< 2 Timothy 3 >

1 But this know thou, that in the latter days hard times will come:
To pa védi, da v zadnjih dnevih nastanejo težki časi.
2 and men will be lovers of themselves, and lovers of money, boasters, proud, censorious, unyielding towards their own people, denyers of grace, wicked,
Kajti ljudje bodejo samoljubni, lakomni, širokoustni, prevzetni, opravljivi, roditeljem nepokorni, nehvaležni, brezbožni,
3 calumniators, addicted to concupiscence, ferocious, haters of the good,
Brezsrčni, nespravljivi, obrekljivi, nezmerni, grozoviti, nedobroljubni,
4 treacherous, rash, inflated, attached to pleasure more than to the love of God,
Izdajalci, vrtoglavi, napihneni; veselje bolj ljubeči nego Boga,
5 having a form of respect for God, but wide from the power of God. Them who are such, repel from thee.
Ki imajo podobo pobožnosti, moč pa njeno tajé; in teh se ogiblji!
6 For of them are they who creep into this and that house, and captivate the women who are plunged in sins and led away by divers lusts,
Izmed teh namreč so oni, ki se plazijo v hiše in v pest dobivajo obložene z grehi ženščine, katere goni mnogotero poželenje,
7 who are always learning, and can never come to the knowledge of the truth.
Katere se vedno učé, in nikdar ne morejo priti do spoznanja resnice.
8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so also do these withstand the truth: men whose mind is corrupted, and they reprobates from the faith.
Enako pa, kakor sta Janez in Jambrez ustavljala se Mojzesu, tako se tudi tí ustavljajo resnici, ljudjé popačeni na umu, malopridni za vero.
9 But they will not make progress, for their infatuation will be understood by every one, as theirs also was understood.
Ali napredovali ne bodo; kajti nespamet njihova bode vsem očita, kakor je bila tudi onih.
10 But thou hast followed after my doctrine, and my manner of life, and my aims, and my faith, and my long suffering, and my love, and my patience,
Ti pa si hodil za menoj v uku, vedenji, nameri, veri, prizanesljivosti, ljubezni, stanovitnosti;
11 and my persecution, and my sufferings. And thou knowest what I endured at Antioch, and at Iconium, and at Lystra; what persecution I endured: and from all these my Lord delivered me.
Preganjanjih, trpljenjih, kakošna so me zadela v Antijohiji, v Ikoniji, v Listrih; kakošna preganjanja sem prestal; in iz vsega me je otél Gospod.
12 And likewise all, who choose to live in the fear of God, in Jesus the Messiah, will be persecuted.
Vsi pa tudi, kateri hoté pobožno živeti v Kristusu Jezusu, bodo preganjani.
13 But evil and seducing men will add to their wickedness, while they deceive and are deceived.
Hudobni pa in sleparski ljudje bodo napredovali v slabem, varali bodo in varani.
14 But continue thou in the things thou hast learned and been assured of; for thou knowest from whom thou learnedst;
Ti pa ostani v tem, česar si se učil in se preveril, vedóč, od koga si se učil;
15 because from thy childhood, thou wast taught the holy books, which can make thee wise unto life, by faith in Jesus the Messiah.
In da od mladih nóg póznaš sveta pisma, zmožna modriti te v zveličanje po veri, ki je v Kristusu Jezusu.
16 All scripture that was written by the Spirit, is profitable for instruction, and for confutation, and for correction, and for erudition in righteousness;
Vsako pismo je od Boga navdihneno in koristno za uk, za svarjenje, za opominjanje, za vzrejo v pravici;
17 that the man of God may become perfect, and complete for every good work.
Da bode popoln človek Božji, pripraven za vsako dobro delo.

< 2 Timothy 3 >