< Jonah 1 >

1 and to be word LORD to(wards) Jonah son: child Amittai to/for to say
Et factum est verbum Domini ad Ionam filium Amathi, dicens:
2 to arise: rise to go: went to(wards) Nineveh [the] city [the] great: large and to call: call out upon her for to ascend: rise distress: evil their to/for face: before my
Surge, et vade in Niniven civitatem grandem, et praedica in ea: quia ascendit malitia eius coram me.
3 and to arise: rise Jonah to/for to flee Tarshish [to] from to/for face LORD and to go down Joppa and to find fleet to come (in): come Tarshish and to give: pay wages her and to go down in/on/with her to/for to come (in): come with them Tarshish [to] from to/for face LORD
Et surrexit Ionas, ut fugeret in Tharsis a facie Domini, et descendit in Ioppen, et invenit navem euntem in Tharsis: et dedit naulum eius, et descendit in eam ut iret cum eis in Tharsis a facie Domini.
4 and LORD to cast spirit: breath great: large to(wards) [the] sea and to be tempest great: large in/on/with sea and [the] fleet to devise: devise to/for to break
Dominus autem misit ventum magnum in mare: et facta est tempestas magna in mari, et navis periclitabatur conteri.
5 and to fear [the] mariner and to cry out man: anyone to(wards) God his and to cast [obj] [the] article/utensil which in/on/with fleet to(wards) [the] sea to/for to lighten from upon them and Jonah to go down to(wards) flank [the] ship and to lie down: lay down and to sleep
Et timuerunt nautae, et clamaverunt viri ad deum suum: et miserunt vasa, quae erant in navi, in mare, ut alleviaretur ab eis: et Ionas descendit ad interiora navis, et dormiebat sopore gravi.
6 and to present: come to(wards) him chief [the] pilot and to say to/for him what? to/for you to sleep to arise: rise to call: call to to(wards) God your perhaps to think [the] God to/for us and not to perish
Et accessit ad eum gubernator, et dixit ei: Quid tu sopore deprimeris? surge, invoca Deum tuum, si forte recogitet Deus de nobis, et non pereamus.
7 and to say man: anyone to(wards) neighbor his to go: come! and to fall: allot allotted and to know in/on/with which/that to/for who? [the] distress: evil [the] this to/for us and to fall: allot allotted and to fall: allot [the] allotted upon Jonah
Et dixit vir ad collegam suum: Venite, et mittamus sortes, et sciamus quare hoc malum sit nobis. Et miserunt sortes: et cecidit sors super Ionam.
8 and to say to(wards) him to tell [emph?] please to/for us in/on/with in which to/for who? [the] distress: evil [the] this to/for us what? work your and from where? to come (in): come what? land: country/planet your and where? from this people you(m. s.)
Et dixerunt ad eum: Indica nobis cuius causa malum istud sit nobis: quod est opus tuum? quae terra tua? et quo vadis? vel ex quo populo es tu?
9 and to say to(wards) them Hebrew I and [obj] LORD God [the] heaven I afraid which to make [obj] [the] sea and [obj] [the] dry land
Et dixit ad eos: Hebraeus ego sum, et Dominum Deum caeli ego timeo, qui fecit mare et aridam.
10 and to fear [the] human fear great: large and to say to(wards) him what? this to make: do for to know [the] human for from to/for face LORD he/she/it to flee for to tell to/for them
Et timuerunt viri timore magno, et dixerunt ad eum: Quid hoc fecisti? (Cognoverunt enim viri quod a facie Domini fugeret, quia indicaverat eis.)
11 and to say to(wards) him what? to make: do to/for you and be quiet [the] sea from upon us for [the] sea to go: continue and to rage
Et dixerunt ad eum: Quid faciemus tibi, et cessabit mare a nobis? quia mare ibat, et intumescebat.
12 and to say to(wards) them to lift: raise me and to cast me to(wards) [the] sea and be quiet [the] sea from upon you for to know I for in/on/with which/that to/for me [the] tempest [the] great: large [the] this upon you
Et dixit ad eos: Tollite me, et mittite in mare, et cessabit mare a vobis: scio enim ego quoniam propter me tempestas haec grandis venit super vos.
13 and to dig [the] human to/for to return: return to(wards) [the] dry land and not be able for [the] sea to go: continue and to rage upon them
Et remigabant viri ut reverterentur ad aridam, et non valebant: quia mare ibat, et intumescebat super eos.
14 and to call: call to to(wards) LORD and to say Please! LORD not please to perish in/on/with soul: life [the] man [the] this and not to give: put upon us blood innocent for you(m. s.) LORD like/as as which to delight in to make: do
Et clamaverunt ad Dominum, et dixerunt: Quaesumus Domine, ne pereamus in anima viri istius, et ne des super nos sanguinem innocentem: quia tu Domine, sicut voluisti, fecisti.
15 and to lift: raise [obj] Jonah and to cast him to(wards) [the] sea and to stand: stand [the] sea from rage his
Et tulerunt Ionam, et miserunt in mare: et stetit mare a fervore suo.
16 and to fear: revere [the] human fear great: large [obj] LORD and to sacrifice sacrifice to/for LORD and to vow vow
Et timuerunt viri timore magno Dominum, et immolaverunt hostias Domino, et voverunt vota.
17 and to count LORD fish great: large to/for to swallow up [obj] Jonah and to be Jonah in/on/with belly [the] fish three day and three night
Et praeparavit Dominus piscem grandem ut deglutiret Ionam: et erat Ionas in ventre piscis tribus diebus, et tribus noctibus.

< Jonah 1 >