< Acts 24 >

1 And after five days, Ananias the high priest, with the Elders, and with Tertullus the orator, went down, and made a communication to the governor against Paul.
Črez pet dnî pa snide véliki duhoven Ananija s starešinami in govornikom nekim Tertulom; in ti pridejo pred poglavarja zoper Pavla.
2 And when he had been called, Tertullus began to accuse him, and to say:
Ko je bil pa poklican, začne tožiti Tertul, govoreč:
3 Through thee, we dwell in much tranquillity; and many reforms have come to this nation, under thy administration; and we all, in every place, receive thy grace, excellent Felix.
Da imamo veliko mirú po tebi, in pravice in sreče, ktero se narodu temu godé po tvojej previdnosti, vselej in povsodi, častiti Feliks! sprejemamo z vso hvaležnostjo.
4 But, not to weary thee with numerous particulars, I pray thee to hear our humbleness, in brief.
Ali da te ne bom dalje nadlegoval, prosim, da bi nas poslušal ob kratkem po svojej dobroti.
5 For we have found this man to be an assassin, and a mover of sedition among all Jews in the whole land: for he is a ringleader of the sect of the Nazareans.
Našli smo namreč tega človeka, da je kuga, in budí punt zoper vse Jude po vsem svetu, in je vodnik ločinki Nazaretskej,
6 And he was disposed to pollute our temple. And having seized him we wished to judge him according to our law.
Kteri je izkusil tudi tempelj oskruniti; kterega smo tudi zgrabili in po svojej postavi hoteli soditi;
7 But Lysias the Chiliarch came, and with great violence took him out of our hands, and sent him to thee.
Ali prišel je Lizija jezernik, ter ga je z veliko silo iz rok naših odpeljal,
8 And he commanded his accusers to come before thee. And if thou wilt interrogate him, thou canst learn from him respecting all these things of which we accuse him.
Ukazavši tožnikom njegovim, naj gremo k tebi; od njega boš mogel sam, ko izprašaš, vse to zvedeti, za kar ga mi tožimo.
9 And the Jews also pleaded against him, saying that these things were so.
Pritrdili pa so tudi Judje, govoreč, da je to tako.
10 Then the governor made signs to Paul, that he should speak. And Paul answered and said: I know thee to have been a judge of this nation for many years, and I therefore cheerfully enter upon a defence of myself.
Pavel pa odgovorí, ko mu je poglavar namignil, da naj govorí: Ker vém, da si veliko let sèm sodnik temu narodu, odgovarjal bom to, kar se mene tiče, toliko srčneje:
11 Because thou canst understand, that there have been but twelve days, since I went up to Jerusalem to worship.
Ko lahko zvéš, da ni več, kakor dvanajst dnî, kar sem prišel molit v Jeruzalem.
12 And they did not find me talking with any person in the temple, nor collecting any company, either in their synagogues, or in the city.
In niso me našli v tempeljnu, da bi se bil s kom prepiral ali da bi bil napravljal hrup med ljudstvom, ne po shajališčih, ne po mestu;
13 Nor have they the power to prove, before thee, the things of which they now accuse me.
In tudi izkazati ne morejo, za kar me sedaj tožijo.
14 But this indeed I acknowledge, that in that same doctrine of which they speak, I do serve the God of my fathers, believing all the things written in the law and in the prophets.
To ti pa priznavam, da po poti, ktero imenujejo ločinko, tako služim Boga očakov, verovaje vse, kar je po postavi in v prerokih pisano,
15 And I have a hope in God, which they also themselves expect, that there is to be a resurrection of the dead, both of the righteous and the wicked.
Upanje imajoč na Boga, kterega tudi oni sami čakajo, da bo vstajanje mrtvim, pravičnim in nepravičnim.
16 And for this reason, I also labor to have always a pure conscience before God, and before men.
V tem si pa sam prizadevam, da bi brezmadežno vest imel pred Bogom in ljudmí vsegdar.
17 And, after many years, I came to the people of my own nation, to impart alms, and to present an offering.
Črez več pa let sem prišel miloščino delit narodu svojemu in daritve;
18 And when I had purified myself, these men found me in the temple; not with a throng, nor with a tumult. But certain Jews, who came from Asia, were tumultuous;
Pri tem so me našli očiščenega v tempeljnu, ne z ljudstvom ne s hrupom, neki Judje iz Azije,
19 who ought, with me, to stand before thee, and make accusation of their own affair.
Kteri bi imeli predte priti in tožiti, če kaj imajo zoper mene.
20 Or let these here present say, whether they found any offence in me, when I stood before their assembly;
Ali naj ti sami povedó, če so našli krivico na meni, ko sem stal pred zborom;
21 except this one thing, that I cried, while standing in the midst of them: Concerning the resurrection of the dead, am I this day on trial before you.
Razen za voljo tega edinega glasú, s kterim sem zavpil, stoječ med njimi: Za voljo vstajanja mrtvih me sodite danes.
22 And Felix, because he understood that way fully, deferred them, saying: When the Chiliarch shall come, I will give hearing between you.
Slišavši pa to Feliks, odloží jim, na tanko vedoč, kar ta pot zadeva, in reče: Kedar Lizija jezernik snide, razsodil bom vašo stvar.
23 And he commanded a centurion to keep Paul, at rest; and that no one of his acquaintances should be forbidden to minister to him.
In ukazal je stotniku, da se ima Pavel varovati, in da naj se nikomur od njegovih ne brani streči mu ali dohajati k njemu.
24 And after a few days, Felix, and Drusilla his wife who was a Jewess, sent and called for Paul; and they heard him concerning faith in the Messiah.
A črez nekaj dnî pride Feliks z Družilo ženo svojo, ktera je bila Judinja, in pokliče Pavla, in slišal ga je o veri v Kristusa.
25 And while he was discoursing with them on righteousness, and on holiness, and on the future judgment, Felix was filled with fear; and he said: For the present time, go: and when I have opportunity, I will send for thee.
Ko je pa govoril on o pravici in zdržljivosti in prihodnjej sodbi, uplaši se Feliks, in odgovorí: Za sedaj pojdi; a kedar bom prigoden čas imel, poklical te bom.
26 He hoped, moreover, that a present would be given him by Paul; and therefore, he often sent for him, and conversed with him.
Zraven se je pa tudi nadejal, da mu bo Pavel dal denarja, da bi ga izpustil; za to ga je tudi pogostoma klical in se razgovarjal ž njim.
27 And when two years were fulfilled to him, another governor, whose name was Porcius Festus, came into his place. And Felix, that he might do the Jews a favor, left Paul a prisoner.
Ko ste se pa izpolnili dve leti, prejme Feliks nastopnika Porcija Festa; hoteč pa Feliks Judom ugoditi, pustil je Pavla zvezanega.

< Acts 24 >