< Luke 5 >

1 And it occurred, that a multitude gathered about him, to hear the word of God. And he was standing by the side of the sea of Gennesaret,
Agus tárla, an tau do ling an pobal air déisfeach ré bréithir Dé, gur sheas seision láimh ré loch Ghenesaret,
2 and he saw two ships standing near the sea, and the fishermen were gone out of them, and were washing their nets.
Agus do chonnairc sé dhá luing do bhí ar an loch achd do imthigheadar na híasgaireadha asda, agus do bhíadar ag nighe a líontadh.
3 And one of them belonged to Simon Cephas: and Jesus entered and sat in it. And he told them to draw off a little from the shore, into the sea: and he seated himself, and taught the multitude from the ship.
Agus ar ndul dósan a loing dhíobh, do budh lé Símón, do íarr sé air dul beagán ón tír. Agus ar suidhe dhó do theagaisg sé an pobal as an luing.
4 And when he ceased from speaking, he said to Simon: Launch out into the deep, and cast your net for a draught.
Agus mar do sguir sé do labhairt, a dubhairt sé ré Símón, Déunuigh romhaibh ar an ndubhaigéun, agus leigidh sios bhir líontagh chum gabhála.
5 Simon answered, and said to him: Rabbi, all the night we have toiled, and have caught nothing: but, at thy bidding, I will cast the net.
Agus ar bhfreagra do Shímon a dubhairt sé ris, A Mhaighisdir, do thuirrsigheamar sinn féin feadh na hoidhche uile, agus níor ghabhamair éin ní: achd cheana ar do bhreithir se cuirfe mé síos an líon.
6 And when they had done so, they inclosed very many fishes, so that the net was rent.
Agus an tan do rinneadar so, do íadhadar ar iomarchuigh éisg: ionnus gur briseadh a líon.
7 And they made signs to their associates, in the other ship, to come and help them. And when they came, they filled both the ships, so that they were near to sinking.
Agus do sméideadar ar a gcompánachuibh, do bhí ann sa luing eile, do chum go dtiocfaidis chuca do thabhairt chunghnamh, dhóibh. Agus thangadarsan, agus do líonadar an dá luing, ionnus go rabhadar a niunmhe a mbáidhte.
8 And when Simon Cephas saw it, he fell before the feet of Jesus, and said to him: I beseech thee, my Lord, that thou leave me, for I am a sinful man.
Agus an tan do chonnairc Símon Peadar so, do shléuchd sé ag giúinibh Iósa, ag rádh, Imthigh úaim a Thighearna; óir is duine peacthach mé.
9 For astonishment had seized him, and all that were with him, at the draught of fishes which they had caught:
Óir do ghabh eagla é féin, agus a raibh na fhochair uile, ar son na gabhála éisg do ghabhadar:
10 and in like manner also James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners of Simon. But Jesus said: Fear thou not; henceforth thou shalt catch men unto life.
Agus mar an gcéadna Séumas, agus Eóin, clan Shebedei, do bhí na gcompánachuibh ag Simon. Agus a dubhairt Iósa ré Símon, Na bíodh eagla ort; as so a mach bíaidh tú iasgaire ar dháoinibh.
11 And they brought the vessels to the land: and they left all and followed him.
Agus an tan tugadarsan a ienga chum tire, ar bhfagbháil an uile neither dhóibh, do leanadar eisean.
12 And when Jesus was in one of the cities, a man came all full of leprosy and seeing Jesus, he fell upon his face, and besought him, and said to him: My Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst cleanse me.
Agus tárla, an tan do bhí sé a ccathruigh áirighe, fénch óglach lán do lubhra: agus ar bhfaicsin Iósa dhó do leig sé é féin síos ar aghaidh, agus do ghuidh sé é, a rádh, A Thighearna, más toil leachd é, is éidir leachd misi do ghlanadh
13 And Jesus put forth his hand, and touched him, and said to him: I will it; be thou clean. And immediately his leprosy went from him.
