Aionian Verses

But I say unto you, that he who is angry against his brother rashly, is obnoxious to the judgment; and he who shall say to his brother, Thou empty one! is liable to the council; and every one who shall say, Thou fool! is liable to the gihano of fire. (Geenna g1067)
kintvaha. m yu. smaan vadaami, ya. h ka"scit kaara. na. m vinaa nijabhraatre kupyati, sa vicaarasabhaayaa. m da. n.daarho bhavi. syati; ya. h ka"scicca sviiyasahaja. m nirbbodha. m vadati, sa mahaasabhaayaa. m da. n.daarho bhavi. syati; puna"sca tva. m muu. dha iti vaakya. m yadi ka"scit sviiyabhraatara. m vakti, tarhi narakaagnau sa da. n.daarho bhavi. syati| (Geenna g1067)
But if thy right eye cause thee to offend, root it out and cast it from thee: it is better to thee that one of thy members should perish, than that thy whole body should fall into gihano. (Geenna g1067)
tasmaat tava dak. si. na. m netra. m yadi tvaa. m baadhate, tarhi tannetram utpaa. tya duure nik. sipa, yasmaat tava sarvvavapu. so narake nik. sepaat tavaikaa"ngasya naa"so vara. m| (Geenna g1067)
And if thy right hand cause thee to offend, cut it off and cast it from thee; for it is better to thee that one from thy members should perish, rather than thy whole body should fall into gihano. (Geenna g1067)
yadvaa tava dak. si. na. h karo yadi tvaa. m baadhate, tarhi ta. m kara. m chittvaa duure nik. sipa, yata. h sarvvavapu. so narake nik. sepaat ekaa"ngasya naa"so vara. m| (Geenna g1067)
And fear not them who kill the body, but the soul cannot kill; but fear rather One who the soul and the body can destroy in gihano. (Geenna g1067)
ye kaaya. m hantu. m "saknuvanti naatmaana. m, tebhyo maa bhai. s.ta; ya. h kaayaatmaanau niraye naa"sayitu. m, "saknoti, tato bibhiita| (Geenna g1067)
And thou, Kaphernachum, who unto heaven art exalted, unto Shiul shalt be brought down; for if in Sadum had been done those miracles which have been done in thee, it would have stood until this day. (Hadēs g86)
apara nca bata kapharnaahuum, tva. m svarga. m yaavadunnatosi, kintu narake nik. sepsyase, yasmaat tvayi yaanyaa"scaryyaa. ni karmma. nyakaari. sata, yadi taani sidomnagara akaari. syanta, tarhi tadadya yaavadasthaasyat| (Hadēs g86)
And every one who shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him; but every one who against the Spirit of Holiness shall speak, it shall not be forgiven to him, neither in this world nor in the world to come. (aiōn g165)
yo manujasutasya viruddhaa. m kathaa. m kathayati, tasyaaparaadhasya k. samaa bhavitu. m "saknoti, kintu ya. h ka"scit pavitrasyaatmano viruddhaa. m kathaa. m kathayati nehaloke na pretya tasyaaparaadhasya k. samaa bhavitu. m "saknoti| (aiōn g165)
That sown the place of thorns, is he who heareth the word, but the anxious thought of this world and the illusions of riches stifle the word in him, and he is without fruits. (aiōn g165)
apara. m ka. n.takaanaa. m madhye biijaanyuptaani tadartha e. sa. h; kenacit kathaayaa. m "srutaayaa. m saa. msaarikacintaabhi rbhraantibhi"sca saa grasyate, tena saa maa viphalaa bhavati| (aiōn g165)
The adversary who sowed them is Satana; the harvest is the consummation of the world; the reapers are the angels. (aiōn g165)
vanyayavasaani paapaatmana. h santaanaa. h| yena ripu. naa taanyuptaani sa "sayataana. h, karttanasamaya"sca jagata. h "se. sa. h, karttakaa. h svargiiyaduutaa. h| (aiōn g165)
As, therefore, the zizania are gathered and burned in the fire, so shall it be in the completion of this world. (aiōn g165)
yathaa vanyayavasaani sa. mg. rhya daahyante, tathaa jagata. h "se. se bhavi. syati; (aiōn g165)
Thus shall it be at the consummation of the world. The angels shall go forth, and separate the evil from among the just, (aiōn g165)
tathaiva jagata. h "se. se bhavi. syati, phalata. h svargiiyaduutaa aagatya pu. nyavajjanaanaa. m madhyaat paapina. h p. rthak k. rtvaa vahniku. nik. sepsyanti, (aiōn g165)
Also I say unto thee, that thou art Kipha, and upon this rock will I build my church, and the gates of Sheul shall not prevail against her. (Hadēs g86)
ato. aha. m tvaa. m vadaami, tva. m pitara. h (prastara. h) aha nca tasya prastarasyopari svama. n.dalii. m nirmmaasyaami, tena nirayo balaat taa. m paraajetu. m na "sak. syati| (Hadēs g86)
but woe to the man by whom the causes of offence shall come! If, then, thine hand or thy foot shall be a cause of offence to thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee; for it is good for thee that thou enter into life lame or mutilated; and not that, having two hands or two feet, thou fall into the fire of eternity. (aiōnios g166)
tasmaat tava kara"scara. no vaa yadi tvaa. m baadhate, tarhi ta. m chittvaa nik. sipa, dvikarasya dvipadasya vaa tavaanaptavahnau nik. sepaat, kha njasya vaa chinnahastasya tava jiivane prave"so vara. m| (aiōnios g166)
And if thine eye be a cause of offence to thee, dig it out, and cast it from thee; good (it is) for thee that with one eye thou enter into life; and not that, having two eyes, thou fall into the gihâna of fire. (Geenna g1067)
apara. m tava netra. m yadi tvaa. m baadhate, tarhi tadapyutpaavya nik. sipa, dvinetrasya narakaagnau nik. sepaat kaa. nasya tava jiivane prave"so vara. m| (Geenna g1067)
AND one came and approached and said to him, Good teacher, what of good shall I do, that I may have the life of eternity? (aiōnios g166)
aparam eka aagatya ta. m papraccha, he paramaguro, anantaayu. h praaptu. m mayaa ki. m ki. m satkarmma karttavya. m? (aiōnios g166)
And every man who hath relinquished houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, on account of my name, shall receive a hundred-fold, and shall inherit the life of eternity, (aiōnios g166)
anyacca ya. h ka"scit mama naamakaara. naat g. rha. m vaa bhraatara. m vaa bhaginii. m vaa pitara. m vaa maatara. m vaa jaayaa. m vaa baalaka. m vaa bhuumi. m parityajati, sa te. saa. m "satagu. na. m lapsyate, anantaayumo. adhikaaritva nca praapsyati| (aiōnios g166)
and he saw a certain fig-tree in the way, and came to it, but found nothing thereon but leaves only; and he said, Let there be no fruit upon thee again for ever. And immediately that fig-tree withered. (aiōn g165)
tato maargapaar"sva u. dumbarav. rk. sameka. m vilokya tatsamiipa. m gatvaa patraa. ni vinaa kimapi na praapya ta. m paadapa. m provaaca, adyaarabhya kadaapi tvayi phala. m na bhavatu; tena tatk. sa. naat sa u. dumbaramaahiiruha. h "su. skataa. m gata. h| (aiōn g165)
Woe to you, scribes and Pharishee, hypocrites! because you go over sea and dry (land) to make one proselyte; and when you have done it, you make him doubly more a son of gihana than yourselves. (Geenna g1067)
ka ncana praapya svato dvigu. nanarakabhaajana. m ta. m kurutha| (Geenna g1067)
Serpents, birth of vipers! how will you escape from the judgment of gihana? (Geenna g1067)
re bhujagaa. h k. r.s. nabhujagava. m"saa. h, yuuya. m katha. m narakada. n.daad rak. si. syadhve| (Geenna g1067)
And while Jeshu sat upon the mount of Olives, his disciples drew near and said between themselves and him, Tell us when these things shall be; and what is the sign of thy coming and of the consummation of the world. (aiōn g165)
anantara. m tasmin jaitunaparvvatopari samupavi. s.te "si. syaastasya samiipamaagatya gupta. m papracchu. h, etaa gha. tanaa. h kadaa bhavi. syanti? bhavata aagamanasya yugaantasya ca ki. m lak. sma? tadasmaan vadatu| (aiōn g165)
Then shall he say also unto them on his left hand, Go from me, accursed, into the fire of eternity, which was prepared for the accuser and for his angels. (aiōnios g166)
pa"scaat sa vaamasthitaan janaan vadi. syati, re "saapagrastaa. h sarvve, "saitaane tasya duutebhya"sca yo. anantavahniraasaadita aaste, yuuya. m madantikaat tamagni. m gacchata| (aiōnios g166)
And these shall go away into the torment which is eternal, and the just into the life which is eternal. (aiōnios g166)
pa"scaadamyananta"saasti. m kintu dhaarmmikaa anantaayu. sa. m bhoktu. m yaasyanti| (aiōnios g166)
And teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And, behold, I am with you all the days, until the consummation of the world. Amen. (aiōn g165)
pa"syata, jagadanta. m yaavat sadaaha. m yu. smaabhi. h saaka. m ti. s.thaami| iti| (aiōn g165)
but whosoever shall blaspheme against the Spirit of Holiness hath no remission for ever, but is condemned to the judgment that is eternal. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
kintu ya. h ka"scit pavitramaatmaana. m nindati tasyaaparaadhasya k. samaa kadaapi na bhavi. syati sonantada. n.dasyaarho bhavi. syati| (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
