< John 21 >

1 After these things, Jesus showed himself again to his disciples, at the sea of Tiberias: and he showed himself thus:
Po tem se je Jezus zopet prikazal učencem na morji Tiberijadskem; prikazal se je pa tako-le;
2 There were together, Simon Cephas, and Thomas called the Twin, and Nathaniel who was of Cana in Galilee, and the sons of Zebedee, and two other of the disciples.
Bili so skupaj Simon Peter in Tomaž, ki se imenuje Dvojček, in Natanael iz Kane Galilejske, in Zebedejeva, in dva druga izmed učencev njegovih.
3 Simon Cephas said to them: I will go and catch fishes. They said to him: We will go with thee. And they went, and embarked in a ship: and that night, they caught nothing.
Reče jim Simon Peter: Ribe grem lovit. Rekó mu: Tudi mi pojdemo s teboj. Ter izidejo in vstopijo precej v ladjo, in tisto noč niso nič vjeli.
4 And when it was morning, Jesus stood on the shore of the sea: and the disciples did not know that it was Jesus.
Ko je pa uže jutro napočilo, stal je Jezus na bregu: ali učenci niso vedeli, da je Jezus.
5 And Jesus said to them: Lads, have ye any thing to eat? They say to him: No.
In reče jim Jezus: Otroci! jeli imate kakošne jedí? Odgovoré mu: Ne.
6 He said to them: Cast your net on the right side of the ship, and ye will find them. And they cast; and they could not draw up the net, because of the multitude of fishes it contained.
On jim pa reče: Vrzite mrežo na desno stran ladje, pa boste našli. Ter vržejo, in niso je več mogli vleči od množice rib.
7 And that disciple whom Jesus loved, said to Cephas That is our Lord. And Simon, when he heard that it was our Lord, took his tunic, and girded his loins, (for he had been naked, ) and threw himself into the sea, to go to Jesus.
Tedaj reče učenec, ta, kterega je Jezus ljubil, Petru: Gospod je. Simon Peter pa, ko zasliši, da je Gospod, opaše si srajco, (bil je namreč nag, ) in skoči v morje.
8 But the other disciples came in the ship, (for they were not very far from the land, only about two hundred cubits, ) and they dragged the net with the fishes.
A drugi učenci pridejo na ladjo, (niso bili namreč daleč od zemlje, nego kakih dvesto komolcev, ) in vlekli so mrežo z ribami.
9 And when they came upon the land, they saw coals placed, and fish laid on them, and bread.
Ko pa izstopijo na zemljo, ugledajo ogenj naložen in na njem ribo položeno, in kruh.
10 And Jesus said to them: Bring some of the fishes, which ye have just caught.
Velí jim Jezus: Prinesite od rib, ktere ste sedaj vjeli.
11 And Simon Cephas embarked, and drew the net to land, full of huge fishes, one hundred and fifty and three. And with all this weight, the net was not rent.
Simon Peter vstopi, in izvleče mrežo na zemljo, polno velikih rib sto in tri in petdeset; in da si ravno jih je toliko bilo, ni se mreža raztrgala.
12 And Jesus said to them: Come and dine. And no one of the disciples presumed to ask him, who he was; for they knew that it was our Lord.
Velí jim Jezus: Pridite, obedujte! Nobeden pa od učencev si ni upal vprašati ga: Kdo si ti? vedoč, da je Gospod.
13 And Jesus came, and took bread and fishes, and gave to his disciples.
In Jezus pride, in vzeme kruh, in dá jim, in ravno tako ribo.
14 This is the third time that Jesus appeared to his disciples when he had arisen from the dead.
To se je uže v tretje prikazal Jezus učencem svojim, odkar je vstal od mrtvih.
15 And when they had dined, Jesus said to Simon Cephas: Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me, more than these do? He said to him: Yes, my Lord: thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus said to him: Feed my lambs for me.
A ko so poobedovali, reče Jezus Simonu Petru: Simon Jonov, ljubiš li me bolj, nego té? Reče mu: Dà, Gospod! ti véš, da te ljubim. Reče mu: Pasi jagnjeta moja.
16 Again, he said to him the second time: Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He said to him: Yes, my Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus said to him: Feed my sheep for me.
Reče mu zopet drugoč: Simon Jonov, ali me ljubiš? Reče mu: Dà, Gospod! ti veš, da te ljubim. Veli mu: Pasi ovce moje.
17 Again, Jesus said to him the third time: Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? And it grieved Cephas, that he said to him the third time, Lovest thou me; and he said to him: My Lord, thou understandest all things, thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus said to him: Feed my sheep for me.
Reče mu v tretje: Simon Jonov, ali me ljubiš? Peter postane žalosten, da mu je v tretje rekel: Ali me ljubiš? in reče mu: Gospod! ti vse véš; ti znaš, da te ljubim. Veli mu Jezus: Pasi ovce moje.
18 Verily, verily, I say to thee: When thou wast young, thou girdedst thy own loins, and walkedst whither it pleased thee: but when thou shalt be old, thou wilt extend thy hands, and another will gird thy loins for thee, and will conduct thee whither thou wouldst not.
Resnično resnično ti pravim: Ko si bil mlajši, opasoval si se sam, in hodil si, kamor si hotel; kedar boš pa star, raztegnil boš roke svoje, in drugi te bo opasal, in odpeljal te bo, kamor ne boš hotel.
19 And this he said, to show by what death he was to glorify God. And having said these things, he said to him: Follow me.
To je pa povedal, da je na znanje dal, s kakošno smrtjo bo oslavil Boga. In ko je to povedal, reče mu: Pojdi za menoj!
20 And Simon turned himself, and saw coming after him, that disciple whom Jesus loved, who fell on the breast of Jesus at the supper, and said, My Lord, who is it will betray thee?
Obrnivši se pa Peter, ugleda učenca, kterega je Jezus ljubil, da gre za njim, kteri je bil na večerji tudi legel na prsi njegove, in je bil rekel: Gospod! kdo je tisti, ki te bo izdal?
21 Him Cephas saw, and said to Jesus: My Lord, as for this man, what?
Ko tega Peter ugleda, reče Jezusu: Gospod! Kaj pa ta?
22 Jesus said to him: If I will, that he abide here until I come, what is that to thee? Follow thou me.
Reče mu Jezus: Če hočem, da ostane dotlej, ko pridem, kaj tebi za to? Ti pojdi za menoj.
23 And this saying went forth among the brethren, that this disciple would not die. Yet Jesus did not say, that he would not die; but, If I will that he abide here until I come, what is that to thee.
In razglasila se je med brati ta beseda: Ta učenec ne bo umrl. Ali Jezus mu ni bil rekel, da ne bo umrl; nego: Če hočem, da ostane dotlej, ko pridem, kaj tebi za to?
24 This is the disciple who hath testified of all these things, and hath written them: and we know, that his testimony is true.
Ta učenec je ta, ki pričuje za to, in je napisal to; in vémo, da je pričevanje njegovo resnično.
25 And there are also many other things, which Jesus did; which, if written out with particularity, the world itself, as I suppose, would not suffice for the books that would be written. Completion of the Holy Gospel, the announcement of John the Evangelist; which he uttered, in Greek, at Ephesus.
Je pa še drugega veliko, kar je storil Jezus, in to, ko bi se posamez vse napisalo, menim, da tudi ves svet ne bi imel prostora za bukve, ktere bi se napisale. Amen.

< John 21 >