< John 5 >
1 AFTER these there was a feast of the Jihudoyee, and Jeshu went up to Urishlem.
Pärast seda oli juutide püha, nii et Jeesus läks Jeruusalemma.
2 Now there was there in Urishlem a certain place of ablution, which was called in Hebrew Bethchesda, and having in it five porticoes.
Jeruusalemmas Lambavärava lähedal on tiik, mida heebrea keeles nimetatakse Betsataks ja mille kõrval on viis sammaskoda.
3 And in these were many infirm people, blind and lame and withered, awaiting the moving of the waters.
Haigete inimeste hulgad lamasid neis sammaskodades − pimedad, vigased ja halvatud.
4 For an angel at times descended to the pool and moved the waters; and he who first descended after the movement of the waters was healed of whatever disease he had.
5 But a certain man was there who for thirtyand-eight years had been in a disease.
Üks mees, kes oli seal, oli kolmkümmend kaheksa aastat haige olnud. Jeesus vaatas talle otsa, teades, et ta oli seal kaua aega lamanud, ja küsis talt:
6 Jeshu saw this (man) as he lay, and knew that for a long time he had (been thus), and said to him, Art thou willing to be healed?
„Kas sa tahad terveks saada?“
7 The diseased man answered and said, Yes, my Lord; but I have no man who, when the waters are moved, shall cast me into the pool: but while I am coming, another before me descendeth.
„Isand, “vastas haige mees, „mul ei ole kedagi, kes mind vette aitaks, kui vett segatakse. Sel ajal, kui ma sinna üritan minna, jõuab alati keegi minust ette.“
8 Jeshu saith to him, Arise, take up thy bed, and walk.
„Tõuse püsti, võta oma matt ja kõnni!“ütles Jeesus talle.
9 And in the instant that man was healed, and, arising, he took up his bed, and walked: and that day was the shabath.
Kohe sai mees terveks. Ta võttis oma mati ja hakkas kõndima. Päev, mil see juhtus, oli hingamispäev.
10 And the Jihudoyee said to him who had been healed, This is the shabath: it is not lawful for thee to carry thy bed.
Niisiis ütlesid juudid terveks saanud mehele: „Täna on hingamispäev! Seadus ei luba matti kanda!“
11 But he answered and said to them, He who made me whole, he said to me, Take up thy bed, and walk.
„Mees, kes mu terveks tegi, käskis mul mati võtta ja kõndida, “vastas ta.
12 And they said to him, What man is this who told thee to take up thy bed, and walk?
„Kes see inimene on, kes sul käskis mati võtta ja kõndida?“küsisid nad.
13 But he who had been healed knew not who it was; for Jeshu had retired among the great multitude which was in that place.
Kuid terveks saanud mees ei teadnud, kes see oli, sest Jeesus oli ümbritseva rahvahulga sisse lipsanud.
14 After a time Jeshu found him in the temple, and said to him, Behold, thou art healed: sin not again, lest there be to thee that which is worse than the first.
Hiljem leidis Jeesus mehe templist ja ütles talle: „Vaata, sa oled nüüd terveks saanud. Ära siis tee enam pattu, muidu võib sinuga midagi hullemat juhtuda.“
15 And that man went away, and told the Jihudoyee, that it was Jeshu who had healed him.
Mees läks juutide juurde ja ütles neile, et see oli Jeesus, kes oli ta terveks teinud.
16 On account of this the Jihudoyee persecuted Jeshu, and sought to kill him, because these things he had done on the shabath.
Nii hakkasid juudid Jeesust kimbutama, sest ta tegi asju hingamispäeval.
17 But he, Jeshu, said to them, My Father until now worketh, I also work.
Aga Jeesus ütles neile: „Minu isa tegutseb ikka veel ja nii ka mina.“
18 But on this account the more sought the Jihudoyee to kill him, not only because he had loosed the shabath, but also that of Aloha he had said that he was his Father, and had made himself equal with Aloha.
Seetõttu üritasid juudid veel enam teda tappa, sest lisaks hingamispäeva rikkumisele nimetas ta Jumalat oma Isaks, tehes ennast Jumalaga võrdseks.
19 BUT Jeshu answered and said to them, Amen, amen, I say to you, The Son cannot do any thing from the will of himself, but that which he seeth the Father do.
Niisiis selgitas Jeesus neile: „Ma räägin teile tõtt: Poeg ei saa iseenesest midagi teha; ta saab teha ainult seda, mida näeb Isa tegemas. Mida teeb Isa, seda teeb ka Poeg.
20 For those which the Father doeth, these also the Son likewise doeth. For the Father loveth the Son, and every thing that he doeth he showeth him; and greater than these works he showeth him, that you may wonder.
Sest Isa armastab Poega ja ilmutab talle, mida ta teeb; ja Isa näitab talle veel uskumatumaid asju, mis teid täielikult hämmastavad.
21 For as the Father raiseth the dead, and quickeneth, so also the Son quickeneth those whom he willeth.
Sest samamoodi nagu Isa annab elu neile, kelle ta surnuist üles äratab, annab ka Poeg elu neile, kellele tahab.
22 For the Father judgeth no man, but all judgment he hath given to the Son;
Isa ei mõista kellegi üle kohut. Kõik õigused kohut mõista on ta andnud Pojale,
23 that all men should honour the Son, as they honour the Father. He who honoureth not the Son, honoureth not the Father who sent him.
et kõik austaksid Poega, nagu nad austavad Isa. Kes ei austa Poega, ei austa Isa, kes on Poja läkitanud.