Mark 4:18 (maarka.h 4:18)
(parallel missing)
ye janaa. h kathaa. m "s. r.nvanti kintu saa. msaarikii cintaa dhanabhraanti rvi. sayalobha"sca ete sarvve upasthaaya taa. m kathaa. m grasanti tata. h maa viphalaa bhavati (aiōn g165)
and the care of this world, and the deceptiveness of wealth, and the remainder of other lusts, entering, choke the word, and it is without fruits. (aiōn g165)
(parallel missing)
But if thy hand offend thee, cut it off: better for thee mutilated to go into life, than having two hands to go into gihana; (Geenna g1067)
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Mark 9:44 (maarka.h 9:44)
(parallel missing)
yasmaat yatra kii. taa na mriyante vahni"sca na nirvvaati, tasmin anirvvaa. naanalanarake karadvayavastava gamanaat karahiinasya svargaprave"sastava k. sema. m| (Geenna g1067)
And if thy foot offend thee, cut it off: better for thee to go into life lame, than having two feet to fall into gihana: (Geenna g1067)
(parallel missing)
Mark 9:46 (maarka.h 9:46)
(parallel missing)
yato yatra kii. taa na mriyante vahni"sca na nirvvaati, tasmin. anirvvaa. navahnau narake dvipaadavatastava nik. sepaat paadahiinasya svargaprave"sastava k. sema. m| (Geenna g1067)
And if thine eye offend thee, root it out: better for thee that with one eye thou enter the kingdom of Aloha, than having two eyes to fall into the gihana of fire: (Geenna g1067)
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Mark 9:48 (maarka.h 9:48)
(parallel missing)
tasmina. anirvvaa. navahnau narake dvinetrasya tava nik. sepaad ekanetravata ii"svararaajye prave"sastava k. sema. m| (Geenna g1067)
AND as he journeyed in the way, one ran, fell upon his knees, and asked him, saying, Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? (aiōnios g166)
atha sa vartmanaa yaati, etarhi jana eko dhaavan aagatya tatsammukhe jaanunii paatayitvaa p. r.s. tavaan, bho. h paramaguro, anantaayu. h praaptaye mayaa ki. m karttavya. m? (aiōnios g166)
who shall not receive a hundred-fold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and fields, with persecution; and in the world which cometh the life that is eternal. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
g. rhabhraat. rbhaginiipit. rmaat. rpatniisantaanabhuumiinaamiha "satagu. naan pretyaanantaayu"sca na praapnoti taad. r"sa. h kopi naasti| (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
And he said to it, Henceforth and for ever man from thee fruit shall not eat. And his disciples heard. (aiōn g165)
adyaarabhya kopi maanavastvatta. h phala. m na bhu njiita; imaa. m kathaa. m tasya "si. syaa. h "su"sruvu. h| (aiōn g165)
And he shall reign over the house of Jakub for ever, and of his kingdom there shall be no end. (aiōn g165)
tathaa sa yaakuubo va. m"sopari sarvvadaa raajatva. m kari. syati, tasya raajatvasyaanto na bhavi. syati| (aiōn g165)
Luke 1:54 (luuka.h 1:54)
(parallel missing)
ibraahiimi ca tadva. m"se yaa dayaasti sadaiva taa. m| sm. rtvaa puraa pit. r.naa. m no yathaa saak. saat prati"sruta. m| (aiōn g165)
As he spake with our fathers, With Abraham and with his seed for ever. (aiōn g165)
(parallel missing)
As he spake by the mouth of his holy prophets, Who have been from of old, (aiōn g165)
(parallel missing)
Luke 1:73 (luuka.h 1:73)
(parallel missing)
s. r.s. te. h prathamata. h sviiyai. h pavitrai rbhaavivaadibhi. h| (aiōn g165)
And they besought from him that he would not cast them out to go into the abyss. (Abyssos g12)
atha bhuutaa vinayena jagadu. h, gabhiira. m gartta. m gantu. m maaj naapayaasmaan| (Abyssos g12)
And thou, Kapher-nachum, which unto heaven art lifted up, unto Shiul shalt thou be abased. (Hadēs g86)
he kapharnaahuum, tva. m svarga. m yaavad unnataa kintu naraka. m yaavat nyagbhavi. syasi| (Hadēs g86)
AND, behold, a certain Sophra stood up to try him, saying, Malphona, what shall I do to inherit everlasting life? (aiōnios g166)
anantaram eko vyavasthaapaka utthaaya ta. m pariik. situ. m papraccha, he upade"saka anantaayu. sa. h praaptaye mayaa ki. m kara. niiya. m? (aiōnios g166)
but I will show you whom you shall fear; Him who, after he hath killed, hath power to cast into gihana, yes, I say to you, Fear this (one). (Geenna g1067)
tarhi kasmaad bhetavyam ityaha. m vadaami, ya. h "sariira. m naa"sayitvaa naraka. m nik. septu. m "saknoti tasmaadeva bhaya. m kuruta, punarapi vadaami tasmaadeva bhaya. m kuruta| (Geenna g1067)
And praised our Lord the house-chief who was unjust, in that he had done wisely; for the sons of this world are wiser than the sons of light in this their generation. (aiōn g165)
tenaiva prabhustamayathaarthak. rtam adhii"sa. m tadbuddhinaipu. nyaat pra"sa"sa. msa; ittha. m diiptiruupasantaanebhya etatsa. msaarasya santaanaa varttamaanakaale. adhikabuddhimanto bhavanti| (aiōn g165)
Also I say unto you, Make to you friends from this wealth of unrighteousness, that, when perfect, they may receive you into the tabernacles of eternity. (aiōnios g166)
ato vadaami yuuyamapyayathaarthena dhanena mitraa. ni labhadhva. m tato yu. smaasu padabhra. s.te. svapi taani cirakaalam aa"sraya. m daasyanti| (aiōnios g166)
And, tormented in shiul, he lifted up his eyes afar, and seeth Abraham, and Loózar in his bosom. (Hadēs g86)
pa"scaat sa dhanavaanapi mamaara, ta. m "sma"saane sthaapayaamaasu"sca; kintu paraloke sa vedanaakula. h san uurddhvaa. m niriik. sya bahuduuraad ibraahiima. m tatkro. da iliyaasara nca vilokya ruvannuvaaca; (Hadēs g86)
AND one of the rulers asked him, saying, Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? (aiōnios g166)
aparam ekodhipatista. m papraccha, he paramaguro, anantaayu. sa. h praaptaye mayaa ki. m karttavya. m? (aiōnios g166)
and shall not receive by two-fold (as) many in this time, and in the world that cometh the life that is eternal. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
iha kaale tato. adhika. m parakaale. anantaayu"sca na praapsyati loka iid. r"sa. h kopi naasti| (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
Jeshu saith to them, The sons of this world take wives, and women become (the wives) of men: (aiōn g165)
tadaa yii"su. h pratyuvaaca, etasya jagato lokaa vivahanti vaagdattaa"sca bhavanti (aiōn g165)
but they who of that world are worthy, and of the resurrection which is from among the dead, take not wives, neither do women become (the wives) of men. (aiōn g165)
kintu ye tajjagatpraaptiyogyatvena ga. nitaa. m bhavi. syanti "sma"saanaaccotthaasyanti te na vivahanti vaagdattaa"sca na bhavanti, (aiōn g165)
that every man who believeth in him might not perish, but have the life which is eternal. (aiōnios g166)
tasmaad ya. h ka"scit tasmin vi"svasi. syati so. avinaa"sya. h san anantaayu. h praapsyati| (aiōnios g166)
For so loved Aloha the world, as his Son, the Only-begotten, he would give, that every one who believeth in him might not perish, but have the life which is eternal. (aiōnios g166)
ii"svara ittha. m jagadadayata yat svamadvitiiya. m tanaya. m praadadaat tato ya. h ka"scit tasmin vi"svasi. syati so. avinaa"sya. h san anantaayu. h praapsyati| (aiōnios g166)
He who believeth in the Son hath the life which is eternal; and he who obeyeth not the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of Aloha remaineth on him. (aiōnios g166)
ya. h ka"scit putre vi"svasiti sa evaanantam paramaayu. h praapnoti kintu ya. h ka"scit putre na vi"svasiti sa paramaayu. so dar"sana. m na praapnoti kintvii"svarasya kopabhaajana. m bhuutvaa ti. s.thati| (aiōnios g166)
but every one who shall drink of the waters that I will give him shall never thirst; but those waters that I shall give him shall be in him a fountain of waters, that shall spring forth to the life of eternity. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
kintu mayaa datta. m paaniiya. m ya. h pivati sa puna. h kadaapi t. r.saartto na bhavi. syati| mayaa dattam ida. m toya. m tasyaanta. h prasrava. naruupa. m bhuutvaa anantaayuryaavat sro. syati| (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
And he who reapeth receiveth wages, and gathereth fruit unto life eternal; and the sower and the reaper shall rejoice together. (aiōnios g166)
ya"schinatti sa vetana. m labhate anantaayu. hsvaruupa. m "sasya. m sa g. rhlaati ca, tenaiva vaptaa chettaa ca yugapad aanandata. h| (aiōnios g166)
Amen, amen, I say to you, He who heareth my word and believeth on him who sent me, hath the life that is eternal, and into condemnation he cometh not, but hath passed from death unto life. (aiōnios g166)
