< Romans 10 >

1 brother the/this/who on the other hand goodwill the/this/who I/we heart and the/this/who petition (the/this/who *k*) to/with the/this/who God above/for (the/this/who *k*) (it/s/he *N(K)O*) (to be *k*) toward salvation
HERMANOS, ciertamente la voluntad de mi corazon y [mi] oracion á Dios sobre Israel, es para salud.
2 to testify for it/s/he that/since: that zeal God to have/be but no according to knowledge
Porque yo les doy testimonio que tienen zelo de Dios, mas no conforme á ciencia.
3 be ignorant for the/this/who the/this/who God righteousness and the/this/who one's own/private righteousness to seek to stand the/this/who righteousness the/this/who God no to subject
Porque ignorando la justicia de Dios, y procurando establecer la suya propia, no se han sujetado á la justicia de Dios.
4 goal/tax for law Christ toward righteousness all the/this/who to trust (in)
Porque el fin de la ley [es] Cristo, para justicia á todo aquel que cree.
5 Moses for to write the/this/who righteousness the/this/who out from the/this/who law that/since: that the/this/who to do/make: do it/s/he a human to live in/on/among (it/s/he *NK(O)*)
Porque Moisés describe la justicia que es por la ley; Que el hombre que hiciere estas cosas, vivirá por ellas.
6 the/this/who then out from faith righteousness thus(-ly) to say not to say in/on/among the/this/who heart you which? to ascend toward the/this/who heaven this/he/she/it to be Christ to bring down
Mas [de] la justicia que es por la fé dice así: No digas en tu corazon: ¿Quién subirá al cielo? (esto es, para traer abajo á Cristo.)
7 or which? to come/go down toward the/this/who abyss this/he/she/it to be Christ out from dead to lead (Abyssos g12)
O ¿Quién descenderá al abismo? (esto es, para volver á traer á Cristo de los muertos.) (Abyssos g12)
8 but which? to say near you the/this/who declaration to be in/on/among the/this/who mouth you and in/on/among the/this/who heart you this/he/she/it to be the/this/who declaration the/this/who faith which to preach
Mas ¿qué dice? Cercana está la palabra, en tu boca, y en tu corazon. Esta es la palabra de fé, la cual predicamos;
9 that/since: since if to confess/profess (the/this/who declaration *O*) in/on/among the/this/who mouth you (that/since: that *o*) (lord: God Jesus *NK(o)*) and to trust (in) in/on/among the/this/who heart you that/since: that the/this/who God it/s/he to arise out from dead to save
Que si confesares con tu boca al Señor Jesus, y creyeres en tu corazon que Dios le levantó de los muertos, serás salvo.
10 heart for to trust (in) toward righteousness mouth then to confess/profess toward salvation
Porque con el corazon se cree para justicia; mas con la boca se hace confesion para salud.
11 to say for the/this/who a writing all the/this/who to trust (in) upon/to/against it/s/he no to dishonor
Porque la escritura dice: Todo aquel que en él creyere, no será avergonzado.
12 no for to be distinction Jew and/both and Greek, Gentile the/this/who for it/s/he lord: God all be rich toward all the/this/who to call (on)/name it/s/he
Porque no hay diferencia de Judío y de Griego: porque el mismo [que es] Señor de todos, rico es para con todos los que le invocan.
13 all for which if to call (on)/name the/this/who name lord: God to save
Porque todo aquel que invocare el nombre del Señor será salvo.
14 how! therefore/then (to call (on)/name *N(k)O*) toward which no to trust (in) how! then (to trust (in) *N(k)O*) which no to hear how! then (to hear *N(k)O*) without to preach
¿Cómo pues invocaran á aquel en el cual no han creido? Y ¿cómo creerán [á aquel] de quien no han oido? Y ¿cómo oirán sin [haber] quien [les] predique?
15 how! then (to preach *N(k)O*) if not to send (as/just as *NK(o)*) to write as/when Beautiful the/this/who foot the/this/who to speak good news (peace the/this/who to speak good news *K*) the/this/who good
Y ¿cómo predicarán si no fueren enviados? Como está escrito: ¡Cuán hermosos [son] los piés de los que anuncian el Evangelio de la paz, de los que anuncian el Evangelio de los bienes!
16 but no all to obey the/this/who gospel Isaiah for to say lord: God which? to trust (in) the/this/who hearing me
Mas no todos obedecen al Evangelio; pues Isaías dice: Señor, ¿quién ha creido á nuestro anuncio?
17 therefore the/this/who faith out from hearing the/this/who then hearing through/because of declaration (Christ *N(K)O*)
Luego la fé es por el oir; y el oir por la palabra de Dios.
18 but to say not no to hear rather toward all the/this/who earth: planet to go out the/this/who sound it/s/he and toward the/this/who end the/this/who world the/this/who declaration it/s/he
Mas digo [yo: ] ¿No han oido? Antes bien por toda la tierra ha salido la fama de ellos, y hasta los cabos de la redondez de la tierra las palabras de ellos.
19 but to say not Israel no to know first Moses to say I/we to make envious you upon/to/against no Gentiles upon/to/against Gentiles senseless to anger you
Mas digo: ¿No ha conocido [esto] Israel? Primeramente Moisés dice: Yo os provocaré á zelos con gente que no es [mia; ] con gente insensata os provocaré á ira.
20 Isaiah then be bold and to say to find/meet (in/on/among *no*) the/this/who I/we not to seek revealed to be (in/on/among *o*) the/this/who I/we not to question
E Isaías determinadamente dice: Fuí hallado de los que no me buscaban; manifestéme á los que no preguntaban por mí.
21 to/with then the/this/who Israel to say all the/this/who day to extend the/this/who hand me to/with a people to disobey and to dispute
Mas acerca de Israel dice: Todo el dia extendí mis manos á un pueblo rebelde y contradictor.

< Romans 10 >