene.” (aiōnios )
Simon Cephas said to him: Never shalt thou wash my feet. Jesus said to him: Unless I wash thee, thou hast no part with me. (aiōn )
Petro akan'jobhela, “Wibetalepi kunisambisya magolo gha nene kamwe.” Yesu ajibili, “Ikajhelayi nibetalepi kusambisya wibetalepi kujha ni sehemu pamonga ni nene.” (aiōn )
And I will ask of my Father, and he will give you another Comforter, that he may be with you for ever, (aiōn )
Na nibetakun'soka Dadi, Ni muene ibetakubhap'ela N'saidizi jhongi ili kujha abhwesiajhi kujha pamonga namu milele, (aiōn )
As thou hast given him authority over all flesh, that he might give life eternal to as many as thou hast given him. (aiōnios )
kama vile kyaghwampelili mamlaka juu jha fyoha fya fijhe ni mb'ele ili abhapelayi uzima bhwa milele bhala bhoha bha wampelili. (aiōnios )
And this is life eternal, that they may know thee, that thou art the only true God, and whom thou hast sent, Jesus Messiah. (aiōnios )
Obhu ndo uzima bhwa milele: kujha bhakumanyayi bhebhe, K'yara ghwa bhukweli ni ghwa pamisa, ni muene jhaandaghisi Yesu Kristu. (aiōnios )
For thou wilt not leave my soul in the grave, nor wilt thou give thy pious one to see corruption. (Hadēs )
Wibetalepi kujhileka nafsi jha nene jhilotayi kuzimu, wala wibetalepi kuruhusu mtakatifu ghwa jhobhi kulola uozo. (Hadēs )
And he foresaw, and spoke of the resurrection of Messiah, that he was not left in the grave, neither did his body see corruption. (Hadēs )
Alibhwene e'le manyata ni kujobha kuhusu ufufuo bhwa Kristu, wala alekibhulepi kuzimu, wala mbele ghwa muene ghwa bholi lepi. (Hadēs )
whom the heavens must retain, until the completion of the times of those things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of his holy prophets of old. (aiōn )
Muene ndo ambajhe lazima mbingu simpokelayi mpaka bhwakati bhwa kukerusibhwa kwa fenu fyoha ambafyo K'yara alonelili muandi kwa finywa fya manabii bha takatifu. (aiōn )
And Paul and Barnabas said openly: To you first, ought the word of God to be spoken; but because ye repel it from you, and decide, against yourselves, that ye are not worthy of life eternal, lo, we turn ourselves to the Gentiles. (aiōnios )
Lakini Paulo ni Barnaba bhalongili kwa ujasiri ni kujobha, “Jhajhemuhimu kwamba lilobhi lya K'yara lilongelibhwayi kwanza henu. Kwa kujha mkalisukumila patali kuhomela kwa muenga ni kwibhona kujha mkastahililepi uzima bhwa milele mulangayi twibeta kubhageukila mataifa. (aiōnios )
And when the Gentiles heard this, they rejoiced and glorified God. And those believed, who were appointed to life eternal. (aiōnios )
Mataifa bho bhap'eliki e'le, bhahobhelili ni kulisifila lilobhi lya Bwana. Bhingi bha bhasalibhu kwa uzima bhwa milele bhakyeriri. (aiōnios )
Known, from of old, are the works of God. (aiōn )
Efe ndo, kyaajobhili Bwana jhaabhombi mambo agha ghamanyikanayi kuhomela enzi sya muandi. (aiōn )
For, from the foundations of the world, the occult things of God are seen, by the intellect, in the things he created, even his eternal power and divinity; so that they might be without excuse; (aïdios )
Ndabha mambo gha muene ghaghabhonekeneghelepi kinofu ghajhele bhwasi kuhomela kubhombibhwa kwa ulimwengu. Ghijhelabhweka kup'etela fenu fyafibhombibhu. mambo agha ndo bhuweza bhwa muene bhwa milele ni asili jha bhu K'yara. Matokeo ghake, bhanu abha bhajhelepi ni bhudhuru. (aïdios )
And they changed the truth of God into a lie; and worshipped and served the created things, much more than the Creator of them, to whom belong glory and blessing, for ever and ever: Amen. (aiōn )
Ndo bhene bhabhajhisanuisi kweli jha K'yara kujha bhudesi, na bhabhaabuili ni kutumikila fiumbe badala jha muumbaji ambajhe isifibhwa milele. Amina (aiōn )
to them who, by perseverance in good works, seek for glory and honor and immortality, to them he will give life eternal; (aiōnios )
Kwa bhala ambabho kwa uthabiti bhwa matendo manofu bhalondili sifa, litengu, ni kubela kuharibika ibetakubhapela bhusima bhwa milele. (aiōnios )
So that, as sin had reigned in death, so grace might reign in righteousness unto life eternal, by means of our Lord Jesus Messiah. (aiōnios )
Ejhe jahomili ili kwamba, kama dhambi kyajhatabhwele mu kifo, ndo hata neema jhibhwesya kutabhwala kup”etela haki kwa ndabha jha maisha gha milele kup'et'ela Yesu Kristu Bwana bhitu. (aiōnios )
And now, as ye have been emancipated from sin, and have become servants to God, your fruits are holy; and the result thereof is life everlasting. (aiōnios )
Lakini kwa kujha henu mufungibhu huru patali ni dhambi na mubhombiki bhatumwa kwa K'yara, mujhe ni litunda kwandabha jha utakaso. Litokeo ndo bhusima bhwa milele. (aiōnios )
For the wages of sin is death; but the free gift of God is life eternal, through our Lord Jesus Messiah. (aiōnios )
Kwa kujha mshahara ghwa dhambi ndo mauti, bali zawadi jha bure jha K'yara ndo bhuzima bhwa milele kwa Kristu Yesu Bwana bhitu. (aiōnios )
and from among whom, Messiah appeared in the flesh, who is God over all; to whom be praises and benediction, for ever and ever; Amen. (aiōn )
Bhene bhalongolesi ambako Kristu ahidili kwa litengu kufuala mb'el'e obho - ambajhe muene ndo K'yara ghwa fyoha. Ni muene atufibhwajhi milele. Amina. (aiōn )
Or, Who descendeth to the abyss of the grave, and bringeth up Messiah from the place of the dead? (Abyssos )
Na usijobhi, 'Niani ibetakuselela mulilenda?”' (Ejhe ndo, kundeta Kristu panani kuhoma kwa bhafu). (Abyssos )
