< Acts 22 >

1 Brethren, and fathers, hearken to my defence before you.
Možjé bratje in očetje! čujte sedaj moj odgovor k vam.
2 And when they perceived that he addressed them in Hebrew, they were the more quiet: and he said to them:
(Ko so pa slišali, da jim v Hebrejskem jeziku govorí, bili so še bolj tiho.) In reče:
3 I am a man who am a Jew; and I was born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but was brought up in this city, at the feet of Gamaliel, and instructed perfectly in the law of our fathers; and I was zealous for God, as ye also all are.
Jaz sem mož Jud, rojen v Tarsu Cilicijskem, odgojen pa v tem mestu pri nogah Gamalijelovih, podučen na tanko v očetovskej postavi, vnet za Boga, kakor ste vsi vi danes.
4 And I persecuted this way, even to death; for I bound, and delivered up to prison, both men and women.
Jaz sem preganjal ta pot noter do smrti, vežoč in izdajoč v ječe možé in žene,
5 As the high priest is my witness, and likewise all the Elders; from whom I received letters, that I might go to the brethren in Damascus, and bring those who were there prisoners to Jerusalem, to receive capital punishment.
Kakor mi tudi véliki duhoven priča, in vse starešinstvo; od kterih sem tudi pisem prejel do bratov in sem šel v Damask, da bi pripeljal tudi tiste, kteri so tam bili, zvezane v Jeruzalem, da bi se mučili.
6 And as I travelled and began to approach Damascus, at noonday, from amidst tranquillity, a great light from heaven burst upon me.
Zgodí pa se, ko sem šel in sem se bližál Damasku, okoli poldneva, da me nagloma obsije velika svetloba z neba;
7 And I fell to the earth: and I heard a voice, which said to me: Saul, Saul! why persecutest thou me?
In padel sem na tla, in slišal sem glas, da mi pravi: Savel, Savel! kaj me preganjaš?
8 And I answered and said: Who art thou, my Lord? And he said to me: I am Jesus the Nazarean, whom thou persecutest.
Jaz sem pa odgovoril: Kdo si, Gospod? In reče mi: Jaz sem Jezus Nazarečan, kterega ti preganjaš.
9 And the men who were with me, saw the light, but heard not the voice that talked with me.
Tisti pa, kteri so bili z menoj, videli so sicer svetlobo, in uplašili so se; ali glasú niso slišali, kteri mi je govoril.
10 And I said: My Lord, what must I do? And our Lord said to me: Arise, go to Damascus; and there will be told thee, all that it is commanded thee to do.
In rekel sem: Kaj naj storim, Gospod? A Gospod mi reče: Vstani in pojdi v Damask; in tam ti se bo povedalo vse, kar ti je odločeno, da storiš.
11 And as I could see nothing, because of the glory of that light, those with me took me by the hand, and I entered Damascus.
Ko pa nisem videl od bliščeče te svetlobe, peljali so me za roko, kteri so bili z menoj, in prišel sem v Damask.
12 And a certain man, Ananias, who was upright according to the law, as all the Jews there testified concerning him, came to me.
Neki Ananija pa, človek pobožen po postavi, kteri ima pričevanje od vseh Judov, kteri tam prebivajo,
13 And he said to me: My brother Saul! open thine eyes. And instantly my eyes were opened; and I looked upon him.
Pride k meni, in vstopivši se, reče mi: Savel brat, spreglej! In jaz sem še tisti čas pogledal na-nj.
14 And he said to me: The God of our fathers hath ordained thee to know his will, and to behold the Just One, and to hear the voice of his mouth.
On pa reče: Bog očetov naših te je izvolil, da spoznaj voljo njegovo, in vidiš pravičnega, in slišiš glas iz ust njegovih;
15 And thou shalt be a witness for him before all men, concerning all that thou hast seen and heard.
Kajti boš mu priča pri vseh ljudéh tega, kar si videl in slišal.
16 And now, why delayest thou? Arise, be baptized, and be cleansed from thy sins, while thou invokest his name.
In sedaj, kaj se obotavljaš? Vstani, in krsti se, in operi grehe svoje, poklicavši ime Gospodovo.
