< Psalms 64 >

1 to/for to conduct melody to/for David to hear: hear God voice my in/on/with complaint my from dread enemy to watch life my
Psalmus David, in finem. Exaudi Deus orationem meam cum deprecor: a timore inimici eripe animam meam.
2 to hide me from counsel be evil from scheming to work evil: wickedness
Protexisti me a conventu malignantium: a multitudine operantium iniquitatem.
3 which to sharpen like/as sword tongue their to tread arrow their word bitter
Quia exacuerunt ut gladium linguas suas: intenderunt arcum rem amaram,
4 to/for to shoot in/on/with hiding complete suddenly to shoot him and not to fear
ut sagittent in occultis immaculatum.
5 to strengthen: hold to/for them word: deed bad: evil to recount to/for to hide snare to say who? to see: see to/for them
Subito sagittabunt eum, et non timebunt: firmaverunt sibi sermonem nequam. Narraverunt ut absconderent laqueos: dixerunt: Quis videbit eos?
6 to search injustice to finish plot to search and entrails: inner parts man and heart deep
Scrutati sunt iniquitates: defecerunt scrutantes scrutinio. Accedet homo ad cor altum:
7 and to shoot them God arrow suddenly to be wound their
et exaltabitur Deus. Sagittae parvulorum factae sunt plagae eorum:
8 and to stumble him upon them tongue their to wander all to see: see in/on/with them
et infirmatae sunt contra eos linguae eorum. Conturbati sunt omnes qui videbant eos:
9 and to fear: revere all man and to tell work God and deed: work his be prudent
et timuit omnis homo. Et annunciaverunt opera Dei: et facta eius intellexerunt.
10 to rejoice righteous in/on/with LORD and to seek refuge in/on/with him and to boast: boast all upright heart
Laetabitur iustus in Domino, et sperabit in eo, et laudabuntur omnes recti corde.

< Psalms 64 >