For God hath shut up all men in disobedience, that upon all men he might have mercy. (eleēsē )
Ndabha K'yara abhadendili bhanu bhoha mu kuasi, ili abhwesiajhi kubhahurumila bhoha. (eleēsē )
Because, all is from him, and all by him, and all through him: to whom be praises and benedictions, for ever and ever: Amen. (aiōn )
Kwa ndabha kuhoma kwa muene, ni kwa njela jha muene ni kwa muene, fenu fyoha fijhele. Kwa muene bhujhelayi utukufu milele. Amina. (aiōn )
And be not conformed to this world; but be ye transformed, by the renovation of your minds: and discern ye what is the good and acceptable and perfect pleasure of God. (aiōn )
Bhwala musijhikhesi namna jha dunia ejhe, bali msanusibhwayi kwa kubhomba kabhele nia sya muenga. Muketayi naha mkabhayi kumanya mapenzi gha K'yara ghaghajhele manofu, ghakumfurahisya ni kamilifu. (aiōn )
Now unto God, who is able to establish you, - (according to my gospel, which is proclaimed concerning Jesus Messiah; and according to the revelation of the mystery, which was hidden from the times that are past, (aiōnios )
Henu kwa muene jhajhe ni bhuwesu kubhomba mujhemayi kul'engana ni injili ni mafundisu gha Yesu Kristu, kul'engana ni bhufunuo bhwa siri jhajhafighibhu kwa muda bhutali, (aiōnios )
but is at this time revealed, by means of the scriptures of the prophets; and by the command of the eternal God, is made known to all the Gentiles, for the obedience of faith; ) (aiōnios )
lakini henu jhimali kufunulibhwa ni kubhombibhwa kumanyikana ni majhandiku gha bhunabii kul'engana ni amri jha K'yara ghwa milele, kwa bhutii bhwa imani miongoni mwa mataifa ghoha? (aiōnios )
to him who only is wise, be glory, through Jesus Messiah, for ever and ever: Amen. (aiōn )
Kwa K'yara muene jhaajhe ni hekima kup'et'ela Yesu Kristu, kujhelayi ni bhutukufu milele jhioha. Amina (aiōn )
Where is the wise? Or where is the scribe? Or where is the disputant of this world? Lo, hath not God showed, that the wisdom of this world is folly? (aiōn )
Ayele ndaku munu yayele ni busara? Ayendaku yayele ni elimu? Ayendaku nsemaji nshawishi wa dunia eye? Je, K'yara aigeuzi lepi hekima ya dunia eye kuya ujinga? (aiōn )
Yet we do speak wisdom, among the perfect; the wisdom not of this world, nor of the potentates of this world, who will come to naught. (aiōn )
Henu tilongela hekima miongoni mwa bhanu bhazima, lakini si hekima ya dunia eye, au ya bhatawala bha nyakati ese, ambabho bhabhilota. (aiōn )
But we speak the wisdom of God, in a mystery; the wisdom which was hidden, and which God predetermined before the world was, for our glory: (aiōn )
Badala yiaki, tilongela hekima ya K'yara mu ukueli waufihiki, hekima yaifihiki ambayu K'yara achaguili kabla ya nyakati sa utukufu watete. (aiōn )
which no one of the potentates of this world knew; for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. (aiōn )
Ayelelepi yeywoha yhola wa watawala bha nyakati ese yamanyili hekima eye, kama ngabhaimanyili mu nyakati sela, ngabhansulubishi lepi Bwana wa bhutukufu. (aiōn )
Let no one deceive himself. Whoever among you thinketh that he is wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise. (aiōn )
Munu akalokhwidanganya tivai yeywoha yhale miongoni mwayhomo udhani ayele ni hekima katika nyakati ese, ayele tivai, “Mjinga” ndipo ilokuya ni hekima. (aiōn )
Wherefore, if food is a stumbling-block to my brother, I will for ever eat no flesh, lest I should be a stumbling-block to my brother. (aiōn )
Henu, ikiwa kyakulya kisababisya kunkwaza mhaja ni ndhombho nilyalepi nyama kamwe, ili mkolokunsababishila mhaja ni ndhombho bhangu kubina. (aiōn )
All these things which befell them, were for an example to us; and they are written for our instruction, on whom the end of the world hath come. (aiōn )
Basi mambo aghu ghabhombiki kujo mifano kwa yhoto. ghayandikibhu ili kutuonya tete - tabhafikilibhu ni kumalika ki zamani. (aiōn )
Where is thy sting, O death? And where is thy victory, O grave? (Hadēs )
“Kifo, ushindi bhwa jhobhi ujhendaku? kifo, ujhendaku uchungu bhwa jhobhi?” (Hadēs )
to them whose minds the God of this world hath blinded, in order that they might not believe, lest the light of the gospel of the glory of the Messiah (who is the likeness of God) should dawn upon them. (aiōn )
Kup'etela kuchagula kwa bhene, K'yara wa ulimwengu obho abhapofuili uyelebhwa wa bhene wa ubekili kuamini. Matokeo ghaki, bhibhuesya lepi kubhona nulu ya injili ya utukufu wa Kristu, yaayele ndo mfuano wa K'yara. (aiōn )
For the affliction of the present time, though very small and light, prepareth for us great glory, without end, for ever and ever; (aiōnios )
Kwa kipindi kifupi eke, mateso agha malaini ghakatuyandala tete kwa jia ya umilele ubhaa wa utukufu wa uzidili fipemu fyoa. (aiōnios )
while we look not at these seen things, but at those not seen; for these seen things are temporary, but those not seen are eternal. (aiōnios )
Kwa ndabha tilangalepi kwajia ya fhenu fya fibhonekana, bali kwajia ya fhenu fya fibela kubhonekana. Fhenu fafibhuesya kubhonekana ni fya muda tu, bali fhenu fafibela kubhonekana ndo fya milele. (aiōnios )
For we know that, if our house on earth-this of the body, were dissolved, yet we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in heaven. (aiōnios )
