< Luke 24 >

1 the/this/who then one the/this/who Sabbath dawn deep upon/to/against the/this/who tomb to come/go to bear/lead which to make ready spices (and one with it/s/he *K*)
Erile go sa le mo mosong ka Tshipi ba tseela ditlolo tsa bone kwa phupung,
2 to find/meet then the/this/who stone to roll away away from the/this/who grave
mme ba fitlhela lentswe le legolo le le neng le khurumeditse phupu le hidikolotswe.
3 (and *k*) to enter (then *no*) no to find/meet the/this/who body the/this/who lord: God Jesus
Jalo ba tsena mo teng, mme setopo sa ga Jesu sa bo se seyo.
4 and to be in/on/among the/this/who (be perplexed *N(k)O*) it/s/he about this/he/she/it and look! man two to approach it/s/he in/on/among (clothing to flash *N(k)O*)
Ba ema foo ba reregile ba akanya gore se ka bo se diragaletswe ke eng? Ka tshoganetso banna ba babedi ba iponatsa mo go bone, ba apere diaparo tse di tshweu di lakasela mo e leng gore matlho a bone a ne a kaloga.
5 afraid then to be it/s/he and to bow/lay down (the/this/who face *N(k)O*) toward the/this/who earth: soil to say to/with it/s/he which? to seek the/this/who to live with/after the/this/who dead
Basadi ba bo ba tshogile thata mme ba obama fa pele ga bone. Mme banna ba ba botsa ba re, “Ke eng fa lo batla motshedi mo diphupung?
6 no to be here but to arise to remember as/when to speak you still to be in/on/among the/this/who Galilee
Ga a yo fa! O rudile! A ga lo gakologelwe se o neng a se lo bolelela kwa Galalea gore Mesia o tshwanetse go okelwa mo nonofong ya batho ba ba bosula a bo a bapolwa mme a tsoge ka letsatsi la boraro?”
7 to say the/this/who son the/this/who a human that/since: that be necessary to deliver toward hand a human sinful and to crucify and the/this/who third day to arise
8 and to remember the/this/who declaration it/s/he
Mme ba gakologelwa,
9 and to return away from the/this/who grave to announce this/he/she/it all the/this/who eleven and all the/this/who remaining
ba sianela kwa Jerusalema go ya go bolelela barutwa ba gagwe ba ba lesome le bongwe le mongwe le mongwe se se diragetseng.
10 to be then the/this/who Magdalene Mary and Joanna and Mary the/this/who James and the/this/who remaining with it/s/he (which *k*) to say to/with the/this/who apostle this/he/she/it
(Basadi ba ba neng ba ya kwa phupung e ne e le Marea Magatalena, Joana le Marea mmagwe Jakobe le ba bangwe ba le bantsinyana).
11 and to shine/appear before it/s/he like/as/about nonsense the/this/who declaration (this/he/she/it *N(k)O*) and to disbelieve it/s/he
Mme polelo e ya utlwala ekete dinaane fela mo bathong, ba se ka ba e dumela.
12 the/this/who then Peter to arise to run upon/to/against the/this/who grave and to stoop to see the/this/who bandages (to lay/be appointed *k*) alone and to go away to/with (themself *NK(o)*) to marvel the/this/who to be
Le fa go ntse jalo, Petere a sianela kwa phupung go ya go bona. A obama a okomela mme a bona diphutho tse di senang sepe; a boela gae, a gakgamaletse se se diragetseng.
13 and look! two out from it/s/he in/on/among it/s/he the/this/who day to be to travel toward village to have in full stadium sixty away from Jerusalem which name Emmaus
Ka lone letsatsi leo, balatedi bangwe ba ga Jesu ba le babedi ba bo ba ya kwa motsaneng wa Emau; bokgakala jwa dimmaele di supa go tswa kwa Jerusalema.
14 and it/s/he to talk to/with one another about all the/this/who to happen this/he/she/it
Ya re ba ntse ba tsamaya ba bo ba bua; kaga loso lwa ga Jesu,
15 and to be in/on/among the/this/who to talk it/s/he and to debate and it/s/he (the/this/who *k*) Jesus to come near to go with it/s/he
mme ka tshoganetso Jesu ka sebele a tla a tseisanya nabo tsela!
