< Mark 9 >
1 And he said to them: Verily I say to you, There are some standing here, who will not taste of death, until they shall see the kingdom of God to be coming with power.
Is thuirt e riutha: Gu deimhinn tha mi ag radh ribh, gu bheil cuid dhiu-san, a tha 'nan seasamh an so, nach blais bas, gus am faic iad rioghachd Dhe a tighinn an cumhachd.
2 And after six days, Jesus took Cephas and James and John, and led them to a high mountain, apart; and was transformed before them.
Agus an deigh shia laithean ghabh Iosa Peadar, is Seumas, agus Eoin; is threoraich e iadsan leo fhein gu beinn aird a lethtaobh, agus dh' atharraicheadh a chruth 'nan lathair.
3 And his raiment shone and was very white, like snow, so as men on earth can never whiten.
Agus dh' fhas eideadh dealrach is ro-gheal mar shneachda, geal mar nach urrainn fucadair air talamh a dhianamh.
4 And there appeared to them Moses and Elijah, in conversation with Jesus.
Is chunnacas leo Elias agus Maois; agus bha iad a bruidhinn ri Iosa.
5 And Cephas said to him: Rabbi, it is delightful for us to be here. And let us make three booths; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elijah.
Agus Peadar a freagairt, thuirt e ri Iosa: A Rabbi, is math dhuinne a bhith an so; agus dianamaid tri paillionan, a h-aon dhutsa, a h-aon do Mhaois, 'sa h-aon do Elias.
6 But he did not know what he said, for they were in trepidation.
Oir cha robh fios aige ciod a bha e ag radh; chionn 's gun robh iad fo fhiamh ro-mhor.
7 And there was a cloud, and it overshadowed them. And a voice issued from the cloud, which said: This is my beloved Son. Hear ye him.
Agus bha nial a cur sgaile orra, agus as an nial thainig guth, ag radh: Se so mo Mhac ro-ghaolach; eisdibh ris.
8 And suddenly, when the disciples looked up, they saw no one with them, except Jesus only.
'S ag amharc san uair mun cuairt orra, chan fhac iad duine, ach Iosa na aonar maille riutha.
9 And as they descended the mountain, he commanded them to tell no man what they had seen, till after the Son of man should be risen from the dead.
'Sa tearnadh bhon bheinn, dh' aithn e orra, gun iad a dh' innse do neach sam bith nan nithean a chunnaic iad, gus an eireadh Mac an duine bho na mairbh.
10 And they kept that saying in their mind; and inquired, What doth this saying mean: " When he shall be risen from the dead!"
Is gleidh iad am facal aca fhein, a cur cheisd air a cheile, de bha, gus an eireadh e bho na mairbh, a ciallachadh.
11 And they asked him, and said: Why then do the Scribes say, that Elijah must first come?
Agus dh'fharraid iad dheth, ag radh: Carson ma ta tha na Phairisich 's na Sgriobhaich a cantuinn, gum feum Elias tighinn an toiseachd?
12 He said to them: Elijah truly first cometh, to prepare all things: and, as it is written of the Son of man, he will suffer much, and be rejected.
Thuirt e riutha, 's e freagairt: Tha Elias ri tighinn an toiseachd, agus ath-shuidhichidh e a h-uile ni; is mar tha e sgriobhte mu Mhac an duine, gum fuilig e moran, 's gum faigh e taire.
13 But I say to you: That Elijah hath come; and they have done to him all that they desired, as it was written of him.
Ach tha mi ag radh ribh, gun tainig Elias, ('s gun d' rinn iad air gach ni b' aill leo) mar tha sgriobhte mu dheidhinn.
14 And when he came to his disciples, he saw a great multitude with them, and the Scribes disputing with them.
'Sa tighinn gu dheisciopuil, chunnaic e moran sluaigh mun timcheall, 's na Sgriobhaich a deaspud riutha.
15 And immediately the multitude saw him, and were surprised: and they ran and saluted him.
'S cha luaithe chunnaic an sluagh uile Iosa, na ghlac ioghnadh agus uamhas iad, sa ruith ga ionnsuidh chuir iad failt' air.
16 And he asked the Scribes: What were ye disputing with them?
Agus dh' fhaighnich e dhiu: Ciod mu bheil sibh a consachadh ri cheile?
17 And one of the multitude replied, and said: Teacher, I have brought to thee my son, who hath a spirit that will not speak.
Is fhreagair fear den t-sluagh, ag radh: A mhaighistir, thug mi gad ionnsuidh mo mhac anns a bheil spiorad balbh.