Agus ar sineadh a láimhe, do bhean sé ris, ag radh, As toil: bí glan. Agus dfag an lubhra é ar an mball.
14 And he charged him: Speak to no one; but go and show thyself to the priests, and offer the oblation for thy purification, as Moses hath commanded, for a testimony to them.
Agus do aithin sé dhe gan a innisin do dhuine ar bith: achd imthigh, taisbéin thú féin don tsagart, agus íodhbair ar son do ghlanta, mar do aithin Máoisi, mar fhíaghnaisi dhóibh.
15 And his fame spread abroad still more: and much people assembled to hear him, and to be cured of their diseases.
Achd is móide do leathnuighe a thúarasghbháil sin: agus do chruinnigh slúagh mór déisdeachd ris, agus dfagháil fóiríghne a dteinneas úadh.
16 And he retired into a desert, and prayed.
Achd do chúaidh seisean fá leith ar an bhfasach, agus do rinne sé urnuighe.
17 And it occurred, on one of the days when Jesus was teaching, that Pharisees and Doctors of the law were sitting by, who had come from all the villages of Galilee and of Judaea, and Jerusalem: and the power of the Lord was present to heal them.
Agus tárla go raibh sé lá áirighe, ag teagasg, agus go rabhadar na Phairisínigh agus doctúirí an dlighe na suidhe a láthair, noch tháinic as gach uile bhaile don Ghalilé, agus do thir Iúdaighe, agus ó Jerusaléim: agus do bhí cumhachda an Tighearna chum a slánuighthe.
18 And some persons brought a paralytic man, on a couch, and sought to bring him in, and to place him before him.
Agus, féuch, do íomchradar dáoine a leabuidh oglach do bhí a bpairilis: agus do íarradar a thabhairt a sdeach, agus a chur na fhíadhnuisisean.
19 And when they could not thus introduce him, because of the multitude of the people, they ascended to the roof, and let him down with the couch, from the covering, into the midst, before Jesus.
Agus an tráth nach bhfuaradar cáoi ar a thabhairt a sdeach tré mhéud ná cuideachda, do chúadar súas ar a tigh, agus do léigeadar é féin, agus a leabuidh sios tríd an slinnteach ar lár, a bhfíaghnuisi Iósa.
20 And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic: Man, thy sins are forgiven thee.
Agus ar bhfaicsin a gcreidimh dhósan, a dubhairt sé ris, A dhuine, a táid do pheacuidh ar na maithleamh dhuit.
21 And the Scribes and Pharisees began to reason, and to say: Who is this that speaketh blasphemy? Who can forgive sins, but God only?
Agus thionnsgnadar na sgríobuidhe agus na Phairisinigh diosbóireachd do dhéanamh, ag rádh, Créd é an fearsa labhras blaisphéimighe? Cía fheúdus peacuigh do mhaitheamh, achd Día ná áonar?
22 And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said to them: What think ye in your heart?
Achd ar naithne a smúaintighe Díosa, do fhreagair sé, agus a dubhairt sé ríu; Créd é an ní so smuaintighthísi an bhur gcroidhthibh?
23 Which is the easier, to say, Thy sins are forgiven thee, or to say, Arise and walk?
Cia is usa, a rádh, A táid do pheacuidh ar na maitheamh dhuit; ná a rádh, Eirigh agus siobhail?
24 But that ye may know, that the Son of man is competent to forgive sins on the earth, he said to the paralytic: I say to thee, Arise, take up thy couch, and go to thy home.
Achd do chum go mbeith a fhíios agaibh go bhfuil cumhachda ag Mac an duine, peacuidh do mhaitheamh ar an dtalamh, (a dubhairt sé ré fear na pairilisi, ) A deirimsi riot, Eirigh, tóg do leabuidh, agus imthigh dod thigh.
25 And instantly, he rose up before their eyes, and took up his couch, and went home, glorifying God.
Agus ar néirghe dhósan ar an mball an a bhfiadhnuisi, do thóg an leabuidh an raibh sé na luighe, agus do chuaidh sé dhá thigh fein, ag moládh Dé.
