< Genesis 12 >

1 and to say LORD to(wards) Abram to go: went to/for you from land: country/planet your and from relatives your and from house: household father your to(wards) [the] land: country/planet which to see: see you
परमप्रभुले अब्रामलाई भन्‍नुभयो, “तेरो देश, तेरा नातेदारहरू र तेरो पिताको घरानाबाट मैले तँलाई देखाउने मुलुकतिर जा ।
2 and to make you to/for nation great: large and to bless you and to magnify name your and to be blessing
म तँलाई ठुलो जाति बनाउनेछु, म तँलाई आशिष् दिनेछु, तेरो नाउँ महान् हुनेछ र तँ आशिष् हुनेछस् ।
3 and to bless to bless you and to lighten you to curse and to bless in/on/with you all family [the] land: planet
तँलाई आशिष् दिनेलाई म आशिष् दिनेछु, तर तँलाई अनादर गर्नेलाई म सराप दिनेछु । तँद्वारा नै पृथ्वीका सबै परिवारहरूले आशिष् पाउनेछन् ।
4 and to go: went Abram like/as as which to speak: speak to(wards) him LORD and to go: went with him Lot and Abram son: aged five year and seventy year in/on/with to come out: come he from Haran
यसैले परमप्रभुले भन्‍नुभएबमोजिम अब्राम गए र लोत पनि तिनीसँगै गए । हारान छोडेर जाँदा अब्राम पचहत्तर वर्षका थिए ।
5 and to take: take Abram [obj] Sarai woman: wife his and [obj] Lot son: child brother: male-sibling his and [obj] all property their which to gather and [obj] [the] soul: person which to make: offer in/on/with Haran and to come out: come to/for to go: went land: country/planet [to] Canaan and to come (in): come land: country/planet [to] Canaan
अब्रामले तिनकी पत्‍नी साराई, तिनका भतिजा लोत, तिनीहरूले हारानमा जम्‍मा गरेका सम्पत्ति र प्राप्‍त गरेका मानिसहरू सबै लगे । तिनीहरू कनानको भूमिमा जानलाई हिँडे र कनानको भूमिमा आइपुगे ।
6 and to pass Abram in/on/with land: country/planet till place Shechem till terebinth Moreh and [the] Canaanite then in/on/with land: country/planet
अब्राम त्यो भूमि हुँदै शकेममा भएको मोरेको फलाँटको रुखसम्म गए । त्यस बेला त्यो भूमिमा कनानीहरू बस्थे ।
7 and to see: see LORD to(wards) Abram and to say to/for seed: children your to give: give [obj] [the] land: country/planet [the] this and to build there altar to/for LORD [the] to see: see to(wards) him
परमप्रभु अब्रामकहाँ देखा पर्नुभयो र भन्‍नुभयो, “यो भूमि म तेरा सन्तानहरूलाई दिनेछु ।” यसैले अब्रामले तिनीकहाँ देखा पर्नुहुने परमप्रभुको निम्ति एउटा वेदी बनाए ।
8 and to proceed from there [the] mountain: hill country [to] from front: east to/for Bethel Bethel and to stretch (tent his *Q(K)*) Bethel Bethel from sea: west and [the] Ai from front: east and to build there altar to/for LORD and to call: call to in/on/with name LORD
त्यहाँबाट तिनी बेथेलको पूर्वतिरको देशतिर गए, जहाँ तिनले बेथेललाई पश्‍चिमतिर र ऐलाई पूर्वतिर पारेर तिनको पाल टाँगे । त्यहाँ तिनले एउटा वेदी बनाए र परमप्रभुको नाउँको पुकारा गरे ।
9 and to set out Abram to go: continue and to set out [the] Negeb [to]
अनि अब्राम यात्रा गर्दै नेगेवतिर गए ।
10 and to be famine in/on/with land: country/planet and to go down Abram Egypt [to] to/for to sojourn there for heavy [the] famine in/on/with land: country/planet
त्यो भूमिमा अनिकाल लागेको थियो, यसैले अब्राम बस्‍नलाई मिश्रतिर झरे (गए), किनकि त्यो भूमिमा निकै अनिकाल लागेको थियो ।
11 and to be like/as as which to present: come to/for to come (in): come Egypt [to] and to say to(wards) Sarai woman: wife his behold please to know for woman beautiful appearance you(f. s.)