24 Amen, amen, I say to you, He who heareth my word and believeth on him who sent me, hath the life that is eternal, and into condemnation he cometh not, but hath passed from death unto life. (aiōnios )
Ma räägin teile tõtt: neil, kes järgivad, mida ma ütlen, ja usuvad temasse, kes minu on läkitanud, on igavene elu. Neid ei mõisteta hukka, vaid nad on läinud surmast ellu. (aiōnios )
25 Amen, amen, I say to you, That the hour cometh and also now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of Aloha; and they who hear shall live
Ma räägin teile tõtt: tuleb aeg − õigupoolest on see juba käes −, kui surnud kuulevad Jumala Poja häält, ja need, kes kuulevad, elavad!
26 For as the Father hath life in his person, so hath he given also to the Son to have life in his person,
Just nagu Isal on eluandev vägi iseeneses, on ta andnud sama eluandva väe Pojale.
27 and hath empowered him also to execute judgment. Because he is the Son of man,
Isa on andnud talle ka õiguse kohut mõista, sest ta on inimese Poeg.
28 marvel not at this; for the hour cometh when all they who are in the sepulchres shall hear his voice,
Ärge üllatuge sellest, sest tuleb aeg, mil kõik, kes on hauas, kuulevad tema häält
29 and shall come forth; they who have done good unto the resurrection of life, and they who have done evil unto the resurrection of condemnation.
ja tõusevad üles: need, kes on teinud head, elu ülestõusmiseks, ja need, kes on teinud kurja, hukkamõistmise ülestõusmiseks.
30 I CANNOT of the will of myself do any thing; but as I hear I judge, and my judgment is just; for I seek not my will, but the will of Him who sent me.
Ma ei suuda iseenesest midagi teha. Ma mõistan kohut selle põhjal, mida on mulle öeldud, ja mu otsus on õige, sest ma ei täida enda tahet, vaid tema tahet, kes mu läkitas.
31 If I should witness concerning myself, my testimony would not be (regarded as) truth:
Kui ma väidaksin midagi enda kohta, ei oleks need väited kehtivad,
32 there is another who witnesseth of me, and I know that true is his testimony which he hath witnessed of me.
vaid keegi teine tunnistab minust ja ma tean, et see, mida ta minu kohta ütleb, on õige.
33 You sent to Juchanon, and he witnessed of the truth.
Te küsisite Johanneselt minu kohta ja ta rääkis tõtt,
34 But I do not from man (only) receive testimony. But these (things) speak I that you may be saved.
kuid mul ei ole vaja inimeste heakskiitu. Ma selgitan seda teile, et te võiksite päästetud saada.
35 He was a lamp that burneth and shineth, and you were willing to glory for the hour in his light.
Johannes oli nagu eredalt põlev lamp ja te olite valmis mõnda aega tema valgust nautima.
36 But I have a testimony which is greater than that of Juchanon; for the works that the Father hath given me to accomplish, these works that I do testify of me that the Father hath sent me.
Aga tunnistus, mida mina annan, on suurem kui Johannese oma, sest ma teen tööd, mille Isa andis mulle teha,
37 And the Father who hath sent me, he testifieth of me: but his voice you have never heard, nor his appearance seen.
ning see on tõend, et Isa läkitas mu. Isa, kes mu läkitas, räägib ise minu eest. Te ei ole kunagi tema häält kuulnud, te ei ole näinud, missugune ta välja näeb,
38 And his word abideth not in you, because in Him whom he hath sent you do not believe.
ja te ei võta vastu, mida ta ütleb, sest te ei usu sellesse, kelle ta läkitas.
39 Investigate the scriptures; for in them you think you have the life that is eternal, and they testify of me. (aiōnios )
Te uurite pühi kirju, sest arvate, et saate nende abil igavese elu. Kuid need tunnistavad minu toetuseks! (aiōnios )
40 And you will not come to me that the life that is eternal you might have.
Ja ometi ei taha te minu juurde tulla, et võiksite elada.
41 Glory from the sons of men I receive not.
Ma ei taotle inimeste heakskiitu
42 But I know you, that the love of Aloha is not in you.
− ma tunnen teid ja tean, et teie sees ei ole Jumala armastust.
43 I have come in the name of my Father, and you have not received me.
Sest ma olen tulnud oma Isa esindama ja te ei võtnud mind vastu; aga kui tuleb keegi, kes esindab iseennast, siis võtate ta vastu!
44 If another should come in his own name, him you would receive. How can you believe, who glory one from another are receiving, and the glory which is from one, Aloha, you seek not?
Kuidas te saate minusse uskuda, kui taotlete kiitust üksteiselt ega taotle kiitust ainsalt tõeliselt Jumalat?
45 How think you that I will accuse you before the Father? There is one who accuseth you, Musha himself, in whom you hope.
Aga ärge arvake, et ma süüdistan teid Isa ees. Teid süüdistab Mooses, keda te nii väga usaldate.
46 For if in Musha you had believed, you would also have believed in me; for Musha of me hath written.
Sest kui te tõesti usuksite Moosest, siis usuksite ka minusse, sest tema kirjutas minust.
47 But if his writings you believe not, how my words will you believe?
Aga kuna te ei usu, mida ta on öelnud, miks peaksite uskuma seda, mida ütlen mina?“