< Luke 24 >

1 And on the first day of the week, in the morning, while it was yet dark, they came to the sepulchre, and brought the aromatics they had prepared. And there were other women with them.
Elši zuva dă săptămănă, are duminjika, tari dă điminjaca mujerilje ur mers la gropă, šă adušje uloj ku miros šje ur pripremilit.
2 And they found the stone rolled from the sepulchre.
Jej ur aflat petră kă u fost ăntorsă ăndărăt dă la gropă.
3 And they entered, and found not the body of Jesus.
Kănd ur tunat jej nor aflat tela lu Domnu Isus.
4 And as they wondered at this, behold, two men stood opposite them; and their raiment was effulgent.
Šă atunšje, kănd inka stăće akulo ăm šok, ujtăći! Doj ominj stăće lăngă jelji ăm colji šje svitlăze.
5 And they were in fear, and bowed their faces to the ground. And the men said to them: Why seek ye the living among the dead?
Mujerilje sur ănfrikušat tari, kapu sur poklonulit păn la pămănt ku ubrazu šă ominji ljor zăs: “Adišje kutăc pă om ăm kust ăntră ominj morc?
6 He is not here; he is risen. Remember how he conversed with you, when he was in Galilee,
Jăl nuj ajiše. Jăl u uskrsnulit! Ăngănđecăvă šje vu zăs jăl kănd are inka ăm Galileja:
7 and said, That the Son of man was to be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and to be crucified, and to rise on the third day.
‘Trăbă ju Fišjoru Omuluj să fjuv dat ăm mănjilje lu ominji rej šă să mă puji pă krušji daje să uskrsnulaskă pă treća (3) ză.”
8 And they remembered his words.
Atunšje jej sor ăngănđit dă vorbilje aluj.
9 And they returned from the sepulchre, and related all these things to the eleven, and to the rest.
Kănd sor ăntors dă la gropă kutotu asta ur spus alu jedanaest (11) apostolur šă alu toc.
10 Now they were Mary Magdalena, and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and the others with them, who related these things to the Legates.
Jelji as re Marija dăm varušu Magdala, Ivana šă Marija, mumăsa lu Jakov, kari u adus hiru la apostolur.
11 And these words appeared in their eyes as dreams: and they believed them not.
Ali puvešče alu mujeriljelje lju su văzut alu apostolur kă svite bulunzemi, dă aša nu ljur ănkrizut.
12 But Simon arose, and ran to the sepulchre, and looked in, and saw the linen lying by itself: and he went away wondering in himself at what had occurred.
Ali Petar su skulat šă u aljirgat la gropă. Akulo u stat să să ujći ăm nontru, šă u văzut numa plahtă. Atunšje u mers ăm napoj hunđi are šă să ăntriba šje u fost aje.
13 And lo, two of them, on the same day, were going to a village named Emmaus, distant sixty furlongs from Jerusalem.
Ăm aje ista zuva doj (2) učenikur măržje ăm lok Emaus, jedanaest (11) kilometara dăm Jeruzalem.
14 And they talked together of all that had occurred.
Jej svite una ku alt šje u fost.
15 And as they conversed, and questioned each other, Jesus came, and drew near, and walked with them.
Atunšje kănd svite šă kănd să ăntriba dă kutotu aje, Isus săngur u vinjit šă umbla ku jej.
16 And their eyes were held, that they did not recognize him.
Ali alu oči alor are uskratalit să nu ăl kunoskă pă Isus.
17 And he said to them: What are these discourses, which ye hold with each other, as ye walk and are sad?
Isus lju ăntribat pă jej: “Šă šje raspravljalec aša iskreno kănd umblăc?” Šă jej or stat trišč.
18 And one of them, whose name was Cleopas, answered and said to him: Art thou only a stranger in Jerusalem, that thou knowest not the things that have occurred there in these days?
Unu dăm jej, unu kari să čima Kleofa, ju ăntors vorba: “Ješć tu jedini stranac ăm Jeruzalem kari nu šćijă šje u fost ajiše ăm zadnji par zălji?”
19 He said to them: What things? They say to him: In regard to Jesus of Nazareth, a man who was a prophet, and mighty in discourse and in action, before God, and before all the people.