18 And wherever he seizeth him, he shaketh and teareth him: and he gnasheth his teeth, and pineth away. And I spoke to thy disciples, to cast him out; and they could not.
Agus, ge be aite an glac e e, tha e ga bhualadh ri lar, agus tha e cur a mach cobhair, 'sa diosgail le fhiaclan, sa seargadh as: is thuirt mi rid dheisciopuil iad a thilgeadh a mach, agus cha b' urrainn dhaibh.
19 Jesus answered, and said to them: O incredulous generation! How long shall I be with you? how long bear with you? Bring him to me.
'Sa freagairt thuirt e: O ghinealaich ana-creidich, De cho fad sa bhitheas mi maille ribh? De cho fad sa chuireas mi suas ribh? thugaibh gam ionnsuidh e.
20 And they brought him to him. And when the spirit saw him, immediately he shook him; and he fell upon the ground, and wallowed and foamed.
Agus thug iad e ga ionnsuidh. Agus cha luaithe chunnaic e Iosa, na ghluais an spiorad e; is bhuaileadh e ris an lar, agus chuir e caran dheth is cop mu bhial.
21 And Jesus asked his father, how long a time he had been thus. He said to him: Lo, from his childhood.
Is dh' fhaighnich e dhe athair: De cho fad bho na thachair so dha? Is thuirt esan: Bho na bha e 'na leanabh.
22 And many times it hath thrown him into the fire, and into the water, to destroy him. But, if thou canst do any thing, aid me and have compassion on me.
Agus is tric a thilg e san teine is anns an uisge e, gu cur as dha: ach ma tha ni sam bith nad chomas, gabh truas ruinn agus cuidich sinn.
23 Jesus said to him: If thou canst believe; every thing can be, to him that believeth.
Is thuirt Iosa ris: Ma 's urrainn dhut creidsinn! is comasach a h-uile ni don chreideach.
24 And immediately the father of the child cried out, while he wept and said: I believe; aid thou the defect of my faith.
Agus athair a ghille a glaodhach san uair, thuirt e le deoir: Tha mi creidsinn, a Thighearna: cuidich m' ana-creideamh.
25 And when Jesus saw that the people were, running and collecting around him, he rebuked the unclean spirit, and said to him: Thou deaf and unspeaking spirit, I command thee, come out of him; and no more enter him.
Is nuair a chunnaic Iosa an sluagh a ruith cuideachd, mhaoidh e air an spiorad neoghlan, a cantuinn ris: A spioraid bhodhair agus bhailbh tha mi ag aithneadh ort, theirig a mach as 's na rach a stigh ann tuilleadh.
26 And the demon cried out greatly, and bruised him, and came out. And he was as a dead person; so that many would say, he is dead.
Agus chaidh e mach as, ag eigheach, 's ga riabadh gu goirt: agus dh'fhas e coltach ri duine marbh, air chor 's gun robh moran ag radh: Tha e marbh.
27 And Jesus took him by the hand, and raised him up.
Ach Iosa a breith air laimh air, thog e e, agus dh' eirich e.
28 And when Jesus entered the house, his disciples asked him privately: Why could not we cast him out?
'S nuair chaidh e stigh dhan tigh, dh' fharraid a dheisciopuil dheth, 's iad leo fhein: Carson nach b' urrainn dhuinn a thilgeadh a mach?
29 He saith to them: This kind can come out, by nothing but fasting and prayer.
Is thuirt e riutha: Chan urrainn don t-seorsa so an tilgeadh a mach air sheol sam bith, ach le urnaigh 's le traisg.
30 And when he departed from there, they passed through Galilee: and he desired that no one might know him.
'Sa falbh as a sin, chaidh iad troimh Ghalile; 's cha b' aill leis gum biodh fios aig duine sam bith air an so.
31 For he taught his disciples, and said to them: The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men, and they will kill him; and when he is killed, on the third day, he will rise.
Oir bha e teagasg a dheisciopul, 's ag radh riutha: Gun rachadh Mac an duine liubhairt seachad do lamhan dhaoine, 's gum marbhadh iad e, 's an deigh a mharbhadh, gun eireadh e rithist air an treas latha.
32 But they did not understand that speech; and they were afraid to ask him.
Ach cha do thuig iadsan am facal; agus bha sgath orra fharraid dheth.
33 And they came to Capernaum. And when they entered the house, he asked them: What disputed ye among yourselves by the way?
Is thainig iad gu Capharnaum. 'S nuair a bha iad san tigh, dh' fhaighnich e dhiu: De an deaspud a bh'agaibh air an rathad?
