< Jeremiah 38 >

1 and to hear: hear Shephatiah son: child Mattan and Gedaliah son: child Pashhur and Jucal son: child Shelemiah and Pashhur son: child Malchiah [obj] [the] word which Jeremiah to speak: speak to(wards) all [the] people to/for to say
Potem so Matánov sin Šefatjá, Pašhúrjev sin Gedaljá, Šelemjájev sin Juhál in Malkijájajev sin Pašhúr slišali besede, ki jih je Jeremija govoril vsemu ljudstvu, rekoč:
2 thus to say LORD [the] to dwell in/on/with city [the] this to die in/on/with sword in/on/with famine and in/on/with pestilence and [the] to come out: come to(wards) [the] Chaldea (and to live *Q(K)*) and to be to/for him soul: life his to/for spoil and to live
»Tako govori Gospod: ›Kdor preostaja v tem mestu, bo umrl pod mečem, z lakoto in s kužno boleznijo, toda kdor gre naprej h Kaldejcem, bo živel, kajti svoje življenje bo imel za plen in bo živel.‹
3 thus to say LORD to give: give to give: give [the] city [the] this in/on/with hand: power strength: soldiers king Babylon and to capture her
Tako govori Gospod: ›To mesto bo zagotovo izročeno v roko kralja babilonske vojske, ki ga bo zavzel.‹«
4 and to say [the] ruler to(wards) [the] king to die please [obj] [the] man [the] this for as that: since as as he/she/it to slacken [obj] hand human [the] battle [the] to remain in/on/with city [the] this and [obj] hand all [the] people to/for to speak: speak to(wards) them like/as word [the] these for [the] man [the] this nothing he to seek to/for peace: well-being to/for people [the] this that if: except if: except to/for distress: harm
Zato so princi rekli kralju: »Rotimo te, naj bo ta človek usmrčen, kajti on tako slabi roke bojevnikov, ki preostajajo v tem mestu in roke vsega ljudstva, ko jim govori takšne besede, kajti ta človek ne išče blaginje tega ljudstva, temveč škodo.«
5 and to say [the] king Zedekiah behold he/she/it in/on/with hand your for nothing [the] king be able [obj] you word: thing
Potem je kralj Sedekíja rekel: »Glejte, v vaši roki je, kajti kralj ni tisti, ki lahko stori kakršnokoli stvar zoper vas.«
6 and to take: take [obj] Jeremiah and to throw [obj] him to(wards) [the] pit Malchiah son: child [the] `the king` which in/on/with court [the] guardhouse and to send: depart [obj] Jeremiah in/on/with cord and in/on/with pit nothing water that if: except if: except mud and to sink Jeremiah in/on/with mud
Potem so prijeli Jeremija in ga vrgli v odprtino jame Malkijája, sina Hameleha, ki je bila na dvorišču ječe in Jeremija so spustili dol z vrvmi. Tam v jami pa ni bilo vode, ampak blato. Tako se je Jeremija pogreznil v blato.
7 and to hear: hear Ebed-melech Ebed-melech [the] Ethiopian man eunuch and he/she/it in/on/with house: palace [the] king for to give: put [obj] Jeremiah to(wards) [the] pit and [the] king to dwell in/on/with gate Benjamin (Gate)
Torej ko je Ebed Meleh, Etiopijec, eden izmed evnuhov, ki je bil v kraljevi hiši, slišal, da so Jeremija vtaknili v jamo; kralj je takrat sedel v Benjaminovih velikih vratih;
8 and to come out: come Ebed-melech Ebed-melech from house: palace [the] king and to speak: speak to(wards) [the] king to/for to say
je Ebed Meleh odšel naprej iz kraljeve hiše in kralju spregovoril, rekoč:
9 lord my [the] king be evil [the] human [the] these [obj] all which to make: do to/for Jeremiah [the] prophet [obj] which to throw to(wards) [the] pit and to die underneath: stand him from face: because [the] famine for nothing [the] food: bread still in/on/with city
»Moj gospod kralj, ti možje so storili zlo v vsem, kar so storili preroku Jeremiju, ki so ga vrgli v jamo, in verjetno bo umrl zaradi lakote na kraju, kjer je, kajti v mestu ni več kruha.«
10 and to command [the] king [obj] Ebed-melech Ebed-melech [the] Ethiopian to/for to say to take: take in/on/with hand: themselves your from this thirty human and to ascend: establish [obj] Jeremiah [the] prophet from [the] pit in/on/with before to die
Potem je kralj ukazal Etiopijcu Ebed Melehu, rekoč: »Vzemi od tod trideset mož s seboj in dvigni preroka Jeremija iz jame, preden umre.«
11 and to take: take Ebed-melech Ebed-melech [obj] [the] human in/on/with hand: to his and to come (in): come house: palace [the] king to(wards) underneath: under [the] treasure and to take: take from there old (rag *Q(K)*) and old rag and to send: depart them to(wards) Jeremiah to(wards) [the] pit in/on/with cord
Tako je Ebed Meleh s seboj vzel može in odšel v kraljevo hišo pod zakladnico in od tam vzel stara zakrpana oblačila in stare cunje ter jih z vrvmi spustil dol v jamo k Jeremiju.
