< Galatians 4 >
1 But I say that what time the heir is a child, he differeth not from a servant, though he be lord of all,
ahaM vadAmi sampadadhikArI yAvad bAlastiSThati tAvat sarvvasvasyAdhipatiH sannapi sa dAsAt kEnApi viSayENa na viziSyatE
2 but is under curators and stewards until the time which his father appointeth.
kintu pitrA nirUpitaM samayaM yAvat pAlakAnAM dhanAdhyakSANAnjca nighnastiSThati|
3 So we also, while children, under the principles of the world were subjected.
tadvad vayamapi bAlyakAlE dAsA iva saMsArasyAkSaramAlAyA adhInA AsmahE|
4 But when the fulness of the time had come, Aloha sent his Son, and made from a woman, and made under the law,
anantaraM samayE sampUrNatAM gatavati vyavasthAdhInAnAM mOcanArtham
5 that them who were under the law he might redeem, and we might receive the constitution of sons.
asmAkaM putratvaprAptyarthanjcEzvaraH striyA jAtaM vyavasthAyA adhinIbhUtanjca svaputraM prESitavAn|
6 And because you are sons, Aloha hath sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, who crieth, Father, our Father.
yUyaM santAnA abhavata tatkAraNAd IzvaraH svaputrasyAtmAnAM yuSmAkam antaHkaraNAni prahitavAn sa cAtmA pitaH pitarityAhvAnaM kArayati|
7 Therefore you are not servants, but sons; and if sons, heirs also of Aloha, through Jeshu Meshiha.
ata idAnIM yUyaM na dAsAH kintuH santAnA Eva tasmAt santAnatvAcca khrISTEnEzvarIyasampadadhikAriNO'pyAdhvE|
8 For, while not knowing Aloha, you served them who by their nature are not gods:
aparanjca pUrvvaM yUyam IzvaraM na jnjAtvA yE svabhAvatO'nIzvarAstESAM dAsatvE'tiSThata|
9 but now that you have known Aloha, and especially that you have been acknowledged of Aloha, turn you again to those diseased and beggarly principles, and will to be subject to them afresh?
idAnIm IzvaraM jnjAtvA yadi vEzvarENa jnjAtA yUyaM kathaM punastAni viphalAni tucchAni cAkSarANi prati parAvarttituM zaknutha? yUyaM kiM punastESAM dAsA bhavitumicchatha?
10 Days, and months, and times, you observe.
yUyaM divasAn mAsAn tithIn saMvatsarAMzca sammanyadhvE|
11 I am afraid, lest vain in I have laboured among you.
yuSmadarthaM mayA yaH parizramO'kAri sa viphalO jAta iti yuSmAnadhyahaM bibhEmi|
12 Be you as I am, for I am as you are, my brethren, I beseech you. In nothing have you injured me.
hE bhrAtaraH, ahaM yAdRzO'smi yUyamapi tAdRzA bhavatEti prArthayE yatO'hamapi yuSmattulyO'bhavaM yuSmAbhi rmama kimapi nAparAddhaM|
13 For you know that in infirmity of my flesh I preached to you at the first.
pUrvvamahaM kalEvarasya daurbbalyEna yuSmAn susaMvAdam ajnjApayamiti yUyaM jAnItha|
14 And the temptation of my flesh you did not despise nor execrate; but as an angel of Aloha you received me, and as of Jeshu Meshiha.
tadAnIM mama parIkSakaM zArIraklEzaM dRSTvA yUyaM mAm avajnjAya RtIyitavantastannahi kintvIzvarasya dUtamiva sAkSAt khrISTa yIzumiva vA mAM gRhItavantaH|
15 Where then is your happiness? For I testify of you, that had it been possible, your eye you would have plucked out and given to me.
atastadAnIM yuSmAkaM yA dhanyatAbhavat sA kka gatA? tadAnIM yUyaM yadi svESAM nayanAnyutpATya mahyaM dAtum azakSyata tarhi tadapyakariSyatEti pramANam ahaM dadAmi|
16 Have I become your adversary, because I have preached to you the truth?
sAmpratamahaM satyavAditvAt kiM yuSmAkaM ripu rjAtO'smi?
