< 3 John 1 >
1 THE Elder, to my beloved Gaius, whom I love in the truth.
Mbaha, Gayo ne gane, Yuve nehuganile mu yelweli.
2 Our beloved; in all things, I pray for thee that thou mayest prosper and be in health, as thy soul doth prosper.
Vegane nihohodovela usayiwe hu fifufyoni nu huwa nkafu pa mbele, ndu enumbula yaho umuyisayiwa.
3 For I rejoiced greatly, when the brethren came and testified concerning thy integrity, even as thou walkest in the truth.
Na hovwihe vavile vambolile ava likolo vavo vahinchile nu huhumia elimenyu lya lweli yaho, ndu umovugendela mu lweli.
4 And I have no greater joy, than to hear that my children walk in the truth.
Nelevovole uluhekelo uluvaha ululutelile, uhupulika uhuta avana vanu vigenda muyelweli.
5 Our beloved, thou doest in faith, what thou performest towards the brethren; and especially towards strangers,
Vegane yuwe vugenda mu yelweli uhuvatanga avalokolo na avagenji.
6 who have borne testimony to thy charity before the whole church, to whom thou doest good, as is pleasing to God.
Vavo vahominche uvaye lweli nu ulugano lwaho pampelela. Vuvomba vononu uhuvatanga mu njila ncha vene nu uhong'ovosya u Nguluve.
7 For they went forth in behalf of his name, taking nothing of the Gentiles.
Ulwahova ndi tawa valutile hetagega ehenu hyohyoni uhuhuma hu vanuavakilunga.
8 We therefore ought to receive such persons, that we may be aiders of the truth.
Pu, tunogiwa uhuvambelela avanu ndava, pu tuve vavomba mbombo vaniie va yelweli.
9 I was desirous of writing to the church; but he who loveth to be foremost among them, Diotrephes, receiveth us not.
Navasimbile avalulundamano elimenyu, ulwahuva Diotrofe uveinogwa uhuva mbulongolo huvanine, sihwedehane nufwe.
10 Therefore, if he come, remember those his doings, that he treated us with malignant words; and this not sufficing him, he received not the brethren; and those who would receive them, he prohibited, and even ejected them from the church.
Nenginche, nikumbuhaga imbombo incha mwene incho ihonchivomba, umu inchova amamenyu amavivi gaga sa getu. Sedehine ni mbombo inchi, umwene sihovupilila avalokolo. Ihovabencha avange vavo vinogwa uhuvumpelela avalokolo nu huwaswema vahome mu lulundamano.
11 Our beloved, be not a follower of what is evil, but of what is good. He that doeth good, is of God; but he that doeth evil, hath not seen God.
Vegane, usite uhwegela ifivivi, egelaga ifinya vononu. umwene yuywa ivomba amanonu iva va Nguruve nu uve ivomba amavivi iva sambwene u Nguruve.
12 Of Demetrius, there is good testimony from every one, and from the church, and from the truth itself: and we also bear him testimony, and ye know that our testimony is true.
Demetrio avonike na vanu voni na yelweli, na yofwe tulevatangeli, uhumanyile uhuta amamenyu getu ga yelweli.
13 I had many things to write to thee; but I will not write them to thee with ink and pen.
Nelenago amamenyu mingi agahuhusimbila, leno saninogwa uhuhusimbile ne simbelo.
14 But I hope soon to see thee, and to converse mouth to mouth. [ (III John 1:15) Peace be with thee. The friends salute thee. Salute the friends, severally, by name. ]
Ninogwa uhwagana muve lenoleno, pu ya twinchovana. Uluhungu luve nuve, avamanyani vihoho ponia, vaponiage avamanyani yomoyomo hulitawa lya mwene