< Proverbs 6 >

1 son: child my if to pledge to/for neighbor your to blow to/for be a stranger palm your 2 to snare in/on/with word lip your to capture in/on/with word lip your 3 to make: do this then son: child my and to rescue for to come (in): come in/on/with palm neighbor your to go: went to stamp and to be assertive neighbor your 4 not to give: give sleep to/for eye your and slumber to/for eyelid your 5 to rescue like/as gazelle from hand and like/as bird from hand fowler 6 to go: went to(wards) ant sluggish to see: examine way: conduct her and be wise 7 which nothing to/for her chief official and to rule 8 to establish: prepare in/on/with summer food: bread her to gather in/on/with harvest food her 9 till how sluggish to lie down: lay down how to arise: rise from sleep your 10 little sleep little slumber little folding hand to/for to lie down: sleep 11 and to come (in): come like/as to go: follow poverty your and need your like/as man shield 12 man Belial: worthless man evil: wickedness to go: walk crookedness lip: word 13 to wink (in/on/with eye his *Q(K)*) to rub (in/on/with foot his *Q(K)*) to show in/on/with finger his 14 perversity in/on/with heart his to plow/plot bad: evil in/on/with all time (contention *Q(K)*) to send: depart 15 upon so suddenly to come (in): come calamity his suddenness to break and nothing healing 16 six they(fem.) to hate LORD and seven (abomination *Q(K)*) soul: myself his 17 eye to exalt tongue deception and hand to pour: kill blood innocent 18 heart to plow/plot plot evil: wickedness foot to hasten to/for to run: run to/for distress: evil 19 to breathe lie witness deception and to send: depart strife between brother: male-sibling 20 to watch son: child my commandment father your and not to leave instruction mother your 21 to conspire them upon heart your continually to bind them upon neck your 22 in/on/with to go: walk you to lead [obj] you in/on/with to lie down: lay down you to keep: guard upon you and to awake he/she/it to muse you 23 for lamp commandment and instruction light and way: conduct life argument discipline 24 to/for to keep: guard you from woman bad: evil from smoothness tongue foreign 25 not to desire beauty her in/on/with heart your and not to take: take you in/on/with eyelid her 26 for about/through/for woman to fornicate till talent food: bread and woman man: husband soul: life precious to hunt 27 to snatch up man fire in/on/with bosom: lap his and garment his not to burn 28 if to go: walk man upon [the] coal and foot his not to burn 29 so [the] to come (in): come to(wards) woman: wife neighbor his not to clear all [the] to touch in/on/with her 30 not to despise to/for thief for to steal to/for to fill soul: appetite his for be hungry 31 and to find to complete sevenfold [obj] all substance house: home his to give: give 32 to commit adultery woman lacking heart to ruin soul: myself his he/she/it to make: do her 33 plague and dishonor to find and reproach his not to wipe 34 for jealousy rage great man and not to spare in/on/with day vengeance 35 not to lift: kindness face: kindness all ransom and not be willing for to multiply bribe

< Proverbs 6 >