Tumanyili ya kuwa kutya maskani gha ulimuengu ambagho gha tunaishi momuomu ghi halibibhwa, tuyele ni kuhomela kwa K'yara. Ni nyumba yaibele kutengenisibhwa ni mabhoko gha bhanadamu, bali ndo nyumba ya milele, kup'etela mbingu. (aiōnios )
As it is written, He hath dispersed and given to the poor; and his righteousness is established for ever. (aiōn )
Kutya kaayandiki: “Autawenye utajili ni kuupisya kwa bha masikini. Haki ya muene yidumu milele.” (aiōn )
God, the Father of our Lord Jesus the Messiah, blessed for ever and ever, he knoweth that I lie not. (aiōn )
K'yara ndo Dadi wa Bwana Yesu, muene ndo yaitukuzwa milele, yaamanyili kujo nene ni kofya lepi. (aiōn )
who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this evil world, agreeably to the pleasure of God our Father: (aiōn )
Yajipisili yumuene kwajia thambi sayhoto ndabha abhuesyakutokombola mu magono agha ghauovu, kup'etela mapenzi ghaki K'yara wayhoto na ni Dadi. (aiōn )
to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn )
Kwa muene uyela utukufu milele na milele. (aiōn )
He who soweth in the flesh, reapeth from the flesh corruption: and he who soweth in the Spirit, will from the Spirit reap life everlasting. (aiōnios )
Yuoayola yaipandai mbeyhu mu asili ya muene ya thambi alavuna uman'gasi, muene yaipandai mbiyhu mu roho, alavuna usima wa milele kupetela Roho. (aiōnios )
high above all principalities, and authorities, and powers, and lordships, and above every name that is named, not only in this world but also in that to come: (aiōn )
Atamiki Kristu panani ni patali ni utawala, mamlaka, nghofo, enzi, ni kila lihina lali tajibhwa. Atamika Yesu si kwa magono agha ni magono gha ghihida kabhele. (aiōn )
in the which ye before walked, according to the worldliness of this world, and according to the pleasure of the prince potentate of the air, that spirit which is active in the children of disobedience: (aiōn )
Yayele kup'etela agha kuanza mwalotili kulengana ni magono gha ulimwengu obho. Mwayele kulota kwa kufuata mtawala wa mamulaka gha kunani. Eye ndo roho yiaki yhola yaifuanya mbho mubhana bha kuasi. (aiōn )
that he might show to the coming ages the magnitude of the riches of his grace, and his benignity towards us in Jesus the Messiah. (aiōn )
Aketili naa ili maghono ghaghihida abhwesyai kututalasya ukifu wa neema ya muene. Akatulasya tete ele kwa njela ya wema wa muene mugati mwa Yesu Kristu. (aiōn )
and should show to all men what is the dispensation of the mystery, which for ages was hid up in God the Creator of all things: (aiōn )
Yilondeka kubhatangasila bhanu bhoa panani pa kiki ndo mpango wa sili. Obho ndo mpango wa wafighibhu kwa magono mingi yayilotili, ni K'yara yaabhombili fhenu fyoa. (aiōn )
which wisdom he arranged ages before, and he hath executed it by Jesus the Messiah our Lord; (aiōn )
Agha ngagha homili kup'etela mpango wa milele ambabho wawakamilishibhu mugati mwa Kristu Yesu Bwana wa yhoti. (aiōn )
to him be glory, in his church, by Jesus the Messiah, in all generations, for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn )
Kwa muene uyela utukufu mugati mulikanisa ni kup'etela Kristu Yesu Ni fisasi fyoa milele, Amina. (aiōn )
For our conflict is not with flesh and blood, but with principalities, and with those in authority, and with the possessors of this dark world, and with the evil spirits that are beneath heaven. (aiōn )
Kwa ndabha Vita yatete si kwa muasi ni nyama, ni kwa falume ni mamlaka gha roho ni bhatawala bhaulimwengu muovu wa mukitita, zidi ya mapepo mu sehemu sya kumbinguni. (aiōn )
And to God our Father, be glory and honor, for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn )
Henhu kwa K'yara na ndo Dadi wa y'hotho uyelayi utukufu wa milele na milele amina. (aiōn )
namely, that mystery, which was hidden for ages and generations, but is now revealed to his saints; (aiōn )
O'bho ndo bhukweli bhwa siri j'haiyele j'hifighibhu kwa miaka mingi ni kwavizazi. Lakini henu j'hifunuhbhu kwa bhona bhabhikiera kwa muene. (aiōn )
For these will be recompensed with the judgment of eternal destruction, from the presence of our Lord, and from the glory of his power; (aiōnios )
Bhibetatesibhwa kwa maangamizi gha milele bhakaj'haj'hi bhatengibhu ni kaj'hilu ka bwana ni bhutukufu bhwa nghofo syake. (aiōnios )
And may our Lord Jesus the Messiah himself, and God our Father, who hath loved us, and given us everlasting consolation and a good hope through his grace, (aiōnios )
nu, Bwana bhitu Yesu Kristu muene, ni K'yara dadi j'hitu j'haatuganili ni kutupela faraja j'ha milele ni bhujasiri bhunofu kwa ndabha j'ha maisha ghaghihida kup'hetela neema. (aiōnios )
But for this cause had he mercy on me, that in me first Jesus the Messiah might display all his long suffering, for an example to them who were to believe on him unto life eternal. (aiōnios )
Lakini kwa ndabha ejhe nene napelibhu rehema ili kwamba mugati mwa nene kwanza, Kristu Yesu adhihirishiajhi bhuvumilivu bhuoha. Abhombili naha kama kielelesu kwa bhoha bhabhibetakun'tumaini muene kwa ndabha jha bhusima bhwa milele. (aiōnios )
And to the king eternal, incorruptible, and invisible, the sole God, be honor and glory for ever and ever! Amen. (aiōn )
Na henu kwa mfalme jha abelikujha ni mwisu, jhaifwalepi, jhaibelakubhoneka, K'yara muene ijhelayi heshima ni bhutukufu milele ni milele. Amina. (aiōn )
And contend in the good contest of faith; and lay hold of life eternal, to which thou art called, and of which thou hast confessed a good confession before many witnesses. (aiōnios )
