< Genesis 3 >

1 and [the] serpent to be prudent from all living thing [the] land: country which to make LORD God and to say to(wards) [the] woman also for to say God not to eat from all tree [the] garden 2 and to say [the] woman to(wards) [the] serpent from fruit tree [the] garden to eat 3 and from fruit [the] tree which in/on/with midst [the] garden to say God not to eat from him and not to touch in/on/with him lest to die [emph?] 4 and to say [the] serpent to(wards) [the] woman not to die to die [emph?] 5 for to know God for in/on/with day to eat you from him and to open eye your and to be like/as God to know pleasant and bad: evil 6 and to see: see [the] woman for good [the] tree to/for food and for desire he/she/it to/for eye and to desire [the] tree to/for be prudent and to take: take from fruit his and to eat and to give: give also to/for man: husband her with her and to eat 7 and to open eye two their and to know for naked they(masc.) and to sew leaf fig and to make to/for them belt 8 and to hear: hear [obj] voice: sound LORD God to go: walk in/on/with garden to/for spirit: breath [the] day and to hide [the] the man (Adam) and woman: wife his from face LORD God in/on/with midst tree [the] garden 9 and to call: call to LORD God to(wards) [the] the man (Adam) and to say to/for him where? you 10 and to say [obj] voice: sound your to hear: hear in/on/with garden and to fear for naked I and to hide 11 and to say who? to tell to/for you for naked you(m. s.) from [the] tree which to command you to/for lest to eat from him to eat 12 and to say [the] the man (Adam) [the] woman which to give: give with me me he/she/it to give: give to/for me from [the] tree and to eat 13 and to say LORD God to/for woman what? this to make: do and to say [the] woman [the] serpent to deceive me and to eat 14 and to say LORD God to(wards) [the] serpent for to make: do this to curse you(m. s.) from all [the] animal and from all living thing [the] land: country upon belly your to go: went and dust to eat all day life your 15 and enmity to set: put between you and between [the] woman and between seed: children your and between seed: children her he/she/it to bruise you head and you(m. s.) to bruise him heel 16 to(wards) [the] woman to say to multiply to multiply toil your and conception your in/on/with toil to beget son: child and to(wards) man: husband your desire your and he/she/it to rule in/on/with you 17 and to/for Adam to say (for *LA(bh)*) to hear: hear to/for voice woman: wife your and to eat from [the] tree which to command you to/for to say not to eat from him to curse [the] land: soil in/on/with for the sake of you in/on/with toil to eat her all day life your 18 and thorn and thistle to spring to/for you and to eat [obj] vegetation [the] land: country 19 in/on/with sweat face your to eat food: bread till to return: return you to(wards) [the] land: soil for from her to take: take for dust you(m. s.) and to(wards) dust to return: return 20 and to call: call by [the] the man (Adam) name woman: wife his Eve for he/she/it to be mother all alive 21 and to make LORD God to/for Adam and to/for woman: wife his tunic skin and to clothe them 22 and to say LORD God look! [the] the man (Adam) to be like/as one from us to/for to know good and bad: evil and now lest to send: reach hand his and to take: take also from tree [the] life and to eat and to live to/for forever: enduring 23 and to send: depart him LORD God from garden Eden to/for to serve: labour [obj] [the] land: soil which to take: take from there 24 and to drive out: drive out [obj] [the] the man (Adam) and to dwell from front: east to/for garden Eden [obj] [the] cherub and [obj] flame [the] sword [the] to overturn to/for to keep: guard [obj] way: road tree [the] life

< Genesis 3 >