< Jeremiah 28 >

1 and to be in/on/with year [the] he/she/it in/on/with first: beginning kingdom Zedekiah king Judah (in/on/with year *Q(K)*) [the] fourth in/on/with month [the] fifth to say to(wards) me Hananiah son: child Azzur [the] prophet which from Gibeon in/on/with house: temple LORD to/for eye: before(the eyes) [the] priest and all [the] people to/for to say
त्यही वर्ष अर्थात् यहूदाका राजा सिदकियाहले राज्‍य गरेको चौथो वर्षको पाँचौं महिनामा अज्‍जूरका छोरा, गिबोनमा बस्‍ने अगमवक्ता हनन्याहले परमप्रभुको मन्दिरमा पुजारीहरू र सबै मानिसको सामु मसित बोले । तिनले भने,
2 thus to say LORD Hosts God Israel to/for to say to break [obj] yoke king Babylon
“सर्वशक्तिमान्, परमप्रभु इस्राएलका परमेश्‍वर यसो भन्‍नुहुन्छ, 'बेबिलोनका राजाद्वारा लादिएको जुवा मैले भाँचेको छु ।
3 in/on/with still year day I to return: return to(wards) [the] place [the] this [obj] all article/utensil house: temple LORD which to take: take Nebuchadnezzar king Babylon from [the] place [the] this and to come (in): bring them Babylon
बेबिलोनका राजा नबूकदनेसरले यस ठाउँबाट लगेको र बेबिलोनमा ओसारेको परमप्रभुको मन्दिरका सबै सामान म दुई वर्षभित्रमा यही ठाउँमा फर्काएर ल्याउनेछु ।
4 and [obj] Jeconiah son: child Jehoiakim king Judah and [obj] all captivity Judah [the] to come (in): come Babylon [to] I to return: return to(wards) [the] place [the] this utterance LORD for to break [obj] yoke king Babylon
त्यसपछि बेबिलोनमा पठाइएका यहूदाका राजा यहोयाकीमका छोरा यहोयाकीन र यहूदाका सबै बन्दीलाई म फर्काएर ल्याउनेछु, यो परमप्रभुको घोषणा हो, किनकि बेबिलोनका राजाको जुवालाई म भाँच्‍नेछु' ।”
5 and to say Jeremiah [the] prophet to(wards) Hananiah [the] prophet to/for eye: before(the eyes) [the] priest and to/for eye: before(the eyes) all [the] people [the] to stand: stand in/on/with house: temple LORD
त्यसैले परमप्रभुको मन्दिरमा खडा भएका पुजारीहरू र सबै मानिसको सामु यर्मिया अगमवक्ताले हनन्याह अगमवक्तासित बोले ।
6 and to say Jeremiah [the] prophet amen so to make: do LORD to arise: establish LORD [obj] word your which to prophesy to/for to return: return article/utensil house: temple LORD and all [the] captivity from Babylon to(wards) [the] place [the] this
यर्मिया अगमवक्ताले भने, “परमप्रभुले यसै गरून्! तिमीले अगमवाणी बोलेका वचनहरू परमप्रभुले पुरा गरून्, अनि परमप्रभुको मन्दिरका सबै सामान र सबै बन्दीलाई बेबिलोनबाट यस ठाउँमा फर्काएर ल्याऊन् ।
7 surely to hear: hear please [the] word [the] this which I to speak: speak in/on/with ear: hearing your and in/on/with ear: hearing all [the] people
तापनि तिमीले सुन्‍ने गरी अनि सबै मानिसले सुन्‍ने गरी मैले घोषणा गरेको वचनलाई सुन ।
8 [the] prophet which to be to/for face: before my and to/for face: before your from [the] forever: antiquity and to prophesy to(wards) land: country/planet many and upon kingdom great: large to/for battle and to/for distress: harm and to/for pestilence
तिमी र मभन्दा धेरै पहिलेका अगमवक्ताहरूले पनि धेरै जातिहरू, महान् राज्यहरू, युद्ध, अनिकाल र विपत्तिको विषयमा अगमवाणी बोले ।
