< Hosea 12 >

1 Ephraim to pasture spirit: breath and to pursue east all [the] day lie and violence to multiply and covenant with Assyria to cut: make(covenant) and oil to/for Egypt to conduct
以法莲吃风,且追赶东风, 时常增添虚谎和强暴, 与亚述立约,把油送到埃及。
2 and strife to/for LORD with Judah and to/for to reckon: punish upon Jacob like/as way: conduct his like/as deed his to return: pay to/for him
耶和华与犹大争辩, 必照雅各所行的惩罚他, 按他所做的报应他。
3 in/on/with belly: womb to assail [obj] brother: male-sibling his and in/on/with strength his to strive with God
他在腹中抓住哥哥的脚跟, 壮年的时候与 神较力,
4 and to reign to(wards) messenger: angel and be able to weep and be gracious to/for him Bethel Bethel to find him and there to speak: speak with us
与天使较力,并且得胜, 哭泣恳求, 在伯特利遇见耶和华。 耶和华—万军之 神在那里晓谕我们以色列人; 耶和华是他可记念的名。
5 and LORD God [the] Hosts LORD memorial his
6 and you(m. s.) in/on/with God your to return: return kindness and justice to keep: careful and to await to(wards) God your continually
所以你当归向你的 神, 谨守仁爱、公平,常常等候你的 神。
7 merchant in/on/with hand his balance deceit to/for to oppress to love: lover
以法莲是商人, 手里有诡诈的天平,爱行欺骗。
8 and to say Ephraim surely to enrich to find strength to/for me all toil my not to find to/for me iniquity: crime which sin
以法莲说: 我果然成了富足,得了财宝; 我所劳碌得来的, 人必不见有什么不义,可算为罪的。
9 and I LORD God your from land: country/planet Egypt still to dwell you in/on/with tent like/as day meeting: festival
自从你出埃及地以来, 我就是耶和华—你的 神; 我必使你再住帐棚,如在大会的日子一样。
10 and to speak: speak upon [the] prophet and I vision to multiply and in/on/with hand: by [the] prophet to resemble
我已晓谕众先知, 并且加增默示, 借先知设立比喻。
11 if Gilead evil: wickedness surely vanity: vain to be in/on/with Gilgal cattle to sacrifice also altar their like/as heap upon furrow field
基列人没有罪孽吗? 他们全然是虚假的。 人在吉甲献牛犊为祭, 他们的祭坛好像田间犁沟中的乱堆。
12 and to flee Jacob land: country Aram and to serve Israel in/on/with woman: wife and in/on/with woman: wife to keep: guard
从前雅各逃到亚兰地, 以色列为得妻服事人, 为得妻与人放羊。
13 and in/on/with prophet to ascend: establish LORD [obj] Israel from Egypt and in/on/with prophet to keep: guard
耶和华借先知领以色列从埃及上来; 以色列也借先知而得保存。
14 to provoke Ephraim bitterness and blood his upon him to leave and reproach his to return: pay to/for him lord his
以法莲大大惹动主怒, 所以他流血的罪必归在他身上。 主必将那因以法莲所受的羞辱归还他。

< Hosea 12 >