< Job 36 >
1 and to add: again Elihu and to say
Elihu ya ci gaba,
2 to surround to/for me little and to explain you for still to/for god speech
“Ka ɗan ƙara haƙuri da ni kaɗan, zan kuma nuna maka cewa akwai sauran abubuwan da zan faɗa a madadin Allah.
3 to lift: bear knowledge my to/for from distant (and to/for to work me *LAB(h)*) to give: give righteousness
Daga nesa na sami sanina; zan nuna cewa Mahaliccina shi mai gaskiya ne.
4 for truly not deception speech my unblemished knowledge with you
Abin da zan gaya maka ba ƙarya ba ne; mai cikakken sani yana tare da kai.
5 look! God mighty and not to reject mighty strength heart
“Allah mai iko ne, amma ba ya rena mutane; shi mai girma ne cikin manufarsa.
6 not to live wicked and justice afflicted to give: give
Ba ya barin mugaye da rai sai dai yana ba waɗanda ake tsanantawa hakkinsu.
7 not to dimish from righteous eye his and with king to/for throne and to dwell them to/for perpetuity and to exult
Ba ya fasa duban masu adalci; yana sa su tare da sarakuna yana ɗaukaka su har abada.
8 and if to bind in/on/with fetter to capture [emph?] in/on/with cord affliction
Amma in mutane suna daure da sarƙoƙi, ƙunci kuma ya daure su,
9 and to tell to/for them work their and transgression their for to prevail
yana gaya musu abin da suka yi, cewa sun yi zunubi da girman kai.
10 and to reveal: uncover ear their to/for discipline: instruction and to say for to return: return [emph?] from evil: wickedness
Yana sa su saurari gyara yă kuma umarce su su tuba daga muguntarsu.
11 if to hear: hear and to serve: minister to end: finish day their in/on/with good and year their in/on/with pleasant
In sun yi biyayya suka bauta masa, za su yi rayuwa dukan kwanakinsu cikin wadata shekarunsu kuma cikin kwanciyar zuciya.
12 and if not to hear: hear in/on/with missile to pass and to die like/as without knowledge
Amma in ba su saurara ba, za su hallaka da takobi kuma za su mutu ba ilimi.
13 and profane heart to set: make face: anger not to cry for to bind them
“Waɗanda ba su da Allah a zuciyarsu su ne suke riƙe fushi; ko sa’ad da ya ba su horo, ba su neman taimakonsa.
14 to die in/on/with youth soul their and living thing their in/on/with male cult prostitute
Suna mutuwa tun suna matasa, cikin ƙazamar rayuwar karuwanci.
15 to rescue afflicted in/on/with affliction his and to reveal: uncover in/on/with oppression ear their
Amma yana kuɓutar da masu wahala; yana magana da su cikin wahalarsu.
16 and also to incite you from lip: opening enemy breadth not constraint underneath: stand her and quietness table your to fill ashes
“Yana so yă rinjaye ka daga haƙoran ƙunci, zuwa wuri mai sauƙi inda ba matsi zuwa teburinka cike da abincin da kake so.
17 and judgment wicked to fill judgment and justice to grasp
Amma yanzu an cika ka da hukuncin da ya kamata a yi wa mugaye; shari’a da kuma gaskiya sun kama ka.
18 for rage lest to incite you in/on/with mockery and many ransom not to stretch you
Ka yi hankali kada wani yă ruɗe ka da arziki; kada ka bar toshiya ta sa ka juya.
19 to arrange cry your not in/on/with distress and all power strength
Dukiyarka ko dukan yawan ƙoƙarinka sun isa su riƙe ka su hana ka shan ƙunci?
20 not to long for [the] night to/for to ascend: rise people underneath: stand them
Kada ka yi marmari dare yă yi, don a fitar da mutane daga gidajensu.
21 to keep: careful not to turn to(wards) evil: wickedness for upon this to choose from affliction
Ka kula kada ka juya ga mugunta, abin da ka fi so fiye da wahala.
22 look! God to exalt in/on/with strength his who? like him rain/teacher
“An ɗaukaka Allah cikin ikonsa. Wane ne malami kamar sa?
23 who? to reckon: overseer upon him way: conduct his and who? to say to work injustice
Wane ne ya nuna masa hanyar da zai bi, ko kuma wane ne ya ce masa, ‘Ba ka yi daidai ba?’
24 to remember for to grow great work his which to sing human
Ka tuna ka ɗaukaka aikinsa, waɗanda mutane suka yaba a cikin waƙa.
25 all man to see in/on/with him human to look from distant
Dukan’yan adam sun gani; mutane sun hanga daga nesa.
26 look! God great and not to know number year his and not search
Allah mai girma ne, ya wuce ganewarmu! Yawan shekarunsa ba su bincikuwa.
27 for to dimish drop water to refine rain to/for mist his
“Yana sa ruwa yă zama tururi yă zubo daga sama.
28 which to flow cloud to drip upon man many
Gizagizai suna zubo da raɓarsu kuma ruwan sama yana zubowa’yan adam a wadace.
29 also if: surely yes to understand spreading cloud shout booth his
Wane ne zai iya gane yadda ya shimfiɗa gizagizai yadda yake tsawa daga wurin zamansa?
30 look! to spread upon him light his and root [the] sea to cover
Dubi yadda ya baza walƙiyarsa kewaye da shi, tana haskaka zurfin teku.
31 for in/on/with them to judge people to give: give food to/for to increase
Haka yake mulkin al’ummai yana kuma tanada abinci a wadace.
32 upon palm to cover light and to command upon her in/on/with to fall on
Yana cika hannuwansa da walƙiya kuma yana ba ta umarni tă fāɗi a inda ya yi nufi.
33 to tell upon him shouting his livestock also upon to ascend: rise
Tsawarsa tana nuna cewa babbar iska da ruwa suna zuwa; ko shanu sun san da zuwansa.