yu. smaanaaha. m yathaarthatara. m vadaami yo jano mama vaakya. m "srutvaa matprerake vi"svasiti sonantaayu. h praapnoti kadaapi da. n.dabaajana. m na bhavati nidhanaadutthaaya paramaayu. h praapnoti| (aiōnios g166)
Investigate the scriptures; for in them you think you have the life that is eternal, and they testify of me. (aiōnios g166)
dharmmapustakaani yuuyam aalocayadhva. m tai rvaakyairanantaayu. h praapsyaama iti yuuya. m budhyadhve taddharmmapustakaani madarthe pramaa. na. m dadati| (aiōnios g166)
Work not (for) the food which perisheth, but (for) the food that endureth unto the life that is eternal, which the Son of man shall give to you: for this hath the Father sealed, (even) Aloha. (aiōnios g166)
k. saya. niiyabhak. syaartha. m maa "sraami. s.ta kintvantaayurbhak. syaartha. m "sraamyata, tasmaat taad. r"sa. m bhak. sya. m manujaputro yu. smaabhya. m daasyati; tasmin taata ii"svara. h pramaa. na. m praadaat| (aiōnios g166)
For this is the will of my Father, that every one who seeth the Son and believeth on him, shall have the life that is eternal, and I will raise him at the last day. (aiōnios g166)
ya. h ka"scin maanavasuta. m vilokya vi"svasiti sa "se. sadine mayotthaapita. h san anantaayu. h praapsyati iti matprerakasyaabhimata. m| (aiōnios g166)
AMEN, amen, I say to you, Whosoever believeth in me hath the life which is eternal. (aiōnios g166)
aha. m yu. smaan yathaarthatara. m vadaami yo jano mayi vi"svaasa. m karoti sonantaayu. h praapnoti| (aiōnios g166)
I am the bread of life that from heaven hath descended; and if man shall eat of this bread, he shall live for ever; and the bread that I will give is my body, which for the life of the world I give. (aiōn g165)
yajjiivanabhak. sya. m svargaadaagacchat sohameva ida. m bhak. sya. m yo jano bhu"nktte sa nityajiivii bhavi. syati| puna"sca jagato jiivanaarthamaha. m yat svakiiyapi"sita. m daasyaami tadeva mayaa vitarita. m bhak. syam| (aiōn g165)
He who eateth of my body, and drinketh of my blood, hath the life which is eternal, and I will raise him at the last day. (aiōnios g166)
yo mamaami. sa. m svaadati mama sudhira nca pivati sonantaayu. h praapnoti tata. h "se. se. ahni tamaham utthaapayi. syaami| (aiōnios g166)
This is the bread which hath descended from heaven. Not as was the manna that your fathers ate, and are dead; he who eateth of this bread shall live for ever. (aiōn g165)
yadbhak. sya. m svargaadaagacchat tadida. m yanmaannaa. m svaaditvaa yu. smaaka. m pitaro. amriyanta taad. r"sam ida. m bhak. sya. m na bhavati ida. m bhak. sya. m yo bhak. sati sa nitya. m jiivi. syati| (aiōn g165)
Shemun Kipha answered and said, My Lord, unto whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life; (aiōnios g166)
tata. h "simon pitara. h pratyavocat he prabho kasyaabhyar. na. m gami. syaama. h? (aiōnios g166)
And the servant abideth not for ever in the house, but the Son for ever abideth. (aiōn g165)
daasa"sca nirantara. m nive"sane na ti. s.thati kintu putro nirantara. m ti. s.thati| (aiōn g165)
Amen, amen, I say to you, That he who my word keepeth, death shall not see for ever. (aiōn g165)
aha. m yu. smabhyam atiiva yathaartha. m kathayaami yo naro madiiya. m vaaca. m manyate sa kadaacana nidhana. m na drak. syati| (aiōn g165)
The Jihudoyee say to him, Now we know that thou hast a devil. Abraham is dead, and the prophets; and thou sayest, that he who thy word keepeth, death shall not taste for ever. (aiōn g165)
yihuudiiyaastamavadan tva. m bhuutagrasta itiidaaniim avai. sma| ibraahiim bhavi. syadvaadina nca sarvve m. rtaa. h kintu tva. m bhaa. sase yo naro mama bhaaratii. m g. rhlaati sa jaatu nidhaanaasvaada. m na lapsyate| (aiōn g165)
From of old it hath not been heard that a man hath opened the eyes of one born blind. (aiōn g165)
kopi manu. syo janmaandhaaya cak. su. sii adadaat jagadaarambhaad etaad. r"sii. m kathaa. m kopi kadaapi naa"s. r.not| (aiōn g165)
and I give to them the life which is eternal, and they shall not perish for ever, and no man shall snatch them from my hands. (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
aha. m tebhyo. anantaayu rdadaami, te kadaapi na na. mk. syanti kopi mama karaat taan harttu. m na "sak. syati| (aiōn g165, aiōnios g166)
And every one who liveth and believeth in me, for ever shall not die. Believest thou this? (aiōn g165)
ya. h ka"scana ca jiivan mayi vi"svasiti sa kadaapi na mari. syati, asyaa. m kathaayaa. m ki. m vi"svasi. si? (aiōn g165)
He who loveth his life shall lose it; and he who hateth his life in this world shall keep it to the life which is eternal. (aiōnios g166)
yo jane nijapraa. naan priyaan jaanaati sa taan haarayi. syati kintu ye jana ihaloke nijapraa. naan apriyaan jaanaati senantaayu. h praaptu. m taan rak. si. syati| (aiōnios g166)
The people said to him, We have heard from the law that the Meshicha for ever abideth: how sayest thou that the Son of man is to be lifted up? Who is this Son of man? (aiōn g165)
tadaa lokaa akathayan sobhi. sikta. h sarvvadaa ti. s.thatiiti vyavasthaagranthe "srutam asmaabhi. h, tarhi manu. syaputra. h protthaapito bhavi. syatiiti vaakya. m katha. m vadasi? manu. syaputroya. m ka. h? (aiōn g165)
And I know that his commandments are life everlasting: these therefore which I speak, as said to me my Father, so I speak. (aiōnios g166)
tasya saaj naa anantaayurityaha. m jaanaami, ataevaaha. m yat kathayaami tat pitaa yathaaj naapayat tathaiva kathayaamyaham| (aiōnios g166)
Shemun Kipha saith to him, Never shalt thou wash for me my feet. Jeshu saith to him, If I do not wash thee, thou hast with me no part. (aiōn g165)
tata. h pitara. h kathitavaan bhavaan kadaapi mama paadau na prak. saalayi. syati| yii"surakathayad yadi tvaa. m na prak. saalaye tarhi mayi tava kopya. m"so naasti| (aiōn g165)
and I will pray of my Father, and another Paraclete will he give you, who will be with you for ever, (aiōn g165)
tato mayaa pitu. h samiipe praarthite pitaa nirantara. m yu. smaabhi. h saarddha. m sthaatum itarameka. m sahaayam arthaat satyamayam aatmaana. m yu. smaaka. m nika. ta. m pre. sayi. syati| (aiōn g165)
As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that to all whom thou hast given him he should give the life which is eternal. (aiōnios g166)
tva. m yollokaan tasya haste samarpitavaan sa yathaa tebhyo. anantaayu rdadaati tadartha. m tva. m praa. nimaatraa. naam adhipatitvabhaara. m tasmai dattavaan| (aiōnios g166)
But this is the life which is eternal, that they know thee, who art the true Aloha, and Him whom thou hast sent, Jeshu Meshicha. (aiōnios g166)
yastvam advitiiya. h satya ii"svarastvayaa prerita"sca yii"su. h khrii. s.ta etayorubhayo. h paricaye praapte. anantaayu rbhavati| (aiōnios g166)
For thou wilt not leave my soul in Shiul, Nor give thy Saint to see corruption. (Hadēs g86)
paraloke yato hetostva. m maa. m naiva hi tyak. syasi| svakiiya. m pu. nyavanta. m tva. m k. sayitu. m naiva daasyasi| eva. m jiivanamaarga. m tva. m maameva dar"sayi. syasi| (Hadēs g86)
And he foresaw and spake concerning, the resurrection of the Meshiha, that He would not be left in Shiul, nor would his body see corruption. (Hadēs g86)
iti j naatvaa daayuud bhavi. syadvaadii san bhavi. syatkaaliiyaj naanena khrii. s.totthaane kathaamimaa. m kathayaamaasa yathaa tasyaatmaa paraloke na tyak. syate tasya "sariira nca na k. se. syati; (Hadēs g86)
whom the heavens must receive until the completion of the times of all those which Aloha hath spoken by the mouth of his holy prophets, who (have been) from of old. (aiōn g165)
kintu jagata. h s. r.s. timaarabhya ii"svaro nijapavitrabhavi. syadvaadiga. nona yathaa kathitavaan tadanusaare. na sarvve. saa. m kaaryyaa. naa. m siddhiparyyanta. m tena svarge vaasa. h karttavya. h| (aiōn g165)
But Paulos and Bar Naba said to them openly, To you it behoved first to speak the word of Aloha; but because you repel it from you, and determine against yourselves that you are not worthy of eternal life, behold, we turn to the Gentiles. (aiōnios g166)
tata. h paulabar. nabbaavak. sobhau kathitavantau prathama. m yu. smaaka. m sannidhaavii"svariiyakathaayaa. h pracaara. nam ucitamaasiit kintu. m tadagraahyatvakara. nena yuuya. m svaan anantaayu. so. ayogyaan dar"sayatha, etatkaara. naad vayam anyade"siiyalokaanaa. m samiipa. m gacchaama. h| (aiōnios g166)
And when the Gentiles heard, they rejoiced and glorified Aloha; and they believed who were disposed unto eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
