< Ruth 1 >

1 and to be in/on/with day to judge [the] to judge and to be famine in/on/with land: country/planet and to go: went man from Bethlehem Bethlehem Judah to/for to sojourn in/on/with land: country Moab he/she/it and woman: wife his and two son: child his
In diebus unius judicis, quando judices præerant, facta est fames in terra. Abiitque homo de Bethlehem Juda, ut peregrinaretur in regione Moabitide cum uxore sua ac duobus liberis.
2 and name [the] man Elimelech and name woman: wife his Naomi and name two son: child his Mahlon and Chilion Ephrathite from Bethlehem Bethlehem Judah and to come (in): come land: country Moab and to be there
Ipse vocabatur Elimelech, et uxor ejus Noëmi: et duo filii, alter Mahalon, et alter Chelion, Ephrathæi de Bethlehem Juda. Ingressique regionem Moabitidem, morabantur ibi.
3 and to die Elimelech man: husband Naomi and to remain he/she/it and two son: child her
Et mortuus est Elimelech maritus Noëmi: remansitque ipsa cum filiis.
4 and to lift: marry to/for them woman: wife Moabite name [the] one Orpah and name [the] second Ruth and to dwell there like/as ten year
Qui acceperunt uxores Moabitidas, quarum una vocabatur Orpha, altera vero Ruth. Manseruntque ibi decem annis,
5 and to die also two their Mahlon and Chilion and to remain [the] woman from two youth her and from man: husband her
et ambo mortui sunt, Mahalon videlicet et Chelion: remansitque mulier orbata duobus liberis ac marito.
6 and to arise: rise he/she/it and daughter-in-law her and to return: return from land: country Moab for to hear: hear in/on/with land: country Moab for to reckon: visit LORD [obj] people his to/for to give: give to/for them food
Et surrexit ut in patriam pergeret cum utraque nuru sua de regione Moabitide: audierat enim quod respexisset Dominus populum suum, et dedisset eis escas.
7 and to come out: come from [the] place which to be there [to] and two daughter-in-law her with her and to go: went in/on/with way: journey to/for to return: return to(wards) land: country/planet Judah
Egressa est itaque de loco peregrinationis suæ, cum utraque nuru: et jam in via revertendi posita in terram Juda,
8 and to say Naomi to/for two daughter-in-law her to go: went to return: return woman: another to/for house: household mother her (to make: do *Q(K)*) LORD with you kindness like/as as which to make: do with [the] to die and with me
dixit ad eas: Ite in domum matris vestræ: faciat vobiscum Dominus misericordiam, sicut fecistis cum mortuis, et mecum.
9 to give: give LORD to/for you and to find resting woman: another house: household man: husband her and to kiss to/for them and to lift: loud voice their and to weep
Det vobis invenire requiem in domibus virorum quos sortituræ estis. Et osculata est eas. Quæ elevata voce flere cœperunt,
10 and to say to/for her for with you to return: return to/for people your
et dicere: Tecum pergemus ad populum tuum.
11 and to say Naomi to return: return daughter my to/for what? to go: went with me still to/for me son: child in/on/with belly my and to be to/for you to/for human
Quibus illa respondit: Revertimini, filiæ meæ, cur venitis mecum? num ultra habeo filios in utero meo, ut viros ex me sperare possitis?
12 to return: return daughter my to go: went for be old from to be to/for man: husband for to say there to/for me hope also to be [the] night to/for man: husband and also to beget son: child
Revertimini, filiæ meæ, et abite: jam enim senectute confecta sum, nec apta vinculo conjugali: etiamsi possem hac nocte concipere, et parere filios,
13 therefore to await till which to magnify therefore to refrain to/for lest to be to/for man: husband not daughter my for to provoke to/for me much from you for to come out: come in/on/with me hand LORD
si eos expectare velitis donec crescant, et annos pubertatis impleant, ante eritis vetulæ quam nubatis. Nolite, quæso, filiæ meæ: quia vestra angustia magis me premit, et egressa est manus Domini contra me.
14 and to lift: loud voice their and to weep still and to kiss Orpah to/for mother-in-law her and Ruth to cleave in/on/with her
Elevata igitur voce, rursum flere cœperunt: Orpha osculata est socrum, ac reversa est; Ruth adhæsit socrui suæ:
15 and to say behold to return: return sister-in-law your to(wards) people her and to(wards) God her to return: return after sister-in-law your
cui dixit Noëmi: En reversa est cognata tua ad populum suum, et ad deos suos, vade cum ea.
16 and to say Ruth not to fall on in/on/with me to/for to leave: forsake you to/for to return: turn back from after you for to(wards) which to go: went to go: went and in/on/with in which to lodge to lodge people your people my and God your God my
Quæ respondit: Ne adverseris mihi ut relinquam te et abeam: quocumque enim perrexeris, pergam, et ubi morata fueris, et ego pariter morabor. Populus tuus populus meus, et Deus tuus Deus meus.
17 in/on/with in which to die to die and there to bury thus to make: do LORD to/for me and thus to add for [the] death to separate between me and between you
Quæ te terra morientem susceperit, in ea moriar: ibique locum accipiam sepulturæ. Hæc mihi faciat Dominus, et hæc addat, si non sola mors me et te separaverit.
18 and to see: see for to strengthen he/she/it to/for to go: went with her and to cease to/for to speak: speak to(wards) her
Videns ergo Noëmi quod obstinato animo Ruth decrevisset secum pergere, adversari noluit, nec ad suos ultra reditum persuadere:
19 and to go: went two their till to come (in): come they Bethlehem Bethlehem and to be like/as to come (in): come they Bethlehem Bethlehem and to make noise all [the] city upon them and to say this Naomi
profectæque sunt simul, et venerunt in Bethlehem. Quibus urbem ingressis, velox apud cunctos fama percrebruit: dicebantque mulieres: Hæc est illa Noëmi.
20 and to say to(wards) them not to call: call by to/for me Naomi to call: call by to/for me Mara for to provoke Almighty to/for me much
Quibus ait: Ne vocetis me Noëmi (id est, pulchram), sed vocate me Mara (id est, amaram), quia amaritudine valde replevit me Omnipotens.
21 I full to go: went and emptily to return: return me LORD to/for what? to call: call by to/for me Naomi and LORD to answer in/on/with me and Almighty be evil to/for me
Egressa sum plena, et vacuam reduxit me Dominus. Cur ergo vocatis me Noëmi, quam Dominus humiliavit, et afflixit Omnipotens?
22 and to return: return Naomi and Ruth [the] Moabite daughter-in-law her with her [the] to return: return from land: country Moab and they(masc.) to come (in): come Bethlehem Bethlehem in/on/with beginning harvest barley
Venit ergo Noëmi cum Ruth Moabitide nuru sua, de terra peregrinationis suæ: ac reversa est in Bethlehem, quando primum hordea metebantur.

< Ruth 1 >