< John 9 >

1 and to pass to perceive: see a human blind out from birth 2 and to ask it/s/he the/this/who disciple it/s/he to say Rabbi which? to sin this/he/she/it or the/this/who parent it/s/he in order that/to blind to beget 3 to answer (the/this/who *k*) Jesus neither this/he/she/it to sin neither the/this/who parent it/s/he but in order that/to to reveal the/this/who work the/this/who God in/on/among it/s/he 4 (me *N(K)O*) be necessary to work the/this/who work the/this/who to send me until day to be to come/go night when none be able to work 5 when(-ever) in/on/among the/this/who world to be light to be the/this/who world 6 this/he/she/it to say to spit on the ground and to do/make: do clay out from the/this/who saliva and (to rub on *NK(O)*) (it/s/he *no*) the/this/who clay upon/to/against the/this/who eye (the/this/who blind *k*) 7 and to say it/s/he to go to wash toward the/this/who pool the/this/who Siloam which to interpret to send to go away therefore/then and to wash and to come/go to see 8 the/this/who therefore/then neighbour and the/this/who to see/experience it/s/he the/this/who before that/since: that (a beggar *N(K)O*) to be to say no this/he/she/it to be the/this/who to sit and to beg 9 another to say that/since: that this/he/she/it to be another to say (not! *no*) (but *N(k)O*) (that/since: that *k*) like it/s/he to be that to say that/since: that I/we to be 10 to say therefore/then it/s/he how! (therefore/then *NO*) to open you the/this/who eye 11 to answer that (and to say *k*) (the/this/who *no*) a human (the/this/who *no*) to say: call Jesus clay to do/make: do and to rub on me the/this/who eye and to say me (that/since: that *no*) to go toward (the/this/who pool *k*) (the/this/who *N(k)O*) Siloam and to wash to go away (therefore/then *N(K)O*) and to wash to look up/again 12 (and *N(k)O*) to say it/s/he where? to be that to say no to know 13 to bring it/s/he to/with the/this/who Pharisee the/this/who once/when blind 14 to be then Sabbath (in/on/among which day *NO*) (when *k*) the/this/who clay to do/make: do the/this/who Jesus and to open it/s/he the/this/who eye 15 again therefore/then to ask it/s/he and the/this/who Pharisee how! to look up/again the/this/who then to say it/s/he clay to put/lay on me upon/to/against the/this/who eye and to wash and to see 16 to say therefore/then out from the/this/who Pharisee one no to be this/he/she/it from/with/beside (the/this/who *k*) God the/this/who a human that/since: since the/this/who Sabbath no to keep: observe another (then *no*) to say how! be able a human sinful such as this sign to do/make: do and split to be in/on/among it/s/he 17 to say (therefore/then *NO*) the/this/who blind again which? you to say about it/s/he that/since: since to open you the/this/who eye the/this/who then to say that/since: that prophet to be 18 no to trust (in) therefore/then the/this/who Jew about it/s/he that/since: that to be blind and to look up/again until who/which to call the/this/who parent it/s/he the/this/who to look up/again 19 and to ask it/s/he to say this/he/she/it to be the/this/who son you which you to say that/since: that blind to beget how! therefore/then to see now 20 to answer (therefore/then *N(k)*) (it/s/he *k*) the/this/who parent it/s/he and to say to know that/since: that this/he/she/it to be the/this/who son me and that/since: that blind to beget 21 how! then now to see no to know or which? to open it/s/he the/this/who eye me no to know it/s/he to ask (it/s/he *k*) age/height to have/be it/s/he about themself to speak 22 this/he/she/it to say the/this/who parent it/s/he that/since: since to fear the/this/who Jew already for to agree the/this/who Jew in order that/to if one it/s/he to confess/profess Christ excommunicated to be 23 through/because of this/he/she/it the/this/who parent it/s/he to say that/since: that age/height to have/be it/s/he (to question *N(k)O*) 24 to call therefore/then the/this/who a human out from secondly which to be blind and to say it/s/he to give glory the/this/who God me to know that/since: that this/he/she/it the/this/who a human sinful to be 25 to answer therefore/then that (and to say *k*) if sinful to be no to know one to know that/since: that blind to be now to see 26 to say (therefore/then *N(k)O*) it/s/he (again *k*) which? to do/make: do you how! to open you the/this/who eye 27 to answer it/s/he to say you already and no to hear which? again to will/desire to hear not and you to will/desire it/s/he disciple to be 28 (and *n(o)*) (the/this/who then *o*) to revile (therefore/then *K*) it/s/he and to say you disciple to be that me then the/this/who Moses to be disciple 29 me to know that/since: that Moses to speak the/this/who God this/he/she/it then no to know whence to be 30 to answer the/this/who a human and to say it/s/he in/on/among this/he/she/it for (the/this/who *no*) marvellous to be that/since: that you no to know whence to be and (to open *N(k)O*) me the/this/who eye 31 to know (then *k*) that/since: that sinful the/this/who God no to hear but if one godly to be and the/this/who will/desire it/s/he to do/make: do this/he/she/it to hear 32 out from the/this/who an age: age no to hear that/since: that to open one eye blind to beget (aiōn g165) 33 if not to be this/he/she/it from/with/beside God no be able to do/make: do none 34 to answer and to say it/s/he in/on/among sin you to beget all and you to teach me and to expel it/s/he out/outside(r) 35 to hear (the/this/who *ko*) Jesus that/since: that to expel it/s/he out/outside(r) and to find/meet it/s/he to say (it/s/he *ko*) you to trust (in) toward the/this/who son the/this/who (a human *N(K)O*) 36 to answer that and to say (and *no*) which? to be lord: master in order that/to to trust (in) toward it/s/he 37 to say (then *k*) it/s/he the/this/who Jesus and to see: see it/s/he and the/this/who to speak with/after you that to be 38 the/this/who then to assert to trust (in) lord: God and to worship it/s/he 39 and to say the/this/who Jesus toward judgment I/we toward the/this/who world this/he/she/it to come/go in order that/to the/this/who not to see to see and the/this/who to see blind to be 40 (and *k*) to hear out from the/this/who Pharisee this/he/she/it the/this/who with/after it/s/he to be and to say it/s/he not and me blind to be 41 to say it/s/he the/this/who Jesus if blind to be no if to have/be sin now then to say that/since: that to see the/this/who (therefore/then *K*) sin you to stay

< John 9 >