tadaa kathaamiid. r"sii. m "srutvaa bhinnade"siiyaa aahlaaditaa. h santa. h prabho. h kathaa. m dhanyaa. m dhanyaam avadan, yaavanto lokaa"sca paramaayu. h praaptinimitta. m niruupitaa aasan te vya"svasan| (aiōnios g166)
Saith the Lord, who doeth all these. Known from eternity are the works of Aloha. (aiōn g165)
aa prathamaad ii"svara. h sviiyaani sarvvakarmmaa. ni jaanaati| (aiōn g165)
For the occult things of Aloha from the foundations of the world, unto his creatures by intelligence are apparent, and his power and his Godhead eternal, that they may be without excuse. (aïdios g126)
phalatastasyaananta"saktii"svaratvaadiinyad. r"syaanyapi s. r.s. tikaalam aarabhya karmmasu prakaa"samaanaani d. r"syante tasmaat te. saa. m do. saprak. saalanasya panthaa naasti| (aïdios g126)
Romans 1:24 ( 1:24)
(parallel missing)
ittha. m ta ii"svarasya satyataa. m vihaaya m. r.saamatam aa"sritavanta. h saccidaananda. m s. r.s. tikarttaara. m tyaktvaa s. r.s. tavastuna. h puujaa. m sevaa nca k. rtavanta. h; (aiōn g165)
And they changed the truth of Aloha into a lie, and worshipped and served the creatures rather than their Creator, to whom be praises and blessings for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn g165)
(parallel missing)
To them who seek, in perseverance of good works, glory and honour and incorruption, he giveth eternal life; (aiōnios g166)
vastutastu ye janaa dhairyya. m dh. rtvaa satkarmma kurvvanto mahimaa satkaaro. amaratva ncaitaani m. rgayante tebhyo. anantaayu rdaasyati| (aiōnios g166)
that as sin hath reigned in death, so grace might reign in righteousness unto the life which is eternal, by the hand of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. (aiōnios g166)
tena m. rtyunaa yadvat paapasya raajatvam abhavat tadvad asmaaka. m prabhuyii"sukhrii. s.tadvaaraanantajiivanadaayipu. nyenaanugrahasya raajatva. m bhavati| (aiōnios g166)
And now made free from sin, and become servants to Aloha, you have holy fruits, of which the end is the life of eternity. (aiōnios g166)
kintu saamprata. m yuuya. m paapasevaato muktaa. h santa ii"svarasya bh. rtyaa. abhavata tasmaad yu. smaaka. m pavitratvaruupa. m labhyam anantajiivanaruupa nca phalam aaste| (aiōnios g166)
For the wages of sin is death; and the gift of Aloha the life of eternity by our Lord Jeshu Meshiha. (aiōnios g166)
yata. h paapasya vetana. m mara. na. m kintvasmaaka. m prabhu. naa yii"sukhrii. s.tenaanantajiivanam ii"svaradatta. m paarito. sikam aaste| (aiōnios g166)
and the fathers; and from whom appeared the Meshiha in the flesh, who is Aloha over all: his be praises and benedictions to the age of ages. Amen. (aiōn g165)
tat kevala. m nahi kintu sarvvaadhyak. sa. h sarvvadaa saccidaananda ii"svaro ya. h khrii. s.ta. h so. api "saariirikasambandhena te. saa. m va. m"sasambhava. h| (aiōn g165)
And who shall descend into the deep of Sheul, And bring up the Meshiha from among the dead? (Abyssos g12)
ko vaa pretalokam avaruhya khrii. s.ta. m m. rtaga. namadhyaad aane. syatiiti vaak manasi tvayaa na gaditavyaa| (Abyssos g12)
For Aloha hath included them all in disobedience, that upon all he might show mercy. (eleēsē g1653)
ii"svara. h sarvvaan prati k. rpaa. m prakaa"sayitu. m sarvvaan avi"svaasitvena ga. nayati| (eleēsē g1653)
For all is of him, and all in him, and all by him. To him be praises and benedictions unto the age of ages. Amen. (aiōn g165)
yato vastumaatrameva tasmaat tena tasmai caabhavat tadiiyo mahimaa sarvvadaa prakaa"sito bhavatu| iti| (aiōn g165)
And be not likened unto this world, but be changed by the renewing of your minds, that you may discern what is the will of Aloha, good, and acceptable, and perfect. (aiōn g165)
apara. m yuuya. m saa. msaarikaa iva maacarata, kintu sva. m sva. m svabhaava. m paraavartya nuutanaacaari. no bhavata, tata ii"svarasya nide"sa. h kiid. rg uttamo graha. niiya. h sampuur. na"sceti yu. smaabhiranubhaavi. syate| (aiōn g165)
TO ALOHA, who is able to confirm you in my gospel which is proclaimed concerning Jeshu the Meshiha, through revelation of the mystery, which from the times of the ages was hidden, (aiōnios g166)
puurvvakaalikayuge. su pracchannaa yaa mantra. naadhunaa prakaa"sitaa bhuutvaa bhavi. syadvaadilikhitagranthaga. nasya pramaa. naad vi"svaasena graha. naartha. m sadaatanasye"svarasyaaj nayaa sarvvade"siiyalokaan j naapyate, (aiōnios g166)
but is revealed in this time by means of the scriptures of the prophets, and by the commandment of the Everlasting Aloha is made known to all the nations for the obedience of faith; (aiōnios g166)
tasyaa mantra. naayaa j naana. m labdhvaa mayaa ya. h susa. mvaado yii"sukhrii. s.tamadhi pracaaryyate, tadanusaaraad yu. smaan dharmme susthiraan karttu. m samartho yo. advitiiya. h (aiōnios g166)
(to Him) who alone is wise, BE GLORY BY JESHU MESHIHA, UNTO THE AGE OF AGES. AMEN. (aiōn g165)
sarvvaj na ii"svarastasya dhanyavaado yii"sukhrii. s.tena santata. m bhuuyaat| iti| (aiōn g165)
Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Or where is the disputer of this world? Hath not. Aloha made foolish the wisdom of this world? (aiōn g165)
j naanii kutra? "saastrii vaa kutra? ihalokasya vicaaratatparo vaa kutra? ihalokasya j naana. m kimii"svare. na mohiik. rta. m nahi? (aiōn g165)
But we speak wisdom among the perfect: not the wisdom of this world, nor the authorities of this world, which are abolished; (aiōn g165)
vaya. m j naana. m bhaa. saamahe tacca siddhalokai rj naanamiva manyate, tadihalokasya j naana. m nahi, ihalokasya na"svaraa. naam adhipatiinaa. m vaa j naana. m nahi; (aiōn g165)
but we speak the wisdom of Aloha in the mystery which was hidden, and which Aloha predetermined from before the worlds unto our glorification; (aiōn g165)
kintu kaalaavasthaayaa. h puurvvasmaad yat j naanam asmaaka. m vibhavaartham ii"svare. na ni"scitya pracchanna. m tanniguu. dham ii"svariiyaj naana. m prabhaa. saamahe| (aiōn g165)
which not one of the authorities of this world hath known; for if they had known it, the Lord of glory they would not have crucified. (aiōn g165)
ihalokasyaadhipatiinaa. m kenaapi tat j naana. m na labdha. m, labdhe sati te prabhaavavi"si. s.ta. m prabhu. m kru"se naahani. syan| (aiōn g165)
Let no man deceive himself. Whoever among you supposeth himself wise in this world, let him become foolish, that he may be wise. (aiōn g165)
kopi sva. m na va ncayataa. m| yu. smaaka. m ka"scana cedihalokasya j naanena j naanavaanahamiti budhyate tarhi sa yat j naanii bhavet tadartha. m muu. dho bhavatu| (aiōn g165)
On this account, if meat cause my brother to stumble, I will never (more) eat flesh, that I may not cause my brother to stumble. (aiōn g165)
ato heto. h pi"sitaa"sana. m yadi mama bhraatu rvighnasvaruupa. m bhavet tarhyaha. m yat svabhraatu rvighnajanako na bhaveya. m tadartha. m yaavajjiivana. m pi"sita. m na bhok. sye| (aiōn g165)
For all these which happened to them were unto us an example, and were written for our instruction, upon whom come the ends of the world. (aiōn g165)
taan prati yaanyetaani jagha. tire taanyasmaaka. m nidar"sanaani jagata. h "se. sayuge varttamaanaanaam asmaaka. m "sik. saartha. m likhitaani ca babhuuvu. h| (aiōn g165)
Where is thy sting, Death? and where is thy victory Shiul? (Hadēs g86)
m. rtyo te ka. n.taka. m kutra paraloka jaya. h kka te|| (Hadēs g86)
(to) them whose minds the god of this world hath blinded because they believe not; lest the light of the gospel of the glory of Meshiha, who is the image of Aloha, should arise upon them. (aiōn g165)
yata ii"svarasya pratimuurtti rya. h khrii. s.tastasya tejasa. h susa. mvaadasya prabhaa yat taan na diipayet tadartham iha lokasya devo. avi"svaasinaa. m j naananayanam andhiik. rtavaan etasyodaahara. na. m te bhavanti| (aiōn g165)
For the affliction of this time, while small and light, a glory without end for ever and ever prepareth for us. (aiōnios g166)
k. sa. namaatrasthaayi yadetat laghi. s.tha. m du. hkha. m tad atibaahulyenaasmaakam anantakaalasthaayi gari. s.thasukha. m saadhayati, (aiōnios g166)
While we look not on these which are seen, but at those which are unseen. For the seen are of time, but the unseen are of eternity. (aiōnios g166)
yato vaya. m pratyak. saan vi. sayaan anuddi"syaapratyak. saan uddi"saama. h| yato heto. h pratyak. savi. sayaa. h k. sa. namaatrasthaayina. h kintvapratyak. saa anantakaalasthaayina. h| (aiōnios g166)
FOR we know that if our earthly house of this body were dissolved, we have nevertheless a building that is by Aloha; a house which is not made with hands, in the heaven, eternal. (aiōnios g166)