9 [the] prophet which to prophesy to/for peace in/on/with to come (in): come word [the] prophet to know [the] prophet which to send: depart him LORD in/on/with truth: true
त्यसैले शान्ति हुनेछ भनी अगमवाणी बोल्ने अगमवक्ताले भनेको वचन पुरा भयो भने, त्यो वास्तवमै परमप्रभुद्वारा पठाइएको अगमवक्ता रहेछ भनी थाहा हुनेछ ।”
10 and to take: take Hananiah [the] prophet [obj] [the] yoke from upon neck Jeremiah [the] prophet and to break him
तर हनन्याह अगमवक्ताले यर्मिया अगमवक्ताको काँधबाट जुवा निकाले र त्यसलाई भाँचिदिए ।
11 and to say Hananiah to/for eye: before(the eyes) all [the] people to/for to say thus to say LORD thus to break [obj] yoke Nebuchadnezzar king Babylon in/on/with still year day (from upon *L(abh)*) neck all [the] nation and to go: went Jeremiah [the] prophet to/for way: journey his
तब हनन्याहले सबै मनिसका सामु बोले र यसो भने, “परमप्रभु यसो भन्‍नुहुन्छ, 'बेबिलोनका राजा नबूकदनेसरद्वारा लादिएको जुवा म हरेक जातिको काँधबाट दुई वर्षभित्रमा यसै गरी भाँचिदिनेछु' ।” तब यर्मिया अगमवक्ता आफ्नो बाटो लागे ।
12 and to be word LORD to(wards) Jeremiah after to break Hananiah [the] prophet [obj] [the] yoke from upon neck Jeremiah [the] prophet to/for to say
हनन्याह अगमवक्ताले यर्मिया अगमवक्ताको काँधबाट जुवा निकालेर भाँचेपछि परमप्रभुको वचन यर्मियाकहाँ यसो भनेर आयो,
13 to go: went and to say to(wards) Hananiah to/for to say thus to say LORD yoke tree: wood to break and to make underneath: instead them yoke iron
“जा र हनन्याहसित बोल र यसो भन्, 'परमप्रभु यसो भन्‍नुहुन्छः तैंले त काठको जुवा भाँचिस्, तर यसको साटो म फलामको जुवा बनाउनेछु ।'
14 for thus to say LORD Hosts God Israel yoke iron to give: put upon neck all [the] nation [the] these to/for to serve [obj] Nebuchadnezzar king Babylon and to serve him and also [obj] living thing [the] land: country to give: give to/for him
किनकि सर्वशक्तिमान् परमप्रभु इस्राएलका परमेश्‍वर यसो भन्‍नुहुन्छः बेबिलोनका राजा नबूकदनेसरको सेवा गर्नलाई मैले यी सबै जातिको काँधमा फलामको जुवा राखेको छु, र तिनीहरूले उसको सेवा गर्नेछन् । शासन गर्नलाई मैले उसलाई जङ्गलका वन्यजन्तुहरू पनि दिएको छु' ।”
15 and to say Jeremiah [the] prophet to(wards) Hananiah [the] prophet to hear: hear please Hananiah not to send: depart you LORD and you(m. s.) to trust [obj] [the] people [the] this upon deception
अनि यर्मिया अगमवक्ताले हनन्याह अगमवक्तालाई भने, “हे हनन्याह, सुन, परमप्रभुले तिमीलाई पठाउनुभएको होइन, तर तिमी आफैले यी मानिसलाई झूटो कुरामा विश्‍वास गर्न लगाएका छौ ।
16 to/for so thus to say LORD look! I to send: depart you from upon face: surface [the] land: planet [the] year you(m. s.) to die for revolt to speak: speak to(wards) LORD
त्यसैले परमप्रभु यसो भन्‍नुहुन्छ, 'हेर्, तँलाई मैले पृथ्वीबाट हटाउनै लागेको छु । तैंले परमप्रभुको विरुद्धमा विद्रोही कुराको घोषणा गरेको हुनाले तँ यही वर्ष मर्नेछस्' ।”
17 and to die Hananiah [the] prophet in/on/with year [the] he/she/it in/on/with month [the] seventh
त्यही वर्षको सातौँ महिनामा हनन्याह अगमवक्ता मरे ।

< Jeremiah 28 >