< Jeremiah 6 >
1 to seek refuge son: descendant/people Benjamin from entrails: among Jerusalem and in/on/with Tekoa to blow trumpet and upon Beth-haccherem Beth-haccherem to lift: raise tribute for distress: harm to look from north and breaking great: large
»Oh vi, Benjaminovi otroci, zberite se, da zbežite iz srede Jeruzalema in trobite na šofar v Tekói in postavite znamenje ognja v Bet Keremu. Kajti zlo se pojavlja iz severa in veliko uničenje.
2 [the] lovely and [the] to delight to resemble daughter Zion
Hčer sionsko sem primerjal z ljubko in prefinjeno žensko.
3 to(wards) her to come (in): come to pasture and flock their to blow upon her tent around to pasture man: anyone [obj] hand: monument his
Pastirji s svojimi tropi bodo prišli k njej, svoje šotore bodo postavili naokoli nje, vsak bo pasel na svojem kraju.‹«
4 to consecrate: prepare upon her battle to arise: rise and to ascend: attack in/on/with midday woe! to/for us for to turn [the] day for to stretch shadow evening
»Pripravite vojno zoper njo. Vstanimo in gremo gor opoldan. Gorje nam! Kajti dan mineva, kajti sence večera so podaljšane.«
5 to arise: rise and to ascend: attack in/on/with night and to ruin citadel: fortress her
»Vstanimo in gremo gor ponoči in uničimo njene palače.«
6 for thus to say LORD Hosts to cut: cut tree and to pour: build siege mound upon Jerusalem mound he/she/it [the] city to reckon: punish all her oppression in/on/with entrails: among her
Kajti tako je rekel Gospod nad bojevniki: »Posekajte drevesa in nasujte nasip zoper [prestolnico] Jeruzalem. To je mesto, ki bo obiskano; ona je celotno zatiranje v njeni sredi.
7 like/as to cool (well *Q(K)*) water her so to cool distress: evil her violence and violence to hear: hear in/on/with her upon face my continually sickness and wound
Kakor studenec bruha svoje vode, tako ona bruha svojo zlobnost. Nasilje in plen je slišati v njej; žalost in rane so nenehno pred menoj.
8 to discipline Jerusalem lest to dislocate/hang soul: myself my from you lest to set: make you devastation land: country/planet not to dwell
Bodi poučena, oh [prestolnica] Jeruzalem, da ne bi moja duša odšla od tebe; da te ne bi naredil zapuščeno, deželo, ki ni naseljena.«
9 thus to say LORD Hosts to glean to glean like/as vine remnant Israel to return: again hand your like/as to gather/restrain/fortify upon branch
Tako govori Gospod nad bojevniki: »Temeljito bodo paberkovali Izraelov preostanek kakor trto. Svojo roko obrni nazaj kakor obiralci grozdja v košare.
10 upon who? to speak: speak and to testify and to hear: hear behold uncircumcised ear their and not be able to/for to listen behold word LORD to be to/for them to/for reproach not to delight in in/on/with him
Komu naj govorim in dam svarilo, da bi lahko slišali? Glej, njihovo uho je neobrezano in ne morejo prisluhniti. Glej, Gospodova beseda jim je graja; v njej nimajo veselja.
11 and with rage LORD to fill be weary to sustain to pour: pour upon infant in/on/with outside and upon counsel youth together for also man: husband with woman: wife to capture old with full day: old
Zato sem poln Gospodove razjarjenosti; izmučen sem z zadrževanjem. Izlil jo bom ven na otroke naokoli in skupaj na zbor mladeničev, kajti vzet bo celo soprog z ženo, ostarel s tistim, ki je izpolnjen z dnevi.
12 and to turn: repell house: home their to/for another land: country and woman: wife together for to stretch [obj] hand my upon to dwell [the] land: country/planet utterance LORD
Njihove hiše bodo obrnjene k drugim, skupaj z njihovimi polji in ženami, kajti svojo roko bom iztegnil nad prebivalce dežele, « govori Gospod.
13 for from small their and till great: large their all his to cut off: to gain unjust-gain and from prophet and till priest all his to make: do deception
»Kajti od najmanjših izmed njih, celo do največjih izmed njih, je vsak predan pohlepu, in od preroka, celo do duhovnika, vsak krivo postopa.
14 and to heal [obj] breaking people my upon to lighten to/for to say peace peace and nothing peace
Kajti površno so ozdravili rano hčere mojega ljudstva, rekoč: ›Mir, mir, ‹ ko tam ni miru.
15 be ashamed for abomination to make also be ashamed not be ashamed also be humiliated not to know to/for so to fall: kill in/on/with to fall: kill in/on/with time to reckon: punish them to stumble to say LORD
Mar so bili osramočeni, ko so zagrešili ogabnost? Ne, sploh niso bili osramočeni niti niso mogli zardeti. Zato bodo padli med tistimi, ki padajo. Ob času, ko jih obiščem, bodo vrženi dol, « govori Gospod.
