< Matthew 6 >

1 to watch out (then *no*) the/this/who (righteousness *N(K)O*) you not to do/make: do before the/this/who a human to/with the/this/who to look at it/s/he if: else then not indeed wage no to have/be from/with/beside the/this/who father you the/this/who in/on/among the/this/who heaven 2 when(-ever) therefore/then to do/make: do charity not to sound a trumpet before you just as the/this/who hypocrite to do/make: do in/on/among the/this/who synagogue and in/on/among the/this/who lane that to glorify by/under: by the/this/who a human amen to say you to have in full the/this/who wage it/s/he 3 you then to do/make: do charity not to know the/this/who left you which? to do/make: do the/this/who right you 4 that to be you the/this/who charity in/on/among the/this/who hidden and the/this/who father you the/this/who to see in/on/among the/this/who hidden (themself *k*) to pay you (in/on/among the/this/who clear *K*) 5 and when(-ever) (to pray *N(K)O*) no (to be *N(K)O*) (as/when *N(k)O*) the/this/who hypocrite that/since: since to love in/on/among the/this/who synagogue and in/on/among the/this/who corner the/this/who street to stand to pray that (if *k*) to shine/appear the/this/who a human amen to say you (that/since: that *k*) to have in full the/this/who wage it/s/he 6 you then when(-ever) to pray to enter toward the/this/who inner room you and to shut the/this/who door you to pray the/this/who father you the/this/who in/on/among the/this/who hidden and the/this/who father you the/this/who to see in/on/among the/this/who hidden to pay you (in/on/among the/this/who clear *K*) 7 to pray then not to babble just as the/this/who Gentile-like to think for that/since: that in/on/among the/this/who wordiness it/s/he to listen to 8 not therefore/then to liken it/s/he to know for (the/this/who God *O*) the/this/who father you which need to have/be before the/this/who you to ask it/s/he 9 thus(-ly) therefore/then to pray you father me the/this/who in/on/among the/this/who heaven to sanctify the/this/who name you 10 to come/go the/this/who kingdom you to be the/this/who will/desire you as/when in/on/among heaven and upon/to/against (the/this/who *k*) earth: planet 11 the/this/who bread me the/this/who daily to give me today 12 and to release: forgive me the/this/who debt me as/when and me (to release: forgive *N(k)O*) the/this/who debtor me 13 and not to bring in me toward temptation/testing: temptation but to rescue me away from the/this/who evil/bad (that/since: since you to be the/this/who kingdom and the/this/who power and the/this/who glory toward the/this/who an age: eternity *K*) (amen *KO*) 14 if for to release: forgive the/this/who a human the/this/who trespass it/s/he to release: forgive and you the/this/who father you the/this/who heavenly 15 if then not to release: forgive the/this/who a human (the/this/who *ko*) (trespass it/s/he *KO*) nor the/this/who father you to release: forgive the/this/who trespass you 16 when(-ever) then to fast not to be (as/when *N(k)O*) the/this/who hypocrite sad to destroy for the/this/who face it/s/he that to shine/appear the/this/who a human to fast amen to say you (that/since: that *k*) to have in full the/this/who wage it/s/he 17 you then to fast to anoint you the/this/who head and the/this/who face you to wash 18 that not to shine/appear the/this/who a human to fast but the/this/who father you the/this/who in/on/among the/this/who (hidden *N(k)O*) and the/this/who father you the/this/who to see in/on/among the/this/who (hidden *N(k)O*) to pay you (in/on/among the/this/who clear *K*) 19 not to store up you treasure upon/to/against the/this/who earth: planet where(-ever) moth and eating to destroy and where(-ever) thief to break in and to steal 20 to store up then you treasure in/on/among heaven where(-ever) neither moth neither eating to destroy and where(-ever) thief no to break in nor to steal 21 where(-ever) for to be the/this/who treasure (you *N(k)O*) there to be and the/this/who heart (you *N(k)O*) 22 the/this/who lamp the/this/who body to be the/this/who eye if therefore/then to be the/this/who eye you sound all the/this/who body you bright to be 23 if then the/this/who eye you evil/bad to be all the/this/who body you dark to be if therefore/then the/this/who light the/this/who in/on/among you darkness to be the/this/who darkness how much/many? 24 none be able two lord: master be a slave or for the/this/who one to hate and the/this/who other to love or one to cling to and the/this/who other to despise no be able God be a slave and wealth 25 through/because of this/he/she/it to say you not to worry the/this/who soul: life you which? to eat (or *N(k)O*) which? to drink nor the/this/who body you which? to put on not! the/this/who soul: life greater to be the/this/who food and the/this/who body the/this/who clothing 26 to look into/upon toward the/this/who bird the/this/who heaven that/since: that no to sow nor to reap nor to assemble toward storehouse and the/this/who father you the/this/who heavenly to feed it/s/he no you more to spread/surpass it/s/he 27 which? then out from you to worry be able to add (to) upon/to/against the/this/who age/height it/s/he cubit/hour one 28 and about clothing which? to worry to consider the/this/who lily the/this/who field how! (to grow *N(k)O*) no (to labor *N(k)O*) nor (to spin *N(k)O*) 29 to say then you that/since: that nor Solomon in/on/among all the/this/who glory it/s/he to clothe as/when one this/he/she/it 30 if then the/this/who grass the/this/who field today to be and tomorrow toward oven to throw: throw the/this/who God thus(-ly) to clothe no much more you of little faith 31 not therefore/then to worry to say which? to eat or which? to drink or which? to clothe 32 all for this/he/she/it the/this/who Gentiles (to seek after *N(k)O*) to know for the/this/who father you the/this/who heavenly that/since: that to need this/he/she/it all 33 to seek then first the/this/who kingdom the/this/who God and the/this/who righteousness it/s/he and this/he/she/it all to add (to) you 34 not therefore/then to worry toward the/this/who tomorrow the/this/who for tomorrow to worry (the/this/who *k*) themself sufficient the/this/who day the/this/who evil it/s/he

< Matthew 6 >