< Job 33 >

1 and but to hear: hear please Job speech my and all word my to listen [emph?]
然ばヨブよ請ふ我が言ふ事を聽け わが一切の言語に耳を傾むけよ
2 behold please to open lip my to speak: speak tongue my in/on/with palate my
視よ我口を啓き 舌を口の中に動かす
3 uprightness heart my word my and knowledge lips my to purify to speak
わが言ふ所は正義き心より出づ わが唇あきらかにその知識を陳ん
4 spirit God to make me and breath Almighty to live me
神の靈われを造り 全能者の氣息われを活しむ
5 if be able to return: reply me to arrange [emph?] to/for face: before my to stand [emph?]
汝もし能せば我に答へよ わが前に言をいひつらねて立て
6 look! I like/as lip: according your to/for God from clay to wink also I
我も汝とおなじく神の者なり 我もまた土より取てつくられしなり
7 behold terror my not to terrify you and burden my upon you not to honor: heavy
わが威嚴はなんぢを懼れしめず わが勢はなんぢを壓せず
8 surely to say in/on/with ear my and voice: sound speech to hear: hear
汝わが聽くところにて言談り 我なんぢの言語の聲を聞けり云く
9 pure I without transgression clean I and not iniquity: crime to/for me
われは潔淨くして愆なし 我は辜なく惡き事わが身にあらず
10 look! opposition upon me to find to devise: think me to/for enemy to/for him
視よ彼われを攻る釁隙を尋ね われを己の敵と算へ
11 to set: put in/on/with stock foot my to keep: look at all way my
12 look! this not to justify to answer you for to multiply god from human
視よ我なんぢに答へん なんぢ此事において正義からず 神は人よりも大なる者にいませり
13 why? to(wards) him to contend for all word his not to answer
14 for in/on/with one to speak: speak God and in/on/with two not to see her
15 in/on/with dream vision night in/on/with to fall: fall deep sleep upon human in/on/with slumber upon bed
16 then to reveal: uncover ear human and in/on/with discipline their to seal
かれ人の耳をひらき その敎ふるところを印して堅うし
17 to/for to turn aside: turn aside man deed and pride from great man to cover
斯して人にその惡き業を離れしめ 傲慢を人の中より除き
18 to withhold soul his from Pit: hell and living thing his from to pass in/on/with missile (questioned)
人の魂靈を護りて墓に至らしめず 人の生命を護りて劍にほろびざらしめたまふ
19 and to rebuke in/on/with pain upon bed his (and abundance *Q(K)*) bone his strong
人床にありて疼痛に攻られ その骨の中に絶ず戰鬪のあるあり
20 and to loathe him living thing his food: bread and soul: appetite his food desire
その氣食物を厭ひ その魂靈うまき物をも嫌ふ
21 to end: destroy flesh his from sight (and be bare *Q(K)*) bone his not to see: see
その肉は痩おちて見えず その骨は見えざりし者までも顯露になり
22 and to present: come to/for pit: grave soul his and living thing his to/for to die
その魂靈は墓に近より その生命は滅ぼす者に近づく
23 if there upon him messenger: angel to mock one from thousand to/for to tell to/for man uprightness his
しかる時にもし彼とともに一箇の使者あり 千の中の一箇にして中保となり 正しき道を人に示さば
24 and be gracious him and to say to deliver him from to go down Pit: hell to find ransom (questioned)
神かれを憫れみて言給はん彼を救ひて墓にくだること無らしめよ 我すでに收贖の物を得たりと
25 be fresh flesh his from youth to return: return to/for day youth his
その肉は小兒の肉よりも瑞々しくなり その若き時の形状に歸らん
26 to pray to(wards) god and to accept him and to see: see face his in/on/with shout and to return: rescue to/for human righteousness his
かれ若し神に祷らば神かれを顧りみ 彼をしてその御面を喜こび見ることを得せしめたまはん 神は人の正義に報をなしたまふべし
27 to see upon human and to say to sin and upright to twist and not be like to/for me
かれ人の前に歌ひて言ふ 我は罪を犯し正しきを抂たり 然ど報を蒙らず
28 to ransom (soul his *Q(K)*) from to pass in/on/with Pit: hell (and living thing his *Q(K)*) in/on/with light to see: enjoy (questioned)
神わが魂靈を贖ひて墓に下らしめず わが生命光明を見ん
29 look! all these to work God beat three with great man
30 to/for to return: return soul his from Pit: hell to/for to light in/on/with light [the] alive (questioned)
31 to listen Job to hear: hear to/for me be quiet and I to speak: speak
ヨブよ耳を傾むけて我に聽け 請ふ默せよ 我かたらん
32 if there speech to return: reply me to speak: speak for to delight in to justify you
なんぢもし言ふべきことあらば我にこたへよ 請ふ語れ 我なんぢを義とせんと慾すればなり
33 if nothing you(m. s.) to hear: hear to/for me be quiet and to teach/learn you wisdom
もし無ば我に聽け 請ふ默せよ 我なんぢに智慧を敎へん

< Job 33 >