Isus u ăntribat: “Šje u fost?” Jej ur ăntors vorba: “Dă kutotu šje su dogodulit ku Isus dăm Nazaret. Jăl are Prorok, om bălour ăm djelur, šă ăm vorbi ăm njenće lu Dimizov, šă la lumi.
20 And the chief priests and Elders delivered him up to a sentence of death, and crucified him.
Mar popur šă anoštri poglavarur lor dat să sudulaskă pă Isus pă morči, šă jej lur pus pă krušji!
21 But we expected that he was to deliver Israel. And lo, three days have passed, since all these things occurred.
Noj nji nadalenj kă ăj jăl ala unu kari u otkupili Izrael. Šă astăs ăj treća (3) zuva dă atunšje.
22 And moreover, certain women of ours astonished us; for they went early to the sepulchre;
Ali pă aje kutotu orikići mujer dăm grupa anostră nju iznenadalit benji benj. Dă răkori dă điminjacasta jelji ur mers la gropă.
23 and as they did not find the body, they came and said to us: We saw angels there, and they said that he is alive.
Jelji nu ur aflat tela aluj, mar ur vinjit ăm napoj să nji zăkă kă ur văzut vizijă dă anđelj dă kari ur zăs kă Isus ăj ăm kust.
24 And also some of us went to the sepulchre; and they found, as the women reported; but him they saw not.
Orikic dăm grupa anostră ur mers la gropă să vadă šă ur aflat kum ur spus mujerilje ali nu lor văzut pă jăl.”
25 Then Jesus said to them: O deficient in understanding, and slow of heart to believe all the things that the prophets uttered.
Šă Isus lju zăs: “O voj ominj bulănž šă ăm sufljičilje avoštri nu ščec spremni să ănkriđec šje ur zăs proroci!
26 Were not these things to be; that the Messiah should suffer and that he should enter into his glory?
Nar trăbuji Krist să patalaskă dă toći stvarurlješće šă atunšje Dimizov să ăl proslavalaskă?”
27 Then he began from Moses, and from all the prophets, and expounded to them concerning himself from all the scriptures.
Jăl u spus maj menkulo šje are zăs dă jăl, ăm toći svănti kenvijur; su apukat ku Mojsije šă păm toc Proroci.
28 And they drew near to the village to which they were going; and he made them feel, as if he would go to a more distant place.
Kănd ur vinjit dapropi ăm lok hunđi măržje, Isus su arătat ăm namjeră să mergă maj menkulo.
29 And they urged him, and said to him: Tarry with us, for the day inclineth towards dark. And he went in to remain with them.
Ali jej lor nagovorulit să rămăji. “Rămănji ku noj; mar ăj kasno. Zuva ăj mar gata.” Atunšje jăl u mers ăm nontru să rămăji ku jej.
30 And it occurred, while he reclined with them, that he took bread, and blessed, and brake, and gave to them.
Atunšje kănd are ku jej la masă, Isus u lot pită, u blagoslovulitu šă u rupt ăm dovă šă lju dat alor.
31 And instantly, their eyes were opened, and, they knew him. And he took himself from them.
Aku oči alor puće să vadă, šă jej lor kunuskut, šă dă pă aje Isus u nestalit.
32 And they said one to another: Did not our heart burn within us, while he talked with us by the way, and explained to us the scriptures?
Šă jej ur zăs una la alt: “Nu nji arđe sufljičilje anoštri kănd svite jăl ku noj pă kalji, šă kănd nji objasnale jăl svăntă kenvijă?”
33 And they arose, the same hour, and returned: to Jerusalem. And they found the eleven assembled, and those with them,
Atunšje jej sor skulat šă ur mers ăm napoj ăm Jeruzalem. Akulo ur aflat pă jedanaest (11) apostolur una pă kupă, šă pă orikic alci ku jej.
34 who were saying: Certainly, our Lord hath risen; and he hath appeared to Simon.
Ešće ljor spus: “Domnu anume u uskrsnulit, šă su arătat la Šimun.”