17 And I returned and came hither to Jerusalem. And I prayed in the temple.
Zgodí se pa, ko sem se bil vrnil v Jeruzalem, in sem v tempeljnu molil, da sem se zamaknil,
18 And I saw him in a vision, when he said to me: Make haste, and get thee out of Jerusalem; for they will not receive thy testimony concerning me.
In videl sem ga, in rekel mi je: Pohiti in izidi naglo iz Jeruzalema, ker ne bodo sprejeli pričevanja tvojega za-me.
19 And I said: My Lord, they well know that I have delivered up to prison, and have scourged in all synagogues, those who believed in thee.
In jaz sem rekel: Gospod! sami vedó, da sem jaz zapiral in bíl po shajališčih té, kteri so verovali v tebe;
20 And when the blood of thy martyr Stephen was shed, I also was standing with them, and performed the pleasure of his slayers, and took charge of the garments of those that stoned him.
In ko se je prelivala kri Štefana pričevalca tvojega, tudi jaz sem stal zraven, in privolil sem na smrt njegovo, in varoval sem oblačila tistih, kteri so ga pobijali.
21 But he said to me: Depart; for I send thee afar, to preach to the Gentiles.
In reče mi: Pojdi; kajti jaz te bom daleč poslal med pogane.
22 And when they had heard Paul as far as this sentence, they raised their voice, and cried out: Away with such a man from the earth! for he ought not to live!
In poslušali so ga do te besede, ter povzdignejo glas svoj, govoreč: Vzemi z zemlje takošnega; ker ni prav, da živí.
23 And as they vociferated, and cast off their garments, and threw dust into the air,
Ko so pa kričali, in metali oblačila, in prah lučali k višku,
24 the Chiliarch gave orders, to carry him into the castle: and he commanded, that he should be examined with stripes; that he might know, for what cause they cried out against him.
Ukaže ga jezernik v grad odpeljati, rekši, naj ga z biči iztezajo, da bi zvedel, za kakošno krivico tako vpijejo nad njim.
25 And as they were stretching him with ropes, Paul said to the centurion who stood over him: Is it lawful for you to scourge a man, who is a Roman, and not yet found guilty?
Ko so ga pa z jermeni pritegnili, reče Pavel stotniku, kteri je tam stal: Smete li človeka Rimljana, in neobsojenega bičati?
26 And when the centurion heard it, he went to the Chiliarch, and said to him: What doest thou? For this man is a Roman.
Slišavši pa to stotnik, pristopi in sporočí jezerniku, govoreč: Glej, kaj boš storil; kajti ta človek je Rimljan.
27 And the Chiliarch came to him, and said to him: Tell me; Art thou a Roman? And he said to him: Yes.
Pristopivši pa jezernik, reče mu: Povej mi, če si ti Rimljan? On pa reče: Dà.
28 The Chiliarch replied and said to him: With much money I acquired Roman citizenship. Paul said to him: And I was born in it.
In jezernik odgovorí: Jaz sem za veliko denarja to državljanstvo pridobil. A Pavel reče: Jaz sem se pa tudi rodil.
29 And immediately they who were intending to scourge him, fled from him: and the Chiliarch was afraid, when he learned that he was a Roman, because he had stretched him for scourging.
Tedaj so precej odstopili od njega, kteri so ga imeli tezati; pa tudi jezernik se je bal, ko je zvedel, da je Rimljan, in da ga je bil zvezal.
30 And the next day, he wished to know truly what the accusation was, which the Jews brought against him: and he unbound him, and commanded the chief priests, and the whole company of their head-men, to assemble; and he took Paul, and brought him down, and placed him among them.
Drugi dan pa, ker je hotel za gotovo zvedeti, za kaj ga Judje tožijo, razveže ga od vezî, in ukaže priti velikemu duhovnu in vsemu zboru njihovemu; in pripeljavši Pavla dol, postavi ga pred-nje.

< Acts 22 >