< Mark 14 >

1 BUT after two days was the Petscha of unleavened cakes: and the chief priests and the Sophree sought how with guile they might apprehend and kill him.
Basa ma, malangga agama Yahudi ra feꞌe sangga dalaꞌ fo humu Yesus no nee-nee, te ara rae risa E. Ara rae, ‘Nehati dei! Te fai-fai malole a deka ena. Hita afiꞌ humu E dei, afiꞌ losa atahori ramue.” Ara ola-olaꞌ taꞌo naa, huu hela feꞌe fai rua fali, te atahori Yahudi fai malole nara, fo ara babꞌae, rae ‘Fai Paska’ no ‘Fefeta roti nda tao bibit sa’. Sia fai maloleꞌ naa ra, ara rasanedꞌa fai maꞌahulu naa, leleꞌ sira bei-baꞌi nara lao hela nusa Masir.
2 And they said, Not on the festival, lest there be a commotion among the people.
3 And when he was at Bethania in the house of Shemun the leper, as he reclined, there came a woman who had with her a vase of the balsam of the choicest nard of great prices; and she opened it, and poured it upon the head of Jeshu.
Sia kambo Betania, hambu atahori esa, nara na Simon. Maꞌahulu na, eni namahedꞌi kusta. Te ia naa, ana hai ena. Fai malole ra nda feꞌe losa sa, Yesus se reu raa mia Simon ume na. Leleꞌ ara raa, inaꞌ esa masoꞌ rala neu. Ana toꞌu boto fatuꞌ esa. Isi na mina maꞌameniꞌ mafelit. Basa ma, inaꞌ a helu-tiku botoꞌ a tatana na. De ana mboꞌa nandali mbei-mbei neu Yesus langga na, fo fee hadꞌat neu E.
4 But there were men of the disciples who were displeased among themselves, and said, Why make destruction of this balsam?
Te hambu atahori laen hira tungga raa sia naa boe. Rita inaꞌ a tao taꞌo naa, ara ramanasa, de olaꞌ koao rae, “Hmm! Ina saa a ia! Ana mboꞌa hendi parsumaꞌ a mina maꞌameni mafelit a!
5 for it could have been sold for more than three hundred dinoreen, and given to the poor. And they were angry with her.
Malole lenaꞌ seo, fo banggi doi naa ra, neu mana toꞌataꞌ ra!
6 But he, Jeshu, said, Let her alone; why do you trouble her? A good work hath she wrought upon me.
Te Yesus naselu nae, “Hei onaꞌ miꞌisususaꞌ inaꞌ ia! Hela neu! Au umuhoꞌo, huu ana mboꞌa mina maꞌameniꞌ ia neu langga ngga.
7 For in all time you have the poor with you, and, when you will, you can do them good; but I am not at all time with you.
Atahori mana toꞌataꞌ ra raꞌabꞌue ro hei rakandoo a. De hei bisa tulun se sudꞌiꞌ a leleꞌ bee. Te nda doo saꞌ ena, Au nda uꞌubꞌue o hei sa.
8 (With) that which was hers she hath done this, and beforehand as for the funeral she hath anointed my body.
Au masodꞌa ngga nda doo saꞌ ena. No mboꞌa mina ia a, inaꞌ ia sadꞌia memaꞌ au ao ngga, soa neu au fai naꞌoi ngga.
9 And Amen I say to you, That wheresoever my gospel shall be preached in the whole world, this also which she hath now done shall be told in memorial of her.
Misinedꞌa matalolole! Sia bee atahori dui-bꞌenggaꞌ Lamatualain Hara-lii Malole na, sa naa o ara dui-bꞌengga inaꞌ ia tatao malole na, fo basa atahori rasanedꞌa e.
10 But Jihuda Scarjuta, one of the twelve, went to the chief priests, to betray Jeshu to them:
Boe ma Yesus mana tungga kasanahulu rua nara esa, nara na Yudꞌas Iskariot, neu sangga malangga agama Yahudi ra, fo seo Yesus neu se. Nandaa no se, ma nafadꞌe dudꞌuꞌa na.
11 and they when they had heard rejoiced, and promised silver to give him. And he sought to him opportunity to betray him.
Leleꞌ ara rena boe, ramahoꞌo seli. Ara helu rae, “Mete ma ho seo Yesus na, hai bae.” Boe ma Yudꞌas dea neu, sangga dalaꞌ fo fee Yesus neu se.