35 And they also related what occurred by the way, and how he became known to them, when he broke bread.
Doj (2) učenikur ur spus šje ur păcăt pă kalji, šă kum lor kunuskut kănd u rupt pita.
36 And while they were talking of these things, Jesus stood in the midst of them, and said to them: Peace be with you! It is I; be not afraid.
Čak šă kănd svite dă aje šje ur păcăt, Isus stăće akulo ăntră jej šă jăl lju zăs: “Putuljală fijă ku voj!”
37 And they were in trepidation and fear, for they supposed they saw a spirit.
Jej as re zubunjic šă ănfrikušac kă jej gănđe kă veđi duh.
38 Jesus said to them: Why are ye agitated? And why do imaginations arise in your hearts?
Ali Isus u zăs: “Adišje vi frikă? Šă adăšje vinji sumnjur ăm sufljičilje avoštri?
39 Look at my hands and my feet, that it is myself. Handle me, and know; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.
Ujtăcăvă la pišjorilje amelji šă la mănjilje amelji! Ujtăcăvă ju mes! Punjec mănjilje šă uvjerilecăvă, kă duh nari karnji šă osă kum viđec kum ju am.”
40 And as he said thus, he showed them his hands and his feet.
Kănd u zăs asta jăl lju arătat mănjilje šă pišjorilje.
41 And while they still believed not, for their joy, and were astonished; he said to them: Have ye here any thing to eat?
Ali dă fălušuja mari, jej inka nu ănkriđe, šă să čudule. Jăl lju zăs: “Avec ajiše šjeva dă mănkat?”
42 And they gave him a piece of broiled fish, and of honeycomb.
Jej jur dat aluj dărab dă pešći fript.
43 And he took, and ate before them.
Isus u lot šă u mănkat ăm nenće alor.
44 And he said to them: These are the things which I said to you while I was with you, That all things written of me, in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the psalms, must be fulfilled.
Isus lju zăs: “Asta ăj aje šje ju vă svitem avovă kănd arem inka ku voj: kutotu stvarurlje kari dă minji as re skrišă ăm zakonu lu Mojsije, šă ăm kenvijurlje dă prorokur šă ăm Psalmur trăbuje să să ispunulaskă.”
45 Then he opened their mind to understand the scriptures.
Atunšje jăl lju dăsvăkut găndurlje alor să potă să prišjepi svăntă kenvija.
46 And he said to them: Thus it is written, and thus it was right for Messiah to suffer, and rise from the dead on the third day;
Jej u zăs: “Asta ăj skris ăm svăntă kenvijă: kă Krist trăbă să patalaskă šă să uskrsnulaskă dăm morc pă treća (3) ză.
47 and that, in his name, repentance for the remission of sins should be preached among all nations, and that the commencement be at Jerusalem.
Isto aša ănkăjală šă jirtala dă grehur ar trăbuji să fijă propovjedalići ăm numilje aluj alu toći nacijurlje aša Dimizov lju jirta grehurlje alor, šă să să apušji elši ku propovjed ăm Jeruzalem.
48 And ye are the witnesses of these things.
Voj ščec svedoci dă stvarurlješće.
49 And I will send upon you the promise of my Father. But remain ye at Jerusalem until ye shall be clothed with energy from on high.
Šă ju uj mănă žos pă voj Duh svănt šje Tata amnjov u igirit. Ali rămănjec ajiše ăm varuš păn šje nu vic fi ămbrăkac ku pučeri dă sus!”
50 And he led them out as far as Bethany, and lifted his hands, and blessed them.
Isus lju dus dă apropi ăm lok Betanija. Jăl u răđikat mănjilje ăm sus šă lju blagoslovulit pă jej.
51 And it occurred, while he blessed them, that he was separated from them, and ascended to heaven.
Šă kănd lji blagoslovule pă jej, jăl u fost răđikat šă dus sus ăm nor.
52 And they worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy.
Jej să klanjale la jăl, šă ku fulušuje mari sur ăntors ăm Jeruzalem,
53 And they were continually in the temple, praising and blessing God. Amen. Completion of the holy Gospel of Luke the Evangelist.
šă ăm Hram cijelo vreme ăl blagoslovule pă Dimizov.

< Luke 24 >