26 And astonishment seized every one; and they Praised God; and they were filled with awe, and said: We have seen wonders today.
Agus do ghabh úathbhás cách uile, agus do mholadar Día, agus do líonadh deagla íad, ag rádh, Do choncamair neithe doichreidte a niugh.
27 And after these things, Jesus went out and saw a publican, named Levi, sitting among the publicans; and he said to him: Come after me.
Agus tar éisi so do chúaidh Iósa a mach, agus do chonnairc sé puibliocán, dár bháinm Lébhi, na shuidhe ag bord an chusduim: agus a dubharit séris, Lean misi.
28 And he left every thing, and arose, and went after him.
Agus ar bhfágbháil gach éin neithe dhósan, déirigh sé, agus do lean sé eisean.
29 And Levi made a great entertainment for him at his house; and there was a numerous company of publicans and others who reclined with them.
Agus do rinne Lébhi féusda mór dhó an a thigh féin: agus do bhí cuideachda mhór phuibliocán agus dáoine eile do shuidh na bhfochair.
30 And the Scribes and Pharisees murmured, and said to his disciples: Why do ye eat and drink with publicans and sinners?
Agus do rinne cuid díobh do bhi na sgríobuidhibh agus na Bhphairisíneachuibh monabhar a naghaidh a dheisciobalsan, ag rádh, Creud fá niththísi agus fá nibhthí a bhfochair na bpuibliocán agus na bpeacthach?
31 And Jesus answered and said to them: A physician is not sought after for the well, but for those very sick.
Agus ag freagra a dubhairt Iósa ríu, Ní bhfuil ríachdanus leágha ar na dáoinibh slána; achd ar na dáoinibh tinne.
32 I came not to call the righteous, but sinners, to repentance.
Ní tháinic misi do ghairm na bhfiréunach, achd na bpeacthach chum aithrighe.
33 And they said to him: Why do the disciples of John fast often, and pray, and also those of the Pharisees; but thine eat and drink?
Achd a dubhradarsan ris, Créud fá dtroisgid deisciobail Eóin go minic, agus créd fá ndéunuid síad urrnaighe, agus mar an gcéudna deisciobail na Bhphairisíneach; achd ithid agus ibhid do dheisciobailsi?
34 And he said to them: Ye cannot make the guests of the nuptial chamber fast, while the bridegroom is with them.
Agus a dubhairt seision ríu, An bhféadtáoisi a thabhairt air chloinn tséomra an fhir núa phósda trosgadh do dhéunamh, an feadh bhías sé féin na bhfochair?
35 But the days will come, when the bridegroom will be taken up from them, and then will they fast, in those days.
Achd tiocfaid na láethe an tan bhéurthar an fear núa phósda úatha, ann sna láethibh sin do dhéunuid síad trosgadh.
36 And he spoke a similitude to them: No one teareth a patch from a new garment, and putteth it to an old garment; lest he tear the new, and the patch from the new cease to make the old garment whole.
Agus a dubhairt sé fós tré chosamhlachd ríu; Ní chuireann neach ar bith preabán éuduigh núa air sheanchulaidh, nó, brisidh an téudach núa é, agus ní thig an preabán núaéuduigh leis a tseinéudach?
37 And no one putteth new wine into old sacks; otherwise, the new wine will burst the sacks, and the wine will run out, and the sacks be ruined.
Agus ní chuireann duine ar bith fíon núa a seanbhuidéuluibh; nó brisfidh an fíon núa na buidéil, agus dóirtfidhear an fíon agus rachuid na buidéil a múgba.
38 But they put new wine into new sacks, and both are preserved.
Achd fíon núa is cóir do chur a mbuidéuluibh núadha; agus béid síad aráon slán.
39 And no one drinketh old wine, and immediately calleth for new; for he saith, The old is the delicious.
Agus ní bhfuil duine ar bith ibheas seinfhíon lér ab áill fíon núa ar ball: óir a deir sé, Is é seinfhíon is folláine.

< Luke 5 >