< Genesis 33 >

1 and to lift: look Jacob eye his and to see: see and behold Esau to come (in): come and with him four hundred man and to divide [obj] [the] youth upon Leah and upon Rachel and upon two [the] maidservant
Elevans autem Iacob oculos suos, vidit venientem Esau, et cum eo quadringentos viros: divisitque filios Liae et Rachel, ambarumque famularum:
2 and to set: put [obj] [the] maidservant and [obj] youth their first and [obj] Leah and youth her last and [obj] Rachel and [obj] Joseph last
et posuit utramque ancillam, et liberos earum in principio: Liam vero, et filios eius in secundo loco: Rachel autem, et Ioseph novissimos.
3 and he/she/it to pass to/for face: before their and to bow land: soil [to] seven beat till to approach: approach he till brother: male-sibling his
Et ipse progrediens adoravit pronus in terram septies, donec appropinquaret frater eius.
4 and to run: run Esau to/for to encounter: meet him and to embrace him and to fall: fall upon (neck his *Q(k)*) and to kiss him and to weep
Currens itaque Esau obviam fratri suo, amplexatus est eum: stringensque collum eius, et osculans flevit.
5 and to lift: look [obj] eye his and to see: see [obj] [the] woman and [obj] [the] youth and to say who? these to/for you and to say [the] youth which be gracious God [obj] servant/slave your
Levatisque oculis, vidit mulieres et parvulos earum, et ait: Quid sibi volunt isti? et si ad te pertinent? Respondit: Parvuli sunt, quos donavit mihi Deus servo tuo.
6 and to approach: approach [the] maidservant they(fem.) and youth their and to bow
Et appropinquantes ancillae et filii earum, incurvati sunt.
7 and to approach: approach also Leah and youth her and to bow and after to approach: approach Joseph and Rachel and to bow
Accessit quoque Lia cum pueris suis: et cum similiter adorassent, extremi Ioseph et Rachel adoraverunt.
8 and to say who? to/for you all [the] camp [the] this which to meet and to say to/for to find favor in/on/with eye: seeing lord my
Dixitque Esau: Quaenam sunt istae turmae quas obviam habui? Respondit: Ut invenirem gratiam coram domino meo.
9 and to say Esau there to/for me many brother: male-sibling my to be to/for you which to/for you
At ille ait: Habeo plurima, frater mi, sint tua tibi.
10 and to say Jacob not please if please to find favor in/on/with eye: seeing your and to take: recieve offering: gift my from hand my for as that: since as as to see: see face your like/as to see: see face God and to accept me
Dixitque Iacob: Noli ita, obsecro: sed si inveni gratiam in oculis tuis, accipe munusculum de manibus meis: sic enim vidi faciem tuam, quasi viderim vultum Dei: esto mihi propitius,
11 to take: recieve please [obj] blessing my which to come (in): bring to/for you for be gracious me God and for there to/for me all and to press in/on/with him and to take: recieve
et suscipe benedictionem quam attuli tibi, et quam donavit mihi Deus tribuens omnia. Vix fratre compellente, suscipiens,
12 and to say to set out and to go: journey and to go: went to/for before you
ait: Gradiamur simul, eroque socius itineris tui.
13 and to say to(wards) him lord my to know for [the] youth tender and [the] flock and [the] cattle to nurse upon me and to beat them day one and to die all [the] flock
Dixitque Iacob: Nosti domine mi quod parvulos habeam teneros, et oves, et boves foetas mecum: quas si plus in ambulando fecero laborare, morientur una die cuncti greges.
14 to pass please lord my to/for face: before servant/slave his and I (to guide *LBH(a)*) to/for softly my to/for foot [the] work which to/for face: before my and to/for foot [the] youth till which to come (in): come to(wards) lord my Seir [to]
Praecedat dominus meus ante servum suum: et ego sequar paulatim vestigia eius, sicut videro parvulos meos posse, donec veniam ad dominum meum in Seir.
15 and to say Esau to set please with you from [the] people which with me and to say to/for what? this to find favor in/on/with eye: seeing lord my
Respondit Esau: Oro te, ut de populo qui mecum est, saltem socri remaneant viae tuae. Non est, inquit, necesse: hoc uno tantum indigeo, ut inveniam gratiam in conspectu tuo domine mi.
16 and to return: return in/on/with day [the] he/she/it Esau to/for way: road his Seir [to]
Reversus est itaque illo die Esau itinere quo venerat in Seir.
17 and Jacob to set out Succoth [to] and to build to/for him house: home and to/for livestock his to make booth upon so to call: call by name [the] place Succoth
Et Iacob venit in Socoth: ubi aedificata domo et fixis tentoriis appellavit nomen loci illius Socoth, id est, tabernacula.
18 and to come (in): come Jacob complete city Shechem which in/on/with land: country/planet Canaan in/on/with to come (in): come he from Paddan (Paddan)-aram and to camp with face: before [the] city
Transivitque in Salem urbem Sichimorum, quae est in terra Chanaan, postquam reversus est de Mesopotamia Syriae: et habitavit iuxta oppidum.
19 and to buy [obj] portion [the] land: country which to stretch there tent his from hand: to son: child Hamor father Shechem in/on/with hundred coin
Emitque partem agri in qua fixerat tabernacula, a filiis Hemor patris Sichem centum agnis.
20 and to stand there altar and to call: call to to/for him El (Elohe) (LORD)-Elohe Jacob
Et erecto ibi altari, invocavit super illud fortissimum Deum Israel.

< Genesis 33 >