< Luke 22 >

1 BUT the feast of the Phatiree, which is called Petscha, drew on.
Leleꞌ naa, sangga deka no atahori Yahudi ra fai malolen, naeni fefeta Roti nda mana tao bibꞌit sa. Sia fai maloleꞌ naa, ara o mbau-hala bibꞌi lombo fo feta fai Paska. Ara tao taꞌo naa huu rasanedꞌa fai maꞌahulun, leleꞌ bei-baꞌi nara lao hela Masir.
2 And the chief priests and the Sophree sought how they might kill him; for they feared from the people.
Leleꞌ naa, malangga agama Yahudi ra malangga nara, ro meser agama ra sangga dalaꞌ fo rae tao risa Yesus. Te ramatau duꞌa atahori hetar ramue-raanggi, huu ara hiiꞌ a rena E.
3 But Satana entered into Jihuda called Scarjuta, who was of the number of the twelve.
Mia Yesus ana dedꞌenun kasanahulu ruaꞌ ra, esa naran Yudas Iskariot. Leleꞌ malangga agama Yahudi ra malangga nara sangga dalaꞌ rae tao risa Yesus, nitu ra malanggan masoꞌ nisiꞌ Yudas ralan.
4 And he went, and spoke with the chief priests, and the Sophree, and the chief authorities of the temple, how he would deliver him to them.
Basa ma, ana neu sangga malangga agama ra malangga nara ma malangga mana nanea Ume Hule-oꞌe Huuꞌ a. Ana nae maꞌiraꞌ fo seo hendi Yesus neu se.
5 And they were glad, and confirmed to give him silver.
Leleꞌ malangga ra rena Yudas olaꞌ taꞌo naa, ma, ara ramahoꞌo rala seli. Ara helu rae, “Neu! Mete ma mae seo Yesus neu hai, tantu hai bꞌae.”
6 And he promised to them, and sought him opportunity to betray him apart from the multitude.
Yudas o naꞌaheiꞌ boe. Boe ma ana sangga kakaꞌeꞌ fo seo nee-nee hendi Yesus neu se, naa fo atahori hetar afiꞌ rahine.
7 And the day of unleavened bread came, on which it was the custom to slay the petscha.
Atahori Yahudi ra fai malolen losa, de ara rae mbau bibꞌi lombo anaꞌ fo tao fefeta Paska.
8 And Jeshu sent Kipha and Juchanon, and said to them, Go prepare for us the petscha, that we may eat.
Basa ma, Yesus denu Petrus no Yohanis nae, “Ruꞌa nggi miꞌihuluꞌ, fo sadꞌia hela nanaat fee nggita fo taa fefeta Paska taꞌabꞌue.”
9 But they said to him, Where wilt thou that we prepare?
Boe ma ruꞌa se ratane rae, “Amaꞌ! Hai musi mii sadꞌia mei sia bee?”
10 He saith to them, When, you have entered into the city, a man meeteth you, bearing a pitcher of waters; go after him, and when he hath gone in,
Ana nataa nae, “Mete ma hei kota Yerusalem rala mii, dei fo hei mindaa mo touꞌ esa nasaa nggusi oe. Ama tungga e losa ume.
11 say to the lord of the house, Our Master saith, Is there a dining-place where I may eat the petscha with my disciples?
Mifadꞌe tenu umeꞌ a sia naa mae, ‘Hai Ama Meser ma noꞌe kama fo nae tao fefeta Paska no ana dedꞌenu nara sia rala. Sia, do?’
12 And he will show you a certain large upper chamber which is furnished: there make ready.
Dei fo tenu umeꞌ a dudꞌu fee nggi kama loaꞌ esa sia tadꞌaꞌ ataꞌ. Ana sadꞌia nala kama naa ena. Helaꞌ a ruꞌa nggi mii fo sadꞌia nanaat neu naa.”