तिनी मिश्र प्रवेश गर्न लाग्दा, तिनले आफ्‍नी पत्‍नी साराईलाई भने, “हेर, तिमी कति सुन्दरी स्‍त्री छौ भनी म जान्दछु ।
12 and to be for to see: see [obj] you [the] Egyptian and to say woman: wife his this and to kill [obj] me and [obj] you to live
मिश्रीहरूले तिमीलाई देख्‍दा 'यो यसकी पत्‍नी हो' भन्‍ने छन् र तिनीहरूले मलाई मार्ने छन्, तर तिनीहरूले तिमीलाईचाहिँ जीवितै राख्‍नेछन् ।
13 to say please sister my you(f. s.) because be good to/for me in/on/with for the sake of you and to live soul: life my in/on/with because of you
यसैले तिमी मेरी बहिनी हौ भनी तिमीले भन, ताकि तिम्रो खातिर मेरो भलो होस् र तिम्रो खातिर मेरो जीवन बाँचोस् ।
14 and to be like/as to come (in): come Abram Egypt [to] and to see: see [the] Egyptian [obj] [the] woman for beautiful he/she/it much
मिश्र प्रवेश गर्न लग्दा साराई अति सुन्दरी थिइन् भनी मिश्रीहरूले देखे ।
15 and to see: see [obj] her ruler Pharaoh and to boast: praise [obj] her to(wards) Pharaoh and to take: take [the] woman house: household Pharaoh
फारोका अधिकारीहरूले तिनलाई देखे र फारोको सामु तिनको प्रशंसा गरे र ती स्‍त्रीलाई फारोको घरानामा लगियो ।
16 and to/for Abram be good in/on/with for the sake of her and to be to/for him flock and cattle and donkey and servant/slave and maidservant and she-ass and camel
फारोले तिनको खातिर अब्रामलाई राम्रो व्यवहार गरे र तिनलाई गोरु, गधाहरू, नोकरीहरू, गधैनीहरू र ऊँटहरू दिए ।
17 and to touch LORD [obj] Pharaoh plague great: large and [obj] house: household his upon word: because Sarai woman: wife Abram
अनि परमप्रभुले अब्रामकी पत्‍नी साराईको कारण फारो र तिनको परिवारमाथि ठुलो विपत्ति ल्याउनुभयो ।
18 and to call: call to Pharaoh to/for Abram and to say what? this to make: do to/for me to/for what? not to tell to/for me for woman: wife your he/she/it
फारोले अब्रामलाई बोलाए र भने, “तिमीले मलाई यो के गरेको? तिनी तिम्रो पत्‍नी थिइन् भनी मलाई किन बताएनौ?
19 to/for what? to say sister my he/she/it and to take: take [obj] her to/for me to/for woman: wife and now behold woman: wife your to take: take and to go: went
'तिनी मेरी बहिनी हुन्' भनी तिमीले किन मलाई भन्यौ? त्यसैले मैले तिनलाई मेरी पत्‍नी बनाउन मैले लगेँ । यसकारण, तिम्रो पत्‍नी यहीँ छिन् । तिनलाई लेऊ र आफ्‍नो बाटो लाग ।
20 and to command upon him Pharaoh human and to send: depart [obj] him and [obj] woman: wife his and [obj] all which to/for him
अनि फारोले तिनको बारेमा आफ्‍ना मानिसहरूलाई आदेश दिए र तिनीहरूले तिनलाई तिनकी पत्‍नी र तिनीसँग भएका सबै थोकसहित पठाए ।

< Genesis 12 >