< 2 Corinthians 2 >

1 And I determined this with myself, that I would not again come to you in sadness.
Odsodil sem pa v sebi to, da zopet ne pridem v žalosti k vam.
2 For if I should make you sad, who would make me joyful, unless he whom I had made sad?
Kajti če jaz žalostim vas, kdo je, kteri bi me razveselil, če ne ta, kteri se žalostí po meni?
3 And I wrote that very thing to you, lest when I came, those persons whom I ought to make joyful, should make me sad. For I have confidence concerning you, that my joy is the joy of you all.
In napisal sem vam to isto, da ne bi žalosti imel, ko pridem, od teh, za ktere bi se imel radovati, nadejajoč se za vas vse, da je moja radost vseh vas radost.
4 And in much affliction, and in anguish of heart, I wrote those things to you, with many tears; not that ye might have sorrow, but that ye might know the exceeding love I have for you.
Kajti z veliko stisko in s srčno težavo sem vam pisal z mnogimi solzami, ne da se žalostite, nego da ljubezen spoznate, ktero imam obilno do vas.
5 And if one hath caused grief, he hath not grieved me only, but, -that the declaration may not bear too hard on you-in a measure, all of you.
Če je pa kdo vžalostil, ni mene vžalostil, le nekoliko, da ne obtežujem vseh vas.
6 And sufficient for him, is this rebuke proceeding from many:
Dosti je takemu ta kazen od več njih;
7 so that, on the other hand, ye ought to forgive him and console him; lest he who is such a man, should be swallowed up with excessive grief.
Tako da nasproti rajši vi odpustite in potolažite, da bi kako preobilna žalost ne utopila takega.
8 I therefore beseech you, that ye confirm to him your love.
Za to vas opominjam, da potrdite do njega ljubezen.
9 For it was for this also that I wrote to you, that I might learn by a trial, whether ye would be obedient in every thing.
Kajti za to sem tudi pisal, da spoznam izkušenost vašo; je li ste v vsem poslušni.
10 And whom ye forgive, I also forgive: for that which I forgave to any one, for your sakes I forgave it, in the presence of the Messiah;
Komur pa kaj odpustite, njemu tudi jaz; kajti jaz, če sem kaj odpustil, komur sem odpustil, za voljo vas sem pred obličjem Kristusovim,
11 lest Satan should overreach us; for we know his devices.
Da bi nas ne ukanil satan, kajti niso nam njegove misli neznane.
12 Moreover, when I came to Troas in announcing the Messiah, and a door was opened to me by the Lord,
A ko sem prišel v Troado za voljo evangelja Kristusovega, in so mi bila vrata odprta v Gospodu,
13 there was no quietude in my spirit, because I found not Titus my brother: and I took leave of them, and went into Macedonia.
Nisem imel mira v duhu svojem, ker nisem našel Tita brata; nego vzemši slovo od njih, šel sem ven v Macedonijo.
14 But thanks be to God, who always procureth us a triumph in the Messiah, and manifesteth by us the odor of the knowledge of him in every place.
Ali Bogu hvala, kteri nam vsegdar zmago daje v Kristusu, in dišavo znanosti, svoje razodeva po nas na vsakem mestu.
15 For, through the Messiah, we are unto God a sweet odor, in them that live and in them that perish:
Ker smo Kristusova prijetna dišava Bogu v teh, kteri se zveličujejo in v tistih, kteri se pogubljajo.
16 to these, an odor of death unto death; and to those, an odor of life unto life. And who is adequate to these things!
Enim je dihet smrti za smrt, a drugim dihet življenja za življenje, in za to kdo je zmožen?
17 For we are not like others, who dilute the words of God; but as of the truth, and as of God, we speak in the Messiah before God.
Kajti nismo kakor mnogi, kteri preobračajo besedo Božjo, nego kakor iz čistote, nego kakor iz Boga, pričo Boga v Kristusu govorimo;

< 2 Corinthians 2 >