< Psalms 33 >

1 to sing righteous in/on/with LORD to/for upright lovely praise
Psalmus David. Exultate iusti in Domino: rectos decet collaudatio.
2 to give thanks to/for LORD in/on/with lyre in/on/with harp ten to sing to/for him
Confitemini Domino in cithara: in psalterio decem chordarum psallite illi.
3 to sing to/for him song new be good to play in/on/with shout
Cantate ei canticum novum: bene psallite ei in vociferatione.
4 for upright word LORD and all deed: work his in/on/with faithfulness
Quia rectum est verbum Domini, et omnia opera eius in fide.
5 to love: lover righteousness and justice kindness LORD to fill [the] land: country/planet
Diligit misericordiam et iudicium: misericordia Domini plena est terra.
6 in/on/with word LORD heaven to make and in/on/with spirit: breath lip his all army their
Verbo Domini caeli firmati sunt: et spiritu oris eius omnis virtus eorum.
7 to gather like/as heap water [the] sea to give: put in/on/with treasure abyss
Congregans sicut in utre aquas maris: ponens in thesauris abyssos.
8 to fear: revere from LORD all [the] land: country/planet from him to dread all to dwell world
Timeat Dominum omnis terra: ab eo autem commoveantur omnes inhabitantes orbem.
9 for he/she/it to say and to be he/she/it to command and to stand: stand
Quoniam ipse dixit, et facta sunt: ipse mandavit, et creata sunt.
10 LORD to break counsel nation to forbid plot people
Dominus dissipat consilia gentium: reprobat autem cogitationes populorum, et reprobat consilia principum.
11 counsel LORD to/for forever: enduring to stand: stand plot heart his to/for generation and generation
Consilium autem Domini in aeternum manet: cogitationes cordis eius in generatione et generationem.
12 blessed [the] nation which LORD God his [the] people to choose to/for inheritance to/for him
Beata gens, cuius est Dominus, Deus eius: populus, quem elegit in hereditatem sibi.
13 from heaven to look LORD to see: see [obj] all son: child [the] man
De caelo respexit Dominus: vidit omnes filios hominum.
14 from foundation to dwell his to gaze to(wards) all to dwell [the] land: country/planet
De praeparato habitaculo suo respexit super omnes, qui habitant terram.
15 [the] to form: formed unitedness heart their [the] to understand to(wards) all deed their
Qui finxit sigillatim corda eorum: qui intelligit omnia opera eorum.
16 nothing [the] king to save in/on/with abundance strength: soldiers mighty man not to rescue in/on/with abundance strength
Non salvatur rex per multam virtutem: et gigas non salvabitur in multitudine virtutis suae.
17 deception [the] horse to/for deliverance: salvation and in/on/with abundance strength his not to escape
Fallax equus ad salutem: in abundantia autem virtutis suae non salvabitur.
18 behold eye LORD to(wards) afraid his to/for to wait: hope to/for kindness his
Ecce oculi Domini super metuentes eum: et in eis, qui sperant super misericordia eius.
19 to/for to rescue from death soul their and to/for to live them in/on/with famine
Ut eruat a morte animas eorum: et alat eos in fame.
20 soul our to wait to/for LORD helper our and shield our he/she/it
Anima nostra sustinet Dominum: quoniam adiutor et protector noster est.
21 for in/on/with him to rejoice heart our for in/on/with name holiness his to trust
Quia in eo laetabitur cor nostrum: et in nomine sancto eius speravimus.
22 to be kindness your LORD upon us like/as as which to wait: hope to/for you
Fiat misericordia tua Domine super nos: quemadmodum speravimus in te.

< Psalms 33 >