< Nahum 1 >

1 oracle Nineveh scroll: book vision Nahum [the] Elkoshite
Onus Ninive: Liber visionis Nahum Elchesaei.
2 God jealous and to avenge LORD to avenge LORD and master: [master of] rage to avenge LORD to/for enemy his and to keep he/she/it to/for enemy his
Deus aemulator, et ulciscens Dominus: ulciscens Dominus, et habens furorem: ulciscens Dominus in hostes suos, et irascens ipse inimicis suis.
3 LORD slow face: anger (and great: large *Q(K)*) strength and to clear not to clear LORD in/on/with whirlwind and in/on/with storm way: journey his and cloud dust foot his
Dominus patiens, et magnus fortitudine, et mundans non faciet innocentem. Dominus in tempestate, et turbine viae eius, et nebulae pulvis pedum eius.
4 to rebuke in/on/with sea and to wither him and all [the] river to dry to weaken Bashan and Carmel and flower Lebanon to weaken
Increpans mare, et exiccans illud: et omnia flumina ad desertum deducens. Infirmatus est Basan, et Carmelus: et flos Libani elanguit.
5 mountain: mount to shake from him and [the] hill to melt and to lift: raise [the] land: country/planet from face: before his and world and all to dwell in/on/with her
Montes commoti sunt ab eo, et colles desolati sunt: et contremuit terra a facie eius, et orbis, et omnes habitantes in eo.
6 to/for face: before indignation his who? to stand: stand and who? to arise: rise in/on/with burning anger face: anger his rage his to pour like/as fire and [the] rock to tear from him
Ante faciem indignationis eius quis stabit? et quis resistet in ira furoris eius? indignatio eius effusa est ut ignis: et petrae dissolutae sunt ab eo.
7 pleasant LORD to/for security in/on/with day distress and to know to seek refuge in/on/with him
Bonus Dominus, et confortans in die tribulationis: et sciens sperantes in se.
8 and in/on/with flood to pass consumption to make place her and enemy his to pursue darkness
et in diluvio praetereunte, consummationem faciet loci eius: et inimicos eius persequentur tenebrae.
9 what? to devise: devise [emph?] to(wards) LORD consumption he/she/it to make not to arise: rise beat distress
Quid cogitatis contra Dominum? consummationem ipse faciet: non consurget duplex tribulatio.
10 for till thorn to interweave and like/as liquor their to imbibe to eat like/as stubble dry full
Quia sicut spinae seinvicem complectuntur, sic convivium eorum pariter potantium: consumentur quasi stipula ariditate plena.
11 from you to come out: come to devise: devise upon LORD distress: evil to advise Belial: worthless
Ex te exibit cogitans contra Dominum malitiam: mente pertractans praevaricationem.
12 thus to say LORD if complete and so many and so to shear and to pass and to afflict you not to afflict you still
Haec dicit Dominus: Si perfecti fuerint: et ita plures, sic quoque attondentur, et pertransibit: afflixi te, et non affligam te ultra.
13 and now to break yoke his from upon you and bond your to tear
Et nunc conteram virgam eius de dorso tuo, et vincula tua disrumpam.
14 and to command upon you LORD not to sow from name your still from house: temple God your to cut: eliminate idol and liquid to set: make grave your for to lighten
Et praecipiet super te Dominus, non seminabitur ex nomine tuo amplius: de domo Dei tui interficiam sculptile, et conflatile, ponam sepulchrum tuum, quia inhonoratus es.
15 behold upon [the] mountain: mount foot to bear tidings to hear: proclaim peace to celebrate Judah feast your to complete vow your for not to add: again still (to/for to pass *Q(k)*) in/on/with you Belial: worthless all his to cut: eliminate
Ecce super montes pedes evangelizantis, et annunciantis pacem: celebra Iuda festivitates tuas, et redde vota tua: quia non adiiciet ultra ut pertranseat in te Belial: universus interiit.

< Nahum 1 >