16 the/this/who then eye it/s/he to grasp/seize the/this/who not to come to know it/s/he
Mme ba se ka ba mo lemoga, gonne Modimo o ne wa dira gore ba seka ba lemoga.
17 to say then to/with it/s/he which? the/this/who word this/he/she/it which to discuss to/with one another to walk and (to stand *N(K)O*) sad
A ba raya a re, “Lo lebega o ka re lo tshotse kgang e tona ka ga sengwe. Lo tshotse kgang ka ga eng?” Ba ema go se kae ba tlhontse difatlhogo.
18 to answer then (the/this/who *k*) one (out from it/s/he *O*) (which *k*) (name *NK(o)*) Cleopas to say to/with it/s/he you alone be a stranger (in/on/among *k*) Jerusalem and no to know the/this/who to be in/on/among it/s/he in/on/among the/this/who day this/he/she/it
Mme mongwe wa bone, ebong Keleopase a fetola a re, “E tshwanetse ya bo e le wena fela mo Jerusalema yo o iseng o utlwalele dilo tse di gakgamatsang tse di diragetseng mo bekeng e e fetileng.”
19 and to say it/s/he what? the/this/who then to say it/s/he the/this/who about Jesus the/this/who (Nazareth *N(k)O*) which to be man prophet able in/on/among work and word in front of the/this/who God and all the/this/who a people
Jesu a botsa a re, “Dilo di fe?” Ba re, “Dilo tse di dirageletseng Jesu, wa Monasara. E ne e le Moporofiti yo o neng a dira dikgakgamatso tse di leng thata go dumelwa ebile e le Moruti yo mogolo yo o neng a tlotlwa thata ke Modimo le batho.
20 that and/both to deliver it/s/he the/this/who high-priest and the/this/who ruler me toward judgment death and to crucify it/s/he
Mme baperesiti ba bagolo le baeteledipele ba tumelo ya rona ba mo tshwara ba mo neela mmuso wa Se-Roma go atlholelwa loso, ba bo ba mmapola.
21 me then to hope/expect that/since: that it/s/he to be the/this/who to ensue to ransom the/this/who Israel but indeed (and *no*) with all this/he/she/it third this/he/she/it day to bring (today *ko*) away from which this/he/she/it to be
Re ne re solofetse gore e ne e le Mesia yo o galalelang yo o tsileng go golola Iseraele. Mme jaanong, mo godimo ga mo gotlhe mo go diragetseng mo malatsing a mararo a a fetileng,
22 but and woman one out from me to amaze me to be (dawn *N(k)O*) upon/to/against the/this/who grave
basadi bangwe ba setlhopha sa rona sa balatedi ba gagwe ba ne ba le kwa phupung phakela thata mme ba boa ka polelo e e hakgamatsang e e reng setopo sa gagwe ga seyo, le gore ba bonye baengele gone ba ba ba boleletseng gore Jesu o a tshela!
23 and not to find/meet the/this/who body it/s/he to come/go to say and vision angel to see: see which to say it/s/he to live
24 and to go away one the/this/who with me upon/to/against the/this/who grave and to find/meet thus(-ly) as/just as and the/this/who woman to say it/s/he then no to perceive: see
Bangwe ba rona ba ne ba sianela teng go ya go bona, mme ka boammaaruri jo bo tletseng setopo sa ga Jesu sa bo se seyo, fela jaaka basadi ba boletse.”
25 and it/s/he to say to/with it/s/he oh! foolish and slow the/this/who heart the/this/who to trust (in) upon/to/against all which to speak the/this/who prophet
Mme Jesu a ba raya a re, “Lo dieleele go le kae? A batho ba ba dieleele! Lo palelwa ke go dumela se baporofiti ba se kwadileng mo dikwalong!
26 not! this/he/she/it be necessary to suffer the/this/who Christ and to enter toward the/this/who glory it/s/he
A ga go a tlhalosiwa pele ke baporofiti gore Mesia o tlaa bogela dilo tse tsotlhe pele ga a tsena mo kgalalelong ya Gagwe!”