Komanayi vita finofu fya imani. Kamulilayi bhusima bhwa milele bhwa bhusopibhu. Jhajhele kwa ndabha ejhe kujha ghwahomisi bhushuhuda palongolo pa mashahidi bhamehele kwa khela kya kijhele kinofu. (aiōnios )
who only is incorruptible, and dwelleth in light to which no one can approach; and whom no man hath seen, or even can see: to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōnios )
Muene jhaitama milele na jhaitama mu muanga bhwa bhukaribilibhu lepi. Ajhe lepi munu jhaibhwesya kumbona bhwala jhaibhwesya kundanga. Kwa muene lijhelayi litengo ni uweza bhwa milele. Amina. (aiōnios )
Charge the rich of this world, that they be not uplifted in their minds; and that they confide not in riches, in which is no security; but in the living God, who giveth us all things abundantly for our comfort: (aiōn )
Bhajobhelayi matajiri mu ulimwengu obho bhasikifuni, na bhasitegemeli mu utajiri, anibho bhwa bhuhakikalepi. Badala jhiake, bhilondeka kuntumaini K'yara. Ambajhe akatupela, utajiri bhuoha bhwa ukweli ili tuhobhokelayi. (aiōn )
who hath vivified us, and called us with a holy calling; not according to our works, but according to his good pleasure, and his grace that was given us in Jesus the Messiah from time before the ages, (aiōnios )
Ndo K'yara jhaatuokwili ni kutukuta kwa bhwito bhutakatifu. Abhombilepi naha kulengana ni mahengu gha tete bali kulengana ni neema ni mpango bhwa muene. Atupelili mambo agha kwa Kristu Yesu kabla jha nyakati kubhuanja. (aiōnios )
Therefore I endure every thing, for the elect's sake; that they also may obtain life, in Jesus the Messiah, with eternal glory. (aiōnios )
Henu, nisindamale mambo ghoha agha kwandabha jha bhala ambabho K'yara abhasalili tayari, ili kwamba nabhene bhaukabhayi bhwokovu bhwabhujhele kwa Kristu Yesu pamonga ni bhutukufu bhwa milele. (aiōnios )
For Demas hath left me; and hath loved this world and gone away to Thessalonica; Crispus to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia. (aiōn )
Kwa kujha Dema anilekili. Abhuganili bhulimwengu bhwa henu na alotili Thesalonike, Kreseni alotili Galatia, ni Tito alotili Dalmatia. (aiōn )
And my Lord will rescue me from every evil work; and will give me life in his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory, for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn )
Bwana ibetakunijhepusya ni matendo ghoha maovu ni kunikola kwandabha jha ufalme bhwa muene bhwa kumbinguni. Utukufu bhujhelayi kwa muene milele ni milele. Amina (aiōn )
concerning the hope of eternal life, which the veracious God promised before the times of the world; (aiōnios )
Bhajhele mu tumaini lya bhusima bhwa milele ambabho K'yara jhaibhwesya lepi kudeta bhudesi abhuahidi kuhoma milele. (aiōnios )
and it teacheth us, to deny ungodliness and worldly lusts, and to live in this world in sobriety, and in uprightness, and in the fear of God, (aiōn )
Jhikatumanyisya kubela mambo ambagho gha kik'yera lepi ni tamaa sya kidunia. Jhikatufundisya kuishi kwa busara kwa haki, ni munjela sya K'yara kwa bhwakati obho. (aiōn )
that we might be justified by his grace, and become heirs in the hope of eternal life. (aiōnios )
Abhombili naha ili kwamba tukajhelayi bhashirika mu uhakika bhwa maisha gha milele. (aiōnios )
And, perhaps, also, he therefore departed from thee for a season, that thou mightest retain him for ever; (aiōnios )
Labda kwa kujha ghwatengibhu nabhi kwa muda, jhajhele naha ili ujhiaghe pamonga ni muene milele. (aiōnios )
But in these latter days, he hath conversed with us, by his Son; whom he hath constituted heir of all things, and by whom he made the worlds; (aiōn )
Lakini kwa magono agha ghatujhe nakhu agha, K'yara alongili natu kup'etela Mwana, ambajhe ambekhili kujha mrithi ghwa fenu fyoha ni ambajhe kup'etela muene kabhele abhombili bhulimwengu. (aiōn )
But of the Son he said: Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever; a righteous sceptre is the sceptre of thy kingdom. (aiōn )
Lakini kuhusu Mwana ijobha, “Kiti kya jhobhi kya enzi, K'yara, ndo kya milele ni milele. Ndonga jha ufalme bhwa jhobhi ndo ndonga jha haki. (aiōn )
As he said also in another place: Thou art a priest for ever, after the likeness of Melchisedec. (aiōn )
Ndo kama kyaijobha kabhele sehemu jhenge, “Bhebhe ndo kuhani milele baada jha mfumo bhwa Melkizedeki.” (aiōn )
And thus he was perfected and became the cause of eternal life to all them who obey him. (aiōnios )
Akamilisibhu ni kwa nj'ela ejhe jhabhombiki kwa khila munu jha akan'kiera kujha sababu jha bhwokovu bhwa milele, (aiōnios )
and for the doctrine of baptism, and for the laying on of a hand, and for the resurrection from the dead, and for the eternal judgment? (aiōnios )
bhwala misingi ghya mafundisu gha ubatisu, ni kubhabhekela mabhokho, bhufufuo bhwa bhafu, ni hukumu jha milele. (aiōnios )
and have tasted the good word of God, and the power of the world to come, (aiōn )
ni ambabho bhabhonjili bhunofu bhwa lilobhi lya K'yara ni kwa nghofu sya wakati bhwawihida, (aiōn )
whither Jesus hath previously entered for us, and hath become a priest for ever, after the likeness of Melchisedec. (aiōn )
Yesu ajhingili sehemu jhela kama mtangulizi ghwitu akamalayi kubhombeka kuhani mbaha hata milele baada jha utaratibu bhwa Melkizedeki. (aiōn )
For he testified of him: Thou art a priest for ever, after the likeness of Melchisedec. (aiōn )
