< 2 Corinthians 6 >

1 And as aiders we entreat of you, that the grace of God which ye have received, may not be ineffectual in you.
Hanchu, Pathien moroina nin chang hah asênaboia nin mang minhek loina rangin keini Pathien leh munkhata sinthongei hin nangni kin ngên.
2 For he hath said, In an acceptable time have I heard thee, and in the day of life I have aided thee. Behold, now is the acceptable time! and behold, now is the day of life!
Pathien'n imo a ti rangâi roi: “Ku lungkhamna nangni min mu rang zora ahong tungin chu, nangni ka rangâi pea; nangni ka sanminring nikhuo ahong tungin chu, Nangni ka san ngâi.” Rangâi roi! Atûn tak hih Pathien lungkhamna chang zora ania; aviensûn hih sanminringna chang rang nikhuo ani!
3 Give ye no occasion of offence to any one in any thing, that there may be no reproach on our ministry.
Kin sinthona hin tutên achâina man no rese ngei kin nuom ani, masikin tu lampuia te lamchâishaknangei dar rangin pût mak meh.
4 But we, in all things, would show ourselves to be the ministers of God, in much endurance, in afflictions, in necessity, in distresses,
Manêkin, kin sinthona ngeia injêlnangei, dûktongnangei le intaknangei diertaka tuongin Pathien tîrlâmngei kin ni tie kin minlang ngâi.
5 in scourgings, in imprisonments, in tumults, in toil, in watching, in fasting;
Jêm bitin, intângna ina khumin le phenêngin kin oma; sin sôlin, inmurahal inshakin le bungêiin kin om ngâi.
6 by purity, by knowledge, by long suffering, by benignity, by the Holy Spirit, by love unfeigned,
Kin inthiengna, rietna, tuongdierna, le singna ngei hah, kin lungkhamna diktakin, Ratha Inthiengin, Pathien tîrlâmngei kin ni tiin keininanakin kin minlang ani,
7 by the speaking of truth, by the energy of God, by the armor of righteousness on the right hand and on the left;
chongtak kin misîrna sikin le Pathien ranak râtin. Dikna hah doina rang le kin inrungna rangin râlrovôn kin mang ngâi ani.
8 amid honor and dishonor, amid praise and contumely; as deceivers, and yet true;
Mirit pêkin le mâimôkinshakin kin om ngâia; êro le minpâkin kin om ngâi. Chongtak kin misîr ngâi, hannoma milakngei intumin kin om ngâia;
9 as not known, and yet we are well known; as dying, and behold, we live; as chastised, yet not killed;
mingei rietloi anghan kin oma, hannoma mi murdi'n min riet; athi anga omin, hannirese, mi nin mu anghan kin ring ani. Dûkmintongin om khom unglang that chu nimak mea;
10 as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as indigent, yet enriching many; as possessing nothing, yet having all things.
inngûiin om khom unglang, zoratin kin râiasân tit; inrieng kêng kin ang, aniatachu mi tamtak minei kin min changa; ite dônloi kêng kin anga, hannoma neinunngei murdi kin dôn suolet ani.
11 O ye Corinthians, our mouth is opened towards you, and our heart expanded.
Korinth taka ruol moroitak ngei! nin kôm ngampengin kin chonga; kin mulungrîlngei alienin kin min-onga.
12 Ye are not straitened in us, but ye are straitened in your own bowels.
Keini chu kin mulungrîlngei nin tieng khâr mak mea; nangni chu nin mulungrîlngei kin tieng nin khâr ani.
13 I speak as to my children, Pay me the debt which ye owe, and expand your love towards me.
Ka nâingei anghan nangni bên atûn hin ki ti ani: ninta ranga nuomnangei kin dôn anghan nangni khom mi minmu roi. Nin mulungrîlngei alienin mo-ong roi!
14 And be ye not yoke-fellows with them that believe not: for what fellowship hath righteousness with iniquity? or what communion hath light with darkness?
Iemloipungei leh munkhatin sin ân-angbangin tho rang pût no roi, maha tho thei aniloi rang sikin. Kho angin mo adik le adikloi an inlop thei ranga? Kho angin mo avâr le ajîng munkhatin an om thei ranga?
15 or what concord hath the Messiah with Satan? or what part hath a believer with an unbeliever?
Kho angin mo Khrista le Diabol an inruol thei rang? Kho angin mo iempu le iemloipu an dôn inchun thei rang?
16 or what agreement hath the temple of God with that of demons? For ye are the temple of the living God; as it is said, I will dwell among them, and walk among them, and will be their God, and they shall be my people.
Kho angin mo Pathien Biekin le sonong mirimilngei an inmun thei ranga? Eini chu Pathien aring Biekin kêng ei ni! Pathien lelên a ti anghan: “Ki mingei kôm in sin ka ta male an kôm om ki tih; Keima an Pathien nîng ka ta, male anni ngei hah ki mingei nîng an tih.”
17 Wherefore, come ye out from among them, and be ye separate from them, saith the Lord; and come not near the unclean thing, and I will receive you;
Masikin, Pumapa'n a tia, “Anni ngei hah mâk ngêt ungla male nangninanâkin anni renga atheipielin om roi, Ite ânthiengloi reng tho tet no roi, male keiman nangni pom ki tih.
18 and will be to you a Father, and ye shall be sons and daughters to me, saith the Lord Almighty.
Keima nin Pa nîng ka ta, male nangni hah ka nâipasalngei le nâinupangngei nîng nin tih, Pumapa Râtinchung han a ti.”

< 2 Corinthians 6 >