< Psalms 69 >

1 to/for to conduct upon lily to/for David to save me God for to come (in): come water till soul: neck
In finem, pro iis qui commutabuntur. David. Salvum me fac, Deus, quoniam intraverunt aquæ usque ad animam meam.
2 to sink in/on/with mire depth and nothing foothold to come (in): come in/on/with deep water and stream to overflow me
Infixus sum in limo profundi et non est substantia. Veni in altitudinem maris, et tempestas demersit me.
3 be weary/toil in/on/with to call: call out I to scorch throat my to end: expend eye my to wait: wait to/for God my
Laboravi clamans, raucæ factæ sunt fauces meæ; defecerunt oculi mei, dum spero in Deum meum.
4 to multiply from hair head my to hate me for nothing be vast to destroy me enemy my deception which not to plunder then to return: rescue
Multiplicati sunt super capillos capitis mei qui oderunt me gratis. Confortati sunt qui persecuti sunt me inimici mei injuste; quæ non rapui, tunc exsolvebam.
5 God you(m. s.) to know to/for folly my and guiltiness my from you not to hide
Deus, tu scis insipientiam meam; et delicta mea a te non sunt abscondita.
6 not be ashamed in/on/with me to await you Lord YHWH/God Hosts not be humiliated in/on/with me to seek you God Israel
Non erubescant in me qui exspectant te, Domine, Domine virtutum; non confundantur super me qui quærunt te, Deus Israël.
7 for upon you to lift: bear reproach to cover shame face my
Quoniam propter te sustinui opprobrium; operuit confusio faciem meam.
8 be a stranger to be to/for brother: male-sibling my and foreign to/for son: descendant/people mother my
Extraneus factus sum fratribus meis, et peregrinus filiis matris meæ.
9 for jealousy house: temple your to eat me and reproach to taunt you to fall: fall upon me
Quoniam zelus domus tuæ comedit me, et opprobria exprobrantium tibi ceciderunt super me.
10 and to weep in/on/with fast soul my and to be to/for reproach to/for me
Et operui in jejunio animam meam, et factum est in opprobrium mihi.
11 and to give: make [emph?] clothing my sackcloth and to be to/for them to/for proverb
Et posui vestimentum meum cilicium; et factus sum illis in parabolam.
12 to muse in/on/with me to dwell gate and music to drink strong drink
Adversum me loquebantur qui sedebant in porta, et in me psallebant qui bibebant vinum.
13 and I prayer my to/for you LORD time acceptance God in/on/with abundance kindness your to answer me in/on/with truth: faithful salvation your
Ego vero orationem meam ad te, Domine; tempus beneplaciti, Deus. In multitudine misericordiæ tuæ, exaudi me in veritate salutis tuæ.
14 to rescue me from mud and not to sink to rescue from to hate me and from deep water
Eripe me de luto, ut non infigar; libera me ab iis qui oderunt me, et de profundis aquarum.
15 not to overflow me stream water and not to swallow up me depth and not to shut upon me well lip her
Non me demergat tempestas aquæ, neque absorbeat me profundum, neque urgeat super me puteus os suum.
16 to answer me LORD for pleasant kindness your like/as abundance compassion your to turn to(wards) me
Exaudi me, Domine, quoniam benigna est misericordia tua; secundum multitudinem miserationum tuarum respice in me.
17 and not to hide face your from servant/slave your for to constrain to/for me to hasten to answer me
Et ne avertas faciem tuam a puero tuo; quoniam tribulor, velociter exaudi me.
18 to present: come [emph?] to(wards) soul my to redeem: redeem her because enemy my to ransom me
Intende animæ meæ, et libera eam; propter inimicos meos, eripe me.
19 you(m. s.) to know reproach my and shame my and shame my before you all to vex me
Tu scis improperium meum, et confusionem meam, et reverentiam meam;
20 reproach to break heart my and be sick [emph?] and to await to/for to wander and nothing and to/for to be sorry: comfort and not to find
in conspectu tuo sunt omnes qui tribulant me. Improperium exspectavit cor meum et miseriam: et sustinui qui simul contristaretur, et non fuit; et qui consolaretur, et non inveni.
21 and to give: give in/on/with food my poison and to/for thirst my to water: drink me vinegar
Et dederunt in escam meam fel, et in siti mea potaverunt me aceto.
22 to be table their to/for face: before their to/for snare and to/for peace to/for snare
Fiat mensa eorum coram ipsis in laqueum, et in retributiones, et in scandalum.
23 to darken eye their from to see: see and loin their continually to slip
Obscurentur oculi eorum, ne videant, et dorsum eorum semper incurva.
24 to pour: pour upon them indignation your and burning anger face: anger your to overtake them
Effunde super eos iram tuam, et furor iræ tuæ comprehendat eos.
25 to be encampment their be desolate: destroyed in/on/with tent their not to be to dwell
Fiat habitatio eorum deserta, et in tabernaculis eorum non sit qui inhabitet.
26 for you(m. s.) which to smite to pursue and to(wards) pain slain: wounded your to recount
Quoniam quem tu percussisti persecuti sunt, et super dolorem vulnerum meorum addiderunt.
27 to give: give [emph?] iniquity: punishment upon iniquity: punishment their and not to come (in): come in/on/with righteousness your
Appone iniquitatem super iniquitatem eorum, et non intrent in justitiam tuam.
28 to wipe from scroll: book alive and with righteous not to write
Deleantur de libro viventium, et cum justis non scribantur.
29 and I afflicted and to pain salvation your God to exalt me
Ego sum pauper et dolens; salus tua, Deus, suscepit me.
30 to boast: praise name God in/on/with song and to magnify him in/on/with thanksgiving
Laudabo nomen Dei cum cantico, et magnificabo eum in laude:
31 and be good to/for LORD from cattle bullock to shine to divide
et placebit Deo super vitulum novellum, cornua producentem et ungulas.
32 to see: see poor to rejoice to seek God and to live heart your
Videant pauperes, et lætentur; quærite Deum, et vivet anima vestra:
33 for to hear: hear to(wards) needy LORD and [obj] prisoner his not to despise
quoniam exaudivit pauperes Dominus, et vinctos suos non despexit.
34 to boast: praise him heaven and land: country/planet sea and all to creep in/on/with them
Laudent illum cæli et terra; mare, et omnia reptilia in eis.
35 for God to save Zion and to build city Judah and to dwell there and to possess: take her
Quoniam Deus salvam faciet Sion, et ædificabuntur civitates Juda, et inhabitabunt ibi, et hæreditate acquirent eam.
36 and seed: children servant/slave his to inherit her and to love: lover name his to dwell in/on/with her
Et semen servorum ejus possidebit eam; et qui diligunt nomen ejus habitabunt in ea.

< Psalms 69 >