17 They are emulous of you not for good; but they would shut you in, that you might be emulous of them.
tE yuSmatkRtE sparddhantE kintu sA sparddhA kutsitA yatO yUyaM tAnadhi yat sparddhadhvaM tadarthaM tE yuSmAn pRthak karttum icchanti|
18 But it is well to be emulous in good things at all time, and not only when I am with you.
kEvalaM yuSmatsamIpE mamOpasthitisamayE tannahi, kintu sarvvadaiva bhadramadhi sparddhanaM bhadraM|
19 My children, with whom I travail afresh until the Meshiha be formed in you,
hE mama bAlakAH, yuSmadanta ryAvat khrISTO mUrtimAn na bhavati tAvad yuSmatkAraNAt punaH prasavavEdanEva mama vEdanA jAyatE|
20 I would be with you now, and change the sound of my voice, because I am astonished at you.
ahamidAnIM yuSmAkaM sannidhiM gatvA svarAntarENa yuSmAn sambhASituM kAmayE yatO yuSmAnadhi vyAkulO'smi|
21 Tell me, you who are willing to be under the law, do you not hear the law?
hE vyavasthAdhInatAkAgkSiNaH yUyaM kiM vyavasthAyA vacanaM na gRhlItha?
22 For it is written, that Abraham had two sons, one of the bondmaid, and one of the free.
tanmAM vadata| likhitamAstE, ibrAhImO dvau putrAvAsAtE tayOrEkO dAsyAM dvitIyazca patnyAM jAtaH|
23 But he who was of the bondmaid was born according to the flesh, and he who was of the free was by the promise.
tayO ryO dAsyAM jAtaH sa zArIrikaniyamEna jajnjE yazca patnyAM jAtaH sa pratijnjayA jajnjE|
24 But these are parables of the two covenants: the one which was from Mount Sinai bringing forth into bondage, which is Hagar:
idamAkhyAnaM dRSTantasvarUpaM| tE dvE yOSitAvIzvarIyasandhI tayOrEkA sInayaparvvatAd utpannA dAsajanayitrI ca sA tu hAjirA|
25 for Hagar is Mount Sinai which is in Arabia, and answers to this Urishlem, and serves in bondage, she and her children.
yasmAd hAjirAzabdEnAravadEzasthasInayaparvvatO bOdhyatE, sA ca varttamAnAyA yirUzAlampuryyAH sadRzI| yataH svabAlaiH sahitA sA dAsatva AstE|
26 But she, Urishilem the high, is the free, who is our mother.
kintu svargIyA yirUzAlampurI patnI sarvvESAm asmAkaM mAtA cAstE|
27 For it is written, Be glad, O barren, who hast not borne; Exult and cry, thou who hast not travailed; Because multiplied are the sons of the desolate, More than the sons of the married wife.
yAdRzaM likhitam AstE, "vandhyE santAnahInE tvaM svaraM jayajayaM kuru| aprasUtE tvayOllAsO jayAzabdazca gIyatAM| yata Eva sanAthAyA yOSitaH santatE rgaNAt| anAthA yA bhavEnnArI tadapatyAni bhUrizaH||"
28 But we, my brethren, as Ishak, are the children of promise.
hE bhrAtRgaNa, imhAk iva vayaM pratijnjayA jAtAH santAnAH|
29 And as then he who was born of the flesh persecuted him who was after the Spirit, so also now.
kintu tadAnIM zArIrikaniyamEna jAtaH putrO yadvad AtmikaniyamEna jAtaM putram upAdravat tathAdhunApi|
30 But what saith the scripture? Cast out the bondmaid and her son; for the son of the bondmaid shall not inherit with the son of the free.
kintu zAstrE kiM likhitaM? "tvam imAM dAsIM tasyAH putranjcApasAraya yata ESa dAsIputraH patnIputrENa samaM nOttarAdhikArI bhaviyyatIti|"
31 We therefore, my brethren, are not the children of the bondmaid, but the children of the free.
ataEva hE bhrAtaraH, vayaM dAsyAH santAnA na bhUtvA pAtnyAH santAnA bhavAmaH|