aparam asmaakam etasmin paarthive duu. syaruupe ve"smani jiir. ne satii"svare. na nirmmitam akarak. rtam asmaakam anantakaalasthaayi ve"smaika. m svarge vidyata iti vaya. m jaaniima. h| (aiōnios g166)
As it is written, He hath dispersed and given to the poor, And his righteousness standeth for ever. (aiōn g165)
etasmin likhitamaaste, yathaa, vyayate sa jano raaya. m durgatebhyo dadaati ca| nityasthaayii ca taddharmma. h (aiōn g165)
Aloha, the Father of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, the Blessed for ever and ever, knoweth that I lie not. (aiōn g165)
mayaa m. r.saavaakya. m na kathyata iti nitya. m pra"sa. msaniiyo. asmaaka. m prabho ryii"sukhrii. s.tasya taata ii"svaro jaanaati| (aiōn g165)
who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from this evil world, according to the will of Aloha our Father: (aiōn g165)
asmaaka. m taate"svaresyecchaanusaare. na varttamaanaat kutsitasa. msaaraad asmaan nistaarayitu. m yo (aiōn g165)
to whom be glory to the age of ages. Amen. (aiōn g165)
yii"surasmaaka. m paapahetoraatmotsarga. m k. rtavaan sa sarvvadaa dhanyo bhuuyaat| tathaastu| (aiōn g165)
He who in the flesh soweth, from the flesh corruption reapeth; and he who in the Spirit soweth, from the Spirit the life that is eternal shall reap. (aiōnios g166)
sva"sariiraartha. m yena biijam upyate tena "sariiraad vinaa"saruupa. m "sasya. m lapsyate kintvaatmana. h k. rte yena biijam upyate tenaatmato. anantajiivitaruupa. m "sasya. m lapsyate| (aiōnios g166)
and powers, and mighty ones, and rulers, and above every name that is named, not only in this world, but also in (that) to come; (aiōn g165)
adhipatitvapada. m "saasanapada. m paraakramo raajatva ncetinaamaani yaavanti padaaniiha loke paraloke ca vidyante te. saa. m sarvve. saam uurddhve svarge nijadak. si. napaar"sve tam upave"sitavaan, (aiōn g165)
Ephesians 2:1 ( 2:1)
(parallel missing)
puraa yuuyam aparaadhai. h paapai"sca m. rtaa. h santastaanyaacaranta ihalokasya sa. msaaraanusaare. naakaa"saraajyasyaadhipatim (aiōn g165)
in which from the first you walked according to the worldliness of this age, and according to the will of the prince of the power of the air, of that Spirit who urgeth in the sons of disobedience; (aiōn g165)
(parallel missing)
that he might show to the ages to come the greatness of the riches of his grace and his goodness, which hath been upon us in Jeshu the Meshiha. (aiōn g165)
ittha. m sa khrii. s.tena yii"sunaasmaan prati svahitai. sitayaa bhaaviyuge. su svakiiyaanugrahasyaanupama. m nidhi. m prakaa"sayitum icchati| (aiōn g165)
which are not searched; and to bring to light unto all men what is the dispensation of the mystery which was hidden from the ages in Aloha, who created all: (aiōn g165)
kaalaavasthaata. h puurvvasmaacca yo niguu. dhabhaava ii"svare gupta aasiit tadiiyaniyama. m sarvvaan j naapayaami| (aiōn g165)
that which he prepared from of old, and which he hath executed by Jeshu our Lord, (aiōn g165)
(parallel missing)
Ephesians 3:12 ( 3:12)
(parallel missing)
praaptavantastamasmaaka. m prabhu. m yii"su. m khrii. s.tamadhi sa kaalaavasthaayaa. h puurvva. m ta. m manoratha. m k. rtavaan| (aiōn g165)
to Him be glory in his church, by Jeshu Meshiha, in all ages, for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn g165)
khrii. s.tayii"sunaa samite rmadhye sarvve. su yuge. su tasya dhanyavaado bhavatu| iti| (aiōn g165)
For your wrestling is not with flesh and blood (only), but with princes, and with powers, and with the possessors of this dark world, and with the evil spirits who are under heaven. (aiōn g165)
yata. h kevala. m raktamaa. msaabhyaam iti nahi kintu kart. rtvaparaakramayuktaistimiraraajyasyehalokasyaadhipatibhi. h svargodbhavai rdu. s.taatmabhireva saarddham asmaabhi ryuddha. m kriyate| (aiōn g165)
To Aloha our Father be praise and glory to the age of ages. Amen. (aiōn g165)
asmaaka. m piturii"svarasya dhanyavaado. anantakaala. m yaavad bhavatu| aamen| (aiōn g165)
that mystery which was hidden from ages and generations, but now hath been revealed unto his saints. (aiōn g165)
tat niguu. dha. m vaakya. m puurvvayuge. su puurvvapuru. sebhya. h pracchannam aasiit kintvidaanii. m tasya pavitralokaanaa. m sannidhau tena praakaa"syata| (aiōn g165)
For these in the judgment will be punished (with) the perdition of eternity, from the presence of our Lord, and from the glory of his power; (aiōnios g166)
te ca prabho rvadanaat paraakramayuktavibhavaacca sadaatanavinaa"saruupa. m da. n.da. m lapsyante, (aiōnios g166)
But our Lord Jeshu Meshiha himself, and Aloha our Father, who hath loved us, and given us everlasting consolation, and a good hope through grace, (aiōnios g166)
asmaaka. m prabhu ryii"sukhrii. s.tastaata ii"svara"scaarthato yo yu. smaasu prema k. rtavaan nityaa nca saantvanaam anugrahe. nottamapratyaa"saa nca yu. smabhya. m dattavaan (aiōnios g166)
But for this he had compassion upon me, that in me first Jeshu Meshiha might show all long-suffering, as an exhibition for them who should believe in him unto everlasting life. (aiōnios g166)
te. saa. m paapinaa. m madhye. aha. m prathama aasa. m kintu ye maanavaa anantajiivanapraaptyartha. m tasmin vi"svasi. syanti te. saa. m d. r.s. taante mayi prathame yii"sunaa khrii. s.tena svakiiyaa k. rtsnaa cirasahi. s.nutaa yat prakaa"syate tadarthamevaaham anukampaa. m praaptavaan| (aiōnios g166)
But to the King who is eternal, incorruptible, and unseen, who is one Aloha, be honour and glory for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn g165)
anaadirak. sayo. ad. r"syo raajaa yo. advitiiya. h sarvvaj na ii"svarastasya gaurava. m mahimaa caanantakaala. m yaavad bhuuyaat| aamen| (aiōn g165)
And contend in the good agony of faith, and lay hold of the life which is eternal, unto which thou art called, and hast confessed a good confession before many witnesses. (aiōnios g166)
vi"svaasaruupam uttamayuddha. m kuru, anantajiivanam aalambasva yatastadartha. m tvam aahuuto. abhava. h, bahusaak. si. naa. m samak. sa ncottamaa. m pratij naa. m sviik. rtavaan| (aiōnios g166)
he who only is incorruptible, and (who) dwelleth in light which no man can approach; whom no man of men hath seen, nor is able to see: to him be honour and power for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōnios g166)
amarataayaa advitiiya aakara. h, agamyatejonivaasii, marttyaanaa. m kenaapi na d. r.s. ta. h kenaapi na d. r"sya"sca| tasya gauravaparaakramau sadaatanau bhuuyaastaa. m| aamen| (aiōnios g166)
The rich of this world instruct, that they be not uplifted in their minds, nor be trustful upon riches which have no security, but upon Aloha the living, who giveth to us all abundantly for our comfort; (aiōn g165)
ihaloke ye dhaninaste cittasamunnati. m capale dhane vi"svaasa nca na kurvvataa. m kintu bhogaartham asmabhya. m pracuratvena sarvvadaataa (aiōn g165)
who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling; not according to our works, but according to his will, and that grace of his which was given to us in Jeshu Meshiha before the time of the worlds, (aiōnios g166)
so. asmaan paritraa. napaatraa. ni k. rtavaan pavitre. naahvaanenaahuutavaa. m"sca; asmatkarmmahetuneti nahi sviiyaniruupaa. nasya prasaadasya ca k. rte tat k. rtavaan| sa prasaada. h s. r.s. te. h puurvvakaale khrii. s.tena yii"sunaasmabhyam adaayi, (aiōnios g166)
Therefore I endure every thing on account of the elect, that they also may find salvation in Jeshu Meshiha, with the glory that is eternal. (aiōnios g166)
khrii. s.tena yii"sunaa yad anantagauravasahita. m paritraa. na. m jaayate tadabhirucitai rlokairapi yat labhyeta tadarthamaha. m te. saa. m nimitta. m sarvvaa. nyetaani sahe| (aiōnios g166)
for Dema hath left me, and hath loved this world, and is gone to Thessalonika; Krispos to Galatia, Titos to Dalmatia; (aiōn g165)
yato diimaa aihikasa. msaaram iihamaano maa. m parityajya thi. salaniikii. m gatavaan tathaa krii. ski rgaalaatiyaa. m gatavaan tiita"sca daalmaatiyaa. m gatavaan| (aiōn g165)
And my Lord will deliver me from every evil work, and will save me into his kingdom, which is in heaven. To Him be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn g165)
apara. m sarvvasmaad du. skarmmata. h prabhu rmaam uddhari. syati nijasvargiiyaraajya. m netu. m maa. m taarayi. syati ca| tasya dhanyavaada. h sadaakaala. m bhuuyaat| aamen| (aiōn g165)
Titus 1:1 (tiita.h 1:1)
(parallel missing)
