< Jeremiah 12 >

1 righteous you(m. s.) LORD for to contend to(wards) you surely justice: judgement to speak: speak with you why? way: journey wicked to prosper to prosper all to act treacherously treachery
Pravičen si ti, oh Gospod, ko se pravdam s teboj, vendar mi pusti govoriti s teboj o tvojih sodbah: »Zakaj pot zlobnih uspeva? Zakaj so srečni vsi tisti, ki postopajo zelo zahrbtno?«
2 to plant them also to uproot to go: continue also to make fruit near you(m. s.) in/on/with lip their and distant from kidney their
Zasadil si jih, da, zakoreninili so se, rastejo, da, prinašajo sad. Blizu si v njihovih ustih in daleč od njihovih notranjosti.
3 and you(m. s.) LORD to know me to see: see me and to test heart my with you to tear them like/as flock to/for slaughtered and to consecrate: prepare them to/for day slaughter
Toda ti, oh Gospod, me poznaš, videl si me in preizkusil si moje srce do tebe. Potegni jih ven kakor ovce za klanje in jih pripravi za dan klanja.
4 till how to mourn [the] land: country/planet and vegetation all [the] land: country to wither from distress: evil to dwell in/on/with her to snatch animal and bird for to say not to see: see [obj] end our
Doklej bo dežela žalovala in zelišča vsakega polja venela zaradi zlobnosti tistih, ki prebivajo v njej? Živali so použite in ptice, ker so rekli: »Ne bo videl našega zadnjega konca.«
5 for with on foot to run: run and be weary you and how? to contend with [the] horse and in/on/with land: country/planet peace: well-being you(m. s.) to trust and how? to make: do in/on/with pride [the] Jordan
»Če si tekel s pešci in če so te utrudili, kako lahko potem tekmuješ s konji? In če so te utrudili v deželi miru, v kateri zaupaš, kako boš potem storil v naraščanju Jordana?
6 for also brother: male-sibling your and house: household father your also they(masc.) to act treacherously in/on/with you also they(masc.) to call: call out after you full not be faithful in/on/with them for to speak: speak to(wards) you welfare
Kajti celo tvoji bratje in hiša tvojega očeta, celo oni so zahrbtno postopali s teboj; da, za teboj so poklicali množico. Ne verjemi jim, čeprav ti govorijo lepe besede.
7 to leave: forsake [obj] house: temple my to leave [obj] inheritance my to give: give [obj] beloved soul my in/on/with palm enemy her
Zapustil sem svojo hišo, zavrgel svojo dediščino, srčno ljubljeno svoje duše sem predal v roko njenih sovražnikov.
8 to be to/for me inheritance my like/as lion in/on/with wood to give: cry out upon me in/on/with voice her upon so to hate her
Moja dediščina mi je kakor lev v gozdu; ta vpije proti meni, zatorej sem jo zasovražil.
9 bird of prey variegated inheritance my to/for me bird of prey around upon her to go: went to gather all living thing [the] land: wildlife to come to/for food
Moja dediščina mi je kakor lisasta ptica, ptice naokoli so zoper njo. Pridite, zberite se vse ve zveri polja, pridite žret.
10 to pasture many to ruin vineyard my to trample [obj] portion my to give: make [obj] portion desire my to/for wilderness devastation
Mnogo pastirjev je uničilo moj vinograd, moj delež so pomendrali pod stopalom, moj prijeten delež so naredili zapuščeno divjino.
11 to set: make her to/for devastated to mourn upon me devastation be desolate: destroyed all [the] land: country/planet for nothing man: anyone to set: put upon heart
Naredili so jo zapuščeno in zapuščena je žalovala k meni; celotna dežela je zapuščena, ker si noben človek tega ne jemlje k srcu.
12 upon all bareness in/on/with wilderness to come (in): come to ruin for sword to/for LORD to eat from end land: country/planet and till end [the] land: country/planet nothing peace to/for all flesh
Plenilci so skozi divjino prišli na vse visoke kraje, kajti Gospodov meč bo požiral od enega konca dežele celo do drugega konca dežele; nobeno meso ne bo imelo miru.
13 to sow wheat and thorn to reap be weak: weak not to gain and be ashamed from produce your from burning anger face: anger LORD
Sejali so pšenico, toda želi bodo trnje; položili so se v bolečino, toda ne bo jim koristilo. Sram jih bo tvojih poplačil, zaradi krute Gospodove jeze.«
14 thus to say LORD upon all neighboring my [the] bad: evil [the] to touch in/on/with inheritance which to inherit [obj] people my [obj] Israel look! I to uproot them from upon land: soil their and [obj] house: household Judah to uproot from midst their
Tako govori Gospod zoper vse moje hudobne sosede, ki se dotikajo dediščine, za katero sem svojemu ljudstvu Izraelu dal, da jo podeduje: »Glej, izruval jih bom iz njihove dežele in Judovo hišo bom izruval izmed njih.
15 and to be after to uproot I [obj] them to return: again and to have compassion them and to return: again them man: anyone to/for inheritance his and man: anyone to/for land: country/planet his
Potem ko jih bom izruval, se bo zgodilo, da se bom vrnil in imel sočutje z njimi in jih bom ponovno privedel, vsakega človeka k njegovi dediščini in vsakega človeka k njegovi deželi.
16 and to be if to learn: learn to learn: teach [obj] way: conduct people my to/for to swear in/on/with name my alive LORD like/as as which to learn: learn [obj] people my to/for to swear in/on/with Baal and to build in/on/with midst people my
In zgodilo se bo, če se bodo marljivo učili poti mojega ljudstva, da bodo prisegali pri mojem imenu: › Gospod živi, ‹ kakor so oni učili moje ljudstvo, da prisega pri Báalu, potem bodo pozidani v sredi mojega ljudstva.
17 and if not to hear: hear and to uproot [obj] [the] nation [the] he/she/it to uproot and to perish utterance LORD
Toda če ne bodo ubogali, bom popolnoma izruval in uničil ta narod, « govori Gospod.

< Jeremiah 12 >