27 and be first away from Moses and away from all the/this/who prophet (to interpret *N(k)O*) it/s/he in/on/among all the/this/who a writing the/this/who about (themself *NK(o)*)
Mme a ba phuthololela mafoko ka go latelana ga one mo dikwalong tsa baporofiti, a simolola ka lokwalo lwa Genesese mme a tsamaya le dikwalo tse dingwe, a tlhalosa gore mafoko a ne a raya eng le gore a ne a bua kaga gagwe.
28 and to come near toward the/this/who village whither to travel and it/s/he (to pretend *N(k)O*) far (away) to travel
Ka nako e ba ne ba atamela Emau kwa ba neng ba ya teng. Jesu a dira jaaka o ka re o santse a fetela kwa pele,
29 and to urge it/s/he to say to stay with/after me that/since: since to/with evening to be and to bow/lay down (already *no*) the/this/who day and to enter the/this/who to stay with it/s/he
mme ba mo kopa go lala nabo, ka nako e ne e setse e fetile. Jalo a ya lwapeng nabo.
30 and to be in/on/among the/this/who to sit it/s/he with/after it/s/he to take the/this/who bread to praise/bless and to break to give/deliver it/s/he
Mme ya re ba nna fa fatshe ba a ja, a kopela dijo tshegofatso mo Modimong mme a tsaya senkgwe se sennye a se ngathoganya a se ba naya,
31 it/s/he then to open up the/this/who eye and to come to know it/s/he and it/s/he disappearing to be away from it/s/he
ka bonako matlho a bone a bulega mme ba mo lemoga! mme ka sone sebaka se a nyelela.
32 and to say to/with one another not! the/this/who heart me to kindle/burn to be in/on/among me as/when to speak me in/on/among the/this/who road (and *k*) as/when to open up me the/this/who a writing
Ba simolola go bolelelana ka fa dipelo tsa bone di tlhotlhelesegileng ka teng fa a bua le bone a tlhalosa dikwalo fa ba ntse ba tsamaya mo tseleng.
33 and to arise it/s/he the/this/who hour to return toward Jerusalem and to find/meet (to gather *N(k)O*) the/this/who eleven and the/this/who with it/s/he
Fela ka yone nako eo ba nanoga ba boela kwa Jerusalema, kwa barutwa ba ba lesome le motso le balatedi ba bangwe ba ga Jesu ba neng ba ba dumedisa ka mafoko a, “Ruri Morena o tsogile. O iponaditse mo go Petere!”
34 to say that/since: that really to arise the/this/who lord: God and to appear Simon
35 and it/s/he to tell the/this/who in/on/among the/this/who road and as/when to know it/s/he in/on/among the/this/who breaking the/this/who bread
Mme ba babedi ba ba tswang Emau ba bolela ka fa Jesu a iponaditseng mo go bone ka teng fa a ngathoganya senkgwe.
36 this/he/she/it then it/s/he to speak it/s/he (the/this/who *k*) (Jesus *K*) to stand in/on/among midst it/s/he and to say it/s/he peace you
Mme ya re ba sa ntse ba bua ka gone, ka tshoganetso Jesu a bo a setse a eme foo mo gare ga bone, a ba dumedisa!
37 to frighten then and afraid to be to think spirit/breath: spirit to see/experience
Mme botlhe ba bo ba tshogile thata, ba gopola gore ba bona sepoko.
38 and to say it/s/he which? to trouble to be and through/because of which? reasoning to ascend in/on/among (the/this/who heart *N(k)O*) you
A ba botsa a re, “Lo tshositswe ke eng? Ke eng fa lo belaela gore a ruri ke Nna?
39 to perceive: see the/this/who hand me and the/this/who foot me that/since: that I/we to be it/s/he to touch me and to perceive: see that/since: since spirit/breath: spirit flesh and bone no to have/be as/just as I/we to see/experience to have/be
“Lebelelang dinao tsa me! Lo ka bona gore ke nna ka sebele. Nkamang gore lo tlhomamise sentle gore ga ke sepoko! Gonne dipoko ga di na mebele, jaaka lo bona nna ke na le one.”