Mabadiliku agha ghishuhudila kuhusu muene: “Bhebhe ndo kuhani milele baada jha mfumo bhwa Melkizedeki.” (aiōn )
For they became priests without an oath; but this man by an oath. As he said to him by David: The Lord hath sworn, and will not lie, Thou art a priest for ever, after the likeness of Melchisedec. (aiōn )
Lakini K'yara atolili kiapu bho ajobhili kuhusu Yesu, “Bwana alapili na ibetalepi kusanusya abhuasu gha muene.' bhebhe ndo kuhani milele.” (aiōn )
but this man, because he standeth up for ever, his priesthood doth not pass away: (aiōn )
Lakini kwandabha Yesu iishi milele bhukuhani bhwa muene bhwikisanusya lepi. (aiōn )
For the law constituted feeble men priests; but the word of the oath, which was subsequent to the law constituted the Son perfect for ever. (aiōn )
Kwa sheria akabhasalanu bhadhaifu kujha makuhani bhabhaha, lakini lilobhi lya kiapu, lyalyahidili baada jha sheria, an'teuili Muana, jhaabhombiki kujha n'kamilifu milele. (aiōn )
And he did not enter with the blood of goats and calves; but with the blood of himself, he entered once into the sanctuary, and obtained eternal redemption. (aiōnios )
lepi sio kwa damu jha mene ni litoli, bali kwa damu jha muene kujha Kristu ajhingili mahali patakatifu nesu mara jhimonga kwa khila mmonga ni kutuhakikishila ukombozi bhwa tete bhwa milele. (aiōnios )
then how much more will the blood of the Messiah, who by the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purge our conscience from dead works, so that we may serve the living God? (aiōnios )
Je nesu lepi damu jha Kristu ambajhe kup'etela Roho ghwa milele akwihomisi muene bila mawaa kwa K'yara, kusudi dhamiri sya tete kuhoma matendo mafu kun'tumikila K'yara jhaajhe muomi? (aiōnios )
And for this reason he became the Mediator of the new covenant, that he might by his death be redemption, to them who had transgressed the first covenant; so that they, who are called to the eternal inheritance, might receive the promise. (aiōnios )
Kwa ndabha ejhu, Kristu ndo mjumbe ghwa agano jipya. Ejhe ndo sababu ambajho mauti jhibhalekili huru bhoha bhabhajhele bha agano lya kubhwandelu kuhoma mu hatia sya dhambi sya bhene, ili kwamba bhoha bhabhakutibhu ni K'yara bhabhwesiajhi kujhamb'el'ela ahadi jha urithi bhwa bhene bhwa milele. (aiōnios )
otherwise, he must have suffered many times, since the commencement of the world; but now in the end of the world, he hath once offered himself in a self-sacrifice, to abolish sin. (aiōn )
kama ejhu jhajhele bhukweli, basi ngajhijhele lazima kwa muene kutesibhwa mara simehele nesu kuhomela kubhuandelu kwa ulimwengu. Lakini henu ndo mara jhimonga hadi kumwishu bhwa miaka jhajhikifunuili kujibhosya dhambi kwa dhabihu jha muene. (aiōn )
For by faith, we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God; and that things seen, originated from those that are not seen. (aiōn )
Kwa imani tumanyili kujha ulimwengu bhwabhombiki kwa amri jha K'yara, ili kujha khila kyakibhonekana kyatengenesibhu lepi kufwatana ni fenu ambafyo fibhonekeneghe. (aiōn )
Jesus the Messiah is the same, yesterday, to-day, and for ever. (aiōn )
mujhesiajhi imani sya bhene. Yesu Kristu ndo muene golo, lelu, ni hata milele. (aiōn )
May the God of peace, who brought up from the dead the great Shepherd of the flock, by the blood of the everlasting covenant, namely Jesus the Messiah, our Lord, (aiōnios )
Henu K'yara ghwa amani, ambajhe abhaletili kabhele kuhoma kwa bhafu mchungaji mbaha ghwa kondoo, Bwana bhitu Yesu, kwa damu jha agano lya milele, (aiōnios )
make you perfect in every good work, that ye may do his pleasure; and himself operate in you that which is pleasing In his sight, through Jesus the Messiah; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn )
Ibetakubhapela bhuweso bhwa khila lijambo linofu kubhomba mapenzi gha muene, ibhomba mbombo mugati mwa tete jhajhijhele kinofu jha kuhobhokesya pamihu pa muene, kup'et'ela Yesu Kristu, kwa muene bhijhelayi utukufu milele ni milele. Amina. (aiōn )
Now the tongue is a fire, and the world of sin is like a forest. And this tongue, which is one among our members, marreth our whole body; and it inflameth the series of our generations that roll on like a wheel; and it is itself on fire. (Geenna )
Lumilu ni luene ndo muoto ndo ulimwengu bhwa bhuovu, bhekibhu miongoni mu fiungo fya mbhele bhuoha na ukajhibheka panani pa muoto njela jha maisha ni bhene kumanyibhwa muoto bhwa kuzimu. (Geenna )
like persons born again, not of seed that perisheth, but of that which doth not perish, by the living word of God, who abideth for ever. (aiōn )
Mmalili kuhogoleka mara gha bhubhele, si kwa mbeyu j'haj'hiharibika, lakini kuhoma mu mbeyu j'haj'hiyonangeka lepi, kup'helela bhusima bhwa litobhi lya k'yara lyalisiele. (aiōn )
but the word of our God abideth for ever: and this is the word that is announced to you. (aiōn )
Lakini lilobhi lya Bwana libakila milele.” Obho ndo bhujumbe ambabho bhwatangasibhu kama injili kwa muenga. (aiōn )
Whoever will speak, let him speak as the word of God: and whoever will minister, as of the ability that God hath given him: so that in all ye do, God may be glorified, through Jesus the Messiah; to whom belongeth glory, and honor, for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn )
