< Psalms 68 >

1 to/for to conduct to/for David melody song to arise: rise God to scatter enemy his and to flee to hate him from face: before his
Psalmus Cantici David, in finem. Exurgat Deus, et dissipentur inimici eius, et fugiant qui oderunt eum, a facie eius.
2 like/as to drive smoke to drive like/as to melt wax from face: before fire to perish wicked from face: before God
Sicut deficit fumus, deficiant: sicut fluit cera a facie ignis, sic pereant peccatores a facie Dei.
3 and righteous to rejoice to rejoice to/for face: before God and to rejoice in/on/with joy
Et iusti epulentur, et exultent in conspectu Dei: et delectentur in laetitia.
4 to sing to/for God to sing name his to build to/for to ride in/on/with plain in/on/with LORD name his and to exult to/for face: before his
Cantate Deo, psalmum dicite nomini eius: iter facite ei, qui ascendit super occasum: Dominus nomen illi. Exultate in conspectu eius, turbabuntur a facie eius,
5 father orphan and judge widow God in/on/with habitation holiness his
patris orphanorum, et iudicis viduarum. Deus in loco sancto suo:
6 God to dwell only house: home [to] to come out: send prisoner in/on/with prosperity surely to rebel to dwell parched
Deus qui inhabitare facit unius moris in domo: Qui educit vinctos in fortitudine, similiter eos, qui exasperant, qui habitant in sepulchris.
7 God in/on/with to come out: come you to/for face: before people your in/on/with to march you in/on/with wilderness (Selah)
Deus cum egredereris in conspectu populi tui, cum pertransires in deserto:
8 land: country/planet to shake also heaven to drip/prophesy from face: before God this Sinai from face: before God God Israel
Terra mota est, etenim caeli distillaverunt a facie Dei Sinai, a facie Dei Israel.
9 rain voluntariness to sprinkle God inheritance your and be weary you(m. s.) to establish: make her
Pluviam voluntariam segregabis Deus hereditati tuae: et infirmata est, tu vero perfecisti eam.
10 community your to dwell in/on/with her to establish: prepare in/on/with welfare your to/for afflicted God
Animalia tua habitabunt in ea: parasti in dulcedine tua pauperi, Deus.
11 Lord to give: give word [the] to bear tidings army many
Dominus dabit verbum evangelizantibus, virtute multa.
12 king Hosts to wander [emph?] to wander [emph?] and dwelling house: home to divide spoil
Rex virtutum dilecti dilecti: et speciei domus dividere spolia.
13 if to lie down: lay down [emph?] between: among ash heep wing dove to cover in/on/with silver: money and pinion her in/on/with greenish gold
Si dormiatis inter medios cleros, pennae columbae deargentatae, et posteriora dorsi eius in pallore auri.
14 in/on/with to spread Almighty king in/on/with her to snow in/on/with (Mount) Zalmon
Dum discernit caelestis reges super eam, nive dealbabuntur in Selmon:
15 mountain: mount God mountain: mount Bashan mountain: mount peak mountain: mount Bashan
mons Dei, mons pinguis. Mons coagulatus, mons pinguis:
16 to/for what? to watch with envy [emph?] mountain: mount peak [the] mountain: mount to desire God to/for to dwell him also LORD to dwell to/for perpetuity
ut quid suspicamini montes coagulatos? Mons, in quo beneplacitum est Deo habitare in eo: etenim Dominus habitabit in finem.
17 chariot God ten thousand thousand thousands Lord in/on/with them Sinai in/on/with holiness
Currus Dei decem millibus multiplex, millia laetantium: Dominus in eis in Sina in sancto.
18 to ascend: rise to/for height to take captive captivity to take: recieve gift in/on/with man and also to rebel to/for to dwell LORD God
Ascendisti in altum, cepisti captivitatem: accepisti dona in hominibus: Etenim non credentes, inhabitare Dominum Deum.
19 to bless Lord day: daily day: daily to lift to/for us [the] God salvation our (Selah)
Benedictus Dominus die quotidie: prosperum iter faciet nobis Deus salutarium nostrorum.
20 [the] God to/for us God to/for salvation and to/for YHWH/God Lord to/for death outgoing
Deus noster, Deus salvos faciendi: et Domini Domini exitus mortis.
21 surely God to wound head enemy his crown hair to go: walk in/on/with guilt (offering) his
Verumtamen Deus confringet capita inimicorum suorum: verticem capilli perambulantium in delictis suis.
22 to say Lord from Bashan to return: return to return: return from depth sea
Dixit Dominus: Ex Basan convertam, convertam in profundum maris:
23 because to wound foot your in/on/with blood tongue dog your from enemy portion his
Ut intingatur pes tuus in sanguine: lingua canum tuorum ex inimicis, ab ipso.
24 to see: see walk your God walk God my king my in/on/with holiness
Viderunt ingressus tuos Deus, ingressus Dei mei: regis mei qui est in sancto.
25 to meet to sing (after *L(S)*) to play in/on/with midst maiden to beat
Praevenerunt principes coniuncti psallentibus, in medio iuvencularum tympanistriarum.
26 in/on/with assembly to bless God LORD from fountain Israel
In ecclesiis benedicite Deo Domino, de fontibus Israel.
27 there Benjamin little to rule them ruler Judah crowd their ruler Zebulun ruler Naphtali
Ibi Beniamin adolescentulus, in mentis excessu. Principes Iuda, duces eorum: principes Zabulon, principes Nephthali.
28 to command God your strength your be strong [emph?] God this to work to/for us
Manda Deus virtuti tuae: confirma hoc Deus, quod operatus es in nobis.
29 from temple your upon Jerusalem to/for you to conduct king gift
A templo tuo in Ierusalem, tibi offerent reges munera.
30 to rebuke living thing branch: stem congregation mighty: ox in/on/with calf people to stamp in/on/with piece silver: money to scatter people battle to delight in
Increpa feras arundinis, congregatio taurorum in vaccis populorum: ut excludant eos, qui probati sunt argento. Dissipa gentes, quae bella volunt:
31 to come ambassador from Egypt Cush to run: run hand his to/for God
venient legati ex Aegypto: Aethiopia praeveniet manus eius Deo.
32 kingdom [the] land: country/planet to sing to/for God to sing Lord (Selah)
Regna terrae, cantate Deo: psallite Domino: psallite Deo.
33 to/for to ride in/on/with heaven heaven front: old look! to give: cry out in/on/with voice his voice strength
qui ascendit super caelum caeli, ad Orientem. Ecce dabit voci suae vocem virtutis,
34 to give: give strength to/for God upon Israel pride his and strength his in/on/with cloud
date gloriam Deo super Israel, magnificentia eius, et virtus eius in nubibus.
35 to fear: revere God from sanctuary your God Israel he/she/it to give: give strength and power to/for people to bless God
Mirabilis Deus in sanctis suis, Deus Israel ipse dabit virtutem, et fortitudinem plebi suae, benedictus Deus.

< Psalms 68 >