anantajiivanasyaa"saato jaataayaa ii"svarabhakte ryogyasya satyamatasya yat tatvaj naana. m ya"sca vi"svaasa ii"svarasyaabhirucitalokai rlabhyate tadartha. m (aiōnios g166)
unto the hope of eternal life, which Aloha the true counselled before the times of the ages, (aiōnios g166)
(parallel missing)
and teacheth us to deny wickedness and the lusts of the world, and to live in this world in purity, and in rectitude, and in the fear of Aloha, (aiōn g165)
sa caasmaan ida. m "sik. syati yad vayam adharmma. m saa. msaarikaabhilaa. saa. m"scaana"ngiik. rtya viniitatvena nyaayene"svarabhaktyaa cehaloke aayu ryaapayaama. h, (aiōn g165)
that by his grace we might be justified, and be made heirs according to the hope of the life which is eternal. (aiōnios g166)
ittha. m vaya. m tasyaanugrahe. na sapu. nyiibhuuya pratyaa"sayaanantajiivanasyaadhikaari. no jaataa. h| (aiōnios g166)
But, perhaps, for this he passed away for an hour, that thou mayest hold him for ever; (aiōnios g166)
ko jaanaati k. sa. nakaalaartha. m tvattastasya vicchedo. abhavad etasyaayam abhipraayo yat tvam anantakaalaartha. m ta. m lapsyase (aiōnios g166)
whom he constituted the heir of every thing, and by whom he made the worlds; (aiōn g165)
sa etasmin "se. sakaale nijaputre. naasmabhya. m kathitavaan| sa ta. m putra. m sarvvaadhikaari. na. m k. rtavaan tenaiva ca sarvvajaganti s. r.s. tavaan| (aiōn g165)
But concerning the Son he hath said, Thy throne, Aloha, (is) for ever and ever, a right sceptre (is) the sceptre of thy kingdom. (aiōn g165)
kintu putramuddi"sya tenokta. m, yathaa, "he ii"svara sadaa sthaayi tava si. mhaasana. m bhavet| yaathaarthyasya bhavedda. raajada. n.dastvadiiyaka. h| (aiōn g165)
So, too, in another place he saith, Thou art the Priest for ever, after the likeness of Malki-Zedek. (aiōn g165)
tadvad anyagiite. apiidamukta. m, tva. m malkii. sedaka. h "sre. nyaa. m yaajako. asi sadaatana. h| (aiōn g165)
And so was he perfected, and became unto all them who obey him the Cause of eternal salvation; (aiōnios g166)
ittha. m siddhiibhuuya nijaaj naagraahi. naa. m sarvve. saam anantaparitraa. nasya kaara. nasvaruupo. abhavat| (aiōnios g166)
and for the doctrine of ablution and of imposition of the hand, and for the resurrection from the place of the dead, and for the judgment which is eternal? (aiōnios g166)
anantakaalasthaayivicaaraaj naa caitai. h punarbhittimuula. m na sthaapayanta. h khrii. s.tavi. sayaka. m prathamopade"sa. m pa"scaatk. rtya siddhi. m yaavad agrasaraa bhavaama| (aiōnios g166)
and have tasted the good word of Aloha, and the power of the world to come, (aiōn g165)
ii"svarasya suvaakya. m bhaavikaalasya "sakti ncaasvaditavanta"sca te bhra. s.tvaa yadi (aiōn g165)
where Jeshu hath first entered for us, and become the Priest for ever in the likeness of MALKI-ZEDEK. (aiōn g165)
tatraivaasmaakam agrasaro yii"su. h pravi"sya malkii. sedaka. h "sre. nyaa. m nityasthaayii yaajako. abhavat| (aiōn g165)
For he testifieth concerning him, Thou art a Priest for evermore according to the likeness of Malki-Zedek. (aiōn g165)
yata ii"svara ida. m saak. sya. m dattavaan, yathaa, "tva. m maklii. sedaka. h "sre. nyaa. m yaajako. asi sadaatana. h|" (aiōn g165)
For they were made priests without an oath; but this with an oath: as he said unto him by the hand of David, The Lord hath sworn and will not lie, that thou art the Priest for ever in the likeness of Malki-Zedek. (aiōn g165)
(parallel missing)
Hebrews 7:22 ( 7:22)
(parallel missing)
"parame"sa ida. m "sepe na ca tasmaannivartsyate| tva. m malkii. sedaka. h "sre. nyaa. m yaajako. asi sadaatana. h|" (aiōn g165)
But because this (one) standeth for ever, his priesthood passeth not away. (aiōn g165)
kintvasaavanantakaala. m yaavat ti. s.thati tasmaat tasya yaajakatva. m na parivarttaniiya. m| (aiōn g165)
For the law constituted infirm men priests; but the word of the oath, which was subsequent to the law, (hath constituted) THE SON perfect for evermore. (aiōn g165)
yato vyavasthayaa ye mahaayaajakaa niruupyante te daurbbalyayuktaa maanavaa. h kintu vyavasthaata. h para. m "sapathayuktena vaakyena yo mahaayaajako niruupita. h so. anantakaalaartha. m siddha. h putra eva| (aiōn g165)
Nor entered he with the blood of goats and calves, but with the blood of himself he entered once the holy place, and hath found eternal redemption. (aiōnios g166)
chaagaanaa. m govatsaanaa. m vaa rudhiram anaadaaya sviiyarudhiram aadaayaikak. rtva eva mahaapavitrasthaana. m pravi"syaanantakaalikaa. m mukti. m praaptavaan| (aiōnios g166)
how much more then shall the blood of the Meshiha, who, by the Eternal Spirit, himself hath offered without spot unto Aloha, purify our conscience from dead works, to serve the Aloha the Living? (aiōnios g166)
tarhi ki. m manyadhve ya. h sadaatanenaatmanaa ni. skala"nkabalimiva svameve"svaraaya dattavaan, tasya khrii. s.tasya rudhire. na yu. smaaka. m manaa. msyamare"svarasya sevaayai ki. m m. rtyujanakebhya. h karmmabhyo na pavitriikaari. syante? (aiōnios g166)
For this was he made the Mediator of the new covenant, that by his death he might become the ransom for those who had transgressed against the first covenant, (and) that they might receive the promise, they, who are called unto the inheritance which is eternal. (aiōnios g166)
sa nuutananiyamasya madhyastho. abhavat tasyaabhipraayo. aya. m yat prathamaniyamala"nghanaruupapaapebhyo m. rtyunaa muktau jaataayaam aahuutalokaa anantakaaliiyasampada. h pratij naaphala. m labheran| (aiōnios g166)
otherwise he would have been obligated many times to suffer from the beginning of the world. But now, in the end of the world, once hath he offered himself, that by his sacrifice he might abolish sin. (aiōn g165)
karttavye sati jagata. h s. r.s. tikaalamaarabhya bahuvaara. m tasya m. rtyubhoga aava"syako. abhavat; kintvidaanii. m sa aatmotsarge. na paapanaa"saartham ekak. rtvo jagata. h "se. sakaale pracakaa"se| (aiōn g165)
For by faith we perceive that the worlds were ordained by the word of Aloha, and (how) these (things) which are seen were from those which are not seen. (aiōn g165)
aparam ii"svarasya vaakyena jagantyas. rjyanta, d. r.s. tavastuuni ca pratyak. savastubhyo nodapadyantaitad vaya. m vi"svaasena budhyaamahe| (aiōn g165)
Jeshu Meshiha is yesterday, and to-day, and for ever. (aiōn g165)
yii"su. h khrii. s.ta. h "svo. adya sadaa ca sa evaaste| (aiōn g165)
But the God of peace, who brought up from the house of the dead the great Shepherd of the flock, by the blood of the eternal covenant, who is Jeshu Meshiha, our Lord, (aiōnios g166)
anantaniyamasya rudhire. na vi"si. mahaan me. sapaalako yena m. rtaga. namadhyaat punaraanaayi sa "saantidaayaka ii"svaro (aiōnios g166)
make you perfect in every good work, that ye may do his will, and effect in you whatever is good before him, by Jeshu Meshiha: to him be glory unto the age of ages. Amen. (aiōn g165)
nijaabhimatasaadhanaaya sarvvasmin satkarmma. ni yu. smaan siddhaan karotu, tasya d. r.s. tau ca yadyat tu. s.tijanaka. m tadeva yu. smaaka. m madhye yii"sunaa khrii. s.tena saadhayatu| tasmai mahimaa sarvvadaa bhuuyaat| aamen| (aiōn g165)
and the tongue is a fire, a world of sin, like a forest is the tongue itself among our members; it defileth all of our body, and burneth the course of our generations which run (forward) as a wheel, and kindleth also itself with fire. (Geenna g1067)
rasanaapi bhaved vahniradharmmaruupapi. s.tape| asmada"nge. su rasanaa taad. r"sa. m santi. s.thati saa k. rtsna. m deha. m kala"nkayati s. r.s. tirathasya cakra. m prajvalayati narakaanalena jvalati ca| (Geenna g1067)
as men who are regenerated, not by a perishable seed, but by that which is imperishable, by the living word of Aloha which abideth for ever. (aiōn g165)
yasmaad yuuya. m k. saya. niiyaviiryyaat nahi kintvak. saya. niiyaviiryyaad ii"svarasya jiivanadaayakena nityasthaayinaa vaakyena punarjanma g. rhiitavanta. h| (aiōn g165)
but the word of our God abideth for ever; and this is that word which is preached unto you. (aiōn g165)
kintu vaakya. m pare"sasyaanantakaala. m viti. s.thate| tadeva ca vaakya. m susa. mvaadena yu. smaakam antike prakaa"sita. m| (aiōn g165)
Whoever shall speak, as the word of Aloha let him speak and whoever ministereth, (he shall minister) as from the power which Aloha giveth to him, that in every thing which you do Aloha may be glorified through Jeshu Meshiha, whose are the glory and honour to the age of ages. Amen. (aiōn g165)
yo vaakya. m kathayati sa ii"svarasya vaakyamiva kathayatu ya"sca param upakaroti sa ii"svaradattasaamarthyaadivopakarotu| sarvvavi. saye yii"sukhrii. s.tene"svarasya gaurava. m prakaa"syataa. m tasyaiva gaurava. m paraakrama"sca sarvvadaa bhuuyaat| aamena| (aiōn g165)