13 And they went, and found as he had told them: and they prepared the petscha.
Basa de ruꞌa se reu. Boe ma rita basa saa fo Yesus nafadꞌe memaꞌ neu se ena. De ruꞌa se sadꞌia nanaat Paska mia naa.
14 And when it was time, Jeshu came and reclined, and the twelve apostles with him.
Leleꞌ basaꞌ e nenesadꞌiaꞌ ena ma, Yesus se losa. Ana endoꞌ sia mei a, ma dedꞌenu nara o endoꞌ boe, de raa fefetas.
15 And he said to them, With desire have I desired to eat this petscha with you before I suffer:
Boe ma Yesus nafadꞌe se nae, “Au aeꞌ a doo bee fo endoꞌ ua fefeta Paska ia o nggi, naꞌahulu mia Au dꞌoidoso ngga.
16 for I tell you that from henceforth I shall not eat it, until it shall have been fulfilled in the kingdom of Aloha.
Misinedꞌa ia malolole. Huu basa ia, na, Au nda endoꞌ ua seluꞌ nanaat fefeta Paska o nggi sa ena. Dei fo atahori rahine relo-relo rae, Amaꞌ toꞌu parendaꞌ, dei fo Au feꞌe ua seluꞌ fefetas fai.”
17 And he took the cup, and praised, and said, Take this, and divide it among yourselves:
Basa ma Ana botiꞌ nggalas neneꞌisi oe anggor sia rala. Boe ma Ana noꞌe makasi neu Lamatualain, ma loo nggalas neu se. Ana olaꞌ nae, “Simbo nggalas ia, fo esa-esaꞌ minu.
18 for I tell you that I shall not drink of the fruit of the vine, until the kingdom of Aloha shall have come.
Misinedꞌa, e! Eniꞌ mia tetembaꞌ ia, Au nda inu oe anggor sa ena. Dei fo atahori rahine relo-relo rae, Amaꞌ toꞌu parendaꞌ, dei fo Au feꞌe inu seluꞌ na.”
19 And he took bread, and praised, and brake, and gave to them, and said, This is my body which for you is given: this do in my memory.
Boe ma Ana toꞌu nala roti bꞌueꞌ sa, ma noꞌe makasi neu Lamatualain. Basa ma, Ana bibꞌibꞌi roti a, de loo neu se. Ana oi, “Roti ia, Au ao sisi ngga fo Au fee neu basa nggi. Mete ma mia roti ia, na, hei musi misinedꞌa Au.”
20 And thus also respecting the cup, when, after they had supped, he said, This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which for you is shed.
Leleꞌ ara raa basa, ma Ana haꞌi nala nggalas neneisiꞌ no oe anggor. Ma Ana olaꞌ nae, “Anggor ia, Au raa ngga, mana nenemboꞌaꞌ fo fee nggi masoi-masodꞌaꞌ. Lamatualain pake raaꞌ ia fo tao hehelu-fufuli feuꞌ no nggi.
21 Nevertheless, the hand of him who betrayeth me is on the table.
Te besa-bꞌesa, hambu atahori sa oras ia endoꞌ naa naꞌabꞌue sia mei ia, dei fo ana seo hendi Au.
22 And the Son of man goeth, as he was set apart: nevertheless woe to that man by whom he is betrayed!
Memaꞌ Au, Atahori Matetuꞌ a, musi mate tungga Lamatualain hihii-nanaun. Te atahori mana seo hendi Au a, besa-bꞌesa! Huu dei fo ana lemba-dꞌoi sosoen!”
23 And they began to inquire among themselves, who it was of them who this should do.
Yesus ana dedꞌenu nara rena rala ma esa natane esa rae, “Te seka mana nae tao deꞌulakaꞌ neu E taꞌo naa e?”
24 But there was also a contention among them, who of them was the greatest.
Boe ma Yesus ana dedꞌenu nara mulai rareresi rae, seka mia sira e monaeꞌ lenaꞌ.