12 And the first day of the unleavened bread, in which the Jihudoyee sacrifice the Petscha, the disciples say to him, Where wilt thou that we go to prepare for thee to eat the Petscha?
Faiꞌ naa, fai kaesaꞌ mia atahori Yahudi fai malole na. No fai naa, ara tunu roti nda tao bibit sa, ma mbau bibꞌi lombo. Leleꞌ naa, Yesus mana tungga nara rema ratane E rae, “Papa! Faiꞌ ia, hita fai malole Paska. De Papa nau hai mi sadꞌia nanaat sia ume bee?”
13 And he sent two of his disciples, and said to them, Go to the city, and, observe, a man meeteth you bearing a vessel of waters. Go after him;
Basa ma, Yesus denu mana tungga nara rua nae, “Hei mi miꞌihuluꞌ misiꞌ kota. Sia naa hei mindaa mo touꞌ esa, nasaa oe nggusi esa. Hei tungga e leo.
14 and when he hath entered, say to the house-lord, Our Master saith, Where is the place of feasting, where I can eat with my disciples the Petscha?
Mete ma ana ume rala neu, hei tungga e. Mifadꞌe tenu umeꞌ a mae, ‘Papa! Hai papa meser ma noꞌe kama esa fo tao fefeta Paska no mana tungga nara.
15 And, behold, he showeth you a large upper room furnished and prepared: there make ready for us.
Dei fo ana natudꞌuꞌ kama loaꞌ esa sia tadꞌaꞌ ata ka. Ana sadꞌia nala kama ena. Helaꞌ a hei sadꞌia nanaat.”
16 And the disciples went forth, and came into the city, and found as he had told them: and they prepared the Petscha.
Boe ma ruꞌa se lao kota reu. Sia naa, randaa ro saa fo Yesus nafadꞌe se. Ara sadꞌia basaꞌ e, fo sira raa fefeta Paska sia naa. De ruꞌa se reu roꞌe Yesus no mana tungga laen ra.
17 And when it was evening he came with his twelve.
Relo a mopo boe, Yesus no mana tungga kasanahulu rua nara lao reu.
18 And as they reclined and ate, Jeshu said to them, Amen I tell you, That one of you who eateth with me shall betray me.
Basa ma ara endoꞌ, de raa raꞌabꞌue. Ara raa boe, Yesus olaꞌ nae, “Rena, e! Esa mia hei, nau seo Au neu atahori laen ra.”
19 But they began to be sad, and said to him one, one, Is it I?
Rena taꞌo naa, rala nara mera. Esa-esa natane Yesus nae, “Nda au sa, to?”
20 But he said to them, One of the twelve who dippeth with me in the dish.
De Yesus nataa nae, “Atahori mana boroꞌ roti nisiꞌ manggo a rala naꞌabꞌue no Au, naa eni mana seo Au.
21 And the Son of man goeth, as it is written concerning him; but woe to that man by whom is betrayed the Son of man! It had been better for that man if he had not been born.
Misinedꞌa e! Au ia, Atahori Matetuꞌ. Au musi mate onaꞌ ara suraꞌ memaꞌ sia Lamatualain susura na. Te, besa-bꞌesa! Atahori mana seo Au, ana lemba huku-doki na! Malole lenaꞌ, mama na afiꞌ bꞌonggi e!
22 And while they were eating, Jeshu took bread, and blessed, and brake, and gave to them, and said to them, Take; this is my body.
Leleꞌ ara feꞌe raa, Yesus haꞌi nala roti bueꞌ esa, de noꞌe makasi neu Lamatualain. Ana bibꞌibꞌi roti a, de soro fee mana tungga nara, ma nafadꞌe nae, “Roti ia, Au ao ngga. Haꞌi, fo mia leo.”
23 And he took the cup, and praised and blessed, and gave to them; and they drank of it, all of them.
Basa ma, Ana haꞌi nala oe anggor nggalas esa. Ana noꞌe makasi neu Lamatualain, de loo nggalas naa neu mana tungga nara fo rinu.