12 and to say Ebed-melech Ebed-melech [the] Ethiopian to(wards) Jeremiah to set: make please old [the] rag and [the] rag underneath: under joint hand your from underneath: under to/for cord and to make: do Jeremiah so
Etiopijec Ebed Meleh je rekel Jeremiju: »Deni si ta stara zakrpana oblačila in stare cunje pod svoja ramena pod vrvi.« Jeremija je tako storil.
13 and to draw [obj] Jeremiah in/on/with cord and to ascend: establish [obj] him from [the] pit and to dwell Jeremiah in/on/with court [the] guardhouse
Tako so Jeremija potegnili gor z vrvmi in ga vzeli iz jame in Jeremija je ostal na dvorišču ječe.
14 and to send: depart [the] king Zedekiah and to take: recieve [obj] Jeremiah [the] prophet to(wards) him to(wards) entrance [the] third which in/on/with house: temple LORD and to say [the] king to(wards) Jeremiah to ask I [obj] you word: speaking not to hide from me word
Potem je kralj Sedekíja poslal in vzel preroka Jeremija k sebi v tretji vhod, ki je v Gospodovi hiši. Kralj je rekel Jeremiju: »Vprašal te bom stvar, ničesar ne prikrij pred menoj.«
15 and to say Jeremiah to(wards) Zedekiah for to tell to/for you not to die to die me and for to advise you not to hear: hear to(wards) me
Potem je Jeremija rekel Sedekíju: »Če ti to razglasim, mar me ne boš zagotovo usmrtil? In če ti dam nasvet, mar mi boš prisluhnil?«
16 and to swear [the] king Zedekiah to(wards) Jeremiah in/on/with secrecy to/for to say alive LORD ([obj] *Q(K)*) which to make to/for us [obj] [the] soul: life [the] this if: surely no to die you and if to give: give you in/on/with hand: power [the] human [the] these which to seek [obj] soul: life your
Tako je kralj Sedekíja na skrivnem prisegel Jeremiju, rekoč: » Kakor živi Gospod, ki nam je naredil to dušo, te ne bom usmrtil niti te ne bom dal v roko teh mož, ki ti strežejo po življenju.«
17 and to say Jeremiah to(wards) Zedekiah thus to say LORD God Hosts God Israel if to come out: surrender to come out: surrender to(wards) ruler king Babylon and to live soul: life your and [the] city [the] this not to burn in/on/with fire and to live you(m. s.) and house: household your
Potem je Jeremija rekel Sedekíju: »Tako govori Gospod, Bog nad bojevniki, Izraelov Bog: ›Če boš zagotovo šel naprej k princem babilonskega kralja, potem bo tvoja duša živela in to mesto ne bo sežgano z ognjem in živel boš ti in tvoja hiša,
18 and if not to come out: surrender to(wards) ruler king Babylon and to give: give [the] city [the] this in/on/with hand: power [the] Chaldea and to burn her in/on/with fire and you(m. s.) not to escape from hand: power their
toda če ne boš šel naprej k princem babilonskega kralja, potem bo to mesto dano v roke Kaldejcem in požgali ga bodo z ognjem in ne boš pobegnil iz njihove roke.«
19 and to say [the] king Zedekiah to(wards) Jeremiah I be anxious [obj] [the] Jew which to fall: deserting to(wards) [the] Chaldea lest to give: give [obj] me in/on/with hand: to their and to abuse in/on/with me
Kralj Sedekíja pa je rekel Jeremiju: »Bojim se Judov, ki so prebegnili h Kaldejcem, da me ne bi izročili v njihovo roko in bi se mi posmehovali.«
20 and to say Jeremiah not to give: give to hear: obey please in/on/with voice LORD to/for which I to speak: speak to(wards) you and be good to/for you and to live soul: life your
Toda Jeremija je rekel: »Ne bodo te izročili. Ubogaj, rotim te, glas Gospoda, ki ti ga govorim. Tako bo dobro s teboj in tvoja duša bo živela.