25 And Jeshu said to them, The kings of the Gentiles are their lords; and they who exercise authority over them, doers of good are called.
Te Yesus ai se nae, “Sia nusa-nusaꞌ nda mana rahine Lamatuaꞌ sa, maneꞌ ra tuni-ndeni rauinggu nara ma parenda se raꞌalelenaꞌ. Tao-tao te ara nau fo rauinggu nara roꞌe se rae, “Amaꞌ mana tulun rauinggu.’
26 But you, not so: yea, he who is great among you, let him be as the least; and he who is chief, as one who serveth.
Te ama afiꞌ taꞌo naa. Seka nau dadꞌi atahori monaeꞌ, masodꞌan musi tebꞌe-tebꞌeꞌ dadꞌi onaꞌ atahori anak e, fo tulu-fali basa atahori. Ma seka nau dadꞌi malangga musi tulu-fali onaꞌ atahori dedꞌenuꞌ ra.
27 For who is greatest, he who reclineth, or he who serveth? Is not he who reclineth? But I am among you as he who serveth.
Ama duꞌa sobꞌa, atahori monaen a, seka? Atahori mana endoꞌ sia mei a, do, mana lolelau mei a? Neꞌo ko atahori mana endoꞌ a, eni atahori monaen, to? Te, Au ia nda tao ao ngga taꞌo naa sa. Au uma fo tulu-fali nggi.
28 You are they who have remained with me in my temptations.
Hei ia ra miꞌibꞌue mo Au mikindooꞌ a leleꞌ Au hambu doidꞌoso.
29 And I promise to you, as hath promised to me my Father, a kingdom;
Au Ama ngga soꞌu nala Au fo toꞌu parendaꞌ sia Nusaꞌ namon. Dadꞌi ia na Au soꞌu nggi boe,
30 that you may eat and drink at the table in my kingdom, and may sit upon thrones, and judge the twelve tribes of Isroel.
Naa fo hei o endoꞌ mia mei esa mo Au sia sorga. Au o fee nggi koasa fo ama toꞌu parendaꞌ sia leo ka sanahulu ruaꞌ mana sia Israꞌel ra boe.”
31 AND Jeshu said to Shemun, Shemun, behold, Satana, demandeth to sift thee as wheat;
Basa ma Yesus nafadꞌe Petrus nae, “Petrus, Petrus. Nitu ra malanggan nae tao saranggaa basa hei mo Au, onaꞌ atahori tai isiꞌ fo here hendi are taaꞌ mia isiꞌ
32 but I have prayed for thee, that thy faith may not fail: and thou also, in the time that thou art converted, confirm thy brethren.
Te Au hule-oꞌe fee nggo, Petrus, fo mumuhere mukundoo neu Au. Dei fo mete ma ho baliꞌ uma misiꞌ Au, na, musi tao manggate toronoo mara rala nara.”
33 But Shemun said to him, My Lord, with thee I am prepared, and for the house of the bound, and for death.
Boe ma Petrus nataa nae, “Hokoꞌ, Amaꞌ! Au nda lao hela Amaꞌ mbei sa boe. Au sadꞌia masoꞌ bui rala uu o Amaꞌ. Mae mate uꞌubꞌue o Amaꞌ o, malole boe.”
34 Jeshu saith to him, I tell thee, Shemun, that the cock will not crow to-day, till three times thou hast denied that thou knowest me.
Te Yesus nataa nae, “Petrus! Rena malolole. Tetembaꞌ ia, manu ra nda feꞌe koꞌokee sa, te ho mufunii Au lao telu ena mae, ho nda muhine Au sa.”
35 And he said to them, When I sent you without purse, or scrip, or shoes, was any thing wanting to you? They say to him, Nothing.
Basa ma, Yesus olaꞌ no se nae, “Faiꞌ naa, leleꞌ Au denu nggi mii mifadꞌe Hara-lii Malole ngga sia bee-bꞌee, Au ufadꞌe Ae ama afiꞌ mendi dꞌoiꞌ, kapiꞌ, boe ma lao-peiꞌ. Leleꞌ naa, hei toꞌa saa? Boe ma ara rataa randaa rae, “Faiꞌ naa, hai nda toꞌa saa sa boe!”
