< Isaiah 41 >

1 be quiet to(wards) me coastland and people to pass strength to approach: approach then to speak: speak together to/for justice: judgement to present: come
Taceant ad me insulae, et Gentes mutent fortitudinem: accedant, et tunc loquantur, simul ad iudicium propinquemus.
2 who? to rouse from east righteousness to call: call to him to/for foot his to give: give to/for face: before his nation and king to rule to give: do like/as dust sword his like/as stubble to drive bow his
Quis suscitavit ab Oriente iustum, vocavit eum ut sequeretur se? dabit in conspectu eius Gentes, et reges obtinebit: dabit quasi pulverem gladio eius, sicut stipulam vento raptam arcui eius.
3 to pursue them to pass peace: well-being way in/on/with foot his not to come (in): come
Persequetur eos, transibit in pace, semita in pedibus eius non apparebit.
4 who? to work and to make: do to call: call to [the] generation from head: first I LORD first and with last I he/she/it
Quis haec operatus est, et fecit, vocans generationes ab exordio? Ego Dominus, primus et novissimus ego sum.
5 to see: see coastland and to fear end [the] land: country/planet to tremble to present: come and to come [emph?]
Viderunt insulae, et timuerunt, extrema terrae obstupuerunt, appropinquaverunt, et accesserunt.
6 man: anyone [obj] neighbor his to help and to/for brother: male-sibling his to say to strengthen: strengthen
Unusquisque proximo suo auxiliabitur, et fratri suo dicet: Confortare.
7 and to strengthen: strengthen artificer [obj] to refine to smooth hammer [obj] to smite beat to say to/for joint pleasant he/she/it and to strengthen: strengthen him in/on/with nail not to shake
Confortavit faber aerarius percutiens malleo eum, qui cudebat tunc temporis, dicens: Glutino bonum est: et confortavit eum clavis, ut non moveretur.
8 and you(m. s.) Israel servant/slave my Jacob which to choose you seed: children Abraham to love: friend me
Et tu Israel serve meus, Iacob quem elegi, semen Abraham amici mei:
9 which to strengthen: prevail over you from end [the] land: country/planet and from chief her to call: call to you and to say to/for you servant/slave my you(m. s.) to choose you and not to reject you
In quo apprehendi te ab extremis terrae, et a longinquis eius vocavi te, et dixi tibi: Servus meus es tu, elegi te, et non abieci te.
10 not to fear for with you I not to gaze for I God your to strengthen you also to help you also to grasp you in/on/with right righteousness my
Ne timeas, quia ego tecum sum: ne declines, quia ego Deus tuus: confortavi te, et auxiliatus sum tibi, et suscepit te dextera iusti mei.
11 look! be ashamed and be humiliated all [the] to be incensed in/on/with you to be like/as nothing and to perish human strife your
Ecce confundentur et erubescent omnes, qui pugnant adversum te: erunt quasi non sint, et peribunt viri, qui contradicunt tibi.
12 to seek them and not to find them human strife your to be like/as nothing and like/as end human battle your
Quaeres eos, et non invenies, viros rebelles tuos: erunt quasi non sint: et veluti consumptio homines bellantes adversum te.
13 for I LORD God your to strengthen: hold right your [the] to say to/for you not to fear I to help you
Quia ego Dominus Deus tuus apprehendens manum tuam, dicensque tibi: Ne timeas, ego adiuvi te.
14 not to fear worm Jacob man Israel I to help you utterance LORD and to redeem: redeem your holy Israel
Noli timere vermis Iacob, qui mortui estis ex Israel: ego auxiliatus sum tibi, dicit Dominus: et redemptor tuus sanctus Israel.
15 behold to set: make you to/for threshing sled sharp new master: owning tooth to tread mountain: mount and to crush and hill like/as chaff to set: make
Ego posui te quasi plaustrum triturans novum, habens rostra serrantia: triturabis montes, et comminues: et colles quasi pulverem pones.
16 to scatter them and spirit: breath to lift: bear them and tempest to scatter [obj] them and you(m. s.) to rejoice in/on/with LORD in/on/with holy Israel to boast: boast
Ventilabis eos, et ventus tollet, et turbo disperget eos: et tu exultabis in Domino, in sancto Israel laetaberis.
17 [the] afflicted and [the] needy to seek water and nothing tongue their in/on/with thirst be dry I LORD to answer them God Israel not to leave: forsake them
Egeni, et pauperes quaerunt aquas, et non sunt: lingua eorum siti aruit. Ego Dominus exaudiam eos, Deus Israel non derelinquam eos.
18 to open upon bareness river and in/on/with midst valley spring to set: make wilderness to/for pool water and land: country/planet dryness to/for exit water
Aperiam in excelsis collibus flumina, et in medio camporum fontes: ponam desertum in stagna aquarum, et terram inviam in rivos aquarum.
19 to give: put in/on/with wilderness cedar acacia and myrtle and tree oil to set: make in/on/with plain cypress elm and boxtree together
Dabo in solitudinem cedrum, et spinam, et myrtum, et lignum olivae: ponam in deserto abietem, ulmum, et buxum simul:
20 because to see: see and to know and to set: consider and be prudent together for hand: power LORD to make: do this and holy Israel to create her
Ut videant, et sciant, et recogitent, et intelligant pariter quia manus Domini fecit hoc, et sanctus Israel creavit illud.
21 to present: come strife your to say LORD to approach: bring defense your to say king Jacob
Prope facite iudicium vestrum, dicit Dominus: afferte, siquid forte habetis, dicit rex Iacob.
22 to approach: bring and to tell to/for us [obj] which to meet [the] first: previous what? they(fem.) to tell and to set: consider heart our and to know end their or [the] to come (in): come to hear: proclaim us
Accedant, et nuncient nobis quaecumque ventura sunt: priora quae fuerunt nunciate: et ponemus cor nostrum, et sciemus novissima eorum, et quae ventura sunt indicate nobis.
23 to tell [the] to come to/for back and to know for God you(m. p.) also be good and be evil and to gaze (and to see: seer *Q(K)*) together
Annunciate quae ventura sunt in futurum, et sciemus quia dii estis vos. bene quoque aut male, si potestis, facite: et loquamur, et videamus simul.
24 look! you(m. p.) from nothing and work your from worthless abomination to choose in/on/with you
Ecce, vos estis ex nihilo, et opus vestrum ex eo, quod non est: abominatio est qui elegit vos.
25 to rouse from north and to come from east sun to call: call to in/on/with name my and to come (in): come ruler like homer and like to form: potter to trample mud
Suscitavi ab Aquilone, et veniet ab Ortu solis: vocabit nomen meum, et adducet magistratus quasi lutum, et velut plastes conculcans humum.
26 who? to tell from head: first and to know and from to/for face: before and to say righteous also nothing to tell also nothing to hear: proclaim also nothing to hear: hear word your
Quis annunciavit ab exordio ut sciamus: et a principio ut dicamus: Iustus es? non est neque annuncians, neque praedicens, neque audiens sermones vestros.
27 first to/for Zion behold look! they and to/for Jerusalem to bear tidings to give: give
Primus ad Sion dicet: Ecce adsum, et Ierusalem evangelistam dabo.
28 and to see: see and nothing man and from these and nothing to advise and to ask them and to return: reply word: speaking
Et vidi, et non erat neque ex istis quisquam qui iniret consilium, et interrogatus responderet verbum.
29 look! all their evil: trouble end deed their spirit: breath and formlessness drink offering their
Ecce omnes iniusti, et vana opera eorum: ventus et inane simulachra eorum.

< Isaiah 41 >