But the God of grace, who hath called us to his eternal glory by Jeshu Meshiha, will give to us while we endure these few afflictions to be strengthened, and confirmed, and established in him for ever. (aiōnios g166)
k. sa. nikadu. hkhabhogaat param asmabhya. m khrii. s.tena yii"sunaa svakiiyaanantagauravadaanaartha. m yo. asmaan aahuutavaan sa sarvvaanugraahii"svara. h svaya. m yu. smaan siddhaan sthiraan sabalaan ni"scalaa. m"sca karotu| (aiōnios g166)
To Him be glory and dominion and honour unto the age of ages. Amen. (aiōn g165)
tasya gaurava. m paraakrama"scaanantakaala. m yaavad bhuuyaat| aamen| (aiōn g165)
for so abundantly shall be given to you the entrance of the eternal kingdom of our Lord and our Saviour Jeshu Meshiha. (aiōnios g166)
yato. anena prakaare. naasmaaka. m prabhostraat. r ryii"sukhrii. s.tasyaanantaraajyasya prave"sena yuuya. m sukalena yojayi. syadhve| (aiōnios g166)
For if Aloha upon the angels who sinned was not lenient, but in chains of darkness shut them in the deeps, and delivered them to be kept to the judgment of pain; (Tartaroō g5020)
ii"svara. h k. rtapaapaan duutaan na k. samitvaa timira"s. r"nkhalai. h paataale ruddhvaa vicaaraartha. m samarpitavaan| (Tartaroō g5020)
But increase in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and our Saviour Jeshu Meshiha, and (of) Aloha the Father, Whose be glory both now, and in all time, and to the days eternal. Amen. (aiōn g165)
kintvasmaaka. m prabhostraatu ryii"sukhrii. s.tasyaanugrahe j naane ca varddhadhva. m| tasya gauravam idaanii. m sadaakaala nca bhuuyaat| aamen| (aiōn g165)
And the life was manifested, and we have seen, and testify, and preach to you the eternal life which was with the Father, and was manifested to us. (aiōnios g166)
sa jiivanasvaruupa. h prakaa"sata vaya nca ta. m d. r.s. tavantastamadhi saak. sya. m dadma"sca, ya"sca pitu. h sannidhaavavarttataasmaaka. m samiipe prakaa"sata ca tam anantajiivanasvaruupa. m vaya. m yu. smaan j naapayaama. h| (aiōnios g166)
And the world passeth, (both) it and its lusts; but he who doeth the will of Aloha, continueth for ever. (aiōn g165)
sa. msaarastadiiyaabhilaa. sa"sca vyatyeti kintu ya ii"svarasye. s.ta. m karoti so. anantakaala. m yaavat ti. s.thati| (aiōn g165)
And this is the promise which he promised to us, eternal life. (aiōnios g166)
sa ca pratij nayaasmabhya. m yat pratij naatavaan tad anantajiivana. m| (aiōnios g166)
For every one who hateth his brother is a man-killer; and we know that in no man-killer can abide the life which is eternal. (aiōnios g166)
ya. h ka"scit svabhraatara. m dve. s.ti sa. m naraghaatii ki ncaanantajiivana. m naraghaatina. h kasyaapyantare naavati. s.thate tad yuuya. m jaaniitha| (aiōnios g166)
And this is the testimony, That the life which is eternal, Aloha hath given to us, and this life is in his Son. (aiōnios g166)
tacca saak. syamida. m yad ii"svaro. asmabhyam anantajiivana. m dattavaan tacca jiivana. m tasya putre vidyate| (aiōnios g166)
These I have written to you, that you may know that you have the life which is eternal, who believe in the name of the Son of Aloha. (aiōnios g166)
ii"svaraputrasya naamni yu. smaan pratyetaani mayaa likhitaani tasyaabhipraayo. aya. m yad yuuyam anantajiivanapraaptaa iti jaaniiyaata tasye"svaraputrasya naamni vi"svaseta ca| (aiōnios g166)
And we know that the Son of Aloha hath come, and hath given us knowledge to know the truth, and to be in him in the truth, in his Son Jeshu the Meshiha. This is Aloha the true, and the life which is eternal. (aiōnios g166)
aparam ii"svarasya putra aagatavaan vaya nca yayaa tasya satyamayasya j naana. m praapnuyaamastaad. r"sii. m dhiyam asmabhya. m dattavaan iti jaaniimastasmin satyamaye. arthatastasya putre yii"sukhrii. s.te ti. s.thaama"sca; sa eva satyamaya ii"svaro. anantajiivanasvaruupa"scaasti| (aiōnios g166)
on account of the truth which abideth in us, and is with us for ever; (aiōn g165)
satyamataad yu. smaasu mama premaasti kevala. m mama nahi kintu satyamataj naanaa. m sarvve. saameva| yata. h satyamatam asmaasu ti. s.thatyanantakaala. m yaavaccaasmaasu sthaasyati| (aiōn g165)
And the angels who kept not their primacy, but left their habitation, unto the judgment of the great day in chains unknown, under darkness, he hath kept. (aïdios g126)
ye ca svargaduutaa. h sviiyakart. rtvapade na sthitvaa svavaasasthaana. m parityaktavantastaan sa mahaadinasya vicaaraartham andhakaaramaye. adha. hsthaane sadaasthaayibhi rbandhanairabadhnaat| (aïdios g126)
As Sadum and Omuro, and the cities which were around them, which in manner of them committed fornication, and went after other flesh, are lying under everlasting fire, condemned unto judgment. (aiōnios g166)
apara. m sidomam amoraa tannika. tasthanagaraa. ni caite. saa. m nivaasinastatsamaruupa. m vyabhicaara. m k. rtavanto vi. samamaithunasya ce. s.tayaa vipatha. m gatavanta"sca tasmaat taanyapi d. r.s. taantasvaruupaa. ni bhuutvaa sadaatanavahninaa da. n.da. m bhu njate| (aiōnios g166)
turbulent waves of the sea, which, by their foaming, manifest their shame; erring stars, unto whom the blackness of darkness that is eternal is reserved. (aiōn g165)
svakiiyalajjaaphe. nodvamakaa. h praca. n.daa. h saamudratara"ngaa. h sadaakaala. m yaavat ghoratimirabhaagiini bhrama. nakaarii. ni nak. satraa. ni ca bhavanti| (aiōn g165)
ourselves in the love of Aloha to keep, while looking for the mercy of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha unto our eternal salvation. (aiōnios g166)
ii"svarasya premnaa svaan rak. sata, anantajiivanaaya caasmaaka. m prabho ryii"sukhrii. s.tasya k. rpaa. m pratiik. sadhva. m| (aiōnios g166)
Be glory, and dominion, and honour, and grandeur, both now and in all ages. Amen. (aiōn g165)
yo. asmaakam advitiiyastraa. nakarttaa sarvvaj na ii"svarastasya gaurava. m mahimaa paraakrama. h kart. rtva ncedaaniim anantakaala. m yaavad bhuuyaat| aamen| (aiōn g165)
and hath made us a priestly kingdom unto Aloha and his Father; to whom be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn g165)
yo. asmaasu priitavaan svarudhire. naasmaan svapaapebhya. h prak. saalitavaan tasya piturii"svarasya yaajakaan k. rtvaasmaan raajavarge niyuktavaa. m"sca tasmin mahimaa paraakrama"scaanantakaala. m yaavad varttataa. m| aamen| (aiōn g165)
and who liveth and who have been dead; and, behold, I am alive for ever and ever. Amen! And I have the keys of death and of Sheul. (aiōn g165, Hadēs g86)
aham amarastathaapi m. rtavaan kintu pa"syaaham anantakaala. m yaavat jiivaami| aamen| m. rtyo. h paralokasya ca ku njikaa mama hastagataa. h| (aiōn g165, Hadēs g86)
And when those living-ones give glory and honour and thanks unto Him who sitteth upon the throne, to Him who liveth for ever and ever, (aiōn g165)
ittha. m tai. h praa. nibhistasyaanantajiivina. h si. mhaasanopavi. s.tasya janasya prabhaave gaurave dhanyavaade ca prakiirttite (aiōn g165)
the four and twenty presbyters fell before Him who sitteth upon the throne, and worshipped Him who liveth for ever and ever, and cast their crowns before the throne, saying, (aiōn g165)
te caturvi. m"satipraaciinaa api tasya si. mhaasanopavi. s.tasyaantike pra. ninatya tam anantajiivina. m pra. namanti sviiyakirii. taa. m"sca si. mhaasanasyaantike nik. sipya vadanti, (aiōn g165)
And every creature which is in heaven, and on earth, And under the earth, and in the sea, And all them which are therein. And I heard him who sat upon the throne saying: To the Lamb let there be given blessing, and honour, and glory, and praise, and dominion, for ever and ever. (aiōn g165)
apara. m svargamarttyapaataalasaagare. su yaani vidyante te. saa. m sarvve. saa. m s. r.s. tavastuunaa. m vaagiya. m mayaa "srutaa, pra"sa. msaa. m gaurava. m "sauryyam aadhipatya. m sanaatana. m| si. mhasanopavi. s.ta"sca me. savatsa"sca gacchataa. m| (aiōn g165)
And I saw a green horse, and he who sat upon him had the name of Death, and Shiul followed after him. And there was given to him power over the fourth of the earth, to kill with the sword, and with famine, and with death, and with the toothed beast of the earth. (Hadēs g86)
tata. h paa. n.duravar. na eko. a"svo mayaa d. r.s. ta. h, tadaarohi. no naama m. rtyuriti paraloka"sca tam anucarati kha"ngena durbhik. se. na mahaamaaryyaa vanyapa"subhi"sca lokaanaa. m badhaaya p. rthivyaa"scaturthaa. m"sasyaadhipatya. m tasmaa adaayi| (Hadēs g86)