36 He saith to them, Henceforth, he who hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise a scrip also; and he who hath not a sword, let him sell his garment and buy a sword.
Basa de Ana ola seluꞌ, nae “Te ia na laen ena. Mete ma hei hambu dꞌoiꞌ, na, mendi. Mete ma tas sia, na, mendi boe. Mete ma fela tafaꞌ nese, na, mi seo badꞌu mara esa, fo hasa.
37 For I tell you also, that what is written must be fulfilled in me, that with the transgressors he was numbered: for all which concerns me must be accomplished.
Huu atahori Yahudi ra rae Au ia atahori deꞌulakaꞌ. De mbeifen te ara rema toꞌu Au ena. Te naa nandaa no baꞌi Yesaya suraꞌ memaꞌ ena, nae: ‘Ara cap E atahori deꞌulaka!’”
38 And they say to him, Our Lord, behold, here are two swords. He saith to them, They suffice.
Ara rafadꞌe rae, “Amaꞌ! Hai mendi felas rua.” Boe ma Yesus nataa nae, “Dꞌai ena, Sudi boe olaꞌ naa leo!”
39 And he came forth, and went, as he was used, to the mount of the Place of Olives; and his disciples also went after him.
Ara raa basa fefeta Paska ma, Yesus no ana dedꞌenu nara lao lete Saitun reu, onaꞌ fai mana laoꞌ ra boe.
40 And when come unto the spot, he said to them, Pray that you enter not into temptation.
Losa naa ma, Ana nafadꞌe se nae, “Hei musi hule-oꞌe naa fo afiꞌ hambu sosobꞌa-dꞌodꞌouꞌ.”
41 And he removed from them as (about the distance of) a stone's throw, and bowed the knee, and prayed,
Basa de Ana dꞌinggoꞌ hela se mbei. Ana laoꞌ naꞌadꞌooꞌ mbei, ma sendeꞌ lululanggan de hule-oꞌe nae,
42 and said, Father, if thou wilt, let this cup pass: nevertheless not my will, but thine be done.
“Amaꞌ! Mete ma Amaꞌ nau, na, muꞌudꞌodꞌooꞌ hendi doidꞌosoꞌ ia mia Au. Te afiꞌ tungga Au hihii-nanau ngga; tunggaꞌ a Amaꞌ hihii-nanaun.”
43 And an angel appeared to him from heaven, who strengthened him.
[Basa ma Lamatuaꞌ aten esa mia sorga nema tao manggatee ralan.
44 And being in terror, more vehemently he prayed, and his sweat was as drops of blood, and fell upon the ground.
Huu Ana doidꞌoso nitaꞌ mamaten, losa mbusan titi onaꞌ raaꞌ a tititin boe]
45 And he arose from prayer, and came to his disciples, and found them asleep, from sorrow.
Hule-oꞌe basa ma Ana neu nandaa no ana dedꞌenu nara. Te mana sungguꞌ ra, huu ara bꞌengge ma rala nara susa.
46 And he said to them, Why sleep you? arise and pray, that you enter not into temptation.
Boe ma Yesus ai se nae, “Naa! Taꞌo bee de hei sungguꞌ?! Malole lenaꞌ hei hule-oꞌe fo itaꞌ sosobꞌaꞌ nema o, hei nda tudꞌa sa.”
47 And as he was speaking, behold a multitude, and behold him who was called Jihuda, one of the twelve, coming before them, and he came nigh to Jeshu, and kissed him: for this was the sign he had given to them, He whom I shall kiss is he.
Yesus feꞌe olaꞌ taꞌo naa, ma Yudas (fo esa mia ana dedꞌenun ka sanahulu ruaꞌ ra), nema no atahori hetar. Ana nema dꞌeka-dꞌeka Yesus fo nae holu ma idꞌu E.