24 And he said to them, This is my blood of the new Covenant, which for many is shed.
Nafadꞌe nae, “Oe anggor ia, Au raa ngga. Raaꞌ ia nandali fo fee masodꞌaꞌ neu atahori naeꞌ. Raaꞌ ia o dadꞌi nesenedꞌaꞌ nae, “Saa fo Lamatualain helu, memaꞌ dadꞌi ena. Haꞌi, fo minu leo.
25 Amen I say to you, That again I will not drink from the fruit of the vine till that day in which I will drink it newly in the kingdom of Aloha.
Rena! Au nda inu seluꞌ oe anggor sa, losa Ama ngga sia sorga endoꞌ parenda.”
26 And they praised, and went forth to the mount of Olives.
Basa boe ma, ara sodꞌa sosodꞌat esa fo koa-kio Lamatualain. Basa ma ara dea reu de lao risiꞌ Lete Saitun.
27 AND Jeshu said to them, All of you will be offended with me in this night: for it is written, I will strike the Shepherd, and scattered shall be his sheep.
Ara laoꞌ boe ma, Yesus nafadꞌe memaꞌ nae, “Tetembaꞌ ia, basa hei mela hela Au. Te ara suraꞌ memaꞌ sia Lamatualain susuraꞌ na nae, ‘Lamatualain nisa manatadꞌa, de bibꞌi lombo nara rela sea-saranggaa.’
28 But when I have arisen, I go before you into Galila.
Au memaꞌ mate. Te leleꞌ Au usodꞌa baliꞌ naa, Au lao uꞌuhuluꞌ hei isiꞌ propensi Galilea.”
29 Kipha saith to him, If all shall be offended with thee, yet I (will) not.
Rena Yesus ola taꞌo naa, Petrus nda nau sa, de nae, “Papa! Mae atahori laen ra basa se rela hela Papa o, te au hokoꞌ!”
30 Jeshu saith to him, Amen I tell thee, That thou, to-day, in this (very) night, before the cock shall crow, three times wilt deny me.
Yesus nataa nae, “Petrus! Musunedꞌa, e! Tetembaꞌ ia, manu ra nda feꞌe koꞌo-kee lao rua sa, te ho olaꞌ lao telu mae ho nda muhine Au sa!
31 But he the more said, If I shall die with thee, I will not deny thee, my Lord. And so also all of the disciples said.
Te Petrus nataa seluꞌ fai nae, “Hokoꞌ, Papa! Mete ma Papa mate, au o mate tungga boe. Te au nda ela hela Papa sa!” Petrus nono nara o, basa se raꞌo naa boe.
32 And they came to the place which is called Gedsimon; and he said to his disciples, Sit here until I have prayed.
Basa naa, Yesus se laoꞌ rakandoo losa osi esa sia Lete Saitun, nara na ‘Getsemani’. Boe ma Yesus nafadꞌe mbali se nae, “Hei endoꞌ mihani ia. Au ae uu hule-oꞌe sia naa.”
33 And he took with him Kipha and Jacub and Juchanon, and began to be sorrowful and agonized.
Boe ma Yesus noꞌe Petrus, Yakobis, ma Yohanis, fo reu raꞌabꞌue ro E. Mia faiꞌ naa, Yesus rala na namedꞌa susa no nda malololeꞌ sa.
34 And he said to them, My soul is afflicted unto death; wait for me here, and be watchful.
Ana nafadꞌe se nae, “Au rala ngga susa nala seli! Au medꞌa na onaꞌ a Au ae mate. Hei endoꞌ minea sia ia.”
35 And he removed a little, and fell upon the earth, and prayed that, if it were possible, the hour might pass from him.
Basa ma Ana lao naꞌadꞌooꞌ mbei. Boe ma sendeꞌ lululangga na neu rae a, de hule-oꞌe nae, “Papa e! Mete ma Papa hii naa, afiꞌ fee Au lemba doidꞌosoꞌ naa losa mate. Au bubꞌuluꞌ memaꞌ ae, nda hambu sa fo Papa nda bisa tao sa. Mete ma bisa, Papa naꞌadꞌodꞌoo hendi doidꞌosoꞌ ia mia Au. Te afiꞌ tungga Au hihii ngga; tungga akaꞌ a Papa hihii na.”
36 And he said, Father, my Father, thou canst (do) every thing, cause to pass from me this cup: but not my will, but thine.