saying, Amen. Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving, And honour, and might, and power, To our God, for ever and ever. Amen. (aiōn g165)
tathaastu dhanyavaada"sca tejo j naana. m pra"sa. msana. m| "sauryya. m paraakrama"scaapi "sakti"sca sarvvameva tat| varttataamii"svare. asmaaka. m nitya. m nitya. m tathaastviti| (aiōn g165)
AND the Fifth angel sounded. And I saw a star which fell from heaven unto the earth and there was given to him the key of the pit of the abyss. (Abyssos g12)
tata. h para. m saptamaduutena tuuryyaa. m vaaditaayaa. m gaganaat p. rthivyaa. m nipatita ekastaarako mayaa d. r.s. ta. h, tasmai rasaatalakuupasya ku njikaadaayi| (Abyssos g12)
And he opened the pit of the abyss, and smoke ascended from the pit, as the smoke of a burning furnace; and the sun was darkened, and the air, from the smoke of the pit. (Abyssos g12)
tena rasaatalakuupe mukte mahaagniku. n.dasya dhuuma iva dhuumastasmaat kuupaad udgata. h| tasmaat kuupadhuumaat suuryyaakaa"sau timiraav. rtau| (Abyssos g12)
And they had a king over them, the angel of the abyss, and his name in Hebrew is Abadon; but in Javanith his name is Apolon. (Abyssos g12)
te. saa. m raajaa ca rasaatalasya duutastasya naama ibriiyabhaa. sayaa abaddon yuunaaniiyabhaa. sayaa ca apalluyon arthato vinaa"saka iti| (Abyssos g12)
and sware by Him who liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven and those who are in it, and the earth and those that are in it, and the sea and those that are in it, That time no more shall be; (aiōn g165)
apara. m svargaad yasya ravo mayaa"sraavi sa puna rmaa. m sambhaavyaavadat tva. m gatvaa samudramedinyosti. s.thato duutasya karaat ta. m vistiir. na k. sudragrantha. m g. rhaa. na, tena mayaa duutasamiipa. m gatvaa kathita. m grantho. asau diiyataa. m| (aiōn g165)
And when they shall have completed their testimony, the beast of prey, which ascended from the abyss, will make war against them, and overcome them, (Abyssos g12)
apara. m tayo. h saak. sye samaapte sati rasaatalaad yenotthitavya. m sa pa"sustaabhyaa. m saha yuddhvaa tau je. syati hani. syati ca| (Abyssos g12)
And the Seventh angel sounded. And there were voices and thunders, saying, The kingdom of the world Is of our Lord, and of his Meshiha; And he will reign for ever and ever! (aiōn g165)
anantara. m saptaduutena tuuryyaa. m vaaditaayaa. m svarga uccai. h svarairvaagiya. m kiirttitaa, raajatva. m jagato yadyad raajya. m tadadhunaabhavat| asmatprabhostadiiyaabhi. siktasya taarakasya ca| tena caanantakaaliiya. m raajatva. m prakari. syate|| (aiōn g165)
And I saw another angel flying through heaven, who with blood had the everlasting gospel to preach to them who dwell on the earth, and unto every nation and tribe, and tongue and people; (aiōnios g166)
anantaram aakaa"samadhyeno. d.diiyamaano. apara eko duuto mayaa d. r.s. ta. h so. anantakaaliiya. m susa. mvaada. m dhaarayati sa ca susa. mvaada. h sarvvajaatiiyaan sarvvava. m"siiyaan sarvvabhaa. saavaadina. h sarvvade"siiyaa. m"sca p. rthiviinivaasina. h prati tena gho. sitavya. h| (aiōnios g166)
And the smoke of their torment For ever and ever will ascend. And they have no rest day and night Who worship the beast of prey and his image. (aiōn g165)
te. saa. m yaatanaayaa dhuumo. anantakaala. m yaavad udgami. syati ye ca pa"su. m tasya pratimaa nca puujayanti tasya naamno. a"nka. m vaa g. rhlanti te divaani"sa. m ka ncana viraama. m na praapsyanti| (aiōn g165)
And one of the four living-ones gave to the seven angels SEVEN VIALS of gold, which were full of the wrath of Aloha, who liveth for ever and ever. (aiōn g165)
apara. m catur. naa. m praa. ninaam ekastebhya. h saptaduutebhya. h saptasuvar. naka. msaan adadaat| (aiōn g165)
The beast of prey which thou seest, was, and is not; and will ascend from the abyss, and go into perdition: and they who dwell on the earth will admire, they whose name is not written in the book of life from the foundations of the world, while they see the beast of prey, who was, and is not, and draweth nigh. (Abyssos g12)
tvayaa d. r.s. to. asau pa"suraasiit nedaanii. m varttate kintu rasaatalaat tenodetavya. m vinaa"sa"sca gantavya. h| tato ye. saa. m naamaani jagata. h s. r.s. tikaalam aarabhya jiivanapustake likhitaani na vidyante te p. rthiviinivaasino bhuutam avarttamaanamupasthaasyanta nca ta. m pa"su. m d. r.s. tvaa"scaryya. m ma. msyante| (Abyssos g12)
And the second time they said, Halleluia! And her smoke went up for ever and ever. (aiōn g165)
punarapi tairidamukta. m yathaa, bruuta pare"svara. m dhanya. m yannitya. m nityameva ca| tasyaa daahasya dhuumo. asau di"samuurddhvamude. syati|| (aiōn g165)
And the beast of prey was taken, and the false prophet with him who wrought signs before him, with which he deluded them who received the signature of the beast of prey, and them who worshipped his image; and living they were both cast into the lake of fire which burneth with sulphur. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
tata. h sa pa"su rdh. rto ya"sca mithyaabhavi. syadvaktaa tasyaantike citrakarmmaa. ni kurvvan taireva pa"sva"nkadhaari. nastatpratimaapuujakaa. m"sca bhramitavaan so. api tena saarddha. m dh. rta. h| tau ca vahnigandhakajvalitahrade jiivantau nik. siptau| (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
AND I saw an angel descending from heaven, having the key of the abyss, and a great chain in his hand. (Abyssos g12)
tata. h para. m svargaad avarohan eko duuto mayaa d. r.s. tastasya kare ramaatalasya ku njikaa mahaa"s. r"nkhala ncaika. m ti. s.thata. h| (Abyssos g12)
and cast him into the abyss, and shut and sealed over him, that he should no more seduce the nations, until the thousand years be completed: but after them he will be loosed a little time. (Abyssos g12)
apara. m rasaatale ta. m nik. sipya tadupari dvaara. m ruddhvaa mudraa"nkitavaan yasmaat tad var. sasahasra. m yaavat sampuur. na. m na bhavet taavad bhinnajaatiiyaastena puna rna bhramitavyaa. h| tata. h param alpakaalaartha. m tasya mocanena bhavitavya. m| (Abyssos g12)
And the accuser who seduced them was cast into the lake of fire and of sulphur, as was also the beast of prey and the false prophet; and they will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. (aiōn g165, Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
te. saa. m bhramayitaa ca "sayataano vahnigandhakayo rhrade. arthata. h pa"su rmithyaabhavi. syadvaadii ca yatra ti. s.thatastatraiva nik. sipta. h, tatraanantakaala. m yaavat te divaani"sa. m yaatanaa. m bhok. syante| (aiōn g165, Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
And the sea gave up the dead which were in it, and death and shiul gave up the dead which were in them. And they were judged every one according to their works. (Hadēs g86)
tadaanii. m samudre. na svaantarasthaa m. rtajanaa. h samarpitaa. h, m. rtyuparalokaabhyaamapi svaantarasthaa m. rtajanaa. h sarmipataa. h, te. saa ncaikaikasya svakriyaanuyaayii vicaara. h k. rta. h| (Hadēs g86)
And death and shiul were cast into the lake of fire, which is the second death. (Hadēs g86, Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
apara. m m. rtyuparalokau vahnihrade nik. siptau, e. sa eva dvitiiyo m. rtyu. h| (Hadēs g86, Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
And if a man was not found written in the Book of Life, he was cast into the lake of fire. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
yasya kasyacit naama jiivanapustake likhita. m naavidyata sa eva tasmin vahnihrade nyak. sipyata| (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
But the fearful, and the faithless, and sinners, and the unclean, and murderers, and fornicators, and sorcerers, and servers of idols, and all liars, (shall have) their portion in the lake which burneth with fire and sulphur; which is the second death. (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
kintu bhiitaanaam avi"svaasinaa. m gh. r.nyaanaa. m narahant. r.naa. m ve"syaagaaminaa. m mohakaanaa. m devapuujakaanaa. m sarvve. saam an. rtavaadinaa ncaa. m"so vahnigandhakajvalitahrade bhavi. syati, e. sa eva dvitiiyo m. rtyu. h| (Limnē Pyr g3041 g4442)
And night shall be no more: nor any need have they of the light of a lamp, or the light of the sun; for the Lord God enlighteneth them, and they will reign for ever and ever. (aiōn g165)
tadaanii. m raatri. h puna rna bhavi. syati yata. h prabhu. h parame"svarastaan diipayi. syati te caanantakaala. m yaavad raajatva. m kari. syante| (aiōn g165)

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