48 Jeshu saith to him, Jihuda, with the kiss betrayest thou the Son of man?
Te Yesus ai e nae, “Wii, Yudas! Mae seo Atahori Matetuꞌ a noꞌ a iꞌidꞌuꞌ, do?
49 But when they who were with him saw what was done, they say to him, Our Lord, shall we strike with the sword?
Leleꞌ Yesus ana dedꞌenu laen nara rahine Yudas dudꞌuꞌa deꞌulakan onaꞌ naa, ma ratane Yesus rae, “Amaꞌ! Hai labꞌan se leo, do? Huu hai mendi felas.”
50 And one of them struck the servant of the high priest, and took off his right ear.
Boe ma esa mia sira e lesu felan, de soe etu atahori naa ra esa ndiki onan. Atahori naa, malangga agama Yahudi ra malangga monaen atahori dedꞌenun.
51 Jeshu answered and said, It sufficeth until this; and he touched his ear which he had struck, and healed it.
Te Yesus nataa nae, “Miloeꞌ leo! Afiꞌ labꞌan se!” Boe ma Ana nggama atahori naa ndikin, de tao nahaiꞌ e.
52 And Jeshu said to them who had come against him, the chief priests, and elders, and the chiefs of the forces of the temple, As against a thief are you come forth against me, with swords and clubs to take me?
Atahori mana rema humu Yesus, naeni: malangga agama Yahudi ra malangga nara, lasi-lasi adat ro mana manea Ume Hule-oꞌe Huuꞌ a, ma atahori laen ra fai. Yesus natane se nae, “Taꞌo bee? Hei duꞌa mae Au ia, atahori deꞌulakaꞌ, losa hei ima humu Au mendiꞌ fela tafaꞌ ma hau eꞌetuꞌ, do?
53 Every day with you have I been in the temple, and you did not stretch forth upon me (your) hands; but this is your hour and the power of darkness.
Tungga fai Au unori nggi sia Ume Hule-oꞌe Huuꞌ a, te nda hambu atahori esa o nema humu Au sa boe. Te hela neu! Ia, hei fai ma. Huu oras ia nitu ra malanggan koasan ia!”
54 And they took (and) brought him to the house of the chief of the priests; and Shemun came after him from afar.
Basa ma ara humu rala Yesus, de lea ro E nisiꞌ malangga agama Yahudi ra malangga monaen umen. Petrus o keke tungga-tungga deaꞌ
55 Now they had kindled a fire in the midst of the hall, and were sitting around it, and Shemun also sat with them.
Sia ume sodꞌan atahori tao ai monaeꞌ. Petrus o neu endoꞌ dara ai sia naa boe.
56 And a certain damsel saw him as he sat by the fire, and, looking at him, she said, This also was with him.
Ate inaꞌ esa nita Petrus endoꞌ deka ai a. Ana mete namemeu Petrus matan, basa ma nafadꞌe atahori laen mana sia naa ra nae, “Hee! Atahori ia o tungga-tunggaꞌ Yesus boe!”
57 But he denied, and said, Woman, I know him not.
Te Petrus nafanii nae, “Hokoꞌ! Au nda uhine atahori naa sa. Ho muhine saa?”
58 And after a little while, another saw him, and said, Thou also art of them. But Kipha said, I am not.
Nda dooꞌ sa ma atahori esa puik nita Petrus, ma ola nae, “Memaꞌ, ho ia, Yesus atahorin esa, to?” Te Petrus nareresi nae, “Hokoꞌ! Ho tao leli!”
59 And after one hour another contended and said, Assuredly this also was with him, for he is also a Galiloya.
Mbei ma onaꞌ jam esa fai ma, atahori laen esa olaꞌ nae, “Woi! Au bubꞌuluꞌ, atahori ia, Yesus ana dedꞌenun esa, huu eni atahori Galilea.”