16 thus to say LORD to stand: stand upon way: road and to see: see and to ask to/for path forever: antiquity where? this way: road [the] pleasant and to go: walk in/on/with her and to find rest to/for soul your and to say not to go: walk
Tako govori Gospod: »Ustavite se na poteh in glejte ter vprašajte za starimi stezami, kje je dobra pot, hodite po njej in našli boste počitek svojim dušam.« Rekli pa so: »Mi ne bomo hodili po njej.«
17 and to arise: establish upon you to watch to listen to/for voice: sound trumpet and to say not to listen
Prav tako sem nad vami postavil stražarje, rekoč: »Prisluhnite zvoku šofarja.« Toda rekli so: »Ne bomo prisluhnili.«
18 to/for so to hear: hear [the] nation and to know congregation [obj] which in/on/with them
Zato poslušajte, vi narodi in vedite, oh skupnost, kaj je med njimi.
19 to hear: hear [the] land: country/planet behold I to come (in): bring distress: harm to(wards) [the] people [the] this fruit plot their for upon word my not to listen and instruction my and to reject in/on/with her
Poslušaj, oh zemlja. Glej, nad to ljudstvo bom privedel zlo, celó sad njihovih misli, ker niso prisluhnili mojim besedam niti moji postavi, temveč so jo zavrnili.
20 to/for what? this to/for me frankincense from Sheba to come (in): come and branch: stem [the] pleasant from land: country/planet distance burnt offering your not to/for acceptance and sacrifice your not to please to/for me
S kakšnim namenom prihaja k meni kadilo iz Sabe in prijeten trst iz daljne dežele? Vaše žgalne daritve mi niso sprejemljive niti mi vaše klavne daritve niso prijetne.«
21 to/for so thus to say LORD look! I to give: put to(wards) [the] people [the] this stumbling and to stumble in/on/with them father and son: child together neighboring and neighbor his (and to perish *Q(K)*)
Zato tako govori Gospod: »Glej, pred to ljudstvo bom položil kamne spotike in očetje in sinovi bodo skupaj padli nanje; sosed in njegov prijatelj se bosta pogubila.«
22 thus to say LORD behold people to come (in): come from land: country/planet north and nation great: large to rouse from flank land: country/planet
Tako govori Gospod: »Glej, ljudstvo prihaja iz severne dežele in velik narod bo dvignjen od zemljinih strani.
23 bow and javelin to strengthen: hold cruel he/she/it and not to have compassion voice: sound their like/as sea to roar and upon horse to ride to arrange like/as man to/for battle upon you daughter Zion
Prijeli bodo lok in sulico; kruti so in nimajo usmiljenja; njihov glas rjovi kakor morje; in jahajo na konjih, postavljeni v vrste kakor možje za vojno zoper tebe, oh sionska hči.
24 to hear: hear [obj] report his to slacken hand our distress to strengthen: hold us agony like/as to beget
»Slišali smo o njihovi slavi. Naše roke so oslabele. Tesnoba se nas je polastila in bolečina kakor žensko v porodnih mukah.
25 not (to come out: come *Q(K)*) [the] land: country and in/on/with way: road not (to go: walk *Q(K)*) for sword to/for enemy terror from around: side
Ne pojdi naprej na polje niti ne hodi po poti, kajti sovražnikov meč in strah sta na vsaki strani.«
26 daughter people my to gird sackcloth and to wallow in/on/with ashes mourning only to make to/for you mourning bitterness for suddenly to come (in): come [the] to ruin upon us
Oh hči mojega ljudstva, opaši se z vrečevino in se valjaj v pepelu. Naredi si žalovanje kakor za edinim sinom, najbolj grenko žalovanje, kajti plenilec bo nenadoma prišel nad nas.
27 assayer to give: make you in/on/with people my fortification and to know and to test [obj] way: conduct their
Postavil sem te za stolp in trdnjavo med svojim ljudstvom, da lahko spoznaš in preizkusiš njihovo pot.
28 all their to turn aside: turn aside to rebel to go: went slander bronze and iron all their to ruin they(masc.)
Vsi so nadležni puntarji, hodijo z obrekovalci. Bron so in železo, vsi so izprijenci.
29 to scorch bellow (from fire complete *Q(K)*) lead to/for vanity: vain to refine to refine and bad: evil not to tear
Mehovi so požgani, svinec je použit z ognjem; livar zaman tali, kajti zlobni niso izločeni.
30 silver: money to reject to call: call to to/for them for to reject LORD in/on/with them
Ljudje jih bodo imenovali zavrženo srebro, ker jih je Gospod zavrnil.«