34 And they were silent; for by the way they had contended with one another, which should be the great among them.
Ach bha iadsan samhach: oir air an rathad bha iad a consachadh eatorra fhein, co dhiu bu mhua bhiodh.
35 And Jesus sat down, and called the twelve, and said to them: Whoever would be first, let him be last of all, and servitor to all.
'Sa suidhe, ghairm e na dha dhiag, is thuirt e riutha: Ma tha toil aig fear sam bith a bhith air thoiseach, bithidh e air dheireadh orra uile, agus 'na sheirbhiseach dhaibh uile.
36 And he took a child, and set him in the midst, and took him in his arms and said to them:
'Sa breith air leanabh, chuir e 'nam miadhon e; 's an deigh a ghlacadh 'na uchd, thuirt e riutha:
37 Whoever receiveth one in my name, like this child, he receiveth me; and he that receiveth me, receiveth not me only, but him that sent me.
Co sam bith ghabhas ri leanabh den leithidean so nam ainmsa, tha e gabhail riumsa; agus co sam bith ghabhas riumsa, chan ann riumsa tha e gabhail, ach ris-san a chuir mi.
38 John said to him: Rabbi, we saw one casting out demons in thy name, and we forbad him, because he adhereth not to us.
Agus fhreagair Eoin e, ag radh: A Mhaighistir, chunnaic sinn duine araid, nach eile gar leantuinn-ne, a tilgeadh a mach dheomhan na d' ainmsa, agus bhac sinn e.
39 Jesus said to them: Forbid him not; for there is no one who doeth mighty works in my name, that can readily speak evil of me.
Agus thuirt Iosa: Na bacaibh e: oir chan eil aon sam bith, a ni miarailt nam ainmsa, a 's urrainn gu h-ealamh labhairt gu h-olc nam aghaidh:
40 Whoever therefore is not against you, is for you.
Oir an neach nach eil nur n-aghaidh, tha e leibh.
41 For whoever shall give you to drink a cup of water only, on the ground that ye are Messiah's followers, verily I say to you, he will not lose his reward.
Oir co sam bith a bheir dhuibh ri ol cupan uisge nam ainmsa, a chionn's gur le Criosda sibh: gu firinneach tha mi ag radh ribh: cha chaill e dhuais.
42 And whoever shall cause one of these little ones that believe in me to stumble, it were better for him, if a millstone were put to his neck, and he cast into the sea.
Agus co sam bith bheir sgainneal do h-aon den fheadhainn bheaga so, a tha creidsinn unnamsa, b' fhearr dha clach mhuilinn a bhith crochte mu amhaich, 'sa bhith air a thilgeil sa mhuir.
43 And if thy hand make thee offend, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, than, having two hands, to go into hell; (Geenna )
'S ma bheir do lamh sgainneal dhut, gearr dhiot i: is fhearr dhut a dhol a stigh gu beatha air lethlaimh, na dhol le da laimh a dh' iutharna gu teine nach smalar: (Geenna )
44 where their worm dieth not, and their fire is not extinguished.
Far nach basaich a chnuimh aca, 's nach smalar an teine.
45 And if thy foot make thee offend, cut it off: it is better for thee to enter into life lamed, than, having two feet, to fall into hell; (Geenna )
Agus ma bheir do chas sgainneal dhut, gearr dhiot i: is fhearr dhut a dhol a stigh gu beatha air lethchois, na do thilgeadh le da chois a dh' iutharna gu teine nach tig as: (Geenna )
46 where their worm dieth not, and their fire is not extinguished.
Far nach basaich a chnuimh aca, 's nach smalar an teine.
47 And if thy eye make thee offend, pluck it out: it is better for thee to enter with one eye into the kingdom of God, than, having two eyes, to fall into the hell of fire; (Geenna )
Agus ma bheir do shuil sgainneal dhut, spion asad i: 's fhearr dhut a dhol a stigh do rioghachd Dhe le aon shuil, na do thilgeadh led dha shuil ann an teine iutharna: (Geenna )
48 where their worm dieth not, and their fire is not extinguished.
Far nach basaich a chruimh aca, 'S nach smalar an teine.
49 For every thing will be salted with fire; and every sacrifice will be salted with salt.
Oir saillear gach aon le teine, is saillear gach iobairt le salann.
50 Salt is a good thing: but if the salt become insipid, with what will it be salted? Let there be salt in you: and be ye in peace, one with another.
Tha salann math: ach ma dh' fhasas an salann neo-bhlasda, co leis a ni sibh blasda e? Biodh salann agaibh unnaibh, agus biodh sith agaibh eadaraibh fhein.