60 Kipha saith, Man, I know not what thou sayest. And at once, while he was speaking, the cock crew.
Te Petrus nafanii nahereꞌ nae, “Ho peko-lelekoꞌ!” Petrus olaꞌ taꞌo naa ma, manu ra o koꞌokee boe.
61 And Jeshu turned, and looked upon Kipha; and Shemun remembered his word which our Lord had spoken to him, that before the cock shall crow thou wilt have denied me three times.
Ma Yesus heoꞌ dꞌean, de mete e. Boe ma Petrus nasanedꞌa Yesus oꞌolan faꞌ ra na nae, “Tetembaꞌ ia, manu ra nda feꞌe koꞌokee sa, te ho mufunii Au lao telu ena.”
62 And Shemun went without and wept bitterly.
Petrus nasanedꞌa nala taꞌo naa ma, ana lao dea neu mia mamanaꞌ naa, ma nggae mesuꞌudꞌu.
63 And the men who held Jeshu mocked him,
Basa naa ma, atahori mana ranea Yesus mulai raꞌaꞌeꞌeiꞌ ma momoko raꞌamiminaꞌ E.
64 and veiled him, and they struck him upon the face, saying, Prophesy, who struck thee.
Boe ma ara babꞌata matan rendiꞌ temeꞌ, ma ratane rae, “Woi! Mete ma ho Lamatuaꞌ mana ola-olan, na, Mufadꞌe sobꞌa! Seka mana tutu Nggo?”
65 And many other things they blasphemed and spake against him.
Basa ma ara ole-rarai E.
66 AND when it dawned, the elders and chief priests and the Sophree came together, and took him into the house of their assembly; saying to him,
Feꞌe fefetu anaꞌ, te malangga agama Yahudi ra malangga nara, meser agama, ro lasi-lasi adꞌat ra raꞌabꞌue fo rae paresaꞌ Yesus dedꞌean. Ara denu atahori lea ro Yesus nisiꞌ mamana nggero-furi dedꞌeat agama.
67 Art thou the Meshicha? tell us. He saith to them, Should I tell you, you would not believe me;
Leleꞌ Ana rala neu, ma ratane mbali E rae, “Mufadꞌe sobꞌa dei! Memaꞌ tebꞌe-tebꞌeꞌ Ho ia Kristus, do?” Te Ana nataa nae, “Mae Au utaa tebꞌe o, hei nda mimihere sa.
68 and were I to ask you, you would not return me a word, nor release me.
Ma mete ma Au utane baliꞌ nggi dalaꞌ esa, tantu hei o nda mitaa sa boe.
69 Henceforth the Son of man sitteth at the right hand of the power of Aloha.
Nda dooꞌ sa te, Lamatualain nae pake koasa manaselin fo soꞌu Au, Atahori Matetuꞌ ia, ataꞌ u. Basa naa, Au endoꞌ sia bobꞌoa onan, fo parenda uꞌubꞌue o E.”
70 Then said they all, Thou art, then, the Son of Aloha? Jeshu saith to them, You say that I am.
Rena taꞌo naa ma, basa se ratane rae, “Mete ma taꞌo naa, na, ho duꞌa mae, ho ia, Lamatualain Anan, do?” Ma Yesus nataa nae, “Memaꞌ, hei oꞌolam naa, tebꞌe.”
71 They say, Why yet need we witnesses? for we have heard from his mouth.
Boe ma atahori mana nggero-furi dedꞌeat naa ra olaꞌ randa rae, “Basa nggita rena ena, to? Ana soꞌu aon dadꞌi Lamatualain Anan. Ia, neꞌemutis! Tungga hita agaman hohoro-lalanen, mete ma hambu atahori tao aon onaꞌ Lamatuaꞌ, atahori naa, musi mate. Dadꞌi, taꞌo bee? Hita nda parlu sakasii sa ena. Hukun tisa E leo.”

< Luke 22 >