Kama munu alongilili, j'hij'hiaghe kama mausia gha k'yara, na kama munu akahudumuayi, na j'hij'hiaghe kama bhuwezo bhwa ap'helibhu ni k'yara, ila kwa kila lijambo lya k'yara akabhai kutukusibhwa kup'hetela Yesu Kristu. Bhutukufu ni bhuweza fijhele nu muene milele na milele. Amina. (aiōn )
Now it is the God of grace, who hath called us to his eternal glory by Jesus the Messiah, that hath given us, while we sustain these light afflictions, to be strengthened, and confirmed, and established by him for ever: (aiōnios )
Baada j'ha kul'ombosi bhwa kwa muda lukhombi, k'yara ghwa neema j'haankutili mu bhutukufu bhwa milele mugati mwa Kristu, ibetakubhakamilisya, ibetakubhakangamisya ni kubhapela ngofu. (aiōnios )
to whom be glory, and power, and honor, for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn )
Enzi j'hij'hiaghe kwa muene milele na milele. Amina. (aiōn )
For thus will entrance be given you abundantly, into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Redeemer Jesus the Messiah. (aiōnios )
m'beta kwikabhila bhwingi bhwa lango lya kuj'hingilila mu mufalme bhwa milele bhwa Bwana ghwitu ni mwokozi Yesu Kristu (aiōnios )
For, if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to the infernal regions in chains of darkness, and delivered them up to be kept unto the judgment of torture, (Tartaroō )
K'yara abhalekili lepi malaika bhabhakengeuiki. Bali abhasopili kuzimu ili bhafungibhuaj'hi mighoj'hi mpaka pa j'hibeta kubhakolela. (Tartaroō )
But be ye growing in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Redeemer Jesus the Messiah, and of God the Father: whose is the glory, now, and always, and to the days of eternity. Amen. (aiōn )
mk'holai mu neema ni bhufahamu bhwa Bwana na mwokozi Yesu Kristu. Na henu bhutukufu bhuj'hele nu muene henu ni milele. Amina. (aiōn )
And the life was manifested, and we have seen and do testify and announce to you, the life which is eternal; which was with the Father, and was revealed to us. (aiōnios )
Ni bhola bhusima bhwabhombiki kumanyikana bhwasi na tubhubhuene, ni kubhushuhuelia ni kubhetangasila bhusima bhwa milele, ambabho bhwaj'hele kwa tata na bhwabhombiki kumenyikana kwa j'hotu. (aiōnios )
And the world is passing away, both it and the lust thereof; but he that doeth the pleasure of God, abideth for ever. (aiōn )
Dunia ni tamaa syake sip'heta. Bali muene j'haibhomba mapenzi gha K'yara o'j'hu atamaj'hi milele. (aiōn )
And this is the promise, which he hath promised us, even life eternal. (aiōnios )
Na e'j'he ndo ahadi j'haj'hikatupela tete: bhulima bhwa milele. (aiōnios )
For every one that hateth his brother, is a man-slayer; and ye know, that no man-slayer can have eternal life abiding in him. (aiōnios )
Munu j'hej'hioha j'haikan'dadila ndogomunu ndo nkomi. Na mmanyili kuj'ha bhusima bhwa milele bhwitama lepi mugati mwa nkomi. (aiōnios )
And this is the testimony, that God hath given to us life eternal, and this life is in his Son. (aiōnios )
Ni bhushuhuda ndo obho— kuj'ha K'yara atupele bhusima bhwa milele, ni bhusima obho bhuj'hele mugati mwa Mwanabhe. (aiōnios )
These things have I written to you, that ye may know that ye have life eternal, ye who believe in the name of the Son of God. (aiōnios )
Nibhalembili agha ili mbwesiagha kumanya kuj'ha muj'henabhu bhusima bhwa milele— Muenga j'ha mwikuera mu lihina lya mwana ghwa K'yara. (aiōnios )
And we know that the Son of God hath come, and hath given us knowledge that we might know the True One; and that we might be in the True One, in his Son Jesus the Messiah. He is the true God, and the life eternal. (aiōnios )
Lakini tumanyili kuj'ha mwana ghwa K'yara ahidili na atupelili bhujuzi, kuj'ha tummanyili muene j'haaj'hele ghwa bhukweli na kwamba tujhele mugati mwa muene j'haaj'hele ghwa bhukweli, hata kwa mwanabhe Yesu Kristu. Ni K'yara ghwa bhukweli ni bhusima bhwa milele. (aiōnios )
for the sake of the truth, which abideth in us and is with us for ever. (aiōn )
Kwa ndabha j'ha bhukweli bhwabhuj'helekesibhu mugati mwitu na j'haj'hibeta kutamesya pamonga nalu milele. (aiōn )
And the angels that kept not their primacy, but left their station, he hath reserved in chains unknown, under darkness, unto the judgment of the great day. (aïdios )
Ni malaika ambabho bhakailendi lepi enzi j'ha bhene lakini bhalekili makao gha bhene maalumu K'yara abhabhek'hili mu minyororo ghya milele mugati mu ngisi ndabha j'ha hukumu j'ha ligono lela libhaha. (aïdios )
As Sodom and Gomorrah, and the surrounding cities, which in like manner followed whoredom and went after strange flesh, are placed beneath everlasting fire, being, doomed to judgment. (aiōnios )
Kama yikayele ku Sodoma ni ku Gomora ni miji yayizungukibhu ambabho pia ikayiyikiyingisi yiene mu uasherati tamaa yayibeli kuj'ha ya muandi. Bhabhalasibhu kama mifuano ghya bhala ambabho bhiteseka mu hukumu j'ha muoto bhwa milele. (aiōnios )
raging waves of the sea, which, by their foam, manifest their confusion; shootingstars, for which is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever. (aiōn )
Ni manyengha gha munyanja ghaghayele ni njuweghu yilela soni kwa y'homu mwibhene, ndo matondo ghigendegenda ambagho utitubhwa ngisi utunzibhu kwandabha j'ha bhene milele. (aiōn )
And let us keep ourselves in the love of God, while we wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus the Messiah unto our eternal life. (aiōnios )
mukitunzayi mu bhupendo bhwa K'yara, na mulend'el'elayi rehema jha Bwana bhitu Yesu Kristu ambajho jhikabhapela uzima bhwa milele. (aiōnios )
