< Romans 5 >
1 BECAUSE, then, we are justified by faith, we have peace with Aloha through our Lord Jeshu Meshiha.
KITAIL ari pun kilar pojon, ap popol ren Kot, pweki atail Kaun Iejuj Krijtuj,
2 And by him we have been admitted through faith into this grace in which we stand, and exult in hope of the glory of Aloha.
Me kotin kajamo kitail ki pojon on mak wet, me kitail aleer, ap kaporopor o juaiki linan en Kot,
3 And not thus only, but also in afflictions we exult; for we know that affliction perfecteth patience in us,
A kaidin i eta, pwe kitail pil juaiki at apwal akan, pwe kitail aja, me at apwal akan kin kareda kanonama;
4 and patience experience, and experience hope:
A kanonama kin kareda kakairida, a kakairida kin kareda kaporopor;
5 but hope maketh us not ashamed, because the love of Aloha is shed forth upon our hearts by the Spirit of Holiness who is given to us.
A kaporopor jota kin kanamenokala, pwe limpok en Kot me wudokidi on nan monion atail ki Nen jaraui, me kitail aleer.
6 But if the Meshiha on account of our infirmity in this time for the wicked hath died:
Pwe ni atail luet Krijtuj mata kin kitail, me doo jan Kot akan ni anjau me kileledier.
7 for hardly for the wicked one dieth; for on account of the good one may perhaps dare to die.
Pwe iaduen, amen pan mekila me pun amen? Ele pweki me mau amen, me amen pan mekila.
8 Nevertheless Aloha hath manifested his love for us, in that, when we were sinners, the Meshiha for us died:
A Kot kotin kajanjalada a limpok on kitail ni en Krijtuj a mata kin kitail lar, ni anjaun atail dipan.
9 how much more, then, shall we be now justified through his blood, and by him be delivered from wrath?
Melel kaualap, anjau wet kitail kapun kilar nta; kitail ap kamaur kila i jan ni onion.
10 For if, while we were adversaries, Aloha was reconciled with us through the death of his Son, how much more, then, in reconciliation with him, shall we be saved by his life?
A ma kitail kalolamaui on Kot ki en japwilim a Ol a matala ni atail imwintiti, nan melel kaualap murin atail kalolamaui kitail pan dorela ki a ieiaj,
11 And not thus only, but we also exult in Aloha through our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, by whom we have now received the reconciliation.
A kaidin i eta, pwe kitail pil juaiki Kot ren atail Kaun Iejuj Krijtuj, me kitail paieki tom patail.
12 As by one man sin entered into the world, and by sin death, so death hath passed upon all men through this, that all have sinned.
Ari, duen aramaj ta men, me dip tapiki don jappa, ap tialan mela, o mela lel penan aramaj akan karoj, pwe karoj me wiadar dip,
13 For until the law, sin, while it was in the world, was not reckoned sin, because the law was not;
Pwe dip mi nan jappa mon kupun, a jota kapun pan dip, ma jota kapun,
14 yet death reigned from Adam until Musha on them also who had not sinned after the manner of the transgression of the law of Adam, who was the type of him who was to be.
Ari jo, mela wiauiada jan Adam lel Mojej, pil ren me jo wiadar dip laud dueta japun en Adam, iei me mom en me pan pwarado.
15 But not as was the fall, so is the gift; for if, on account of the fall of one, many died, how much more the grace of Aloha, and his gift, for the sake of one man, Jeshu Meshiha, in many will abound?
A pai en mak kaidin dueta dip, pwe ma dip en meta men me toto mekila, nan melel kaualap mak en Kot o pai en mak jan ren aramaj ta men lejuj Krijtuj itar on me toto.
16 And not as the transgression of one, so is the gift; for the judgment that was by one was unto condemnation, but the gift (which saves) from many sins was unto righteousness.
A pai o kaidin dueta met, me wiauier ren amen, me wiadar dip, pwe kadeik o tapi janer me ta men, pwen kalokolok, a pai en mak o kin lapwada dip toto, pwen punala.
17 For if because of the transgression of one death was made to reign, much more (shall) they who receive the abundance of the grace and of the gift and of righteousness, reign in life by one, Jeshu Meshiha.
Pwe ma dip en me ta men mela poekidier, nan melel kaualap, irail me pan ale mak o pai en pun, pan poedi o mamaureki me ta men: lejuj Krijtuj.
18 As then on account of the transgression of one was the condemnation of all men, so, on account of the righteousness of one shall there be acquittal unto the life of all men.
A duen dip en me ta men aramaj akan karoj me kadeik ki on mela, i dueta pun ta ieu itar on kapun kila aramaj akan karoj, en kamaurela.
19 For as on account of the disobedience of one man many became sinners, so also on account of the obedience of one many became righteous.
Pwe duen jopeik en aramaj ta men me toto wia kilar dipan, iduen peik en meta men me toto pun kilar.
20 But the entrance which was of the law, (made) sin to increase; and where sin increased, there grace hath abounded:
A kapun pil wiauier, pwe dip en kadiarok kidar, a waja me dip paraparada ia, iei waja mak o laude janer.
21 that as sin hath reigned in death, so grace might reign in righteousness unto the life which is eternal, by the hand of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. (aiōnios )
Pwe duen dip dialan mela, iduen mak o pun pan dialan maur joutuk ki lejuj Krijtuj atail Kaun. (aiōnios )