< Jude 1 >

1 JIHUDA, servant of Jeshu Meshiha, but brother of Jakub, to the called people, who are beloved of Aloha the Father, (and) in Jeshu Meshiha preserved:
Yuda, n'tumwa ghwa Yesu Kristu, ni ndongomunu Yakobo, kwa bha, a bhabhamali kukutibhwa bhaganikibhwa mu K'yara Dadi, ni bhabhatunzibhu kwandbha j'ha Yesu Kiristu:
2 Mercy and peace in love be multiplied unto you.
rehema ni amani ni upendo fyongesekayi kwa muenga.
3 My beloved, while giving all diligence to write to you concerning our common salvation, it is needful for me to write to you, exhorting you (in particular) to do battle for the faith which was once delivered to the saints.
Bhalongo bhangu wakati niyele nifwanyeghe kila k'henu kubhayandikila muenga kuhusu bhwokovu bhwa y'hoto twebhoha ikanilondeka kubhayandikila kwa ndabha j'ha kubhashauri ili mushindanilayi kwa bhuaminifu imani ambayo jha yele yimali kukabidhibhwa mara yimonga tu kwa bhaamini.
4 For certain men have obtained entrance, who from the beginning were proscribed in this condemnation; depraved men, who the grace of Aloha turn unto lasciviousness, and him who is the only Lord GOD, our Lord Jeshu Meshiha, deny.
Kwa ndabha bhanu fulani bhak'hij'hingisi mu siri kati j'ha muenga - bhanu ambabho bhasopibhu alama kwa ndabha j'ha kuhukumulibhwa - bhanu bhabhabeli kuj'ha bhataua ambabho bhibadili neema j'ha K'yara bhitu kwa ndabha j'ha uheji, ni kum'bela Bwana bhitu muene ni Bwana Yesu Kiristu.
5 But I will to remind you, though all of you know, that Aloha, when once the people from Metsreen he had redeemed, yet afterward destroyed them who believed not.
Henu nilonda kubhakhombosya muenga ingawa kuyele wakati mwamanyili kinofu kuj'ha Bwana abhaokuwili bhanu kuh'oma nchi j'ha Misri, lakini baadaye kubhayangamisya bhala bhoha bhabhabeli kumwamini.
6 And the angels who kept not their primacy, but left their habitation, unto the judgment of the great day in chains unknown, under darkness, he hath kept. (aïdios g126)
Ni malaika ambabho bhakailendi lepi enzi j'ha bhene lakini bhalekili makao gha bhene maalumu K'yara abhabhek'hili mu minyororo ghya milele mugati mu ngisi ndabha j'ha hukumu j'ha ligono lela libhaha. (aïdios g126)
7 As Sadum and Omuro, and the cities which were around them, which in manner of them committed fornication, and went after other flesh, are lying under everlasting fire, condemned unto judgment. (aiōnios g166)
Kama yikayele ku Sodoma ni ku Gomora ni miji yayizungukibhu ambabho pia ikayiyikiyingisi yiene mu uasherati tamaa yayibeli kuj'ha ya muandi. Bhabhalasibhu kama mifuano ghya bhala ambabho bhiteseka mu hukumu j'ha muoto bhwa milele. (aiōnios g166)
8 In this manner also (will perish) those who, in sleep imagining, defile the flesh, but contemn government, and blaspheme majesty.
Hata mebhwa kwa nj'hela y'helay'hela bhalota ndoto abha pia bhichafula mibhele ghya bhene, na bhibteela mamlaka na bhijobha udesi dhidi j'ha bhatukufu.
9 Yet Mikael, chief of angels, when, with the accuser speaking, he contended on account of the body of Musha, dared not bring against him a reviling judgment, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.
Lakini hata Mikaeli malaika mmbaha, wakati isindana ni ibilisi ni kulongela ni muene kwa ndabha j'ha m'mbele ghwa Musa, akajaribi lepi kuleta hukumu j'ha udesi dhidi j'ha muene, lakini badala j'ha muene khujobha, “Bwana akubesiayi!”
10 But these the things which they know not revile; but through those by which naturally as the beasts they are swayed, they are corrupted.
Lakini bhanu bha bhileta udesi j'ha kyokyokela kyabhabelili kukimanya. Na kyabhabelili kukik'heta- k'jela ambakyo bhanyama bhabhabeli kuya ni luhala yimanyikana kwa silika- agha ndigho ghaghaharibu.
11 Woe to them; for in the way of Koen they have gone, and after the error of Belam for gain they have burned, and in the rebellion of Kurach they have perished.
N'ndesi bhene! Kwa kuya bhagendili mu nj'hela j'ha Kaini ni kulikesya la Baalamu. Bhayangamuli mu uasi ghwa Kora.