37 And he came and found them sleeping: and he said to Kipha, Shemun, dost thou sleep? couldst thou not one hour watch?
Basa ma, Ana baliꞌ nisiꞌ mana tungga katelu nara, te ara sungguꞌ rasambeta ena. Ana fafae se, de olaꞌ no Petrus nae, “He! Petrus! Ho sungguꞌ, do? Au ma naa nda doo sa, te hei nda bisa minea mbei saꞌ boe!
38 Be wakeful and pray, that you enter not into temptation: the spirit is willing and ready, but the body is infirm.
Ose mumeu mata ma dei, fo fela munea mo Au! Hei rala mara memaꞌ dꞌua tao maloleꞌ, te huu au sisi mara nda beꞌi sa. De malole lenaꞌ hei hule-oꞌe, fo mete ma hambu sosobꞌa-dꞌodꞌouꞌ naa, hei nda tudꞌa sa.”
39 And he went again, prayed, and said that word.
Basa ma Yesus neu hule-oꞌe seluꞌ lao esa fai. Ana noꞌe seluꞌ neu Lamatualain, fo afiꞌ fee Eni lemba doidꞌosoꞌ naa.
40 And he turned again, came and found them sleeping, because their eyes were made heavy, and they knew not what to say to him.
Basa ma Ana baliꞌ nisiꞌ mana tungga katelu nara. Te ara sungguꞌ baliꞌ fai, te mata nara nduar seli. Basa ma Ana fafae seluꞌ se, te ara nda ritaꞌ rae rataa saa mbali E saꞌ boe.
41 And he came three times (the third time), and said to them, Sleep on, and be at rest. The end approacheth, and the hour cometh, and, behold, the Son of man is betrayed into the hands of sinners.
Basa naa, Yesus lao hela se, de neu hule-oꞌe lao katelu na. Basa ma, Ana baliꞌ de fafae se nae, “Hei feꞌe sungguꞌ fai, do? Dai ena! Fela leo! Te atahori mana nae seo Au, Atahori Matetuꞌ ia, ana deka ena. Ia naa, ara rae humu Au ena, fo fee neu atahori deꞌulaka ra lima na.
42 Arise, we will go; behold, he draweth nigh who betrayeth me.
Fela leo! Milaa mata mara fo mete sobꞌa sia naa dei! Atahori mana nae seo Au a, nema ena. Ima fo teu tandaa to se!
43 And while he was speaking, Jihuda Scarjuta, one of the twelve, came, and with him a multitude with swords and staves, from the chief priests and the Sophree and the elders.
Leleꞌ Yesus feꞌe olaꞌ naꞌo naa, aiboiꞌ ma, Yudꞌas nema no atahori naeꞌ. Ara rema rendi tafaꞌ no hau eꞌetuꞌ, fo rae humu Yesus. Ara tao taꞌo naa, tungga parendaꞌ mia malangga agama Yahudi ra, meser agama ra, ro lasi adat ra.
44 And the traitor who betrayed had given to them a sign, and said, He whom I shall kiss is He: take him carefully and lead him.
Yudꞌas nafadꞌe memaꞌ neu se nae, “Mete malolole! Seka fo au idꞌu e, hei humu mala E leo! Atahori fo hei sangga a, naa Eni ena!
45 And immediately he approached, and said to him, Rabi, Rabi, and kissed him.
Yudꞌas se losa naa ma, ana neu nandaa no Yesus. Natea nae, “Papa Meser!” De ana holu ma idꞌu E.
46 Then they laid on him their hands and seized him.
Boe ma, atahori naeꞌ mata reu, de humu rala Yesus.
47 But one of those who stood drew a sword, and struck the servant of the high priest, and took off his ear.
Te Yesus atahori na esa lesu nala tafa na, de soe atahori esa ndiki roo na. Atahori maꞌahinaꞌ naa, malangga manae agama Yahudi aten.
48 But Jeshu answered and said to them, As against a robber are you come out against me, with swords and with staves to apprehend me?
Basa ma Yesus olaꞌ no atahori mana rema humu E nae, “Taꞌo bee? Hei mae Au ia atahori deꞌulakaꞌ, do? De hei ima humu Au mendi tafaꞌ no hau eꞌetuꞌ!
