< Job 31 >

1 covenant to cut: make(covenant) to/for eye my and what? to understand upon virgin 2 and what? portion god from above and inheritance Almighty from height 3 not calamity to/for unjust and misfortune to/for to work evil: wickedness 4 not he/she/it to see: see way: conduct my and all step my to recount 5 if to go: walk with vanity: false and to hasten upon deceit foot my 6 to weigh me in/on/with balance righteousness and to know god integrity my 7 if to stretch step my from [the] way: conduct and after eye my to go: went heart my and in/on/with palm my to cleave blemish 8 to sow and another to eat and offspring my to uproot 9 if to entice heart my upon woman and upon entrance neighbor my to ambush 10 to grind to/for another woman: wife my and upon her to bow [emph?] another 11 for (he/she/it *Q(K)*) wickedness (and he/she/it *Q(k)*) iniquity: crime judge 12 for fire he/she/it till Abaddon to eat and in/on/with all produce my to uproot 13 if to reject justice servant/slave my and maidservant my in/on/with strife their with me me 14 and what? to make: do for to arise: rise God and for to reckon: visit what? to return: reply him 15 not in/on/with belly: womb to make me to make him and to establish: make him in/on/with womb one 16 if to withhold from pleasure poor and eye widow to end: expend 17 and to eat morsel my to/for alone me and not to eat orphan from her 18 for from youth my to magnify me like/as father and from belly: womb mother my to lead her 19 if to see: see to perish from without clothing and nothing covering to/for needy 20 if not to bless me (loin his *Q(K)*) and from fleece lamb my to warm 21 if to wave upon orphan hand: power my for to see: see in/on/with gate help my 22 shoulder my from shoulder [to] to fall: fall and arm my from branch: shoulder her to break 23 for dread to(wards) me calamity God and from elevation his not be able 24 if to set: make gold loin my and to/for gold to say confidence my 25 if to rejoice for many strength: rich my and for mighty to find hand my 26 if to see: see light for to shine and moon precious to go: walk 27 and to entice in/on/with secrecy heart my and to kiss hand my to/for lip my 28 also he/she/it iniquity: crime judge for to deceive to/for God from above 29 if to rejoice in/on/with disaster to hate me and to rouse for to find him bad: evil 30 and not to give: allow to/for to sin palate my to/for to ask in/on/with oath soul: life his 31 if not to say man tent my who? to give: allow from flesh his not to satisfy 32 in/on/with outside not to lodge sojourner door my to/for way to open 33 if to cover like/as Adam transgression my to/for to hide in/on/with breast my iniquity: crime my 34 for to tremble crowd many and contempt family to to be dismayed me and to silence: silent not to come out: come entrance 35 who? to give: if only! to/for me to hear: hear to/for me look! mark my Almighty to answer me and scroll: document to write man strife my 36 if: surely yes not upon shoulder my to lift: bear him to bind him crown to/for me 37 number step my to tell him like leader to present: come him 38 if upon me land: soil my to cry out and unitedness furrow her to weep [emph?] 39 if strength her to eat without silver: money and soul: life master her to breathe 40 underneath: instead wheat to come out: issue thistle and underneath: instead barley foul weed to finish word Job

< Job 31 >