< Hebrews 11 >
1 Now faith is the persuasion of the things that are in hope, as if they were in act; and it is the manifestness of the things not seen.
Men Tro er en Fortrøstning til det, som håbes, en Overbevisning om Ting, som ikke ses.
2 And for it the ancients are well testified of.
Ved den fik jo de gamle godt Vidnesbyrd.
3 For by faith, we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God; and that things seen, originated from those that are not seen. (aiōn )
Ved Tro fatte vi, at Verden er bleven skabt ved Guds Ord, så det ikke er af synlige Ting, at det, som ses, er blevet til. (aiōn )
4 By faith, Abel offered to God a better sacrifice than that of Cain; and on account of it, he is testified of that he was righteous, and God bore testimony to his offering; and in consequence thereof, though dead he yet speaketh.
Ved Tro ofrede Abel Gud et bedre Offer end Kain, og ved den fik han det Vidnesbyrd, at han var retfærdig, idet Gud bevidnede sit Velbehag i hans Gaver; og ved den taler han endnu efter sin Død.
5 By faith, Enoch was translated, and did not taste death; and he was not found, because God had translated him: for, before he translated him, there was testimony of him, that he pleased God.
Ved Tro blev Enok borttagen, for at han ikke skulde se Døden, og han blev ikke funden, efterdi Gud havde taget ham bort; thi før Borttagelsen har han fået det Vidnesbyrd, at han har behaget Gud.
6 But, without faith, a man cannot please God. For he that draweth near to God, must believe his existence, and that he will recompense those who seek him.
Men uden Tro er det umuligt at behage ham; thi den, som kommer frem for Gud, bør tro, at han er til, og at han bliver deres Belønner, som søge ham.
7 By faith Noah, when he was told of things not seen, feared; and he made himself an ark, for the life of his household; whereby he condemned the world, and became an heir of the righteousness which is by faith.
Ved Tro var det, at Noa, advaret af Gud om det, som endnu ikke sås, i Gudsfrygt indrettede en Ark til Frelse for sit Hus; ved den domfældte han Verden og blev Arving til Retfærdigheden ifølge Tro.
8 By faith Abraham, when he was called, obeyed, and departed to the place which he was to receive for an inheritance: and he departed, while he knew not whither he was going.
Ved Tro adlød Abraham, da han blev kaldet, så han gik ud til et Sted, som han skulde tage til Arv; og han gik ud, skønt han ikke vidste, hvor han kom hen.
9 By faith, he became a resident in the land that was promised him, as in a foreign land; and abode in tents, with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise.
Ved Tro blev han Udlænding i Forjættelsens Land som i et fremmed og boede i Telte med Isak og Jakob, som vare Medarvinger til samme Forjættelse;
10 For he looked for the city that hath a foundation, of which the builder and maker is God.
thi han forventede den Stad, som har fast Grundvold, hvis Bygmester og Grundlægger er Gud.
11 By faith, Sarah also, who was barren, acquired energy to receive seed; and, out of the time of her years, she brought forth; because she firmly believed, that he was faithful who had promised her.
Ved Tro fik endog Sara selv Kraft til at undfange endog ud over sin Alders Tid; thi hun holdt ham for trofast, som havde forjættet det.
12 Therefore, from one man failing through age, numbers were born, like the stars in the heavens, and like the sand on the shore of the sea which is innumerable.
Derfor avledes der også af en, og det en udlevet, som Himmelens Stjerner i Mangfoldighed og som Sandet ved Havets Bred, det, som ikke kan tælles.
13 All these died in faith, and received not their promise; but they saw it afar off, and rejoiced in it; and they confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.
I Tro døde alle disse uden at have opnået Forjættelserne; men de så dem langt borte og hilsede dem og bekendte, at de vare fremmede og Udlændinge på Jorden.
14 Now they who say thus, show that they seek a city.
De, som sige sådant, give jo klarlig til Kende, at de søge et Fædreland.
15 But if they had been seeking that city from which they came out, they had opportunity to return again and go to it.
Og dersom de havde haft det, hvorfra de vare udgåede, i Tanker, havde de vel haft Tid til at vende tilbage;
16 But now it is manifest that they longed for a better city than that, namely, for that which is in heaven. Therefore God did not refuse to be called their God; for he prepared for them the city.
men nu hige de efter et bedre, det er et himmelsk; derfor skammer Gud sig ikke ved dem, ved at kaldes deres Gud; thi han har betedt dem en, Stad.
17 By faith Abraham, in his trial, offered up Isaac; and he laid on the altar his only son, whom he had received by promise.
Ved Tro har Abraham ofret Isak, da han blev prøvet, ja, den. enbårne ofrede han, som havde modtaget Forjættelserne,
18 For it had been said to him, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.
til hvem der var sagt: "I Isak skal en Sæd få Navn efter dig; "
19 And he reasoned with himself, that God was able even to raise him from the dead: and therefore, in the similitude of a resurrection, he was restored to him.
thi han betænkte, at Gud var mægtig endog til at oprejse fra de døde, hvorfra han jo også lignelsesvis fik ham tilbage.