40 and this/he/she/it to say (to show *N(k)O*) it/s/he the/this/who hand and the/this/who foot
Mme ya re a bua jaana, a tsholetsa diatla gore ba bone [dipadi tsa dipekere] mo diatleng tsa gagwe, a ba a ba kaela dintho mo dinaong tsa gagwe.
41 still then to disbelieve it/s/he away from the/this/who joy and to marvel to say it/s/he to have/be one edible in/to this place
Le fa go ntse jalo ba nna foo ba sa itse gore ba ka reng, ba tletse boitumelo le pelaelo. Mme a ba botsa a re, “A lo na le sengwe se se jewang fano?”
42 the/this/who then to give/deliver it/s/he fish broiled part (and away from honeycomb honeycomb *KO*)
Ba mo naya setoki sa tlhapi e e besitsweng.
43 and to take before it/s/he to eat
Mme a e ja ba mo lebeletse.
44 to say then (to/with *no*) (it/s/he *N(k)O*) this/he/she/it the/this/who word (me *NO*) which to speak to/with you still to be with you that/since: that be necessary to fulfill all the/this/who to write in/on/among the/this/who law Moses and (the/this/who *no*) prophet and psalm about I/we
Mme a ba raya a re, “Mafoko a, ke ona a ke kileng ka a bua le lona ke santse ke na le lona fa dilo tsotlhe di na le go diragala, ebong tse di kwadilweng mo molaong wa ga Moshe, le mo baporofiting le mo dipesalemeng, kaga me.”
45 then to open up it/s/he the/this/who mind the/this/who to understand the/this/who a writing
Hong a rarabolola tlhaloganyo ya bone, gore ba tlhaloganye dikwalo.
46 and to say it/s/he that/since: that thus(-ly) to write (and thus(-ly) be necessary *K*) to suffer the/this/who Christ and to arise out from dead the/this/who third day
Mme a ba raya a re, “Go kwadilwe jaana, fa ene Keresete a tla swa jalo, mme a ba a tsoga mo losong ka letsatsi la boraro;
47 and to preach upon/to/against the/this/who name it/s/he repentance (toward *N(K)O*) forgiveness sin toward all the/this/who Gentiles (be first *N(k)O*) away from Jerusalem
le gore go rerelwe merafe yotlhe boikotlhao jwa dibe ka leina la gagwe, go simolola mo Jerusalema.
48 you (then *k*) (to be *ko*) witness this/he/she/it
“Lona lo basupi ba dilo tse.
49 and look! (I/we to send *NK(o)*) the/this/who promise the/this/who father me upon/to/against you you then to seat in/on/among the/this/who city (Jerusalem *k*) until which to put on out from height power
Mme, bonang, ke tlisa polelo ya tsholofetso ya ga Rre mo go lona: mme lo name lo sa diegile mo motseng wa Jerusalema, go tlo go tsamaye lo amogele nonofo e e tswang kwa godimo.”
50 to lead out then it/s/he out/outside(r) until (to/with *N(k)O*) Bethany and to lift up the/this/who hand it/s/he to praise/bless it/s/he
Mme a ba etelela pele ba ya go fitlha go lebagana le Bethania; mme a choletsa mabogo a gagwe, a ba segofatsa.
51 and to be in/on/among the/this/who to praise/bless it/s/he it/s/he to pass away from it/s/he and to carry up toward the/this/who heaven
Mme ga diragala ya re a sa ntse a ba segofatsa, a kgaogana nabo, mme a tsholelediwa kwa legodimong.
52 and it/s/he to worship it/s/he to return toward Jerusalem with/after joy great
Mme ba mo obamela; mme ba boela kwa Jerusalema ka boitumelo jo bogolo,
53 and to be (through/because of *N(K)O*) (all *N(k)O*) in/on/among the/this/who temple (to praise and *KO*) to praise/bless the/this/who God (amen *K*)
mme ba tlhola ba ntse ba le mo tempeleng ka gale, ba baka Modimo.

< Luke 24 >