< Luke 14 >

1 AND it was that while he went into the house of one of the chief Pharishee to eat bread, on the day of shabath, they watched him.
Él entró en [la] casa de uno de los principales fariseos a comer pan un sábado. Ellos lo observaban detenidamente.
2 And, behold, a certain man who had gathered waters was before him.
Entonces un hombre que era hidrópico estaba delante de Él.
3 And Jeshu answered and said to the Sophree and the Pharishee, Is it lawful on the shabath to heal?
Y Jesús preguntó a los doctores de la Ley y a los fariseos: ¿Es lícito sanar en sábado o no?
4 But they were silent. And he took him, and healed him, and dismissed him.
Pero ellos callaron. Lo tomó, lo sanó y lo despidió.
5 And he said to them, Who from you, whose son or his ox hath fallen into a pit on the day of shabath, doth not at once bring him forth?
Les dijo: ¿A quién de ustedes se le cae un hijo o un buey en un pozo y no se apresura a sacarlo en sábado?
6 And they could not give him the answer concerning this.
Y no pudieron responderle.
7 And he spoke a parable to them who had been invited there, forasmuch as he had observed them, that they chose the chief places of reclining:
Al ver que ellos escogían los puestos de honor, les narró una parábola:
8 When thou art invited by one into the house of festivity, go not to recline on the principal seat, lest there be invited thither one more honourable than thou;
Cuando seas invitado a una fiesta de bodas, no te reclines en el puesto de honor, no sea que otro más honorable que tú sea invitado por él,
9 and he come who thyself and him had called, and say to thee, Give place to this; and thou be ashamed as thou arisest to take another place.
y al llegar el que te invitó [a ti] y a él, te diga: Da lugar a éste, y entonces ocuparás avergonzado el último lugar.
10 But when thou art invited, go, recline thee in the last (seat), that when he who called thee cometh, he may say to thee, My friend, ascend and recline above, and thou shalt have honour before all of them who recline with thee.
Pero cuando seas invitado, reclínate en el último lugar, para que cuando llegue el que te invitó, te diga: Amigo, pasa más adelante. Entonces serás honrado delante de todos los que se reclinan contigo.
11 For every one who exalteth himself shall be humbled; and every one who humbleth himself shall be exalted.
Porque todo el que se enaltece será humillado, y el que se humilla será enaltecido.
12 And he said to him who had called him, When thou makest a dinner or a supper, thou shouldest not call thy friends, nor thy brethren, nor thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbours, lest they also call thee, and thou have this recompence.
Decía también al que lo invitó: Cuando ofrezcas una comida o una cena, no invites a tus amigos, hermanos, parientes, ni vecinos ricos, no sea que también ellos a su vez te inviten y tengas recompensa.
13 But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind,
Pero cuando hagas un banquete, invita a pobres, mancos, cojos, ciegos,
14 and thou shalt be blessed, because they cannot recompense thee; for thy recompence shall be in the resurrection of the just.
y serás inmensamente feliz, pues no tienen cómo retribuirte, pero te será recompensado en la resurrección de los justos.
15 But when one of those who reclined heard these (words), he said to him, Blessed he who shall eat bread in the kingdom of Aloha!
Al oírlo, uno de los reclinados le dijo: Inmensamente feliz cualquiera que coma pan en el reino de Dios.
16 Jeshu saith to him, A certain man made a great supper, and called many. And he sent his servant,
Él le contestó: Un hombre preparaba una gran cena e invitó a muchos.
17 at the time of the supper, to say to them who were called, Behold, every thing is prepared for you, come.
A la hora de la cena envió a su esclavo a decir a los invitados: ¡Vengan, porque ya está preparada!
18 And every one of them began to excuse himself. The first said to him, I have bought an estate, and am constrained to go forth to see it: I beseech thee, permit me to be excused.
Pero todos igualmente comenzaron a excusarse. El primero le dijo: Compré un campo y necesito ir a verlo. Te ruego que me disculpes.
19 Another said, Five yoke of oxen have I bought, and I go to prove them: I beseech thee, permit me to be excused.
Otro dijo: Compré cinco yuntas de bueyes y voy a probarlas. Te ruego que me disculpes.
20 Another said, A wife have I taken, and therefore I cannot come.
Y otro dijo: Me casé, y por esto no puedo ir.
21 And the servant came and told his lord these things. Then the lord of the house was angry, and said to his servant, Go into the streets and outskirts of the city, and bring hither the poor, and the afflicted, and the lame, and the sightless.
Cuando el esclavo regresó, informó esto a su señor. Entonces el amo de casa se enojó y dijo a su esclavo: ¡Sal pronto por las calles y callejones de la ciudad y trae acá a los pobres, mancos, ciegos y cojos!
22 And the servant said, My lord, it is done as thou hast commanded, and yet there is place.
Luego el esclavo dijo: Señor, hice lo que ordenaste y aún hay lugar.
23 And the lord said to his servant, Go forth into the ways, and among the hedges, and constrain them to come in, that my house may be filled:
Y el señor ordenó al esclavo: Vé por los caminos y senderos. Impúlsalos a entrar para que se llene mi casa.
24 for I tell you, that not one of those men who were called shall taste of my supper.
Porque les digo que ninguno de aquellos que fueron invitados probará mi cena.
25 AND while great multitudes were going with him, he turned and said to them,
Iba con Él una gran multitud, y al dar la vuelta, les dijo:
26 Whoever cometh with me, and doth not hate his father and his mother, and his brethren and his sisters, and his wife and his children, and himself also, a disciple he cannot be of mine.
Si alguno viene a Mí, y no aborrece a padre y madre, esposa e hijos, hermanos y hermanas, y aun su propia vida, no puede ser mi discípulo.
27 And whoever doth not take up his cross and come after me, a disciple he cannot be of mine.
Cualquiera que no levanta su cruz y me sigue, no puede ser mi discípulo.
28 For who of you that willeth to build a tower, and doth not first sit down and reckon the expense of it, whether he have (wherewith) to finish it?
Porque ¿quién de ustedes que quiere edificar una torre, no se sienta primero y calcula el costo, si tiene para terminarla?
29 lest, when he shall have laid the foundation, and shall not be able to finish, all who see shall deride him,
No sea que, después de poner el cimiento, y no poder terminarla, todos los que observan comiencen a burlarse:
30 saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish.
Este hombre comenzó a edificar, pero no pudo terminar.
31 Or, what king, going to war with a king his neighbour, doth not first consider, whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him who cometh against him with twenty thousand?
¿O cuál rey que marcha a enfrentar en batalla a otro rey, no se sienta primero a planificar si es capaz de enfrentar con 10.000 al que viene contra él con 20.000?
32 and if not, while he is distant from him, he may send legates, and pray for peace.
Y si no puede, cuando aún está lejos de él, le envía una delegación y solicita condiciones de paz.
33 So every one of you who doth not leave all his possession, cannot be unto me a disciple.
Así pues, cualquiera de ustedes que no se despoje de todas sus posesiones no puede ser mi discípulo.
34 Salt is good; but if the salt also shall become insipid, with what shall it be seasoned?
Buena es la sal, pero si la sal se desvanece, ¿con qué será sazonada?
35 Not for the earth, nor for the dunghill, it goeth. They cast it out. Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
Ni para una tierra, ni para una pila de abono es útil. La botan. El que tiene oídos para oír, escuche.

< Luke 14 >