49 Every day with you was I teaching in the temple, and ye did not take me; but to fulfil the scriptures this is done.
Tungga fai, Au unori hei sia Ume Hule-oꞌe Huuꞌ a, te nda hambu atahori esa fo nema humu Au saꞌ bee. Humu Au leo! Te ara suraꞌ memaꞌ taꞌo naa mia fai maꞌahulu na sia Lamatualain susuraꞌ na.
50 Then his disciples forsook him and fled.
Leleꞌ naa, Yesus mana tungga nara ramatau seli. De rela hela mesaꞌ ne.
51 But a certain youth followed him, and he was covered (with) a linen cloth, naked; and they laid hold on him:
Sia naa o hambu atahori soru esa tungga-tungga Yesus dea na. Ana mboti ao na nendiꞌ temeꞌ eꞌetuꞌ esa. Atahori ra o rae humu e boe,
52 but he left the linen cloth, and escaped naked.
te ara toꞌu rala akaꞌ a eni teme na. De ana nela no maꞌahola na, huu namatau nae mate na.
53 And they led Jeshu to Kaiapha, chief of the priests: and were gathered together to him all the chief priests and the scribes and the elders.
Basa ma, ara toꞌu rendi Yesus nisiꞌ malangga manae agama Yahudi umen. Sia naa, atahori moko ra raꞌabꞌue ena. Ia eni, malangga agama ra, meser agama ra, ro lasi adat ra.
54 But Shemun from afar came after him, until within the court of the chief of the priests: and he sat with the servants, and warmed (himself) at the fire.
Leleꞌ ara toꞌu rendi Yesus, Petrus naꞌafuniꞌ tungga-tungga deaꞌ, losa malangga manae agama Yahudi ume na. Ana o nisiꞌ nembeleo na rala, de endoꞌ no atahori mana dara ai ra.
55 But the chief priests and all the assembly of them sought against Jeshu testimony to put him to death, but they found not.
Sia ume naa rala, malangga agama ra ola-olaꞌ ro atahori mana endoꞌ sia mamana nggengero agama. Basa se sangga dalaꞌ fo rae fee salaꞌ neu Yesus, fo rae hukun risa e. Te ara nda hambu dalaꞌ saa-saa saꞌ bee.
56 For when many bore witness against him, their testimonies were not equal.
Boe ma ara roꞌe rala sakasii naeꞌ fo rae raꞌatutudꞌa Yesus. Te sira dedꞌea ola na, esa nda nandaa no esa saꞌ bee.
57 But men rose up against him, witnesses of falsehood, and said,
Boe ma hambu sakasii hira fela rambariiꞌ, de olaꞌ peko-lelekoꞌ rae,
58 We heard him say, I dissolve this temple which is made with hands, and in three days I build another not made with hands.
“Hai rena atahori ia olaꞌ nae, ‘Au ndefaꞌ hendi Ume Hule-oꞌe Huuꞌ a fo atahori rafafela rendiꞌ limaꞌ. Finiesa na ma, Au ufefela baliꞌ e, te nda pake atahori liman sa.
59 But neither so was their testimony equal.
Te sira oꞌola nara boe, esa nda nandaa no esa saꞌ bee.
60 And the chief of the priests arose in the midst, and questioned Jeshu, and said, Returnest thou no answer? what witness against thee these?
Basa ma malangga manae agama Yahudi, fela nambariiꞌ mia atahori mata nara mana endoꞌ mia mamana nggengeroꞌ naa. Ana natane Yesus nae, “Atahori naeꞌ kalaak ho ena. Te, saa de ho nee-neeꞌ a?”
61 But Jeshu was silent, and answered him nothing. And again the chief of the priests demanded, and said, Art thou the Meshicha, the Son of the Blessed?
Yesus nda olaꞌ saa-saa saꞌ boe. Basa ma malangga manaeꞌ a natane seluꞌ nae, “Mutaa dei! Memaꞌ Ho ia, tebꞌe-tebꞌeꞌ Kristus, Lamatualain Ana na fo Ana helu-fuli mia maꞌahulu na, do?”
62 And he, Jeshu, said to him, I am: and you shall see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of the Power, and coming upon the clouds of heaven.
Yesus nataa nae, “Memaꞌ tebꞌe! Au ia eni. Basa fo hei mete-mita Au, Atahori Matetuꞌ ia, endoꞌ sia sorga sia Lamatualain bobꞌoa ona na. Lamatualain naa, koasa na mana seliꞌ! Au o E miꞌibꞌue toꞌu parendaꞌ! Basa naa boe, Au onda mia sorga o leleeꞌ a.
