< Hebrews 6 >

1 therefore to release: leave the/this/who the/this/who beginning the/this/who Christ word upon/to/against the/this/who perfection to bear/lead not again foundation to lay/throw down repentance away from dead work and faith upon/to/against God
Quapropter intermittentes inchoationis Christi sermonem, ad perfectiora feramur, non rursum jacientes fundamentum pœnitentiæ ab operibus mortuis, et fidei ad Deum,
2 baptism (teaching *NK(o)*) laying on and/both hand resurrection and/both dead and judgment eternal (aiōnios g166)
baptismatum doctrinæ, impositionis quoque manuum, ac resurrectionis mortuorum, et judicii æterni. (aiōnios g166)
3 and this/he/she/it (to do/make: do *NK(o)*) if indeed to permit the/this/who God
Et hoc faciemus, si quidem permiserit Deus.
4 unable for the/this/who once to illuminate to taste and/both the/this/who free gift the/this/who heavenly and partaker to be spirit/breath: spirit holy
Impossibile est enim eos qui semel sunt illuminati, gustaverunt etiam donum cæleste, et participes facti sunt Spiritus Sancti,
5 and good to taste God declaration power and/both to ensue an age: age (aiōn g165)
gustaverunt nihilominus bonum Dei verbum, virtutesque sæculi venturi, (aiōn g165)
6 and to defect again to restore toward repentance to recrucify themself the/this/who son the/this/who God and to disgrace
et prolapsi sunt; rursus renovari ad pœnitentiam, rursum crucifigentes sibimetipsis Filium Dei, et ostentui habentes.
7 earth: country for the/this/who to drink the/this/who upon/to/against it/s/he to come/go often rain and to give birth to crop suitable that through/because of which and to farm to partake praise away from the/this/who God
Terra enim sæpe venientem super se bibens imbrem, et generans herbam opportunam illis, a quibus colitur, accipit benedictionem a Deo:
8 to bring/carry out then a thorn and thistle failing and curse near which the/this/who goal/tax toward burning
proferens autem spinas ac tribulos, reproba est, et maledicto proxima: cujus consummatio in combustionem.
9 to persuade then about you beloved the/this/who greater and to have/be salvation if: even though and thus(-ly) to speak
Confidimus autem de vobis dilectissimi meliora, et viciniora saluti: tametsi ita loquimur.
10 no for unjust the/this/who God to forget the/this/who work you and (the/this/who labor *K*) the/this/who love which to show toward the/this/who name it/s/he to serve the/this/who holy: saint and to serve
Non enim injustus Deus, ut obliviscatur operis vestri, et dilectionis, quam ostendistis in nomine ipsius, qui ministrastis sanctis, et ministratis.
11 to long for then each you the/this/who it/s/he to show diligence to/with the/this/who assurance the/this/who hope until goal/tax
Cupimus autem unumquemque vestrum eamdem ostentare sollicitudinem ad expletionem spei usque in finem:
12 in order that/to not dull to be imitator then the/this/who through/because of faith and patience to inherit the/this/who promise
ut non segnes efficiamini, verum imitatores eorum, qui fide, et patientia hæreditabunt promissiones.
13 the/this/who for Abraham to profess the/this/who God since according to none to have/be great to swear to swear according to themself
Abrahæ namque promittens Deus, quoniam neminem habuit, per quem juraret, majorem, juravit per semetipsum,
14 to say (if: surely *N(k)O*) certainly to praise/bless to praise/bless you and to multiply to multiply you
dicens: Nisi benedicens benedicam te, et multiplicans multiplicabo te.
15 and thus(-ly) to have patience to obtain the/this/who promise
Et sic longanimiter ferens, adeptus est repromissionem.
16 a human (on the other hand *k*) for according to the/this/who great to swear and all it/s/he dispute end toward confirmation the/this/who oath
Homines enim per majorem sui jurant: et omnis controversiæ eorum finis, ad confirmationem, est juramentum.
17 in/on/among which more excessive to plan the/this/who God to show/prove the/this/who heir the/this/who promise the/this/who unchangeable the/this/who plan it/s/he to guarantee oath
In quo abundantius volens Deus ostendere pollicitationis hæredibus, immobilitatem consilii sui, interposuit jusjurandum:
18 in order that/to through/because of two thing unchangeable in/on/among which unable to lie (the/this/who *n*) God strong encouragement to have/be the/this/who to flee to grasp/seize the/this/who to set before hope
ut per duas res immobiles, quibus impossibile est mentiri Deum, fortissimum solatium habeamus, qui confugimus ad tenendam propositam spem,
19 which as/when anchor to have/be the/this/who soul secure and/both and firm and to enter toward the/this/who inner the/this/who curtain
quam sicut anchoram habemus animæ tutam ac firmam, et incedentem usque ad interiora velaminis,
20 where(-ever) forerunner above/for me to enter Jesus according to the/this/who order Melchizedek high-priest to be toward the/this/who an age: eternity (aiōn g165)
ubi præcursor pro nobis introivit Jesus, secundum ordinem Melchisedech pontifex factus in æternum. (aiōn g165)

< Hebrews 6 >