21 and if refusing you(m. s.) to/for to come out: surrender this [the] word which to see: see me LORD
Toda če zavrneš iti naprej, je to beseda, ki mi jo je pokazal Gospod:
22 and behold all [the] woman which to remain in/on/with house: palace king Judah to come out: send to(wards) ruler king Babylon and they(fem.) to say to incite you and be able to/for you human peace: friendship your to sink in/on/with mire foot your to turn back
›Glej, vse ženske, ki so preostale v hiši Judovega kralja, bodo privedene k princem babilonskega kralja in te ženske bode rekle: ›Tvoji prijatelji so te zavedli in prevladali zoper tebe. Tvoja stopala so pogreznjena v blato in oni so se umaknili nazaj.‹
23 and [obj] all woman: wife your and [obj] son: child your to come out: send to(wards) [the] Chaldea and you(m. s.) not to escape from hand: power their for in/on/with hand: power king Babylon to capture and [obj] [the] city [the] this to burn in/on/with fire
Tako bodo privedli ven vse tvoje žene in tvoje otroke h Kaldejcem in ne boš ušel iz njihove roke, temveč boš zajet z roko babilonskega kralja in povzročil boš, da bo to mesto sežgano z ognjem.‹«
24 and to say Zedekiah to(wards) Jeremiah man: anyone not to know in/on/with word [the] these and not to die
Potem je Sedekíja rekel Jeremiju: »Naj noben človek ne izve o teh besedah in ne boš umrl.
25 and for to hear: hear [the] ruler for to speak: speak with you and to come (in): come to(wards) you and to say to(wards) you to tell [emph?] please to/for us what? to speak: speak to(wards) [the] king not to hide from us and not to die you and what? to speak: speak to(wards) you [the] king
Toda če princi slišijo, da sem govoril s teboj in pridejo k tebi in ti rečejo: ›Razglasi nam sedaj, kaj si rekel kralju, ne skrivaj tega pred nami in ne bomo te usmrtili; in tudi kaj je kralj rekel tebi.‹
26 and to say to(wards) them to fall: fall I supplication my to/for face: before [the] king to/for lest to return: return me house: household Jonathan to/for to die there
Potem jim boš rekel: ›Svojo ponižno prošnjo sem predstavil pred kraljem, da mi ne bi povzročil, da se vrnem v Jonatanovo hišo, da bi tam umrl.‹
27 and to come (in): come all [the] ruler to(wards) Jeremiah and to ask [obj] him and to tell to/for them like/as all [the] word [the] these which to command [the] king and be quiet from him for not to hear: hear [the] word: speaking
Potem so prišli vsi princi k Jeremiju in ga vprašali in ta jim je povedal glede na vse te besede, ki jih je kralj zapovedal. Tako so prenehali govoriti z njim, kajti zadeva ni bila zaznana.
28 and to dwell Jeremiah in/on/with court [the] guardhouse till day which to capture Jerusalem and to be like/as as which to capture Jerusalem
Tako je Jeremija prebival na dvorišču ječe do dne, ko je bil Jeruzalem zavzet. Bil je tam, ko je bil Jeruzalem zavzet.

< Jeremiah 38 >