63 Then the chief of the priests tore his robe, and said, Why now seek we witnesses?
Rena Yesus olaꞌ naꞌo naa ma, malangga manaeꞌ a namanasa, losa ana sidꞌa nalutu badꞌu naru na. Basa ma ana nafadꞌe atahori mana endoꞌ sia mamana nggengero naa nae, “Hita nda parlu sangga sakasii seluꞌ sa!
64 Behold, from his own lips you have heard the blasphemy: how is it seen by you? And they all judged that he was guilty of death.
Hei rena no ndiki mara, Eni mesaꞌ ne olaꞌ naꞌo naa, to? Ana soꞌu ao na dadꞌi Lamatualain Ana na. Ia neꞌemutis! Tungga atoran agama, mete ma atahori tao ao na onaꞌ Lamatualain, atahori naa musi mate! De ia naa, hei mae nggero taꞌo bee? Boe ma basa se nggero rae, “Atahori ia memaꞌ sala ena! De ana musi hambu hukun mate!”
65 And some began to spit on his person, and they struck him on his face, and did buffet him, saying, Prophesy! and the servitors struck him upon his cheeks.
Basa ma atahori bꞌaꞌubꞌe mata reu puras miru neu Yesus. Ara mboti rala mata na, de tutu E. Basa ma ratane rae, “Mete ma ho muꞌena koasa naa, rai sobꞌa. Seka tutu Nggo?” Basa ma ara parenda atahori mana manea Ume Hule-oꞌe Huuꞌ a, fo rema ro Yesus. Ara ro Yesus neu, no mbasa raꞌamiminaꞌ E.
66 And Shemun being below in the court, there came a certain damsel of the chief of the priests.
Leleꞌ naa, Petrus feꞌe endoꞌ sia nembeleo naa. Sia naa o hambu malangga manae agama Yahudi ate ina na esa. Ana nema nita Petrus dara ai. Ana mete namemeu mata na, ma olaꞌ nae, “Faꞌra, ho o tungga muꞌubꞌue mo Yesus, atahori Nasaret naa. Ia, to?”
67 She saw him as he warmed (himself), and knew him, saying to him, Thou also wast with Jeshu Natsroia.
68 But he denied, and said, I know not what thou sayest. And he went without into the vestibule; and the cock crew.
Te Petrus nataa nae, “Hokoꞌ! Taꞌo bee de mutane taꞌo naa! Au nda uhine Eni sa.” Basa naa ma, Petrus kalua neu nambariiꞌ sia lelesu ineꞌ a. Nandaa no leleꞌ naa ma, manu a koꞌo-kee boe.
69 And again that damsel saw him, and she began to say to those who were standing, This man is also of them.
Basa ma, inaꞌ a nita seluꞌ Petrus. De nafadꞌe atahori mana sia naa ra nae, “Atahori ia, esa mia sira!”
70 But he again denied. And after a little while those who stood said to Kipha, Assuredly thou art from them, for thou art also a Galiloia, and thy speech is similar.
Te Petrus nareresi nae, “Seꞌute ho muluꞌ! Au nda uhine atahori naa sa, ma!” Nda doo saꞌ fali ma, atahori feaꞌ ra olaꞌ seluꞌ neu Petrus rae, “He! Ho feꞌe pepekoꞌ mae ho nda muꞌubꞌue mo atahori naa ra sa!? Wei! Basa hei, atahori Galilea, to?”
71 But he began to imprecate and to swear, I know not this man of whom thou speakest. And in the hour the cock crew the second time.
Te Petrus labꞌan seluꞌ nae, “We! Au sumba! Au nda uhine atahori naa sa!
72 And Shemun remembered the word that Jeshu had spoken to him, That before the cock should crow twice, three times thou shalt deny me. And he began to weep.
Nandaa no ana olaꞌ naꞌo naa ma, manu a koꞌo-kee lao rua boe. Petrus nasanedꞌa Yesus dedꞌea na faꞌ ra nae, “Manu a nda feꞌe koꞌo-kee lao rua sa, te ho mufunii Au lao telu ena.” Nasanedꞌa nala taꞌo naa boe ma, ana nggae ei-ei.

< Mark 14 >