before his majesty, with joy, namely, the only God, our Deliverer, by means of Jesus the Messiah our Lord, be praise, and dominion, and honor, and majesty, both now and in all ages. Amen. (aiōn )
kwa muene K'yara pasima mwokozi kup'etela Yesu Kristu Bwana bhitu, bhutukufu bhujhelayi kwa muene, bhubhaha, bhuwesu ni ngofu kabla jha nyakati syoha, ni henu ni hata milele. Amina. (aiōn )
and hath made us a kingdom sacerdotal to God and his Father: to whom be glory and power, for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn )
atubhombili kujha ufalme, makuhani bha K'yara ni Dadimunu kwa muene kujha utukufu ni nghofu milele daima. Amina. (aiōn )
and who liveth and was dead; and behold, I am alive for ever and ever. Amen. And I have the keys of death and of the unseen world. (aiōn , Hadēs )
na jhanitama. Nafwili, lakini langayi, nitama milele! Na nijhele ni fungulu sya mauti ni kuzimu. (aiōn , Hadēs )
And when these Animals give glory and honor and praise to him that sitteth on the throne, to him who liveth for ever and ever, (aiōn )
Khila bhwakati fiumbe bhenye uhai bhahomisi utukufu, heshima, ni kushukuru mbele jha jhaatamili pa eku kiti kya enzi, muene jhaitama milele ni daima, (aiōn )
the twenty and four Elders fall down before him who sitteth on the throne, and they worship him who liveth for ever and ever; and they cast their coronets before the throne, saying, (aiōn )
Bhaseya ishirini na nne bhasujuidi bhene mbele jha muene jhaakitamili kiti kya enzi. Bhajhineme pasi pa muene jhaitama milele ni daima ni kutaga pasi taji sya bhene palongolo pa kiti kya enzi bhikajha bhijobha, (aiōn )
and to be over every created thing, that is in heaven, or on earth, or under the earth, or in the sea; and all that are in them. And I heard him who sat on the throne say: Unto the Lamb be given, blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, for ever and ever. (aiōn )
Napeliki khila kyakyabhombiki kyakyajhele kumbinguni ni paduniani ni pasi pa nchi panani pa bahari, khila khenu mugati mwake kikajobha, “Kwa muene jhaitama pa kiti kya enzi ni kwa mwanakondoo, kujhelayi sifa, heshima, bhutukufu ni nghofu jha kutawala milele ni milele.” (aiōn )
And I looked, and lo, a pale horse; and the name of him who sat thereon was Death; and Hades followed after him. And there was given him authority over the fourth part of the earth, to slay with the sword, and by famine, and by death, and by the ravenous beast of the earth. (Hadēs )
Kisha nikabhona farasi ghwa kijivu, jhaakwelili akutibhu lihina lya muene mauti, ni kuzimu jhikajhajhikan'kesya. Bhapelibhu mamlaka panani jha robo jha nchi, kukoma kwa upanga, kwa njala ni kwa bhutamu, ni kwa bhanyama bha mwitu mu nchi. (Hadēs )
saying: Amen. Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be to our God, for ever and ever: Amen. (aiōn )
Bhakajobha, “Amina! Sifa, bhutukufu, hekima, shukrani, heshima, uwezo ni nghofu fijhelayi kwa K'yara bhitu milele ni milele! Amina!” (aiōn )
And the fifth angel sounded; and I saw a star, which fell from heaven upon the earth. And there was given to him the key of the pit of the abyss. (Abyssos )
Kisha malaika ghwa bhuhanu akakobha tarumbeta jha muene. Nabhwene matondo kuhoma kumbinguni bho jhibinili pa dunia. Litondo lya pelibhu lufungulilu bhwa lilende lyalilasya mu lilende lya libelili kujha ni mwishu. (Abyssos )
And he opened the pit of the abyss; and smoke issued from the pit, like the smoke of a furnace that is in blast; and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke of the pit. (Abyssos )
Andenduili lilende lya libelili kujha ni kikomo, ni lyosi likakuela kunani kwa safu kuhoma mu lilende kama lyosi kuhoma mu litanuru libhaha. Lijobha ni anga fyabadiliki fyajhele ngisi kwandabha jha lyosi lyalihomili mu lilende. (Abyssos )
And they had a king over them, the angel of the abyss; and his name, in Hebrew, is Abaddon; and in Greek, his name is Apollyon. (Abyssos )
Bhajhele ni muene kama mfalme panani pa bhene malaika bha shimo lyalibelikujha ni mwishu. Lihina lyake kwa kiebrania ndo Abadoni, ni kiyunani ajhe ni lihina Apolioni. (Abyssos )
and swore, by him who liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven and the things in it, and the earth and the things in it, and the sea and the things in it, that the time should be no longer; (aiōn )
ni kulapa kwa jhola jhaiishi milele ni milele- jhaabhombili mbingu ni fyoha fya fijhele, padunia ni fyoha fyafijhele, ni bahari ni fyoha fyafijhele: “Kubetalepi kujha kuchelebhwa kabhele. (aiōn )
And when they shall have completed their testimony, the beast of prey that came up from the abyss, will make war upon them, and will overcome them. (Abyssos )
Bho bhamalili ushuhuda bhwa bhene, mnyama jhola jhaihomela mulil'ende lya libelili kujha ni mwishu ibetakukheta vita dhidi jha bhene. Ibetakubhashinda ni kubhakhoma. (Abyssos )
And the seventh angel sounded; and there were voices and thunders, which said: The kingdom of the world hath become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah; and he will reign for ever and ever. (aiōn )
Kisha malaika ghwa saba akobhili tarumbeta lya muene, ni sauti mbaha syajobhili kumbinguni ni kujobha, “Ufalme bhwa dunia umalikujha ufalme bhwa Bwana bhitu ni bhwa Kristu ghuake. Ibeta kutawala milele ni milele.” (aiōn )
