< Genesis 15 >

1 after [the] word: thing [the] these to be word LORD to(wards) Abram in/on/with vision to/for to say not to fear Abram I shield to/for you wages your to multiply much
यी सबै कुराहरू भएपछि दर्शनमा अब्रामकहाँ यसो भन्‍ने परमप्रभुको वचन आयो, “अब्राम, नडराऊ । म नै तेरो ढाल तेरो धेरै महान् इनाम हुँ ।”
2 and to say Abram Lord YHWH/God what? to give: give to/for me and I to go: continue childless and son acquisition house: household my he/she/it Damascus Eliezer
अब्रामले भने, “हे परमप्रभु, तपाईंले मलाई के दिनुहुन्छ र?, किनभने म सनतानविहीन रहिरहेको छु र मेरो गरको उत्तराधिकार दमस्कसको एलीएजर हुनेछ ।”
3 and to say Abram look! to/for me not to give: give seed: children and behold son: child house: household my to possess: possess [obj] me
अब्रामले भने, “हे्र्नुहोस्, तपाईंले मलाई कुनै पनि सन्तान नदिनुभएको हुनाले मेरो घरको भण्डारे नै मेरो उत्तराधिकार हुन्छ ।”
4 and behold word LORD to(wards) him to/for to say not to possess: possess you this that if: except if: except which to come out: produce from belly your he/she/it to possess: possess you
हेर्नुहोस्, त्यसपछि यसो भन्‍ने परमप्रभुको वचन तिनीकहाँ आयो, “यो मानिस तेरो उत्तराधिकार हुनेछैन; तर तेरै शरीरबाट जन्मिने नै तेरो उत्तराधिकारी हुनेछ ।”
5 and to come out: send [obj] him [the] outside [to] and to say to look please [the] heaven [to] and to recount [the] star if be able to/for to recount [obj] them and to say to/for him thus to be seed: children your
अनि उहाँले तिनलाई बाहिर ल्याउनुभयो र भन्‍नुभयो, “आकाशतिर हेर् र ताराहरूलाई गन्, यदि तैले तिनीहरूलाई गन्‍न सक्‍छस् भने ।” अनि उहाँले तिनलाई भन्‍नुभयो, “तेरा सन्तानहरू पनि यस्तै हुनेछन् ।”
6 and be faithful in/on/with LORD and to devise: count her to/for him righteousness
तिनले परमप्रभुमा विश्‍वास गरे र उहाँले यसलाई तिनको धार्मिकताको रूपमा गन्‍नुभयो ।”
7 and to say to(wards) him I LORD which to come out: send you from Ur Chaldea to/for to give: give to/for you [obj] [the] land: country/planet [the] this to/for to possess: take her
उहाँले तिनलाई भन्‍नुभयो, “म परमप्रभु हुँ, जसले यो भूमि तँलाई दिन कल्दीहरूका ऊरबाट निकालेर ल्यायो ।”
8 and to say Lord YHWH/God in/on/with what? to know for to possess: take her
तिनले उहाँलाई भने, “हे परमप्रभु परमेश्‍वर, मैले यो प्राप्‍त गर्नेछु भनी मैले कसरी थाहा पाउने नि?”
9 and to say to(wards) him to take: bring [emph?] to/for me heifer to do three and goat to do three and ram to do three and turtledove and young bird
तब उहाँले तिनलाई भन्‍नुभयो, “मलाई तिन वर्षको एउटा कोरली, तिन वर्षको बाख्राको एउटा पाठी, तिन वर्षको एउटा थुमा, एउटा ढुकुर र एउटा परेवा लेऊ ।”
10 and to take: bring to/for him [obj] all these and to cut up [obj] them in/on/with midst and to give: put man: anyone part his to/for to encounter: toward neighbor his and [obj] [the] bird not to cut up
तिनले ती सबै उहाँकहाँ ल्याए र तिनीहरूलाई दुई-दुई फ्याक गरेर काटे अनि हरेक फ्याकलाई आमनेसामने गरी राखे, तर पक्षीहरूलाईचाहिँ तिनले दुई फ्याक पारेनन् ।
11 and to go down [the] bird of prey upon [the] corpse and to blow [obj] them Abram
शिकारी चराहरू सिनोहरूमाथि झम्टिँदा अब्रामले तिनीहरूलाई धपाए ।
12 and to be [the] sun to/for to come (in): come and deep sleep to fall: fall upon Abram and behold terror darkness great: large to fall: fall upon him
घाम डुब्‍न लाग्दा अब्राम अब्राम मस्‍न निद्रामा परे र हेर, तिनलाई गाढा र डरलाग्दो अन्धकारले छोप्यो ।
13 and to say to/for Abram to know to know for sojourner to be seed: children your in/on/with land: country/planet not to/for them and to serve them and to afflict [obj] them four hundred year
त्यपछि परमप्रभुले तिनलाई भन्‍नुभयो, “तेरा सन्तानहरू तिनीहरूको आफ्नो नभएको (अर्काको) मुलुकमा प्रवासी हुनेछन् र तिनीहरूलाई चार सय वर्षसम्‍म दास बनाइ‍नेछन् र अत्याचार गरिनेछन् ।
14 and also [obj] [the] nation which to serve to judge I and after so to come out: come in/on/with property great: large
तिनीहरूले सेवा गरेको देशको मैले न्यान गर्नेछु र त्यसपछि तिनीहरू प्रशस्‍त धन-सम्पत्तिहरूसहित निस्केर आउनेछन् ।
15 and you(m. s.) to come (in): come to(wards) father your in/on/with peace to bury in/on/with greyheaded pleasant
तर तँचाहिँ तेरा पिता-पूर्खाहरूकहाँ शान्तिमा जानेछस् र तँलाई वृद्धवस्थामा दफन गरिनेछ ।
16 and generation fourth to return: return here/thus for not complete iniquity: crime [the] Amorite till here/thus
तिनीहरू चौथो पुस्तामा फेरि यहाँ आउनेछन्, किनकि एमोरीहरूको अधर्मको सिमा अझै पुगेको छैन ।”
17 and to be [the] sun to come (in): come and darkness to be and behold oven smoke and torch fire which to pass between [the] piece [the] these
सूर्य अस्ताउँदा र साँझ पर्दा, हेर, धूवाँ आइरहेको मकल र बलिरहेको आगोको ज्वाला ती फ्याकहरूका बिच भएर गयो ।
18 in/on/with day [the] he/she/it to cut: make(covenant) LORD with Abram covenant to/for to say to/for seed: children your to give: give [obj] [the] land: country/planet [the] this from river Egypt till [the] river [the] great: large river Euphrates
त्यसै दिन परमप्रभुले यसो भनेर अब्रामसँग करार बाँध्‍नुभयो, “म तेरा सन्तानहरूलाई यसैद्वारा यो भूमि दिन्छु, जुन मिश्रादेखि महानदी अर्थात् युफ्रेटिससम्म छ-
19 [obj] [the] Kenite and [obj] [the] Kenizzite and [obj] [the] Kadmonite
केनीहरू, कनज्‍जीहरू, कदोनीहरू,
20 and [obj] [the] Hittite and [obj] [the] Perizzite and [obj] [the] Rephaim
हित्तीहरू, परिज्‍जीहरू, रपाईहरू,
21 and [obj] [the] Amorite and [obj] [the] Canaanite and [obj] [the] Girgashite and [obj] [the] Jebusite
एमोरीहरू, कनानीहरू, गिर्गाशीहरू र यबूसीहरूलाई दिन्छु ।

< Genesis 15 >