< Romans 13 >

1 all soul: person authority be higher to subject no for to be authority if: not not (by/under: by *N(k)O*) God the/this/who then to be (authority *k*) by/under: by (the/this/who *k*) God to appoint to be
TODA alma se someta á las potestades superiores; porque no hay potestad sino de Dios; y las que son de Dios son ordenadas.
2 so the/this/who to resist the/this/who authority the/this/who the/this/who God ordinance to oppose the/this/who then to oppose themself judgment to take
Así que, el que se opone á la potestad, á la ordenacion de Dios resiste; y los que resisten, él os mismos ganan condenacion para sí.
3 the/this/who for ruler no to be fear (the/this/who good *N(k)O*) (work *N(K)O*) but (the/this/who evil/harm: evil *N(k)O*) to will/desire then not to fear the/this/who authority the/this/who good to do/make: do and to have/be praise out from it/s/he
Porque los magistrados no son para temor al que bien hace, sino al malo. ¿Quieres pues no temer la potestad? Haz lo bueno, y tendrás alabanza de ella:
4 God for servant to be you toward the/this/who good if then the/this/who evil/harm: evil to do/make: do to fear no for in vain the/this/who sword to wear God for servant to be avenging toward wrath the/this/who the/this/who evil/harm: evil to do/require
Porque es ministro de Dios para tu bien. Mas si hicieres lo malo, teme; porque no en vano lleva el cuchillo, porque es ministro de Dios, vengador para castigo al que hace lo malo.
5 therefore necessity to subject no alone through/because of the/this/who wrath but and through/because of the/this/who conscience
Por lo cual es necesario que [le] esteis sujetos, no solamente por la ira, mas aun por la conciencia.
6 through/because of this/he/she/it for and tax to finish minister for God to be toward it/s/he this/he/she/it to continue in/with
Porque por esto [les] pagais tambien los tributos; porque son ministros de Dios que sirven á esto mismo.
7 to pay (therefore/then *K*) all the/this/who debt the/this/who the/this/who tax the/this/who tax the/this/who the/this/who goal/tax the/this/who goal/tax the/this/who the/this/who fear the/this/who fear the/this/who the/this/who honor the/this/who honor
Pagad á todos lo que debeis: al que tributo, tributo; al que pecho, pecho, al que temor, temor; al que honra, honra.
8 nothing nothing to owe if: not not the/this/who one another to love the/this/who for to love the/this/who other law to fulfill
No debais á nadie nada, sino amaros unos á otros: porque el que ama al prójimo, cumplió la ley.
9 the/this/who for no to commit adultery no to murder no to steal (no to perjure *K*) no to long for and if one other commandment in/on/among the/this/who word this/he/she/it to summarise in/on/among the/this/who to love the/this/who near/neighbor you as/when (you *NK(O)*)
Porque: No adulterarás; no matarás; no hartarás; no dirás falso testimonio; no codiciarás: y si [hay] algun otro mandamiento, en esta sentencia se comprende sumariamente: Amarás á tu prójimo como á tí mismo.
10 the/this/who love the/this/who near/neighbor evil/harm: evil no to work fulfillment therefore/then law the/this/who love
La caridad no hace mal al prójimo: así que, el cumplimiento de la ley [es] la caridad.
11 and this/he/she/it to know the/this/who time/right time that/since: that hour already (you *N(k)O*) out from sleep to arise now for nearer me the/this/who salvation or when to trust (in)
Y esto, conociendo el tiempo, que [es] ya hora de levantarnos del sueño; porque ahora nos está mas cerca nuestra salud que cuando creimos.
12 the/this/who night to advance the/this/who then day to come near (to put aside *NK(o)*) therefore/then the/this/who work the/this/who darkness (and *k*) to put on (then *no*) the/this/who weapon the/this/who light
La noche ha pasado, y ha llegado el dia: echemos pues las obras de las tinieblas, y vistámonos las armas de luz.
13 as/when in/on/among day properly to walk not orgy and drunkenness not bed and debauchery not quarrel and zeal
Andemos, como de dia, honestamente: no en glotonerías, y borracheras; no en lechos y disoluciones; no en pendencias y envidia;
14 but to put on the/this/who lord: God Jesus Christ and the/this/who flesh foresight not to do/make: do toward desire
Mas vestíos del Señor Jesu-Cristo, y no hagais caso de la carne en [sus] deseos.

< Romans 13 >