20 By faith in what was to be, Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau.
Ved Tro udtalte Isak Velsignelse over Jakob og Esau angående kommende Ting.
21 By faith Jacob, when dying, blessed each of the sons of Joseph, and bowed himself on the top of his staff.
Ved Tro velsignede Jakob døende hver af Josefs Sønner og tilbad, lænende sig over sin Stav.
22 By faith Joseph, when dying, was mindful of the departure of the children of Israel, and gave direction concerning his bones.
Ved Tro talte Josef på sit yderste om Israels Børns Udgang og gav Befaling om sine Ben.
23 By faith the parents of Moses, after he was born, hid him three months; because they saw he was a goodly child; and they were not deterred by the command of the king.
Ved Tro blev Moses, da han var født, skjult i tre Måneder af sine Forældre, fordi de så, at Barnet var dejligt, og de frygtede ikke for Kongens Befaling.
24 By faith Moses, when be became a man, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh's daughter.
Ved Tro nægtede Moses, da han var bleven stor, at kaldes Søn af Faraos Datter
25 And he chose to be in affliction with the people of God, and not to live luxuriously in sin for a short season:
og valgte hellere at lide ondt med Guds Folk end at have en kortvarig Nydelse af Synd,
26 and he esteemed the reproach of the Messiah a greater treasure than the hoarded riches of Egypt; for he looked upon the recompense of reward.
idet han agtede Kristi Forsmædelse for større Rigdom end Ægyptens Skatte; thi han så hen til Belønningen.
27 By faith, he left Egypt, and was not terrified by the wrath of the king; and he continued to hope, just as if he saw the invisible God.
Ved Tro forlod han Ægypten uden at frygte for Kongens Vrede; thi som om han så den usynlige, holdt han ud.
28 By faith, they kept the passover, and the sprinkling of blood, that he who destroyed the first-born might not approach them.
Ved Tro har han indstiftet Påsken og Påstrygelsen af Blodet, for at den, som ødelagde de førstefødte, ikke skulde røre dem.
29 By faith, they passed the Red Sea, as on dry land; and in it the Egyptians were swallowed up, when they dared to enter it.
Ved Tro gik de igennem det røde Hav som over tørt Land, medens Ægypterne druknede under Forsøget derpå.
30 By faith, the walls of Jericho fell down, when they had been encompassed seven days.
Ved Tro faldt Jerikos Mure, efter at de vare omgåede i syv Dage.
31 By faith Rahab, the harlot, perished not with them who believed not, when she received the spies in peace.
Ved Tro undgik Skøgen Rahab at omkomme med de genstridige; thi hun modtog Spejderne med Fred.
32 What more shall I say? For I have little time to tell of Gideon, and of Barak, and of Sampson, and of Jephtha, and of David, and of Samuel, and of the other prophets:
Dog, hvorfor skal jeg tale mere? Tiden vil jo fattes mig, hvis jeg skal fortælle om Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jefta, David og Samuel og Profeterne,
33 who, by faith, subdued kingdoms, and wrought righteousness, and received promises, and shut the mouths of lions,
som ved Tro overvandt Riger, øvede Retfærdighed, opnåede Forjættelser, stoppede Løvers Mund,
34 and quenched the force of fire, and were rescued from the edge of the sword, and were healed of diseases, and became strong in battle, and routed the camps of enemies,
slukkede Ilds Kraft, undslap Sværds Od, bleve stærke efter Svaghed, bleve vældige i Krig, bragte fremmedes Hære til at vige.
35 and restored to women their children, by a resurrection from the dead. And some died under tortures, and did not hope to escape, that there might be for them a better resurrection;
Kvinder fik deres døde igen ved Opstandelse. Andre bleve lagte på Pinebænk og toge ikke imod Befrielse, for at de måtte opnå en bedre Opstandelse.
36 and others endured mockings and, scourgings; others were delivered up to bonds and prisons;
Andre måtte friste Forhånelser og Hudstrygelser, tilmed Lænker og Fængsel;
37 others were stoned; others were sawed; others died by the edge of the sword; others roamed about clothed in sheep skins and goat skins, and were needy, and afflicted, and agitated;
de bleve stenede, gennemsavede, fristede, dræbte med Sværd, gik omkring i Fåre- og Gedeskind, lidende Mangel, betrængte, mishandlede
38 persons of whom the world was not worthy, and yet they were as wanderers in the desert, and in mountains, and in caves, and in caverns of the earth.
(dem var Verden ikke værd), omvankende i Ørkener og på Bjerge og i Huler og Jordens Kløfter.
39 And all these, of whose faith there is testimony, received not the promise:
Og alle disse, skønt de havde Vidnesbyrd for deres Tro, opnåede ikke Forjættelsen,
40 because God had provided the aid for us; so that without us they should not be perfected.
efterdi Gud forud havde udset noget bedre for os, for at de ikke skulde fuldkommes uden os.