12 These are they who, in their recreations contaminating, behave wantonly, feeding themselves without reverence; clouds without rain, roaming with the winds; trees whose fruit withereth, and which are unfruitful, twice dead, and uplifted from their root;
Abha ndo fidonda mu sherehe sya muenga sa lugano, bhisherekela bila soni, bhikilesya tu bhene. Ni mafundii ghaghaduli masi ghaghip'hendibhwa ni mp'hongo, ni mab'hehe ghaghapoluwilii ghabeli kuya ni matunda imalikuy'homa kabhele, yayimali kudupulibhwa mizizi
13 turbulent waves of the sea, which, by their foaming, manifest their shame; erring stars, unto whom the blackness of darkness that is eternal is reserved. (aiōn g165)
Ni manyengha gha munyanja ghaghayele ni njuweghu yilela soni kwa y'homu mwibhene, ndo matondo ghigendegenda ambagho utitubhwa ngisi utunzibhu kwandabha j'ha bhene milele. (aiōn g165)
14 But Hanuk also, who was the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh, with myriads of his saints,
Enoko gha saba mu orodha j'ha Adamu atabiriri kulondekana ni bhene, “Langai! Bwana ahidili ni maelfu gha maelfu gha bhatakatifu bha muene,
15 To execute judgment upon all; And to convict all the wicked for all their deeds Which they have wickedly done; And for all those obdurate words Which ungodly sinners have spoken.
ili akhetyi lihengu panani pa kila munu, ni kubheka hatia bhoha bhabhabelili kun'kesya K'yara panani pa matendo gha bhene ghoha ghabhamalili kubhomba mu njela syasibelili kujha sya kitauwa, ni kwa malobhi ghoha gha ukali ambagho bhabhabelikujha bhatauwa bhaghajobhili dhidi jha muene.”
16 These are they who murmur and complain of every thing, while walking according to their own desires; their mouth speaking portentous things, and extolling persons for the sake of gain.
Abha ndo bhala bhabhidada, bhabhikilombosya ambabho bhikhesya tama sya bhene sya bhuovu, bhikifuna muni, ambabho kwa faida jha bhene bhikofya bhamana.
17 But you, my beloved, remember those words which before were spoken by the apostles of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha,
Lakini muenga, bhapenzi, mukhombokayi malobhi ambagho ghajobhibhu muandi ni mitume bha Bwana Yesu Kristu.
18 who told you that in the last times there would be those who scoff, who according to their own desires go after wickedness.
bhajobhili kwa muenga,” Mu wakati bhwa mwishu kubetakujha ni bhanu bhabhidhihaki ambabho bhikesya tamaa sya bhene ambabho syasibelili kujha sya kitauwa.”
19 These are they who separate; -animals, in whom the Spirit is not.
Bhanu abha ndo bhatenganisi, bhitabhwalibhwa ni tamaa sya asili, na bhajhelepi ni Roho.
20 But you, my beloved, in your holy faith be edified anew, praying in the Holy Spirit,
Lakini muenga, bhapenzi, kama kyamukijenga mu amani jha muenga takatifu nesu, ni kama kya mwisoka mu Roho Mtakatifu,
21 ourselves in the love of Aloha to keep, while looking for the mercy of our Lord Jeshu Meshiha unto our eternal salvation. (aiōnios g166)
mukitunzayi mu bhupendo bhwa K'yara, na mulend'el'elayi rehema jha Bwana bhitu Yesu Kristu ambajho jhikabhapela uzima bhwa milele. (aiōnios g166)
22 And some of them snatch from the fire.
Mulasiajhi rehema kwa bhala bhabhajhele ni shaka.
23 But when they repent, have compassion on them, with fear, hating even the tunic which by the flesh is contaminated.
Mubhaokolayi bhamana kwa kubhanyakula kuh'oma mu muoto kwa bhamana mulasiajhi huruma kwa kuhofela, mwidada hata liguanda lyalisopibhu lidoa ni mb'ele.
24 But to him who is able to keep you without falling and without spot, and to establish you without blemish, Aloha our only Saviour by Jeshu Meshiha our Lord, before his majesty with joy,
Henu kwa muene jhaibhwesya kubhalenda musikikungufuli ni kubhasababisya mujhemayi palongolo pa utukufu bhwa muene, bila mawaa ni kujha ni furaha mbaha,
25 Be glory, and dominion, and honour, and grandeur, both now and in all ages. Amen. (aiōn g165)
kwa muene K'yara pasima mwokozi kup'etela Yesu Kristu Bwana bhitu, bhutukufu bhujhelayi kwa muene, bhubhaha, bhuwesu ni ngofu kabla jha nyakati syoha, ni henu ni hata milele. Amina. (aiōn g165)

< Jude 1 >