And I saw another angel flying in heaven: and with blood, he had the everlasting gospel, to proclaim to dwellers on the earth, and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people; (aiōnios )
Nikabhona malaika jhongi iruka pagati pa mbingu ambajhe ajhe ni ujumbe bhwa kumbinguni bhwa habari jhinofu kwa kubhatangasila bhenye kuishi pa duniani kwa khila litaifa, kabila, lugha, ni bhanu. (aiōnios )
And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever; and there is no rest, by day or by night, to those that worship the beast of prey and its image. (aiōn )
Ni liosi lya maumivu gha bhene ukalota milele, na bhajhelepi ni mapomoseku pamusi ni pakilu - abhu bhabhiabudu mnyama ni sanamu jha muene, ni khila munu jhaapokili alama jha lihina lya muene. (aiōn )
And one of the four Animals gave to those seven angels seven cups of gold, full of the wrath of God who liveth for ever and ever. (aiōn )
Mmonga ghwa bhala bhenye uhai bhancheche akapisya kwa malaika saba mabakuli gha dhahabu saba ghaghamemili ghadhahabu jha K'yara mwenye kutama milele ni milele. (aiōn )
The beast of prey which thou sawest, was, and is not; and he will ascend from the abyss and go into perdition: and the dwellers on the earth, whose names are not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, will wonder when they see the beast of prey, which was, and is not, and approacheth. (Abyssos )
Mnyama jha umbwene ajhele, ajhelepi kabhele henu, lakini ajhe tayari kukwela kuhoma mu lilende lya libelikujha ni mwishu. Kisha ibeta kujhendelela ni uharibifu. Bhala bhabhitama, panani pa nchi, bhala ambabho mahina gha bhene ghajhandikibhu lepi mu kitabu kya uzima kuhoma kubhekibhwa misingi ghwa ulimwengu - bhibeta kusyangala pabhibeta kumbona mnyama jhajhele, ajhelepi henu, lakini ajhe karibu kuhida. (Abyssos )
And again they said: Hallelujah: and her smoke ascendeth up for ever and ever. (aiōn )
Kwa mara jha bhubhele bhakajobha, “Haleluya! lyosi kuhoma kwa muene milele ni milele.” (aiōn )
And the beast of prey was captured, and the false prophet that was with him, who did those prodigies before him, whereby he seduced them who had received the mark of the beast of prey and who worshipped his image. And they were both cast alive into the lake of fire, which burneth with sulphur. (Limnē Pyr )
Mnyama akamulibhu ni nabii ghwa muene ghwa bhudesi jhaasibhombili ishara mu uwepo bhwa muene. Kwa ishara e'se abhokofili bhala bhabhajhipokili chapa jha mnyama ni bhabhaisujudili sanamu jha muene. Bhoha bhabhele bhataghibhu bhangali bhaomi mu nyanja jha muoto lyalijhaka kwa kiberiti. (Limnē Pyr )
And I saw an angel that descended from heaven, having the key of the abyss, and a great chain in his hand. (Abyssos )
Kabhele nabhwene malaika iselela kuhoma kumbinguni, ajhe ni lufungulu lwa mu lilende lya libelikujha ni mwishu ni minyororo mibhaha mu mabhoko gha muene. (Abyssos )
And he cast him into the abyss, and closed and sealed upon him; so that he might deceive the nations no more, until these thousand years shall be completed: but after that, he will be loosed for a little time. (Abyssos )
An'taghiti mu lil'ende lyalibelikujha ni mwishu akalikonga ni kulisopa muhuri panani pa muene. Ejhe jhajhele naha ili kwamba asibhakofi mataifa kabhele mpaka miaka elfu pajhibeta kumalika. Baada jha hapu ibeta kulekesibhwa huru kwa muda udebe. (Abyssos )
And the Accuser who seduced them, was cast into the lake of fire and sulphur, where also were the beast of prey and the false prophet: and they shall be tormented, day and night, for ever and ever. (aiōn , Limnē Pyr )
Ibetakupolosya khila lihosi kuhoma mu mihu gha bhene, na Pibetalepi kujhe ni kifo kabhele, au kuombolesya, au kulela, au maumivu. Mambo gha muandi ghamalikup'eta. (aiōn , Limnē Pyr )
And the sea gave up the dead in it; and death and the grave gave up the dead in them. And they were judged, each one according to his deeds. (Hadēs )
Bahari jhabhapisili bhafu ambabho bhajhele mugati mwake. Ni bhafu bhahukumibhu kulengana ni kyabhakhetili. (Hadēs )
And death and the grave were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death, namely, this lake of fire. (Hadēs , Limnē Pyr )
Kifo ni kuzimu fyataghibhu mugati mu nyanja jha muoto. Ejhe ndo mauti jha pili - nyanja jha muoto. (Hadēs , Limnē Pyr )
And if any one was not found enrolled in the book of life, he was cast into this lake of fire. (Limnē Pyr )
Kama lihina lya jhejhioha lyapatikene lepi lilembibhu mugati mu kitabu kya uzima, ataghibhu mugati mu nyanja jha muoto. (Limnē Pyr )
But to the timid, and the unbelieving, and to the sinful, and polluted, and to manslayers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and to all false persons, their portion shall be in the lake that burneth with fire and sulphur, which is the second death. (Limnē Pyr )
Lakini kama kyajhijhele kwa bhaogha, bhabhikiera lepi, bhabhi dadisya bhakomi, bhazinzi, bhahabhi, bhaabudu sanamu, ni bhadesi bhoha, sehemu jha bhene jhibeta kujha mu nyanja jha muoto bhwa kiberiti bhwabhwipiesya. Ejhu ndo mauti jha pili.” (Limnē Pyr )
And there will be no more night; and they have no need of the light of a candle, or of the light of the sun; because the Lord God giveth them light: and they will reign for ever and ever. (aiōn )
Pajhelepi ni pakilu kabhele; Wala pajhelepi ni hitaji lya mwanga bhwa taa au lijobha kwandabha Bwana K'yara ibeta kulangasya panani pa bhene. Na bhene bhibeta kutawala milele ni milele. (aiōn )