< Song of Solomon 7 >

1 what? be beautiful beat your in/on/with sandal daughter noble curve thigh your like ornament deed: work hand artisan 2 navel your vessel [the] roundness not to lack [the] mixture belly: abdomen your heap wheat to fence in/on/with lily 3 two breast your like/as two fawn twin gazelle 4 neck your like/as tower [the] tooth: ivory eye your pool in/on/with Heshbon upon gate Bath-rabbim Bath-rabbim face: nose your like/as tower [the] Lebanon to watch face: before Damascus 5 head your upon you like/as Carmel and hair head your like/as purple king to bind in/on/with lock 6 what? be beautiful and what? be pleasant love in/on/with luxury 7 this height your to resemble to/for palm and breast your to/for cluster 8 to say to ascend: rise in/on/with palm to grasp in/on/with fruit-stalk his and to be please breast your like/as cluster [the] vine (and aroma *L(b)*) face: nose your like/as apple 9 and palate your like/as wine [the] pleasant to go: went to/for beloved my to/for uprightness to glide lips sleeping 10 I to/for beloved my and upon me desire his 11 to go: come! [emph?] beloved my to come out: come [the] land: country to lodge in/on/with village 12 to rise to/for vineyard to see: see if to sprout [the] vine to open [the] blossom to bud [the] pomegranate there to give: give [obj] beloved: love my to/for you 13 [the] mandrake to give: give aroma and upon entrance our all excellence new also old beloved my to treasure to/for you

< Song of Solomon 7 >